
Overlord: The Supreme Ruler of Nazarick中文拉

Sato Tatsuya, a civil worker finds himself in a space full of darkness with two eyes staring at him. A voice is echoed from the direction of eyes and it said: "Sato Tatsuya, You have piqued the interest of my master '@$&...'. Hence even after your death, you will be given a second chance. Choose wisely." Tatsuya replied: "Okay! I would like to be reincarnated as Momonga from the anime Overlord." With this a new journey of Sato Tatsuya begins as the Supreme Ruler of Nazarick. ************************** A/N: This is a fanfiction Novel of Overlord. It is a wish fulfillment Novel which I wrote for my own interest by changing the things which I didn't liked in original Novel. I'm a big fan of Overlord as you all are, so I would like to enjoy it according to my amendment. All the rights of characters except my OC belongs to their respective creators. The image also doesn't belong to me. If you're the owner then I'll oblige to remove it. Thank you for reading this Self-interest Fanfic Novel.

Suzerain_sama · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

NPCs of Nazarick

[A/N: From this chapter, Some of the chapters will be described from Momonga's (Sato Tatsuya's) point of view. And there'll also be multiple point of view. Enjoy!]

In the hallway of the Throne room of The Great Tomb of Nazarick, an undead skeleton creature who is devoid of skin and flesh wearing an elaborate, jet-black academic gown adorned with golden and violet edges is walking in the lead with a butler and 6 maids. He is the Master of this Great Tomb.

Yep, that's me, formerly known as Sato Tatsuya. After the few arrangements from something unknown, I have replaced Suzuki-san and became Momonga. Now I'm heading towards the Throne room, to proceed my plan further. Behind me are Momonga's subordinates, as well call it mine. They are also known as Pleiades.

Although they're not the strongest in Nazarick, they're designed as the last line of defense of 9th floor. The leader of this group is an elderly butler, who is dressed gracefully in his traditional black uniform, Sebas Tian.

'Sebastian is the most popular name for butler in every anime. Well, its also easy to remember.'

Behind Sebas are the battle maids of Pleiades, walking in order. It might be according to their ranks by the will of Game Developers.

An intelligent looking beauty, wearing glasses and a blue-collar around her neck, equipped with spiked gauntlets, Yuri Alpha. She is the vice-leader of Pleiades.

'She might be wearing that collar to connect her neck, afterall she is a Dullahan.'

Behind her is the sadist brown-skinned beauty, Lupusregina Beta. Then, my favourite maid, Narberal Gamma, an elegant, snow-white skinned, black-pony tailed beauty.

After that is a maid with red-gold straight long hair, CZ Delta, wearing an eyepatch over her left eye. And the left two are human eating Rimuru lite, Predator Slime, Solution Epsilon and spider-human hybrid, Entoma Vasilissa Zeta.

'My former guildmembers sure liked to create maids of assorted races. All the members of Nazarick is of Heteromorphic Race except for one.'

With those thought in mind, I entered the Throne hall. What greeted me was a magnificent hall, red carpet on the floor, dark pillars each with the flag of guild members and in the center of this room that was tinted gold and silver, was a flight of stairs about 10 steps high.

Atop these stairs was a gigantic throne, carved out of a single piece of crystal, whose back was high enough to touch the ceiling above it. A huge red banner hung down behind it, proudly displaying the symbol of the guild.

It was the world level item obtained by the guild after conquering The Great Tomb of Nazarick, known as the Throne of Kings, where the guild leader Momonga sits. And beside it was the guardian of the 10th floor, Overseer of other floors' guardians, Albedo.

She is an impeccable beauty with lustrous jet-black hair and the face of a goddess. Golden irises and vertically split pupils, two thick horns protruding on her left and right temples, and a pair of black angel wings on her waist.

With that appearance of pure-white devil goddess, no one would ever imagine that she's a bitch. Setting maniac, Tabula had created a contradicting character in the form of Albedo.

'Now I have to change her settings, so she would love me. How pathetic. But can't be helped. Bitches can go to hell.'

Thinking that I went to the throne and ordered the Pleiades to stand down, then changed the setting of Albedo to,


[On the outside, she is the Perfect beauty.]

[She is deeply in love with Momonga.]



"Only 10 seconds left."

After a few seconds The Great Tomb of Nazarick along with all the NPCs will be transported to another world. I'm waiting for the beauty of another world as I had only seen in anime which also didn't cover all the parts. With all the clouds of dreams in my head, my vision -



And now marks the foundation of The Great Tomb of Nazarick on this world. Why I care this much about Nazarick, obviously due to Suzuki Satorou's memory. But anyway, I have become the strongest and unknown being in this world.

"This world shall tremble with my name."

"Lord Momonga, Are we going on a raid?"

I heard a sweet and excited voice from my right side. Facing towards the direction of voice I realized, Welp! NPCs has already come to life. Now's not the time to day dream, let's start out the plan.

"Ahem! Not at all, Albedo." Saying that I turned my head to Sebas and ordered him as well as the battle maids.

"Sebas, check the surrounding of Nazarick. And Pleiades keep on guard on the 9th floor for any intruders."

"Very well, my lord." Sebas bowed and left.

Following him, Pleiades also bowed and left to guard the 9th floor. Why did I sent Pleiades to guard the 9th floor? The reason is simple, trusting the plot too much is dangerous. I had piqued the interest of some unknown being. If he sent someone to invade Nazarick for his amusement, then my life will be difficult by only handling internal matters.

"Lord Momonga, Is there any order for me to obey?"

'How can she repeat the same lines from anime?'

I pondered about it for a while, but before I could think of anything, a sound entered my mind.

[This is the effect of plot and Suzuki Satorou's destiny.]

The surrounding was in pin drop silence, and the voice was like my mind had spoken to myself. The confusion as to the source of voice that entered my mind, I realized the existence of 'Help System'.

'Are you here to guide me?' I asked to myself but only silence answered me. There may be some condition to trigger help system. I'll think about it another time. First, I have to enjoy the feeling of those melons.

I am not that kind of hor*ny guy, but this is the chance of feeling those exquisite, ample and soft mountains, because this is also the destiny of Momonga, right system?

Still, no answer. Talking to myself, I called Albedo, who was waiting for my words.

"Albedo, Can I touch your chest?"

"Eh?" Confusion was clearly seen on Albedo's face.

'Damn this Satorou's nature. Anyway, it's courtesy to ask for permission. I should improve my thinking and go on the flow. Thanks Satoru-san.'

I thought to myself and made an obvious reply for asking permission.

"You don't mind, right?"

"Of course not. You can touch me as much as you like." In the blink of an eye, her face glow up with happiness. You could see heart shaped pattern in her eyes, or was it an anime delusion? Leave it aside, because its melon time. I put my hand forward and started fondling her ample chest.

'Hmm.. It's like a soft pillow but not very soft; bouncy and busty, like it'll pop out of her clothes.'

While thinking this, I can also hear the moaning of Albedo. Then, an external force suppressed my emotion and all my desire to fondle her breast faded away.

'Should I transplant a heart in this undead body?'

Thinking ridiculous things, I calmly said to Albedo.

"This is enough for now. We have some important works to do. Gather all the floor guardians except the guardian of 4th and 8th floor in Amphitheater on 6th floor."

"As you wish, my lord." After hearing my orders, she quickly composed herself and bowed to leave for the job.

The reason for not calling out the guardian of 4th floor was because, he was a freaking over 30m height golem. It's not needed for now and the reason for leaving out 8th floor guardian is obviously for security purpose. After all, most of the strongest NPCs resides on 8th floor.