

A cold yet comforting feeling flows down Puck Amon's back. The cold flow recedes and with its withdrawal comes the awakening of the Overseer. As Puck begins to awaken the feeling of confusion sweeps over him. Looking around he notices that his vision is a clear 360 degrees. A sharp pain strikes his 'brain', memories flowing in. Puck Amon a 40-year-old CEO of a multimillion-dollar shipping company, after celebrating the signing of a million-dollar contract, Puck was shot. Hatred builds up in Puck as he remembers the incident.

"I'll kill the M***** F***ing P***** OF S****"

After taking some time to cool off Puck Realizes his strange circumstance. Once again opening his eyes, he finds himself in a magnificent pitch-black room decorated with small dots of light, and one big ball of light. Quickly realizing what he's seeing Puck, stumbles backward.

"WOW", Shocked by the size and brightness of the ball which he identifies as the sun, similar to the one found back on earth, just larger.

Realizing that he is in fact not in a room but space, Puck starts to panic. Choking due to the lack of oxygen, and vision fading for what seems like forever.

"Huh? Shouldn't I be dead?" Puck recalls that his science teacher once said that "when one doesn't wear a space suit the oxygen will force its way out of their lungs and die soon after".

Taking time to adjust, "I don't need to breathe?! Am I dead?" Quickly looking down, Puck see nothing, where should have been his chest and the rest of his body, was long gone.

"I guess I am dead…. If I'm dead then why am I in space? Shouldn't I be in hell? I was expecting more fire and zombies all over the place."

Taking a look back to the sun "Never knew the sun would look like this from up close. It's so … white." The sun was a blinding white light so intense it shocked Puck how he could even gaze at it.

Looking away Puck sees a planet. The planet didn't look like earth. ([Image of a planet-forming to those interested]: https://astronomynow.com/2018/07/02/astronomers-catch-new-planet-in-the-process-of-forming/ )

No green nor blue color nor clouds. Just a deserted planet, kind of like the moon back on earth. Seeing the interesting planet, Puck moved closer.

"Oh, so I can move. Feels more like floating than walking or a motion"

On approaching the planet, Puck felt like he had a weird connection with the planet like it was pulling him in. As he got closer and closer, the pull constantly got stronger.

On entering the atmosphere (metaphorically as this planet has no atmosphere yet as it hasn't formed one) "Wow. It feels like I and the planet are one. Almost as if I control the planet."

Puck could sense everything about the planet, and the closer he got, the more he could sense. First was seeing everything on the surface of the planet, then the temperature, then the layers of the planet, and even further the elemental composition of the planet. Though Puck could sense more than just the elemental composition as he touched the surface, he couldn't understand any of it. He hardly understood the elemental composition of the planet much less any further.

"If I'm dead, how come I can sense so much. Is this the ability of a ghost?"