
Overpowered Cricket system

2031, World Cup Semi Final at lords IND vs Eng India need 2 runs with 1 ball and 1 wicket remaining. Jofra Archer with the final ball, Here we go. The skinny man has not been in the good form this tournament. There it is, they’ll go…this’ll be out, surely!! OHH HE’S OUT, HE’S GOING TO BE RUN OUT, OH THAT’S IT, INDIA ARE OUT, NITISH DIDN’T RUN, I CANNOT BELIEVE IT, ENGLAND GO INTO THE WORLD CUP FINAL, RIDICULOUS RUNNING WITH TWO BALLS TO GO, Nitish DIDN’T GO, Dhoni COME. ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS THIS IS NOT SOMETHING THAT A PROFESSIONAL CRICKETER OR ANY ATHLETE DO. Maybe it's really time for Nitish the 40 year old to retire. Nitish was brutally trolled by media and was abused in the comment sections of his media pages. The man who was hailed as a hero with the victory in South Africa T20 World Cup now being hated to the core. His wife left him, his son despised him " I hope you're dead" these were the final words his wife spoke before handing over the divorce papers. Everything is lost in a match , the only people who supported Nitish were his teammates everyone knows he had given his best given his age but he was the one that cost them a World Cup. What is it that I've done wrong, top scorer in the world cup with 2 centuries at the age 40 and he's the oldest debutant he debuted to Indian team at 37 years. If only I've found my talent in my youth days, saying so he slept on the bed. When he woke up he was 13 years old and was granted a system. With this system there's no looking back for Nitish on his journey to becoming the epitome of success in cricket. You can support me via donations https://bmc.link/astautsugi Thank you and this is entirely optional!! As this book is fan-fic it doesn't get contracted in webnovel.

Asta_utsugi · Celebrities
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196 Chs

Season 2 end

As the sun set on the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and purple, I sat down at my desk, reflecting on the incredible journey that Season 2 of my novel had been. It was a journey filled with twists and turns, emotions, and unforgettable characters that had come to life through the power of words. As I penned down the final chapter, a deep sense of gratitude filled my heart.

First and foremost, I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you who have joined me on this journey. Your views, your engagement, and your passion for the story have been the wind beneath my wings. It is your enthusiasm that has made this journey not just possible but incredibly rewarding.

To all my readers, your support has been invaluable. Whether it was a word of encouragement, a constructive critique, or simply the act of reading each chapter, you have contributed immensely to the growth of this story and, in turn, to my growth as a writer.

I am aware that my command of the English language is not perfect, as it is not my first language. Yet, I have endeavored to bring this story to life with as much clarity and emotion as I can muster. In this endeavor, ChatGPT has been an indispensable tool, helping me refine my thoughts and correct my mistakes. It has been my editor, my guide, and at times, my teacher.

As we bring Season 2 to a close, I am eager to hear from you. Your suggestions, feedback, and thoughts are not just welcome but essential. They help me understand your perspectives and improve my storytelling. If you have any suggestions or thoughts you'd like to share, please do not hesitate to leave a review. Your insights are invaluable to me.

While this fanfic novel may not be contracted, and its journey is unconventional, your support can make a significant difference. If you have enjoyed the story and wish to support my writing endeavors, you can do so at


Your support, however small, is a huge encouragement and will aid immensely in improving my writing skills. This is entirely optional

, but every bit of support is deeply appreciated and helps me continue to create and share stories that resonate with you.

In addition to this novel, I am also working on other projects, including mythological dramas. These stories are close to my heart, weaving tales from ancient lore with a modern twist. If you're interested in mythology and tales that transcend time, I invite you to explore these works. They are a labor of love and a testament to my passion for storytelling.

As we conclude this season, I look forward to embarking on new adventures with you. The world of storytelling is limitless, and with your support, I hope to explore many more narratives, characters, and emotions. The journey of a writer is never a solitary one – it is enriched and given meaning by the readers who join in.

So, thank you once again for being a part of this journey. Your presence makes every word, every sentence, and every chapter meaningful. As I sit here, amidst the quiet of the evening, I am filled with hope and excitement for what lies ahead. Together, let us continue to explore the boundless realms of imagination and storytelling.

With gratitude and anticipation for the future, 
