
Overlord: Transmigration

[Low-tier Overlord Fanfic] [Hiatus!!] . . . . . . . Cover art by So-bin (Just tell me if the Artist wanted it to be removed.) . . [1 Chapter a week minimum]][No update in weekends]

TheSimp · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

CH 15: Decision

After that, Enri is still shy to Momon and somehow she ended up in the Villager's chief house because she is called by the chief's wife.

"Enri, you know that Momon-dono, our savior already has two wives right?—" A Woman with an elderly appearance said to Enri. She is the village chief's wife. She must have look beautiful in her younger days but now she looked like a person who has been working on the farm for years.

"—Gina-san and Nabe-san are Momon's wives, my husband had already told you right?"

"Y-Yes." Enri nervously replied.

The village chief's wife is right, since the first day. Enri already knows that Momon is married to the two which doesn't surprise her even a bit. Strong and wealthy people tend to have multiple spouses after all. And even with that, her affection for Momon didn't shake a bit, and still continued trying to pursue him.

Enri is still a teen after all, and this is the first time she fell in love with someone, like the saying goes, first crushes are the hardest to forget. Well, at least that's the case for someone like Enri.

"You see Enri... Momon-dono's wives are strong, they are adventurers after all, and from what I am getting from them, they are sure hard to deal with. What are you gonna do if you only became a concubine? Let's face the reality Enri. You're no adventurer like them and probably gonna mostly stay in the city..."

"I-It's fine..."


"It's fine. If it is the decision of Momon-sama."

"Enri..." The elderly woman worriedly looked at Enri before sighing.

Enri doesn't found it weird at all to only become a concubine of Momon. It's just normal like nobles do. Momon may not be a noble but he's strong, managing to tame the Wise King of the Forest.

"Now. Now. Prepare a dish for your husband, he's probably hungry after battling the Wise king of the forest." The elderly said with her previous expression replaced with a gentle smile.

She then bid her goodbye to the elderly woman and started to walk home where Momon and future "co-wives" are. She's excited to make her dish and to be praised by Momon again.


I am currently at Enri's home with Narberal and Lupusregina, she still shy to me after all that. I am now sitting on a wooden bench inside the house. My companions are just there and we never spoke since all of that stuff earlier, while Hamsuke is outside the house.

Anyway, about Nemu's question earlier, it got me thinking. Since I have already done this. I'm sure that sooner or later that Albedo would hear about this and this will probably be brought up to my face with clear intentions. I am currently thinking about it.

So many happened in a single day, I just came here to finish the hardest C-class quest and also tame Hamsuke and this happened. It's like trying to finish a single quest in a game but a side-quest popped up and you got sucked into it.

I am sitting without my armor now — because I had removed them earlier — and in my [Human form] of course. I wore the plainest clothing I can find in Nazarick, and what I got is a Navy-colored Medieval Renaissance Loose Collar shirt. It's a Middle-class item that Ainz somehow got. It's plain for me but in this world, this is like a treasure.

Then someone opened the door and a young woman entered my vision, It's Enri.

You know I realized something, It's like something awakened inside me, I can't pinpoint it. There's just something...

I turned my gaze to Enri, who blushes immediately. She is still shy for some reason.

"M-Momon-sama, I-I'll cook... For our supper..." Enri said while embarrassingly avoiding having eye-contact with me.

Something is flaring inside me when I saw this. As if... I want to own something.

I mean I am in my humanoid form right now, but's It's not [Lust], I'm sure.

"Yes. Thank you Enri. There's no need to add '-sama'." I replied.

"Yes! M-Momon-saaa—"

"That's silly but fine too," I said with a chuckle and then gently smiled at Enri, who has a red-face as she turned her back to me and head to the kitchen.

Enri then finishes cooking her dishes, and the four of us proceed to eat. After that, we are now basically sitting in awkward silence as I suppressed that 'something' inside me.

Enri then decided to break the silence as she walked and then stood in front of me — I'm still sitting in my chair. Since I'm taller than Enri, even with her standing, her head is still roughly on the same level as me. So we are now looking at each other eyes.

"M-Momon..." Enri opened her mouth but hesitated because she could already feel the dangerous gazes of the two.

"Nabe, Gina..." I said.

"Y-Yes!" The two panicky replied.

"This is the only time I'll say this. Enri will be your fellow wife too. Stop treating her like that, be kind to each other." I seriously stated.

"U-Understood Momon-sama!" They both replied, even the cheery persona of Lupusregina cannot be found.

"Then— Eh, Enri?" After looking away from the two, I turned my eyes to Enri to only see her with tears in her eyes.

"I-I'm weak, and cannot join you in your adventures, t-that's why I-I'm f-fine to be Momon-sama's concubine." She said as she wiped her falling tears. And that's the final straw.

Something awakened inside. 'That's it! I want Enri to be mine! I won't give her to that H Protagonist with yee-yee ass bowl haircut! Albedo and Shalltear they're mine! The Pleiades, they're mine! The forty-one Homunculus maids! Mine! All the female characters that I can only read in this book before! They are all mine! Mine! Mine! Mine!'

Before I know it, I already held Enri in her chin. "Enri you're going to be my wife, that's final, okay?"

"Y-yes— Mmmmm~" Enri replied and then I gently pressed my lips to her. I lined up her lower lips between mine and continued guiding her as I held her chin to my liking. I gave soft kisses a few deep smooches and then invaded her mouth and dance with her tongue. It lasted for 10 seconds before I let go of her.

Enri could be audibly heard breathing for air. As Narberal and Lupusregina sat there the whole time and just watched the whole scene with a tinge of pink in their cheeks.

"Do you understand now Enri?" I said as I let go of Enri.


"Now, thank you for the food, my love. We're going to be in the vacant house the Chief lend to us. You need to take care of your little sister for now. She needs you..." I stood up hugged Enri who have a flushed face as if she is still processing what just had happened one minute ago.

"—And we're still not married you know?" I lowered my head and said that whisper that to her ear. She bashfully ignored me but still continued burying her head to my chest and hugging me.

Moments later, she finally let go.

"Rest properly Nabe-sama, Gina-sama, and Momon-saaa—"

'So cute.' I thought and I can't help but press my lips again to Enri's. Leaving her dazed, as I left her there.

I then also ordered Hamsuke to serve and protect Enri loyally like how she would serve me even if it causes her life. Of course, I ordered two of our five Level 80+ Hanzos that are assigned to us to protect Enri at all cause.

And so we continued walking until we reached and entered the vacant house. I just need to go back to Nazarick and already knew what to do.

Both Narberal and Lupusregina immediately fell to one knee and bowed their heads deeply behind me the moment the door closed.

"We're deeply sorry Momonga-sama!" Both of them said while their heads down.

"For what?" I said as sneak a glance behind me to see the two of them genuflecting.

"F-For treating Enri-sama.." Lupusregina said.

"I see. Before that, raise your heads..." I said as I turned to face them, they immediately raised their head at the same time.

"— I forgive both of you but don't let me repeat that."

"Yes!" Both replied.

"Let's head back to Nazarick now... Narberal." They both stood up and Narberal and produced a [Gate] scroll in her hand — she pulled it out from her inventory — and cast it.

A sphere then appeared, it is the spell.

It summons a portal, allowing the travel of a large number of people over great distances. It had no limits on distance and a 0% chance of teleport mishaps. It is considered to be the highest tier of teleportation magic.

We entered it and immediately arrived at the Log cabin outside Nazarick where we leave the Ring of Ainz Ooal Gown. Shizu is assigned for the day.

I got the ring and wear it, I am also wearing the Academic Robes of my [Overlord Form] but I am still in my [Seraph Form] now.

The black-hair when I am acting as Momon is nowhere to found, instead, it is replaced with my original long silver hair. I have not worn a shirt, typically when I am in my skeleton form, my chest is exposed and my stomach could be seen a bit but now my "manly" chest and the abs that I am so proud of could be seen.

Now I wore the ring, I can teleport anywhere in Nazarick and so I cast [Greater Teleportation] since I am outside and the scene changed to a room I am very familiar with — my office.

Normally [Greater Teleportation] will be stopped by the Nazarick Defense System, but since I have the Ring of Ainz Ooal Gown, I got through. That's the reason too why I or anyone who possessed the divine rings need to leave it there in the log cabin before venturing to the world.

The moment I appeared, Albedo and one homunculus maid assigned to me today are already genuflecting with their heads deeply.

"Welcome home, Momonga-sama." Albedo said.

"Raise your heads. It's good to be back, Albedo..." I said to Albedo and she blushed for a split second before resuming her serious expression.

"—What's the status of E-Rantel right now?" I added.

"The culprits are still preparing to cast the spell [Undead Army] but they may begin after an hour."

"Good, are the preparations done? I don't want that human girl and those members of that organization to escape our grasp."

"Preparations are done Momonga-sama, Nazarick's forces already surrounded the human city."

"Umu." I don't want any of those Zurrernorn guys to get out.

The plan is to let that Khajiit guy have enough negative energy to turned himself into an Elder Lich, I do know the Blue Roses would show up. This is also part of the greater plan of conquering this world. This is the real deal now and we can't afford to lose the opportunity.

I want to conquer this world without alerting the inhabitants that I, a "god" or "player" had already arrived. As much as possible I do not want to attract the True Dragon Lords' attention or anything that strong...

I also realized that my greed is on full-throttle now, my mind wanted to own this world, the women, the treasures. Everything is mine. Even if I turned myself into my undead form, the greed won't go, there's no point now, Nazarick is important to me, and I will do everything to preserve it.

This continent is big and I need to be ready and bolster our forces, to conquer the many nations, further our technology, and so on.

Speaking of bolstering our forces...

"Albedo. Get Shalltear, and go together to my chambers."

since the book reached 400+ Power stones, I'm releasing this as an extra chapter for this week. Thank you everyone :>

TheSimpcreators' thoughts