
The Mad Captain

The students were led out of the dark cave into a large hall that was directly connected to it. The hall was a large empty space and could contain a thousand people easily.

The windows were opened allowing light to flood the hall. The guards led the students to the middle of the hall and forced them to sit on the cold floor.

"Good... I'll do some quick introductions", the armoured man started. He stood in front of the students, his arms folded across his chest.

Xavier could see him perfectly now that they were no longer in that cave. The armour set he had on fitted him perfectly bringing out his hulking features. The scar on his face even made him look somewhat cooler.

"My name is Shandock, a knight of this great kingdom Xerosa. I know you all might be wondering what you are doing here or how you got here.", he paused and smiled before continuing.

"Well, you were summoned"

Loud whispers and murmurs filled the hall. Shandock had expected this and gently rose an arm which made the students go silent immediately. Fear is a dangerous tool.

"Summoned by the grand mage of this kingdom, you will serve as soldiers and help fight in the forthcoming war.", he smirked.

The students' faces contorted in fear, worry, confusion but may I say, some were even excited.

"Don't fuck with me!!", a student shouted from the crowd before storming out.

Xavier could recognize him. It was one of his classmates Bolce. A fat and arrogant boy he was. Spoilt by his multimillionaire parents, he looked down on everybody, even his teachers.

He stormed out of the crowd and walked up to Shandock.

"I don't know what sort of a joke this is but I tell you now if you don't take me back home this instant, my parents would find you and believe me, you don't want to know what they are capable of.", the fat boy barked at the huge man.

There was a thin line between courage and stupidity and this guy just crossed it.

Shandock's smile didn't leave his face as he raised an eyebrow.

"Oh... was I just threatened?.... Aye aye I really don't like being threatened", he shook his head like he was trying to empathise with Bolce.

In an instant, faster than any of the students could follow, Shandock's sword left its sheath and returned.

There was a slight pause before Bolce's head rolled off his shoulders. It was like chaos literally walked into the hall. Screams broke out from the students, some even fainted from the sight they had just witnessed.

Even Xavier was not left out, his legs could not hold him anymore as he fell to his knees. Jace wasn't doing any better, his pant was soaked already.

"Tsk tsk tsk", Shandock clicked his tongue before whispeing.

"Aura....", almost instantly, the hall felt like the gravitational force increased by ten. All the students fell to the ground as an invisible weight rested on them. Even the guards weren't having a good time as beads of sweat started to form on their foreheads.

"Good good... now that I have got your attention, how about we continue from where I stopped", he said as he stopped what he was doing.

The students sighed and heaved in relief as the pressure on them disappeared.

"As I was saying, You are going to be soldiers for Xerosa. From today onwards, you are no longer students but will be referred to as Marshals"

Is that understood?!"

There was no reply from the students as they were still grounded by fear.

"Aye aye... do I need to decapitate somebody else?", almost immediately, the students screamed on top of their voice.

"Yes sir!!"

Fear is truly a dangerous tool. It was actually an empty threat, decapitating Bolce was just a way of crowd control. He used that to show he was in power.

Shandock decided to let them go change and meet back in the hall in two hours.

They were divided into groups of tens. After a headcount, it was found out that only a hundred students excluding the late Bolce were summoned. This was actually a success for Xerosa, not every kingdom could perform a cross world summoning. It took years of preparation and lots of sacrifice.

Xavier and Jace were in the same group with eight other students, now marshals. Four girls, Four guys. They were led into a large room by a guard. The room had small beds and two restrooms. One for the males and the other for the females.

"There are enough clothes for you all in the closet, clean up and get ready. You have less than two hours.", the guard said before marching off.

The Marshals reluctantly went into the closet each picking a set of shirt and pant before heading to the rest room.

"What are we gonna do?", Jace asked Xavier as he washed himself.

"This is a nightmare. We have to find a way home. No way in hell am I becoming a soldier for a kingdom. I can't even defend myself.", Jace sighed.

Xavier didn't say anything as he kept pouring the warm water which was provided for them on his body. His eyes were fixed as he tried to think.

"Jace. I am not really sure what is going on here but I am sure about two things. We are far away from home and these guys need us.

But I can't seem to place it, we are not even as strong as they are, so why do they need us. We must have something they don't have. Something that will benefit them", Xavier said still staring into space.

After cleaning up, the ten Marshals sat down on their bed as they waited for the guard to come.

Not too long, the guard came and they were led back to the hall.

Hundred Marshals were made to stand before Shandock. He had his hands behind him as stared at them. The Marshals were all looking quite better now. In a plain shirt and pant, they looked like apprentices.

"Aye aye.... looking good", He smirked.

"Now we can start our training. But before that, I want to introduce you to the system.", Almost immediately, a screen like mechanism floated in the air.

The Marshals all had looks of awe on their faces. Some stared at the floating screen in excitement while those that didn't know what it was just had plain amusement all over their faces.

Xavier and Jace were among the guys who were excited. Thanks to their gaming knowledge, they could instantly tell what it was.

Name: Shandock Agar

Race: Human

Age : 39

Level : 52

Hp :2900/2900

Att : 300-600

Def : 350

Speed : 180

Title in use : Mad captain!

Remark: A knight captain of division 10 which serves Duke Rashmon! Beware! He is truly mad!