
Overlord: Yokai of Nazarick

Ainz Ooal Gown, after conquering the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick got a gift from the Developer staff, a gift package [Unique Npc] But it wasn't a single Npc they got, a whole new floor with more than just one new Npc. Meanwhile a young man had answered an online question about which Race he would like to be reincarnated as. In the end after answering, he died and became something new, the [Unique Npc]. What will he do in Nazarick? How will his presence change the happenings along the way of Ainz Ooal Gown to World Domination. [Long term story, trying to write so, that people who don't know Overlord can also read it.] [!!!The Light Novel is the basis for this work, not the Anime!!! Thank you for reading and supporting my first work!]

DaoistehAJ75 · Book&Literature
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36 Chs

The Guardians Meet their Lord

Momonga knew what this was, it was the highest possible far travel spell, [Gate].

Who had used this gate, revealed itself in the next moment, as a figure came through.

A beautiful girl came through, going by her height and face she seemed to be around 14 or maybe 15 years of age.

Her skin was fair and pale, but had a shine to it that couldn't be described easily, her long silver hair was bound over one side and slightly up, while her seductive crimson-red eyes could enchant people just by looking at them.

She wore a black evening dress, which reminded her of the Victorian era, her upper body was dressed in a lace embellished ribbon and a short tailored jacket.

The girl held an umbrella in one of her hands while laying the shaft over her shoulder.

What stood out the most was without any doubt, the unproportional huge bust, for her height and age.

'Shalltear Bloodfallen...' Momonga of course recognized her, he had listened to her creator talking about her countless times.

Before Momonga could speak, Aura addressed Shalltear first.

"Shalltear... don't go around using a gate. You entered the Amphitheater the normal way, couldn't you have kept walking?"

Aura's exasperated voice sounded.

All the cheerful and puppyish attitude from the moment before was gone from Aura, what remained was a cold aura filled with endless hostility.

Her brother Mare also realized this change in attitude and started to slowly back away from her, while an anxious and fearful expression covered his face.

Even Momonga was a bit alarmed by the sudden change in her attitude.

In response, the girl, Shalltear, didn't so much as spare her a glance, instead walking over to Momonga and standing before him, while squirming around a bit.

She had a pleasant smell to her, like perfume.

"You reek..." Aura held her nose as she admonished Shalltear, "...maybe it's your Undead body."

Catching Momonga's smell on his own wrist to check if he smelled, veins popped up on Shalltear's forehead, "Come now, you can't say that! Lord Momonga is Undead too."

"What are you talking about? Lord Momonga is not a simple Undead like you. I'm sure he is something like Ultra Undead or Divine Undead."

While Shalltear and Mare seemed to agree with such a conclusion, Momonga felt his head hurting, 'I'm pretty sure I'm simply Undead, and when you want to talk about race specifically that would be Overlord... anyway, the ones you guys mentioned are just ridiculous...'

"Still what you said was kind of bad..." Mare spoke timidly to his sister.

"Oh, you think it is rude to Lord Momonga? Hmm, then how about this? Maybe it's because of your dead rotting flesh." Aura corrected herself, as Momonga didn't have flesh at all, it shouldn't insult him was her thought.

"My... I suppose that will do." accepting Aura's words, Shalltear simply proceeded to ignore her and flung her arms around Momonga's neck.

"Ah, my Master, my Lord, the sole being in this world who I will never be able to conquer!"

Licking her lips with desire written all over her face, she released a sweet aroma from her mouth.

All this would have been becoming of a bewitching and seductive adult woman, but something felt off when it was done by Shalltear.

Momonga, nonetheless, was plenty bewitched as he had no experience with women whatsoever.

'Was Shalltear always like this?' He asked himself, suddenly he remembered just who had programmed the NPC called Shalltear Bloodfallen.

It was a guy who made his catchphrase, "Porngames are my Live!" and such a person had made this NPC, he would be surprised if this guy had just copy-pasted the wiki page listing all existing fetishes into her bio.

"I think this is enough." Aura's cold voice filled with hostility sounded again.

"Oh, squirt... I didn't see you at all." Shalltear sneered in response.

Ignoring the twitching of Aura's face and her irritated look, Shalltear turned and addressed Mare, "It must be so hard on you, Mare. To have such a violent and incompetent Sister."

Mare knew that she was trying to irritate his sister through him so he tried not to get involved.

Aura on the other hand gave a vicious smile as spoke, "Shut up, Miss fake boobs."

"How did you know?"

'Uhhhh... Character broke...' Momonga thought watching like Mare from the sidelines.

"One glance was enough, look at your body proportions and then think logically. How many layers of socks did you put into it?"

Shalltear frantically waved her hands, as if they could blow the words away.

'Now she looks her age...' Momonga commented in his mind.

"It must be difficult for it to hold together." Aura continued to fire at Shalltear, suddenly realizing something she continued, "Ha, so this is why you used Gate, because if you walked over it would shift around!"

Shalltear couldn't stand it anymore and tried to fire back, "At least I'm not a washboard!"

But Aura's grin grew even more evil, "I'm only 76, I still have a lot of time to grow, but you? Ah, it's a pity being Undead and all.."

The two continued to bicker and Momonga started to remember the Creators of the two, who were elder sister and younger brother bickering similarly.

That was until a hard twisted voice of something that wasn't human speaking human words interrupted them, "What. A. Rack."

An ice-blue bipedal insect, with countless ice crystals sprouting from its body, four arms, and a tail twice its own high came into view of the people present.

It held a giant menacing Halbert in one of its arms as it admonished the two bickering with each other, "You. amuse. yourselves. to. much. in. the. presence. of. a. Supreme. Being."

The two wanted to argue that the other had started and was disrespectful, but they were interrupted by the voice of Momonga, "That's enough playing around for now, Shalltear, Aura."

Momonga then turned to regard the newcomer and greeted him, "Thank you for coming Cocytus."

A cold breath was exhaled between Cocytus's huge mandibles, "Of. course. i.need.to. respond. if. my. lord. calls. for. me. There. is. no. need. to. thank. me."

'Designed as a dutiful and honorable Warrior...' Remembering another of his friends, he recalled the type of character that person gave to Cocytus.

"Have you been bored lately, with no Raiders around?" Momonga asked curiously.

"Bored? Certainly. there. were. less. enemies. to. slay. but. I. would. never. be. bored." Cocytus answered with words that made Momonga curious.

"Oh, then what did you do, for you to not get bored?"

"I. am. training. so. that. I. may. be. of. better. use. for. you." the answer was rather simple, but also emphasized Cocytus's character.

"It. seems. Demiurge. has. arrived."

Turning to the place where Cocytus was looking, Momonga spotted a man with tanned skin, Asian features, slick-back black hair, and Sunglasses.

He gave off an air of elegance, without being pretentious and his suit and necktie, fit him perfectly.

"It seems I am not the last to arrive..."

Just as his voice fell another followed, "Yeah sorry for making you wait."

A loud thick voice reached the ears of everyone, turning their heads to the place where it came from.

They spotted Albedo walking ahead of a man much taller than her, around the same in height as Cocytus, he radiated a wild untamed Aura.

Wild neck long black hair, with two horns growing from his hairline at the forehead, wearing a black Hakama at the moment, which was bound around his ankles with red strings.

His upper body wasn't covered at all, just bare to nature, revealing his muscular but lean upper body, while the Hakama was bound with a crimson-red Sashi at his waist.

A smirk was plastered on his face, showing off his long canine teeth to all of them.

Shaltear licked her lips upon seeing this, "What a magnificent body, as expected of a being created by Lord Momonga." she was already Fantasizing about what could be done with such a man, but then stopped herself.

Cocytus felt the wild untamed Aura, filled with immeasurable fighting spirit, he wanted nothing more but to challenge this person, but not now.

A sly smile came to Demiurge's lips, "Lord Ulbert said he was a wild beast and it seems to be as he said. What a magnificent fighting intent."

Aura's eyes started to form little stars, "This seems like someone who surely wants to spar a lot, don't you think Mare?"

Mare on the other side had weak trembling legs, as if he would collapse at any moment.

This also fell into the eyes of Shuten Dōji who was walking behind Albedo, he didn't release this fighting intent consciously, but he really, really needed to get something to drink and when he saw all these strong beings gathered it was unconsciously released.

Reigning the whole intent back into his body, Mare the poor little coward could finally relax and his legs also stopped trembling.

Momonga on the other side, gazed at Shuten Dōji intently, 'Haaa... this guy is so much better than my own creation. I don't even want to think about that guy... Too embarrassing...'

'Now all have gathered here...'

Albedo spoke after they reached the others, "Now then, let us perform the ritual of swearing our allegiance."

Before Momonga had even a chance to say a single word, they all had arranged themselves in two rows, with Albedo being in the front and the other Guardians behind her.

Their expressions were all following a high ceremony performed in front of the highest authority possible, even the slightest hint of the former joking atmosphere had vanished.

Shaltear, at the end of the line, was the first to take a step forward.

"Guardian of the First, Second, and Third Floor, Shalltear Bloodfallen. I bow before you, oh Supreme One."

She dropped to one knee and put one hand over her chest while bowing her Head low.

After Shalltear, Cocytus took a step forward.

"Guardian of the 5th Floor, Cocytus. I bow before you, oh Supreme One." He took the same humble posture as Shaltear and bowed before Momonga.

Next, the two Dark Elves stepped forward.

"Guardian of the 6th Floor, Aura Bella Fiore. I bow before you, oh Supreme One."

"G.. Guardian of the same, Mare Bello Fiore. I bow before you, oh Supreme One."

As expected, they took the same humble posture as Shaltear and Cocytus before them, while bowing their heads low.

The four people kneeling before him were all built differently, so there should have been a difference in the steps they had taken, but all of them were perfectly aligned, bowing in online towards him, without anyone being farther ahead or further behind.

Demiurge took an elegant step forward next.

"Guardian of the 7th Floor, Demiruge. I bow before you, oh Supreme One.

Though there was nothing to fault on the bows of the others before Demiurge, he was just filled with grace and even when bowing towards Momonga, he didn't lose it in the slightest.

The next in line was the one from whom Momonga personally least expected to take part in such a ritual, but to his utter disbelief, Shuten Dōji took a purpose-filled step forward.

Where Demiurge had elegance, Shuten Dōji had will and purpose.

"Guardian of the 9th Floor, Shuten Dōji. I bow before you, oh Supreme One."

Momonga couldn't believe that even Shuten Dōji made the bow on the exact same line as all the others, but he didn't have much time to think about it.

Because the next person was the person one line in front.

Albedo took a graceful step forward before beginning to speak.

"Guardian Overseer Albedo. I bow before you, oh Supreme One."

Giving Momonga a gentle, yet subtle smile, she bowed in the same fashion as the other Guardians. But for Albedo it was different from the others, her words didn't end there.

With her head bowed low, she made her last report, "Excepting Guardian of the 4th Floor Gargantua and Guardian of the 8th Floor Victim, The Floor Guardians have gathered here to prostrate ourselves before you, your orders oh Supreme One. We offer our complete devotion to you, Lord Momonga."

Being faced with the 7 bowed heads in front of him, Momonga didn't know what to do at all, rather he was stunned and overwhelmed by their loyalty and devotion.

All this was practically enough to make his heartbeat audible even though he didn't have one.

The air was filled with tension, though this feeling was probably only felt by Momonga himself.

'What should I do? What should I do?' If normal people could be faced with such a situation, they would probably panic similarly to Momonga at the moment.

In his own confusion, Momonga accidentally activated one of his skills, the Aura of Fear. Frantically going through everything related to such situations he could think of like films, comics, history books of similar things, to get a grip on how to conduct himself in such a situation.

"Raise Your Heads, Guardians." He ordered.

All of them raised their head in one swift motion at the exact same moment, this was such a perfect motion that he nearly expected to hear a *whosh* sound.

"Well for starters, I appreciate you all gathering here..."

"Please save your appreciation Lord Momonga, we are here not only to swear our Allegiance to you, but our very selves. It is only the most natural thing that we should respond to your call."

None of the other Guardians butted in or tried to comment themselves, as the Guardian Overseer, Albedo was truly their unified Voice and Speaker.

Looking at each of their earnest expression, which were all turned at him, filled with devotion and eagerness to serve him, Momonga felt something hanging in his throat, which he never felt before.

The pressure to behave like a dignified Ruler and the future of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick weighed heavily down on him at this moment.

"Lord Momonga, You seem irresolute, that is only most natural. You must be wondering if it is even worth accepting our help." Albedo's smile had completely vanished and a determined look appeared instead, which tensed her features.

"However, if you grace us with your orders, we the Floor Guardians will suffer any trial and suffering to fulfill them, with all our bodies and souls. We vow to serve in such a way as to not bring any shame upon our creators, the 41 Supreme Beings of Ainz Ooal Gown. We vow it!"

"We vow it!" all the other Floor Guardians echoed Albedo in chorus at this moment, each showing more determination than the last.

Their Voices were filled with Power and their Loyalty was like a priceless diamond, all sneering at Momonga for thinking that any of them would ever betray him.

It was as if the darkness of the night had made place for the dawn to finally come and a shiver went through his whole body.

At this moment, he realized how wonderful the Npc's were which his Comrades had created, this truly was the radiance of Ainz Ooal Gown's glorious days and it was here and now.

The red spark in his eyes started to burn brightly as he truly realized the beauty of the Npcs that his Guldmates had created.

The tension that held him back before disappeared, and along with it went his hesitation.

Then he took on his original role as the Guildmaster of Ainz Ooal Gown.

"Magnificent! Guardians I am sure that as of this moment, all of you will understand my aims and orders."

"Firstly, it seems that the whole of Nazarick was teleported away from the swamp where it originally resided."

"We are now surrounded by a flat grassland, for now, were there any of you who found any anomalies leading to this?"

Albedo looked behind her, then ahead at Momonga again, "No, there were no anomalies that could lead to this."

Then each Guardian spoke individually, beginning with Shalltear.

"There were no anomalies on the first, second, and third floor."

Cocytus followed swiftly, "No. Anomalies. On. The. 5th. Floor."

"There was nothing on the 6th floor."

"Ehh... as my sister said."

"No anomalies on the 7th Floor."

"I have an Anomaly to report."

All stopped and turned to look at the person who spoke, Momonga's Blazing eyes fixed also on the person and asked, "Then report the Anomaly, but before that, you said you have an Anomaly to report, do you believe it is the reason for this situation?"

Momonga was rather curious, if Shuten Dōji really had a clue, that would be beyond helpful at this moment, but there seemed to be something wrong.

Shuten Dōji bowed his head slightly, "I don't think it is the reason for this situation, but rather an Anomaly as a result of what happened to Nazarick."

The crimson flames in Momonga's eyes burned with curiosity, "Then please give us your report."

"As you wish Lord Momonga," he paused for a second before explaining, "I have lived in the same place for a very long time and am generally unable to move away from my room and position since I was created."

"At least without specific orders to move from one of the Supreme Beings. This changed around an hour ago, it was as if the restriction on my body was relieved. Probably all Guardians should have a similar feeling, but didn't classify it as an Anomaly."

The eyes of the other Guardians went wide, now after thinking about it, it seems to be true.

Another only were the Guardians shocked but also Momonga, 'Doesn't this mean that he was always conscious and observed us? Or am I thinking too much?'

The only one who didn't react was Albedo, her gaze was still the same as before and all she did was to serve the one she loved.

Also, she already knew about this conclusion coming from Shuten Dōji.

Shuten Dōji continued, "I am not sure if had realized it if I wasn't lying all day in the same position in my room. So don't think too much, I just wanted to mention this as it seemed a result of what happened to Nazarick."

Momonga nodded his head, "It is a very reasonable conclusion and something we should keep an eye on in the future. Keep this in mind, Guardians."

"Yes Lord Momonga." the Guardians accepted their Orders.

'I should probably have a more in-depth conversation with Shuten Dōji in the future if I remember correctly Touch me went to visit Shuten Doji before he left the Guild...'

Shaking the heads out of his head, Momonga again focused on the current situation, "Are there any other anomalies to report?"

The silence was what answered him and at this moment, he spotted a figure jogging over from the distance.

The person soon came to his side and knelt on one knee beside him, "Lord Momonga, I apologize for my late arrival."

"No problem Sebas, please give your report now."

Sebas glanced at the Guardians kneeling, Momonga understood and spoke up, "This is an emergency, so the Floor Guardians need to know as well."

"I understand." Sebad accepted the explanation and then told what he had seen on the surface, while the Floor Guardians realized how seriously Momonga took this Situation through the fact Sebas, one of the strongest melee Npc's, coming just behind Shiten Dōji and Rubedo, was sent out for surveillance.

After learning about the information about the outside, Momonga turned to Mare and questioned, "Mare, do you have a way to cover up Nazarick with Magic?"

Mare, as cowardly as ever, started to give his own ideas, "M..maybe w..we can hide Nazarick with magic i.. if we cover the walls in dirt and grow grass on it."

"You dare to..." Albedo was just about to interrupt Mare's suggestion, which all of the Guardians found a disgraceful thing to do when another voice interrupted her.

"Albedo, Lord Momonga was talking with Mare. If he found it disgraceful, he would have interrupted him by himself."

This voice was deep and coming from behind her, all the Guardians turned to see Shuten Dōji glaring daggers at Albedo as he continued, "Have you not realized how serious you should take our current situation after Lord Momonga sent sebas out for a simple surveillance mission?"

This question silenced all complaints the other Guardians wanted to make, but Albedo wasn't so easy to persuade and she wasn't someone who feared death instead she feared the disgrace of her beloved more.

Just as she was about to argue with Shuten Dōji, Momonga turned to him and spoke, "Thank you Shuten Dōji." He then turned to Mare and said, "Continue Mare."

Albedo was frozen stiff, she never expected such a situation at all and her head was blank for a while, a whisper came from behind her reaching her ears.

"I just didn't want to see you get scolded by Lord Momonga..." Shuten Dōji had whispered to her.

She understood immediately if for Lord Momonga in the current situation, the disgrace of smearing the walls with dirt wasn't something worth mentioning and she scolded Mare harshly...

She didn't want to imagine herself being scolded by her beloved, but that would have been her fate and from the sincere thanks he had given Shuten Dōji for preventing her from doing so, meant that the scolding would have been harsh.

After deciding that Mare would lead the operation to hide Nazarick, Shuten Dōji spoke up, "Lord Momonga, I will send Enmei and Shiro out to help Mare in his operation. The two of them should be a good addition with their Nature and illusion magic."

Momomga nodded, "Good idea, please do so." He then paused for a moment, "Now there is on last thing I want to ask you. What am I to you?"

He turned to Shalltear and addressed her first, "Shalltear?"

"The most beautiful person in this world."


"The strongest being in Nazarick and fit to be its rightful Ruler."


"You are truly considered."


"Eh, I think you are super nice!"


"You are wise and resourceful."

"Shuten Dōji?"

"The Last remaining of my Creators."


"You were the leader of the Supreme Beings and you are the merciful one who stayed with us till the end."


"You are he, who holds the highest position among the Supreme Beings and our exhalted master, as well as the man I love."

"I see... I think I have good understanding of everyone's thoughts now. I entrust part of the work my former comrades did to you. Strive to be ever loyal." with those words fallen Momonga teleported away.