
Overpowered dood

The weakest got one of the strongest abilities. He gets stronger to get his vengeance and kill those who abuse their abilities

Yo_sup_369 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Power up

When Frasier stepped out of the Cafe. Someone struck him with a metal rod and said "Finally out, huh" Then Frasier fainted and fell to the ground. That man placed a black bag over Frasier's head and threw him inside the Van. He was taking him to a place that was known to very few people.

When he woke up, he saw himself inside a dark room with his hands tied behind his back and his mouth taped. He saw there were two more kids tied beside him. Both of them had the tape off. One boy with brown hair with Aqua colour eyes and a girl with blond hair and grey eyes.

He said, " Do you know where you are?" Frasier nodded. " Some mafia gang kidnaps you and they are planning on dissecting you and selling your organs". The words of that boy horrified Frasier. " By the way, I am joe. who are you?". After two seconds of their stare-down. "oh my apologies," said Joe and took off the tape from Frasier's mouth using his teeth. "I am Frasier. But why am I here?" he asked. " How am I supposed to know?".

That's when the girl beside him said "importance, we are someone important to them". "I have the light ability which has potential, and she has the illusion which is quite handy. What ability do you have?" asked Joe. "I don't have any ability," Frasier answered. " Then why are you so important?" Joe said while eyeing him.

" Save the talk for later after we escape." said that girl. They started helping each other untying their hands using their mouth. After untying they tried to open the door, but it was locked. "What should we do?" said Joe. That girl was trying to break the door, but it seemed to not even budge. " Joe, use your light ability to light this room and you make an illusion of yourself running outside after the guard opens the door." said Frasier. " damn you are smart," said joe.

They followed the plan told by Frasier. " Who turned on the lights? '' said the guard after Joe used his ability. He opens the door to see if there is something wrong. When he opened the door Illusion of that girl ran outside while those three were hiding behind the door. The guard started chasing the Fake. Those three started running the other way. "Where is the exit?" the girl asks. " Don't know, just keep running," Joe said. As they were running, Frasier heard some guard talking about the magician ring and how they are gonna give it to the young prince.

" Guys, do you know about the Magician ring?" said Frasier. That girl suddenly stopped and said " How do you know about it?"."I heard the guards talking about how they are gonna give it to the young prince". She started running again.

'how does he know about it' that girl thought? The siren went on. All The guards were chasing them. They entered a room and hoping to find a window to jump out of.

When they entered, they only saw some glass shelves with bright valuables inside. Joe quickly locked the door. "Come out now or we will break through the door," said one guard with hesitation.

Something odd caught Frasier's eye, and he stole it as a hostage. "Guys, grab on to me," said Joe. " You create an illusion of us surrendering," he said. After the illusions were made, Joe opened the door and rushed out at a lightning speed.

The guards could not see them and only saw the illusion. One guard handcuffed them and took them back to the darkroom while the real ones were running.

After running for a while, they finally found the exit. "Well Well Well, you did a great job fooling them," said he said. " What will you do against me, oh pardon me, I am the mastermind of this plan, Charlie," he said. He activated his ability Slowdown. It was the perfect counter for light and illusion.

When he activated his ability, all three of them were slowed down. To them, it felt like Charlie was moving at an insane speed, but it was the other way around. Charlie was hitting them with his club, but they couldn't do anything to avoid it. Charlie walked to right hits, Joe. Goes to the left hits the girl. When he went to Frasier, he swung his club harder compared to others. Both Joe and that girl close their eye.

They knew Frasier was about to get knocked out. But there was complete silence. When they opened their eyes they saw Frasier blocking the club. " oh, the effect wore off," Charlie said. " Look around yourself, do you see them moving at a normal speed," Frasier said. It confused Charlie as that why wasn't the effect working on him.

"It looks like I have underestimated you. How will you counter this?" he said while slapping his arms which caused them to slow down even more. Frasier snapped and said. " You don't get it, do you? You can't win against me".

Both Joe and that girl started moving at a normal speed. It confused all three of them until Frasier showed his finger. " Ho... How do you have the magician ring ?" Charlie asked. " You sure are a smarty pant," Joe said. " Guys, have you noticed his attack was painless," the girl said. " That's one of my tricks," Frasier said. "Now watch this". He snapped again and Charlie fell to the floor with bruise all over his body.

"I gave all our damage to him," Frasier said. That girl couldn't believe his eyes. But was glad at the same time. " Master that ability as soon as possible," she said. " And my name is Angela,". Frasier nodded. " Guys, come over here I found the exit," Joe said.

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