
Overpowered System!

What is overpowered? Overpowered is Lie Wei Ying. He is a man who will become a god! He receives a system called Overpowered. What does it do? Well, it makes the main character overpowered. So what if someone is five stages higher than you. Lie Wei Ying doesn't care. Fighting a mountain as a ten year old child? Give him ten chapters and he'll make the mountain a canyon. Give him a hundred chapters, and maybe even the gods will grovel. "You've unlocked the overpowered system!" Warning, the overpowered system is not available till chapter 5. Please wait as it loads... *Main character has also reincarnated seventeen times* He's also kind of evil... ========================== To support Author: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07F27RBYZ https://www.patreon.com/user?u=5736679

BlueLightToTheWest · Eastern
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159 Chs

First Day With The Overpowered System!

"Welcome to the first day of your new life. The system would like to say congratulations on choosing the all-powerful Overpowered System!"

Bossman: Lie Wei Ying

Rank: Qi Condensation Level 7

OP Points: None

Skills: Overpowered! (Beginner)

Good Qualities: None

Accomplishments: You've just made the best decision of your life!

Lie Wei Ying looked around trying to figure out where he was.

"Uhm, System, where did you take us," Lie Wei Ying asked, "I don't recognize this place?"

The system didn't respond. It also didn't know where they were. However, it knew it was somewhere they could become more powerful!

There was such thing as demon beasts in this world, and there were also dire beasts, and magic beasts. However, the demons usually gave good experience, and they usually lived in woods like these. The system had a good feeling about this!

The system had its own consciousness, and it also had its own goals. However, it was too early for him to reveal what they were! Especially not now, at this moment, when there was an odd sound blowing away the trees surrounding them.

Lie Wei Ying gulped. "Uhm, please tell me we're not in a nest?" Lie Wei Ying looked around. There were lots of little eggs in the place where he landed. At first, he thought they were rocks, but when one of them started cracking he gulped and fell down onto the floor.

"What have I done," Lie Wei Ying whispered, "I should have never given my life to a system!"

He was once again going to die, and there was little he could do to stop it.

He heard footsteps nearing him. There was atleast five of them, and they sounded very big.

The system laughed proudly. "Hmph, if you believe in yourself kid. You'll come out of here at a much higher level!"

"The system has offered you the experience based cultivation method. Accept Y/N."


The system has also come with one gift basket. Save for later. Y/N?"



An experience window appeared under bossman, Lie Wei Ying.

Bossman: Lie Wei Ying

Rank: Qi Condensation Level 7

Exp 0/1000


Lie Wei Ying sighed, and calmed down that terrifying feeling he had in his heart. A small egg popped up, and out jumped a cute creature. It almost looked like a little baby girl except it had a loud cry. Even worse, it was staring directly at Lie Wie Ying with a smile on its little face.

Apparently, the baby thought Lie Wei Ying was its mom. And, even worse, the mother and father saw their baby running towards a stranger!

Someone was trying to steal there baby!

"The system has deemed in necessary to activate Overpowered (Beginner) to avoid imminent demise."

"You have five seconds at a power stronger than you can imagine."

Lie Wei Ying sighed and watched a countdown begin on his screen. It seemed like time slowed down. It almost seemed like the milliseconds were the seconds, and the seconds were the minutes. He never felt this strong before.


Five monsters ran towards him from all sides.

He nervously fell back and stumbled onto the floor. They were all flying and glowing with their fangs drawn.

It was beyond scary. It caused tears to burst out of Lie Wei Ying's eyes.

The system sort of started shaking himself except he really couldn't. "Boy, believe in yourself! They're nothing but experience points waiting to be devoured! Quick you only have 4.86 seconds left!

Lie Wei Ying stood up and got on his feet. There had to be a weapon around here somewhere. However, the only thing he saw in front of him that even seemed remotely dangerous was the cute animal approaching him.

He was in a dilemma. Should he use the child to kill its parents. That seemed so awfully cruel. However, there was also a big branch.

It took him a moment to decide.

Kill the parents with their daughter.

Or use a branch to kill the girl-monster's parents.

He picked up the branch and flew off the tree. This was literally the craziest thing he had ever done.

However, he was surprised by how fast he was moving! It was like he covered an infinite amount of territory in a second!

At the fourth second he arrived in front of one of the demon beasts. It was clearly the mom as it looked like her daughter. It had a human body with a tail. Lie Wei Ying gulped as he approached her. The ladies pupils dilated like she was about to go for the kill.

Regardless, Lie Wei Ying swung his branch.

She died a second later.

However, before she died Lie Wei Ying was surrounded by four more cold blooded humanoids.

One of them breathed fire. The other one had hundreds of claws shooting at him like fireworks.

Lie Wei Ying shivered, but he still managed to dodge. He only had 3.12 seconds left, and it looked like these beasts were moving in slow motion!

The system nodded his head. He had finally found someone who could wield his power.

He couldn't imagine how much experience the boy would get when this was all over.

Regardless, even without knowing about that experience part, Lie Wei Ying stabbed all the monsters with his quick moving hands. They were so shocked, and then they died.

They were just trying to defend their children.

However, luckily for Lie Wei Ying, these monsters were evil and ate humans. There were countless cadavers littered around the eggs, so he had no reason to feel bad about it.

"Congratulations you've killed 5 emperors!"

Experience + 100,000,000,000

"Congratulations you've reached the Golden Core Stage!"

"Overpowered (Beginner) has upgraded to Overpowered (Pro). It will not be able to be used for ten years in fear of the universe breaking."

"The system has now completed its trial run. Please pay one more live or the system will have no choice, but to end the trial run, and disappear forever from your life."

Lie Wei Ying scratched his head. "Wait, I thought you only required one life?"

"You have five seconds to decide. The system will soon be gone."


Lie Wei Ying tried to think about it. However, time was back to its normal pace now.


The little three-year old boy tried to way his options. If he didn't have this system, it would've taken him at least one hundred years to reach this stage.


He started feeling that worry. Like he really shouldn't be gambling like his grandfather, but was this really gambling?


"Fine just take it!"

The system has accepted your extra life, and has converted it into one hundred OP points.

Lie Wei Ying scratched his head. This was all for a hundred OP points!