
Overlord: Yokai of Nazarick

Ainz Ooal Gown, after conquering the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick got a gift from the Developer staff, a gift package [Unique Npc] But it wasn't a single Npc they got, a whole new floor with more than just one new Npc. Meanwhile a young man had answered an online question about which Race he would like to be reincarnated as. In the end after answering, he died and became something new, the [Unique Npc]. What will he do in Nazarick? How will his presence change the happenings along the way of Ainz Ooal Gown to World Domination. [Long term story, trying to write so, that people who don't know Overlord can also read it.] [!!!The Light Novel is the basis for this work, not the Anime!!! Thank you for reading and supporting my first work!]

DaoistehAJ75 · Book&Literature
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36 Chs

Coming to Carne again

Dōji had taken a certain distance from the rest of the group as they continued, not wanting to be too close.

He was also worried about Kiyomi, but she was in the end behaving like one of her creators wanted her to.

So he couldn't do anything to stop it, besides leaving her in the Tomb in the future.

'Haa... such behavior... if one of the other floor Guardians were to know of this, besides Sebas, probably all would have already punished her, and I still need to think of a good punishment for her...'

'After all, she still tried more than once to question my orders...'

He didn't really want to do it, but it was necessary and if those two women were to hear he treats her favorably, then he can already see all he'll break loose on the 9th Floor.

'This is all so bothersome...'

Taking a few sips of his Guardbottle, Dōji tried to drink away a little bit of his worries.

Glimpsing back, he could see that this way of traveling would take too long. There were now two choices, one Kiyomi and himself carrying those three or taking a break.

"Tsk..." He turned around and looked at the three humans traveling alongside them. The girls had their eyes already drooping, and they fell close from time to time.

Still, they didn't complain at all, which rather surprised him.


"Yes, Lord Dōji?" The moment she heard her Lord call out, Kiyomi immediately stood at attention.

"You carry the girl Arche." He walked over and grabbed the two children. They were held one in each arm in a way where they were lying against him.

The moment he did this, the two girls didn't even realize and fell asleep.

"Carry her, I want to be in Carne in the morning."

Kiyomi nodded, and although Arche was a bit reluctant for a moment when she saw that neither Kiyomi nor Dōji had any sort of exhaustion on their faces, she relented and climbed Kiyomi's back.

"Let's go..." Dōji then jumped ahead. The two girls in his arms were shielded by his arms.

Kiyomi followed closely behind, and they went on to run faster and faster.

"Tsk..." clicked his tongue in displeasure as he felt the two girls grab tightly onto him in their sleep. Something he didn't like at all.

"Troublesome..." This annoyance came mostly from the fact that he didn't like humans. Since he had come to the new world, most humans were truly just bugs in his eyes, and to see them like Kiyomi was rather difficult for him.

'Though that girl was on the braver side...' Thinking about the girl who, even when all people took a detour around him, went ahead and bowed to him in thanks, reminded him that they also could be useful.

'Hmmm, I need to think about this some more, but Kiyomi will need to be punished no matter what. Doubting the Supreme Being was a serious offense... if it gets out and I haven't punished her...'

He didn't want to think further about such a thing. In the end, the only choice was to punish her.

The question was now, how?

'A serious offense against the Supreme Beings... I should ask Lord Ainz for help. Should I exclude her from Nazarick for a month?'

Trying to think of a punishment for Kyiomi wasn't something easy for him. If she were not designed so 'good,' then he wouldn't have so much trouble now.

'She only has 100 or so positive karma, but she is definitely among the better people, or is it that she has a greater liking for cute things?'

'Wait... did Lord Ainz punish Sebas after taking his human pet? I don't remember...'

'Maybe I should make her kneel in front of the Imperial Pagoda for a weak? Take away her swords and Samurai clothes over that time... this doesn't sound so bad.'

It wouldn't be too hard of a punishment, but it would hurt her pride, and that would probably be more effective against someone like Kiyomi.

Running through the night, Dōji and Kiyomi made their way towards Carne Village.

'I'm looking forward to how it has changed until now... the girl should have already used the horn...'

Running through the whole night, it didn't take the two of Kiyomi and Dōji too long to finally reach the vicinity of Carne Village.

They didn't go there immediately but took a break when a couple of miles were still between themselves and the village.

Arche was then awoken by Kiyomi, this was so that they could inform her where the new home of the three girls would be.

While the two girls still slept in the arms of the rather annoyed Dōji, Kiyomi started to explain.

"We are going to bring you three to a place called Carne Village. It is a place that was saved by our great Lord not long ago..."

Upon hearing the word Lord again, Arche thought Kiyomi was talking about Dōji. But Kiyomi pulled her attention back to herself when she continued by explaining this point.

"Although Lord Dōji, is my personal Lord, who I meant wasn't Master Dōji, but the one who is the Lord of Master Dōji, as well as myself, Lord Ainz Ooal Gown."

It seemed that Arche didn't understand, but Kiyomi continued.

"It doesn't matter for now. We will reach that village soon, for now, you and your sisters will be placed there and someone will soon find you to collect all the information you have to give."

The gaze of Kiyomi turned serious, "Don't hide anything, believe me when I tell you it will not end well for you to do such a thing..."

Arche nodded seriously, remembering the words spoken by Dōji to her before.

"I will disclose everything that I have to offer."

Kiyomi nodded, and then Dōji interjected, "You two. Take the two girls."

The gaze on Dōji's face wasn't good right now. He had had enough of holding these human children.

Kiyomi and Arche reacted immediately upon realizing that it wouldn't be good if Dōji got any more annoyed than he already was at the moment.

After handing the two girls to Kiyomi and Arche, Dōji took something out of his inventory. It was a black Haorie with a white inside.

"Come here, Kiyomi."

Kiyomi nodded and came over, and Dōji hung the Haori over her shoulder in the same way as his own.

Her tail was now hidden under it as well.

Dōji continued to take out a black bamboo hat and put it on his hat. The strange thing was that the horns neither pierced through it nor did they hold it up.

The reason was the hat itself, which would make them disappear or rather hide with an ability.

He took out another one that was not colored and put it on Kiyomi's head, covering her ears through it.

"So we should now make our way to the village."

Though they were hiding again, not truly, just the more prominent features so that the Villagers wouldn't freak out before they even arrived there.

Dōji's canines were still fully exposed, and Kiyomi's didn't hang out of her mouth but were not much different otherwise.

It didn't take long for the two girls in the arms of Kiyomi and Arche to wake up while they were walking towards the village.

From a hill, they soon saw a tall wall made of thick wood. It was tall and sturdy.

"Oho, it seems a lot changed since my last visit here..." Dōji commented as he walked ahead on the way through the fields.

Arche was a bit surprised by the tall wall. She had never seen a small village with such a high wall.

Walking toward the open Gate in the Wall, Dōji and Kiyomi felt people surround them, sneaking through the fields.

They slowly closed in but didn't reveal themselves until the group reached the Gate, where a small group of Goblins revealed themselves.

They didn't look like regular unintelligent creatures but rather gave off a civilized feeling.

The one with a great sword on his back spoke up first, "Hey, we don't want to fight you guys, but this village is under our protection... so what brings you guys here?"

His gaze had always been on the tall figure of Dōji, and the others hiding in the field also revealed themselves to the group at this moment.

Aiming bows and other weapons in the direction of Dōji and the rest.

Dōji grew annoyed by the insolent behavior of these worthless little Goblins, "You little shits are lucky that I am here to meet with your summoner, otherwise..."

A terrifying gaze swept over the Goblins. They collectively took a step back, and the one who had spoken like all the others had cold sweat covering their backs.

"Hey, Jugem! What's going on?" A female voice reached all the people present.

Then, a young girl in her late teenage years with long blonde hair appeared.

Looking at the situation at present, she seems to understand that the Goblins were again checking on travelers.

The moment the girl appeared, Dōji's gaze returned to normal, and before the Goblin could explain he questioned the girl, "Hey Enri Emmott, be more careful with your Goblins, otherwise something might happen to them in the future if they offend the wrong person."

Enri was stunned for a moment and then recalled the voice she just heard, a gentle smile appeared on her face, "Ah greetings Sir Dōji, though I don't think you introduced yourself, I remember Lord Ainz calling you Dōji..."

She was a bit excited, but mostly polite and after greeting Dōji looked at the Goblins with a stern look, "You just denied entry to one of the people who saved this village before, I think we need to talk about this later."

Though there was a gentle smile on her face, Dōji somewhat felt that it was a bit eerie, 'Wasn't this girl rather clueless and innocent? What happened?'

Dōji didn't want to involve himself too much in such things but turned to introduce the people with him, "Anyway, Enri let me introduce you first," pointing at Kiyomi with his chin he said, "This is Kiyomi, my follower you could say..."

Kiyomi waved one hand, "Hello, I'm Kiyomi, I already heard about you, Enri."

Enri smiled and greeted back, "Glad to meet you, Kiyomi."

Turning to Arche, he signaled for her to do it herself, Enri also followed the gaze of Dōji and looked at Arche.

"I am Arche," pointing at her two siblings she followed by introducing them, "This is Kuuderika, and this is Ureirika. My younger siblings." she paused for a moment before continuing, "Our circumstances are a bit special, and Sir Dōji brought us here to settle in."

Enri's eyes lit up when she saw the two little girls, "It seems we already have something in common, I think we will understand each other well. I am also an older sister."

She paused for a moment before smiling brightly, "I am sure the village chief wouldn't send you away, there are currently a couple of houses left without owners and you for sure can take one of them to live in."

"Thank you so much!" Arche bowed her head deeply.

"Don't worry, you were brought here by Sir Dōji, one of the people who is responsible that this Village is still there." Enri waved her hand at them and then took them inside.

The Goblins were still keeping a vigilant look on Dōji, something that annoyed him, but he also understood that they were simply protecting their summoner. Otherwise, he would have already ripped them to shreds.

Only two of the Goblins followed along with them, the rest going back on guard duty to keep the village safe.

"It seems you have already used at least one of the horns Lord Ainz bestowed upon you."

Dōji didn't mind talking with Enri. Rather, he still had the idea of sending someone here to teach her.

'Someone with Warrior and Warrior classes would be best...'

"Yes, they helped us a lot already. They helped in the construction of the walls surrounding the village They also help us train ourselves so we may not be as helpless again as we were back then..."

While Dōji was talking with Enri, Arche, her sisters, and Kiyomi were looking at Village the Village.

"Hm, still a brave little girl. I hope you are training yourself as well and don't leave everything to the Goblins."

Enri nodded seriously, "Though I can not train as much as I would like to, I let Jugem instruct myself at least an hour per day."

Dōji nodded silently to himself, "Good, the most reliable strength one can have will always be one's own."

"I had the same thought, I can't expect Lord Ainz and Sir Dōji to always appear miraculously at dangerous times. So I have started to prepare myself, even if it is hard while caring for my little sister and all the Goblins, it is too important."

Enri's growth was astounding in Dōji's eyes, 'If I remember correctly, she never trained herself but just gained a lot of strength through who knew what... but she should have the talent to become a strong commander and Warrior. The important part is, as a human, she can have many more job classes because there are no racial classes for humans at all...'

"You seem to have grown a lot, little girl." He gave a small compliment.

A smile appeared on Enri's face, "Thank you, Sir Dōji. It is great to hear such a thing from you."

It wasn't in a way that someone in love talked, more like a child being praised by their parents.

This caught Dōji a little off guard, but he just nodded and remained silent, while his mind was extremely confused.

'What's wrong with the brain of this girl?'

Shaking his head in silence he decided to ignore it, 'Understanding woman is something that has always been a mystery to man, no matter what age they were...'

Soon they came to the village head, who of course arranged a house for Arche and her sisters, where they could live from now on.

Enri took on the duty to guide them to the house. The main reason was that her own home was close by.

"Here we are." She said after reaching a simple one-story house, with an attic.

Arche saw this house and although it was simple, it was their new home, which made her very happy.

Even when they were far away from luxury, wasn't such a life much more desirable than living under the risk of dying every day?

Under the risk of being sold as slaves?

"Thank you..." Arche bowed low and then said to her sisters, "Kuuderika, Ureirika, from now on her sister is going to live with you two here."

The two little girls showed bright smiles, for them it wasn't important where they lived, what was important was that they were together with their sister.

Dōji meanwhile spoke to Enri, "Ah before I forgot to mention it, but the girl Arche is a tier 3 magician."

Enri's eyes went wide for a moment, then gazed at Arche who seemed a little embarrassed, "Is it true?"

Arche nodded, "Yes, I have worked as a worker before for a while to provide for my sisters..."

Enri didn't need to know more, but she was happy that the new residents brought by Dōji, were also able to defend themselves.

"Great, we have been through a lot before, so many people here are currently training themselves, so that they may be able to defend themselves if something happens again. To have someone like you here could help a lot."

Arche nodded, "Of course, I will do what I can."

Arche didn't mind helping these people with what she could. She had already noticed the training of the farmers under the Goblins and some regular adventurer training wouldn't be something difficult to show them.

She also realized that in this village, everyone worked together, which was something she could only appreciate. It was simply a world of difference with her former home.

Dōji and Kiyomi left them alone afterward, just telling Arche to wait for someone to come and get the information they needed.

The two went on their way back towards their own him now, the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick.

Just as they went a few meters away after saying their goodbye, a ringing sounded in Dōji's ears.

This was the signal of someone trying to contact him through the message magic.

"Who would contact me now?" he asked himself and took the message.

"Yeah who is there?" he questioned with curiosity.

"Dōji, Albedo here. Please immediately make your way back to Nazarick." Albedo greeted him and immediately came to the point.

"Did something happen?" he asked as he didn't understand the importance for a moment, but when he heard the next words coming from Albedo, his mood darkened.

"Shalltear Bloodfallen has betrayed us."

Dōji stood there in the middle of the village the first who felt it was the person standing right beside him, Kiyomi.

A thick dark Aura started to leak from Dōji's body as his voice which was so dark and cold that it was shuddering through the whole body of everyone who heard it.

"Albedo... what did you say?"

It took a second before Albedo repeated herself, "It seems that Shalltear Bloodfallen has betrayed the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick and the last Supreme Being, Lord Ainz."

"How... dare she..." Dōji was so enraged for a second, that he forgot that he knew what it was that happened to Shalltear, and only after breathing in and out a couple of times did he finally calm himself and remember.

'Right... Shaltear Bloodfallen was mind controlled by the World Item used by the Theocracy...'

Hatred, thick and deep hatred seemed to burn itself deeply into his soul.

"L...Lord... Dōji?" Kiyomi beside him was trembling all over, as she addressed him questioning.

Looking around, Dōji realized that he was still in the Village, and nearly all the people around were looking at him with horror and apprehension.

It was good that Arche, Enri, and the girls had gone into the house already.

The girls may have not been able to bear his anger after all.

He concentrated on taking back all his anger and hatred into himself.

"Huuuu...." After exhaling he first answered Albedo, "We are on our way back."

After which the connection was disbanded.

"Kiyomi. We are going back fast... Trouble... The little silver-haired girl is causing trouble for Lord Ainz..."

Kiyomi's eyes widened and she nodded heavily as her expression turned serious.

"Then let's Hurry."

Just so you guys know I am currently going through all chapters again to clear any and all remaining spelling mistakes or similar things.

Don't know if I can get another chapter out today afterward.

Greeting Author

[Short Update: Went through all chapters, hope it is fine now. See you tomorrow guys. :)]

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