
Overlord: The Dragon Monarch

Granted a wish after his death. Nouflex starts his new life in the world of Overlord as the Dragon Monarch an overpowered existence who rules over other life forms through his genius and powers. Discover Nouflex's adventure in YGGDRASIL and the new world. How Nouflex who was an average everyday normal motherfucker becomes ruthless, cruel and cunning when it comes to achieving his goals. How he will build his kingdom, to make it into an empire later by destroying those who oppose him. How he will shower his enemies in fear and terror and become 'The God' of the new world. [DISCLAIMER]: I do not own the story or any of the characters in the book except for the OC created by 'me' the Author himself. [ATTENTION]: THIS BOOK CONTAINS A LOT OF CONTENT AND VIOLENT WORDS, SEX AND EVEN TORTURE. PEOPLE UNDER 18 YEARS OLD ARE NOT ALLOWED TO READ THIS BOOK. AND IF YOU ARE AT LEAST 18 YEARS OLD, THEN WEAK SOULS TO ABSTAIN! Patreon: Nouflex_Naoufal

Nouflex · Anime & Comics
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68 Chs

Chapter 52: Dajjal

Ten days went in a flash, time is really a weird concept. It goes extremely slow when you are in a bad position or when you hate where you are. But it goes extremely fast when you are enjoying the moment and having fun.

I guess it is obvious which party I am in, as the days became like simple hours for me, reaching the day the Lanister kingdom's is now 3 km from Mariol forest broders.

"Come on Blanc, you can sit next to me its boring when im watching alone." I invited her to sit here.

"B-but Nouflex-sama." She was hesitant, a maid should stay standing up to do what her master orders, not to be on equal grounds with him.

"It's an order Blanc, come sit here." A smile couldnt help but be drawn on her face as she sat next to me.

We are facing a magical mirror, same to the one Ainz has used to see what is going on other places on the world, but it has a range limit. Right now what I see is Valkyri with her cape, standing beyond the borders, and a huge army of more than 336 000 men is marching towards her.

After a while they ended up closing the distance as Himar came at front with a shiny golden armor and a long eagerated spear on his black horse. "I see that the man who calls himself Dragon Monarch sent someone to surreder at the end of the day huh?"

"The Dragon Monarch finds your powers so pathetic and little that he deemed only me is enough to take care of you!" She coldly replied.

"HAHAHAHAHA, what kind of joke it this? Well it dosent matter anyways since every single one of you will be dead when this is all over." He turned his head to the army and shouted. "MEN! GO FORWARD, WE SHALL DESTROY AND MAKE AN EXAMPLE OF THOSE FOOLS!"

The Lannister army roared, a cacophony of war cries and battle spells. Mages cast fireballs, and warriors in enchanted armor charged. Adventurers wielding ancient relics joined the onslaught, and for a moment, it seemed Valkyrie might be overwhelmed.

But the goddess was no ordinary warrior. With a graceful wave of her hand, she cleaved through the earth, splitting mountains as though they were made of paper. The ground quaked, and a chasm opened, swallowing entire battalions.

The clouds were splitted in half, listening to her divine wrath, striking down those who dared challenge her.

Valkyrie's sword danced through the enemy ranks like a streak of silver lightning. With each swing, her blade cut through magical wards, armor, and flesh with equal ease, as if she is cutting butter with a hot knife.

Warriors in enchanted armor charged at her, their blades shimmering with dark enchantments. Valkyrie met their assault with unwavering resolve. Each strike was met with a parry, a riposte, or a deflection.

She moved with a grace that defied the heaviness of her armor, and her swordplay was a mesmerizing display of martial skill. Adventurers carrying relics of ancient power attempted to challenge her.

"AAGHHHH!" Her eyes blazed with an inner fire, and her voice echoed like thunder, striking fear into the hearts of her enemies.

The Lannister forces threw everything they had at her, but they were no match for the goddess of war. Valkyrie soared into the sky with her physical powers propelling her to new heights. From above, she rained down destruction, obliterating entire legions with thursts of her sword.

As the battle raged on, the Lannister forces dwindled, their magic and might powerless against Valkyrie's divine fury. The clash of arms and the roar of magic had turned the battlefield into a maelstrom of chaos.

The Lannister army, a formidable force fueled by all kinds of magic including dark sorcery, was relentless in its assault. Valkyrie's white skin evaded countless blows, and her determination remained unshaken.

In the midst of the fray, Valkyrie's very presence seemed to radiate power. Her sword, the Celestial Blade, sang a song of destiny with each swing. It was a weapon forged in the celestial forges of the gods, a blade infused with the essence of a thousand stars, and it cut through enchanted armor and spells like a knife through air.

The Lannister army was forced to pause in awe as she displayed her godly might. She was the goddess of war, a being whose very existence was the embodiment of battle itself.

The mages of Lannister, their fingers ablaze with arcane energy, hurled spell after spell at Valkyrie. Fireballs exploded in her vicinity, sending shockwaves through the battlefield. Yet, she was like a tempest amidst the flames. With a defiant cry, she created a colossal storm just from a strong wave of her arm, and torrents of rain lashed the enemy forces.

The king Lanister promised great rewards to the adventurer to participate in this war, but they never expected themselves to be met with this kind of God, able to create this much chaos all by herself.

They wielded weapons said to have felled dragons and defied gods, but they found themselves outmatched. Valkyrie's Celestial Blade struck true, shattering their legendary artifacts and leaving the adventurers in awe of the deity they faced, as she cuted through their flesh and bones, letting them fall simply as pieces of meat, once human beings.

The Lannister forces, despite their tenacity, began to lose heart. Their spells weakened, their warriors faltered, and their adventurers were left in disarray. One by one, they fell before Valkyrie's divine wrath.

A blood red glow across the battlefield, the war between Valkyrie and the Lannister forces was indeed reaching its final stages. The Lannister army lay in ruins, and only a handful of devoted and battle-hardened soldiers remained at the side of their king.

King Lannister, his armor marred in his own men blood and his crown tarnished, knew that defeat was imminent. Fear and uneasyness were visible on his face.

'Father, I know you told me to never use it, but now it's either me or this...' Himar thought to himself.

Desperation drove him to a dark and forbidden magic that he had kept hidden, a relic of his kingdom's darkest secrets. From his pocket he take out a pruple black stone, in a voice hoarse from shouting orders and battle cries, King Himar chanted incantations from a time long forgotten.

Dark clouds gathered in the sky, blotting out the stars and moon. Thunder rumbled, and lightning streaked across the heavens. A sense of foreboding swept over the battlefield.

Then, from the roiling clouds, a colossal, shadowy figure emerged. It was a monstrosity, a grotesque Human so big and so wide of twisted flesh and dark energy. Its right eye is damaged while his left glowed with malevolence, and his legs were like gnarled branches.

This abomination, summoned by the king's dark magic, was known as the Antichrist, the Dajjal a creature that had once been sealed away for its insatiable appetite for destruction and chaos.

The Dajjal's very presence seemed to drain the hopes from the allies of Himar. "It has been centuries since the day I walked free like this, I was completely chained, my hands to my head, and my hands and head to my legs."

The Dajjal spoke with a deep scary voice that failed to impact Valkyrie in anyways. However, king Lannister cackled with mad glee. He believed that this dark force would be his salvation. "Hahahaha! What now you idiots lets see what you will do against hi..."


The Dajjal placed his huge palm on top of Himars head, it seemed like someone holding a small ball with his hand. And exercing forced, he gripped his fist, exploding Himars head with all kinds of liquids dripping.

"Who the hell are you? Fool?" The Dajjal spoke to the headless dead corpse of Himar.

"Hahaha! Things are getting interesting." I slapped my quad in excitement with a big laugh.



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