
Overlord: The Dragon Monarch

Granted a wish after his death. Nouflex starts his new life in the world of Overlord as the Dragon Monarch an overpowered existence who rules over other life forms through his genius and powers. Discover Nouflex's adventure in YGGDRASIL and the new world. How Nouflex who was an average everyday normal motherfucker becomes ruthless, cruel and cunning when it comes to achieving his goals. How he will build his kingdom, to make it into an empire later by destroying those who oppose him. How he will shower his enemies in fear and terror and become 'The God' of the new world. [DISCLAIMER]: I do not own the story or any of the characters in the book except for the OC created by 'me' the Author himself. [ATTENTION]: THIS BOOK CONTAINS A LOT OF CONTENT AND VIOLENT WORDS, SEX AND EVEN TORTURE. PEOPLE UNDER 18 YEARS OLD ARE NOT ALLOWED TO READ THIS BOOK. AND IF YOU ARE AT LEAST 18 YEARS OLD, THEN WEAK SOULS TO ABSTAIN! Patreon: Nouflex_Naoufal

Nouflex · Anime & Comics
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68 Chs

Chapter 35: Crimson Grotto

Assuming from what I see, this place is just a big eating table for them, all they do is to eat their victims and throw the parts they dont like, or when they are already full.

The place was getting dark, Busquets was having a hard time seeing so I said. "Busquets, you can wait for me at the cave's entrance. If there are vampires coming in or out you have to stop them. If they resist you have the autorisation to kill them immedielty."

"Okay Gojo-dono." Even though it's his majesty's pet, he made me the one in charge of him right now so I can give him orders.

While Busquets can't see in the dark, with these eyes of mine I can see as if its noon.

Going deeper inisde I met three vampires surounding a single elf corpse, each one of them is biting a body part. The body was becoming paler indicating that it's loosing blood.

"Hello there vampires! Im here to see your boss, guys." The three turned their heads towards me, their mouths and lips full of blood exposing long fangs.

"Ehhh~? Is that a human?" The first one said, and the tree of them smiled after this statement.

"Hehehe a human came here himself yaaay!" The second vampire happily said punching up the air.

"What are you waiting for dumbasses, go get him." A bulkier one said with a deep voice, before going back to sucking the corpse.

The two stood on their feet and started walking towards me.

*Sigh* "Should we keep him alive, he seems to be blind." He asked.

"Yeaah let's just lock him with the reserves..." The unfortunate vampire couldn't even finish his sentence as his lifeless body fell to the ground.

"Huh? What happened to you bro..." It was at that moment that he saw his friend without a head. It was as if his head completely disapeared.

"Your looking for that?" I asked him holding his friend's head in my hand, I threw it as it rolled all the way next to his feet.

"NOOO! ROBERTO MANCHINI! Y-you aren't a normal human!" He got into a stance to fight as his wings speard to move faster.

I didn't bother talk to him, the guy behind seems to be of higher rank, so I'll just ask him directly.

I simply waved my index and middle fingers at him as his four limbs twisted, becoming ground meat.

"AUUUUGHHH! IT HURTS! IT HURTS!" He began shouting tears on his eyes.


I walked past him and waved my hand next to his head, and it curshed immedietly with liquids mixed, such as his brain, eyes and blood started spreading on the floor, stopping when it got close to me.

"Hey you!" I said pointing my index towards him. "Are you going to take me to your boss or should I get rough with you too?" I tilted me head in annoyance.

As he was about to stand up to look cool and do his villain shit, I immedietly used the attraction force to pull his body towards me, as he flew in the air spinning uncontrollably, I got a grip on his throat.

"Im not going to ask again..." I directed my killing intent towards him as I tightened the grip around his neck even more making it barely possible for him to breath.

His face became even paler than it was as a vampire, fear surged his whole body. He was at least 140 kg so being lifted from the throat was a really painful experience for him. And this only meant one thing, that this guy holding him is strong as fuck!

In both cases he was going to die, if he refused this human's request he will kill him immedietly. But if he brought him to their boss, the boss would kill him as well, so it better be later than now. He still wanted to live after all.

"Oohaaay." Was all what managed to come out of his almost crushed throat, as he nodded his head at the same time.

"Great~" I said with a big goofy satisfed smile. "I knew you weren't as stupid as you seemed hehe. Now guide me to him."

And this is what we did. I followed behind him as the cave kept getting wider and bigger. We eventually reached where everyone lived. I found humans, eleves, dark eleves and animals chained from the neck on walls and naked with a few injuries on their bodies.

'Humm, they probably are their meals, or reserves as that previous Vampire said.' I thought to myself.

A lot of vampires upon seeing me walking in, wanted to attack me, but noticing the bulky one in front of me, they didn't dare to. Maybe he's a big shot here or a very strong one.

At one point we left the chained people behind, and houses made of holes in the cave walls where vampires live probably. Going past these houses, what came into view are a sort of prisons with metal bars.

They were cages where specefic type of people were trapped. To be more precise, they are children and women. Even some women in the cages were pregnant.

"What are those?" I asked the vampire who was guiding all this time.

"These things are the boss's toys, he plays with them for a few days by torturing and fucking them until they break or he get bored, then he just kills and eat them." He spoke indifferently as if he was speaking about insects or animal. Not even animal should be treated that way, let alone humans and eleves...

'Im not sure what my lord would want me to do in this situation, but I'll see something when all this is over.'

Depassing those poor people in the cages, we reached a place where a big throne made from iron, was in a place higher than where we were standing. On it sitting a vampire different than all the ones that I saw from the entrance all the way here.

He is a very lean person with an extremly pale skin. Not much of his skin was visible anyways, only his face and the upper part of his chest and neck were visible. His pale face skin is mostly covered by black lines and wrinkles. His teeth are pointed and black, and his irises are red.

He have black medium sized horns going up and sharp at their tip. A pitch black coating substance was submerging most of his body parts like his shoulders and arms with black clawed hands. With his black bat-wings and a long black arrow-tipped tail.

(His picture here)

Not only his looks were different from the others, but also his aura and presence. My eyes detect that he had a form of breakthrough or evolving to get to where he is.

'Does creatures of this world have to make some conditions to evolve and become stronger? If that is the case what type of condition did this vampire make? Is it killing a number of people? Or maybe drinking a contity of blood...? I dont know..."'

I was lost in thought. 'Nouflex sama needs to know this. If this is true, then it will Create for us many opportunities in the future.' Until the vampire spoke.

"What have you brought to me Drogen?" The vampire spoke with authority and a deep voice.

"Zaratras-sama this human here killed two of the guards and insisted on meeting you." Drogen, the vampire who led me here knelt and bowed his head in fear.

"Humm... I will deal with you later for you incompetance..." When he said those words, Drogen started shaking and sweating uncontrolably as if he already saw some very ugly things happen to the people who disapointed this Zaratras before.

"Then, what do you want... Human." Zaratras asked, emphasizing the last word.



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