
Overlord: The Dragon Monarch

Granted a wish after his death. Nouflex starts his new life in the world of Overlord as the Dragon Monarch an overpowered existence who rules over other life forms through his genius and powers. Discover Nouflex's adventure in YGGDRASIL and the new world. How Nouflex who was an average everyday normal motherfucker becomes ruthless, cruel and cunning when it comes to achieving his goals. How he will build his kingdom, to make it into an empire later by destroying those who oppose him. How he will shower his enemies in fear and terror and become 'The God' of the new world. [DISCLAIMER]: I do not own the story or any of the characters in the book except for the OC created by 'me' the Author himself. [ATTENTION]: THIS BOOK CONTAINS A LOT OF CONTENT AND VIOLENT WORDS, SEX AND EVEN TORTURE. PEOPLE UNDER 18 YEARS OLD ARE NOT ALLOWED TO READ THIS BOOK. AND IF YOU ARE AT LEAST 18 YEARS OLD, THEN WEAK SOULS TO ABSTAIN! Patreon: Nouflex_Naoufal

Nouflex · Anime & Comics
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68 Chs

Chapter 6: Leveling up

Six months went by from the day of the beta testing servers were out, and many many things happened during this time both in the real world and in the game.

Let's start first with the real world events, during this period I improved myself a lot both physicly and mentally. I did so much body training till my body became fit and this made a positif effect on my performances inside the game when it came to fighting, running and other physical activities.

As for YGGRASIL during the beta testing period, the youtubers and streamers did exactly what we were expecting, they hyped the game for the viewers and people all around the globe were waiting for the game to become public.

Then, after 3 months the game was finaly availables on the stores, the company invested more than 50 billion dollars into the game.

The first 3 days, we generated more than 2326 billion dollars only in game sells which was 83% more than what we expected.

After paying all the workers, the debt, and taxes. Then after dividing the assosiates shares, my personal share after 3 days of the annoucement was 647.36 billion dollars.

So now my bank account has a little bit more than 1124 billion dollars making me officially a trillionnaire.

Of course this is just the first 3 days, imagine a year later. On top of that YGGRASIL is a pay to win game, with the population of this world surpassing the 19 billion person I dont even want to imagine the passive money that will come in sliding at my bank account.

Even with all this money I still refuse to have any sexual relations, I will be patient until the new world, there I will have all the fun I want.

This is what happened in the real world, on the other hand many interesting things happened inside YGGRASIL.

I finally managed to reach level 15. It was extremely easy to level up at first but then the experience required to level up kept doubling each time making it extremely hard.

This is why it took me 5 months to make it, making me one of the 10 first people in the world to make it to level 15.

This is my character panel right now.



HP: 9000/9000

MP: 7000/7000


✓Dragon Monarch


✓Fire God LVL-5

✓Battle God LVL-10


[]Dragon God Transformation[] LVL-1

[]Dragon God Scales[] LVL-1

[]Dragon God Claws[] LVL-1

[]Dragon God Aura[] LVL-15

[]Dragon God Will[]

Before continuing telling you what else happened, here are the descriptions of the traits that were locked for me before reaching level 15.

Dragon God Transformation: You as a higher dragon, you have the ability to alter between a human form and a majestic dragon form, being a Fire God your dragon form will be red.

The moment I unlocked this, I immedietly transformed to my majestic fearsome dragon form.

At that moment I was in the safe zone where everyone spawns so the place was quite full. While transforming my soft skin started altering into a very hard material, they are actualy scales and my fingers and nails became longer and sharper.

Everything was going well, but the only problem was that instead of growing into a big intimidating dragon I was actually shrinking and I became a small baby dragon.

I could hear people around me laughting at me, it was embarassing so I flapped my tiny wings to get the hell outta here.

Landing in the middle of a forest, I again felt the calmness of the quiet atmospher, now I can continue reading the descriptions.

Dragon God Scales: An unpenetrable piece of defence only dragons and wyverns have. The rarest the bloodline, the harder the scales become. The higher the level of the trait, the thicker and stronger the scales become. The scales appear on the spot the player want them to appear. When reaching level 60 of the trait the scales form automaticly on the place the player will be attacked on.

Dragon God Claws: The claws of a dragon are the most basic weapon they have. While on the human form the player can choose when to grow the claws in order to attack and when to retreat them back. The higher the level of the trait, the more dangerous they become.

"Oh man! This class is just so OP like seriously! I cant imagine how strong I will become when Im level 200! But to do that I will have to work my ass off for many years." I said waiving my small tail around excitedly.

Also I got a few items, for example I bought this ring at the auction of the game for 6000 dollars and it turned out to be a world item.

Its called the Red ring of Storage. One of the world Items and a magical ring that has the ability to open a red gate in the shape of a rectangle with a few seals on it where you can infinitly store things.


The things stored there become frozen in time and remain the same even if thousands of years go by. It means if I place there a hot coffe and leave it there for a week, it will keep the same taste and heat.

I placed it on my right middle finger.

Also when I completed a mission for a martial arts dojo, they offered me a simple katana that I kept using from that day because I love the way its used. Its really light and cool.


While I was still checking my new dragon body, a group of five human consisting of four men and a single woman came out of the bushes.

"Here is the stupid Dragon, come on let's finish him quick." A blond guy with a black bandana holding his hair up spoke first.

"Hehehe easy experience for us, we have been having a hard time leveling up lately. A dragon should do the work." A dude with a red and black samurai outfit and helmet unsheathed his katana, he had three of them but only used one.

"Ughh! Move your asses boys, I still have things to do later, im not a jobless idiot like you." A red haired young woman in a black tight dress that highlighted her seductive body waived her hair using her hand.

'Did they follow me from the safezone? She probably seduced these idiots to do the hard work for her while she lazes around.'

Hearing her words the four idiots rushed towards me, I quickly swiped to my human form and took out my katana from the space storage.

With a quick two steps pattern, I swiftly and easily dodged the first two guys attacks and beheaded both of them like a hot knife cutting through butter.

'Those stupid niggas probably were level 9, yet they tried to fight me only as a duo.' I tought recalling their sloppy and hasty moves, soon their bodies desintegrated into small particle

The other two guys jumped back creating distance between us, one of them was a mage so he created a small fire ball and fired it at me.

'Long range attacks huh? I guess you arent as stupid as I tought after all...'


The fire ball succesfully made contact with my body andd created a small explosion.

"Hah! That idiot couldn't even evade my magic attack, now he is done for he probably dont have much hp left or maybe even death." The mage with his long blue robe and short brown hair laughted.

"Good job Mario! I will reward you later~." The woman put her left hand on his shoulder and her right on her curvy waist and spoke with a seductive tone leaning forward exposing the upper of her breats making Mario blush and quickly break eye contact, or boobs contact...

"Haha you call this a magic attack? That's stupid." The small dust mixed with smoke cloud quickly disapeared showing me standing there without a single scrach.

"H-how is that possible?! I used almost all my mana on that spell!" His face was white both because of fear and low mp level.

'Its because im immune to fire you idiot, im the Fire God after all.' I tought with a smirk on my face.

"Allow me to show you what real fire is." I extended my left index and middle finger making a V sign with my arm stretched to the front and a fire arrow appeared with its point on my extended fingers.

Then with my right index and middle fingers I pulled the fire arrow back doing the bow's job with my hands to give it the momentum.(Like what Sukuna did when he was fighting Mahoraga, it is in the end of the new trailer of jjk btw)

The moment Mario wanted to stand up to run, I fired the fire arrow at him, I quickly aimed at his friend and shot him too.

When arrows made contact with both of them, their bodies quickly lit on fire, and they burned to ash, it took 15 seconds of torture and pain for them to finally die. 15 seconds of shouting and crying, and rolling on the ground until they became ash dust and were taken with the wind.

In YGGRASIL pain exist even if its only a game, this is why developpers decided that the maximum one could feel is 60% of the real pain. They did this so that players dont get hurt mentaly, and prevent them from leaving the game out of fear from pain.

On the other hand, to keep the game as realistic as possible they did a minimum that you can't overgo which is 5%. This means that no matter how much you lower the pain receptors in the settings of the game you will still feel pain nonetheless.

And seeing her subordinates in such pain and suffering, the woman was now in fear. She tried to log out but her party is in the middle of a fight so she couldn't do so until she finishes it.

"Please dont kill me, im not like those idiots I will do anything for you so please." She started begging with tears on the edge of her eyes.

"Hoho? You will do everything you say?" I said walking closer to her.

"Y-yes anything you want so just dont hurt me." She pleaded looking at me with finally a hint of hope.

I pulled her closer to me, wrapped my left hand around her waist and pulled her chin up with my right hand making her look directly into my eyes with a big blush all over her face.

Of course she would blush, who wouldn't with this kind of face. Any woman who looks at this face of mine wouldn't just blush, she might even wet herself and do some deeds when she is all alone thinking about it face.


"So you said you would do anything I want right?" She shyly nods her head up and down.

"Then there is something I want you to do for me~" I said with a seductive voice getting close to her face, when I was only a few centimeters away, I dodged her red as a tomato face and went to her ears where I gently and seductivly whispered.

"I want you to die for me~" Right after that my sharp red claw penetrated her throat.

"Aakhh- haaqqq- ghhkhh..." She was gasping for air, but only blood was filling her lungs. She stayed like this for a couple of seconds until her HP went to 0 then she disapeared like the others.

"Fuck! I might have overdone it, I probably traumatized them and they wont ever play the game again lol"

"But who fucking cares! At least im having fun." I placed the katana back into the storage space, then a window appeared before me.

You succesfully leveled up! You are now level 16.

"Cool! So they werent useless after all."



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