

A girl whose seat from behind the class, leaned her chin on her palm and her eyes stared outside the window beside her.

Suddenly, a school bell rang throughout the school. All students were excited to go home after feeling the fatigue from listening the Math lecture. Unlike that girl, her eyes doesn't even change but stood up and carried her backpack.

When she's already on her way out of the school building, a luxurious car rushed inside the campus and rode towards the Medicine Department. It stopped and a handsome young man walked out of the car.


"It's Prince Alexander Maxwell!"

"He's the most handsome in our school!"

"I agree! He is even good in painting and calligraphy!"

"Damn it! He's good-looking and talented! The world is unfair!"

Many onlookers exclaimed. Some admired his talent and some envied him.

Alexa Maxwell just looked at Alexander. There are no trace of emotion in her eyes but she just stood there like what the crowd did and waited for the crowd to disperse. If she moved now, she will be noticed and might caught Alexander's attention. She doesn't want that to happen and will never wish to happen.

She's tired of expecting their attention. That's what she always said to herself. However, that's just an excuse of the cruel reality as to why Alexander would never pay attention on her.

Alexander Maxwell is her elder brother and she's the youngest daughter of the Maxwell Family. However, she was struck by the Maxwell cursed. The curse handed down from the first generation of Maxwell Family. A woman fell in love with their first generation head or the founding father of Maxwell Family - Valenciano Maxwell.

Valenciano Maxwell was a general from ancient times and his fame spread throughout the country. Many woman proposed a marriage to him but he rejected them every time.

There was a woman named Freia. Her family was rumored as the decendance of a witch but there was no evidence to confirm it.

Freia was one of the women who proposed marriage to Valenciano and was also rejected. It was fine as she thought that there will be no woman who will move his heart. However, she didn't expect that Valenciano meet a beautiful girl, Daniella Poe and they both fell in love with each other.

This angered Freia and shamelessly roared at Valenciano that he is not allowed to marry another woman except her. Otherwise, a curse will sprout out from his offsprings and she's the only one who could cure it. The only cure was to fall in love with her but. Valenciano continuously rejected her and didn't take Freia's curse seriously.

He married Daniella Poe. For ten years, his wife birthed to three sons (Bernard, Daniel, and Valler) and two daughters (Siesta and Monique). However, Freia's curse took effect to one of their sons.

At the day of Daniel's 5th Birthday and exactly 10:00 in the evening while an in-charge maid was changing his clothes for the celebration, the maid was shocked to witness the changes of his body. Daniel's tiny shoot on between his legs slowly change into a jewel that only a women have.

This caused an uproar to the Maxwell Family and his wife's family. Everyone knew that Daniel was a boy but after checking again, they found out that the tiny shoot was gone and a jewel replaced it. This made the couple anxious but still continued the celebration with gloomy atmosphere.

On the next day, the couple decided to let a Doctor checked on Daniel's body condition but were stunned when a tiny shoot appeared there while the jewel was gone. They shocked but, at the same time, confused of what was happening.

They were ashamed of the doctor's long journey just to check Daniel but found nothing so they decided to let the doctor stayed for a night to rest. The doctor agreed because he's really tired of the journey.

On the evening when everyone inside the Maxwell Family Mansion was almost sleeping, they woke up after hearing Daniel's painful screams inside his bedroom. They hurriedly ran inside and checked his condition but were shocked while witnessing a magical changes on the between of his legs. The tiny shoot turned into a jewel!

"This witchcraft!" The doctor exclaimed with a frightened look on his face.

"What?! But why?!" Valenciano anxiously asked with an angry look on his face.

"This should be cured immediately. Otherwise, it will become a curse and will be passed on generation to generation as long as they have Maxwell's blood!" The doctor immediately advised.

"But who on earth is harming my child?!" Valenciano clenched his hands into a fist while looking at his son. His eyes were filled with worries.

"Have you ever thought of someone you angered?" The doctor asked while looking at Valenciano's face with a frown on his face.

"No..?" Valenciano was thinking but couldn't guess anyone who was vicious enough to harm his child. However, a hand tugged on his sleeves. He turned his head and looked at his wife.

"H-Hon.... I-Is this the work of...Freia?" Daniella asked while his lips and voice trembled while her tears slid down on her checks. Her body was trembling while thinking of Freia's demonic look at that time.

"F-Freia?" Valenciano's body numbed after hearing that woman's name. He doesn't want to hear her name or whatsoever happened to her but after hearing his wife's words, he remembered the curse that Freia talked about before. However, the only cure is to love Freia. It sounds easy but difficult to do so.

He loves Daniella Poe so much that he couldn't bear to be apart from her so how could he love other woman than her? He couldn't and it is impossible for him to love Freia like how he loves Daniella.

Daniella also knows this. No one can force love and she also couldn't bear to be apart from Valenciano.

"How about you look for her and force her to take back her curse? Isn't it feasible?" The doctor suggested. He doesn't know how to counter a curse and the medical knowledge he learned didn't have a record on how to counter a curse.

"Then, let's look for her" Valenciano's eyes were firm and let his men searched the entire country to find Freia.

Because the ancient times were not yet advanced, the search took an entire six months. They were anticipating of Freia's arrival until the search team leader arrived and delivered a documents. The documents showed Freia's death.

Freia was found dead last year after their youngest daughter was born. The hope was extinguish after the couple read the documents. Despite all of these, Daniel was unaware of the phenomenon changes of his body as he was still five years old.

The curse was not cured and it was passed from generation to generation of Maxwell Family. No outsiders know about the curse unless you were married and lived inside the Maxwell Family Mansion.

On the fifth generation of Maxwell Family, the Head Family - Federico Maxwell, decided to build another mansion intended for the cursed children. Every five years old child must undergo a body check-up on his fifth birthday at exactly ten in the evening. If the child's gender changed, the child will be raised outside the Maxwell Family Mansion. This is also the reason why, whoever married a Maxwell must lived inside the Maxwell Family.

If a Maxwell has a mistress, he must bring the mistress in Maxwell Family and the Maxwell Family will certainly the mistress child. This happened from fifth generation until Alexa's parents generation.

Alexa turned around and left when the crowd slowly dispersed. She never looked back to Alexander.

She went to the Maxwell Mansion, opposite direction of the Maxwell Family Main Mansion.

She painted the layout to her memory and head her way inside.

This mansion was built since the fifth generation of Maxwell Family for cursed children.

Yes, she's the cursed child of his parents' generation. Every generation, there is only one cursed child. A cursed child will randomly appear in one of the Head Family's children. His father, Alejandro Maxwell is the 13th generation Head.

The first child is Alexander Maxwell - her elder brother.

The second child is Alessandra Maxwell is her elder sister.

She, Alexa Maxwell, is the youngest child.

"Welcome Home, Young Third" the Head Butler of this Maxwell Mansion said gently and smiled at Alexa.

Alexa smiled back to the Head Butler and was about to head her way to her room but the Head Butler murmured to her.

"Head Master is not calling today" his gentle tone earlier changed to a cold tone. Her smile disappeared after hearing the Head Butler's words.

She entered her room, slammed the door and locked the room.

She looked on the right corner that is filled with men's clothed while, on the right corner is filled with women's clothes.

This room is her private personal space. On the center, there is a door leads to her another room. That another room is her just next to this room. It served as her normal room like any other person there outside. The color is plain but the materials are expensive.

She walked towards the center and entered the next room. She sat down and leaned her back on the sofa. She raised her right arm and looked at her palm.

'Fire' she thought of sparks until it ignited. A fire appeared on her palm. She controlled the fire and played it into different figures like dragon, phoenix and etc.

She smirked as she said to herself, "There is also an advantage of being a cursed child" and raised her every finger one by one slowly while different colors appeared.