
Overlord: Rei Shiba

Well, this was just one of my pet projects I was making when I had time. I am posting it because I lost interest in it so it is basically dropped. Anyway, maybe it will shorten someone's long while and provide entertainment for the evening... or something. :D Also, do give me your opinion on the story, please. I am not interested in people saying: "Yeah, it's trash!" Because they have problems in real life and this is the way for them to vent. I am sure there will be things not everybody will like but I am interested in constructive criticism. If you find yourself so inclined, do leave a comment or review on what you liked about the story and what you disliked and why. Maybe how it felt to read it for you. (Yeah, I am not really all that satisfied with this story, tbh. :D.) It might help me the next time I find myself desiring to write Overlord fanfic.

KasiCair · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Ch8. Auto-wealth

Rei decided to leave Momonga to his own thoughts as he knew the man probably wanted to test stuff as soon as possible. That particular trait stemmed from his overly curious nature.

As for Rei, he headed back to his quarters for a bit, in order to check up on the state of his personal inventory. He had a lot of items there but a certain few of them he simply had to ascertain they worked as intended.

Using a ring to teleport to his personal quarters in the Nazarick, Rei appeared in a nice, well-furnished, luxurious, and quite spacious room. Heading towards the bed, he let his back drop onto it, enjoying how he bounced up and down on the incredibly soft mattress.

"It really feels nice. Enchanted royal bed, huh? Magic can really make life incredibly convenient." Rei muttered for himself, still enjoying the softness of his new bed. While this was a game, the bed was hard and it didn't feel good lying in it. The developers never really paid any attention to such details. After all, who would log into the game just to sleep in a bed? The beds and furnishing in the personal rooms of guild members were mostly just for show anyway. Now, however, it was different.

Rei opened his inventory and quickly pulled out the most important item in his collection, inspecting it with his magic to get information about it.

[Well of Ever-increasing Fortune] was a small chalice-like item made of pure gold with very intricate-looking engravings all over it.

This item was very precious for Rei as it was one of the custom-made items he paid a lot of money for. In truth, its lore said it was forged from million items called [Chalice of Fortune].

The Chalice of Fortune was a cash-shop item that could convert ingredients to gold and guilds usually used them heavily for that purpose since some materials simply did not have a market in the game and this item could convert them into Yggrdasil coins straight away.

Rei was enchanted by its secondary function, though. Chalice of Fortune also spawned a bit of gold every day but the amount was simply insignificant for any player, much less a guild.

Sure, one could buy multiple Chalices and get a lot of gold on daily basis but considering the Chalice was a cash item, it would have cost a fortune in the real-life currency. Which... was no problem for Rei.

His problem was that he had to actually use the Chalice to get his daily dose of gold. Doing so for hundred of these Chalices took him ten minutes and it got really annoying, hence, he used a [Wish Upon The Star] alongside a nice bribe to the developers to create [Well of Ever-increasing Fortune].

Rei simply bought a million [Chalice of Fortune]s from the cash shop and then told the developers he would like an item that automatically gives him the same amount of money every day as the million Chalices he bought. The developers were very reluctant but there was nothing they could do. Rei paid for it and so they simply had to create such an item.

[Well of Ever-increasing Fortune] could still convert ingredients to gold but honestly? Rei never used it for that anyway.

Inspecting its description, Rei sighed in relief when he found out that The Well was supposed to automatically spawn gold and deposit it into his inventory every day without any need for effort on his part.

In full, the Well spawned around 50 to 150 million Yggdrasil gold coins per day since one [Chalice of Fortune] spawned 50 to 150 gold coins, a really insignificant sum even for the poorest solo players.

The best part? Rei's inventory might have been limited despite its massive size but the 'coin purse' feature in the inventory was not. He could store as much money as he wanted. It was just one of these illogical loopholes in the game nobody paid any attention to but this was now a reality and Rei was incredibly glad it still worked like in the game.

Satisfied with his automatic gold mine, Rei decided to look at another of his custom-made convenience items.

[Blanket of Unequivalent Exchange]

At first glance, it seemed like a pure white blanket with an intricate red magic circle sewn into it but its true nature was an alchemical magical item of extreme usefulness. Rei wasn't an alchemist. He found leveling up that job as wasteful considering alchemists needed ingredients and even if he had currently an abundant amount of those, that don't have to be always the truth.

Rei thought a long time for a solution and then it hit him. He simply needed something that produced alchemical goods for him in exchange for a resource of which he had, or will have, an abundant amount.

In short, gold.

Rei could sacrifice gold coins to the [Blanket of Unequivalent Exchange] in exchange for potions. This custom-made item could create anything that had its recipe magically registered on it in exchange for gold.

To be honest, the potions created by the Blanket were twenty percent more expensive than what it cost an actual alchemist to create them in the game but Rei didn't mind as it was a nice balancing feature the developers implemented so he wouldn't break the market by oversupplying cheap potions in there. Not that Rei wanted the Blanket to be created for that purpose anyway. This way he simply didn't need to be an alchemist to have a steady and unending supply of potions.

Rei also thought of the future and made sure there could be new recipes registered onto the blanket. It simply needed one sample of the finished product, and each individual ingredient to register the recipe through the strong detection abilities of the Blanket. After that, Rei could exchange gold for the new product, no matter how rare it was.

The real problem was getting the ingredients and the finished product but Rei digressed.

The Blanket in itself could be categorized as a convenience World Item by its effects alone, only the nature of its creation caused it to be labeled as 'Custom-Made Divine Magical Item'. Paired with [Well of Ever-increasing Fortune] and Rei knew he would never run out of potions or anything created by alchemy.

'One day I will have to try creating an army of golems with this.' Rei thought in excitement. 'I wonder if they would be registered as my summons or something else. Would their level depend on the rarity of the material? Would I need to supply my magic to keep them going? Would they be obedient? Would they be permanent or dissolve after some time? Ah, so many questions!' He wistfully sighed, possessively rubbing the Blanket on his cheek like an excited kid that just received its Christmas present, 'Tsk, I only have a few recipes for golem creation, and none of them sufficiently high-level ones since they were quite rare in Yggdrasil, and guilds guarded them with fervor.' His mood dropped slightly as he realized this small flaw in his plan. 'No spamming level hundred golem army for me, I guess...' Rei petulantly pouted.

Spreading his arms wide, Rei enjoyed the comfort of his bed while letting his mind drift away for a moment.

"I am really in a new world."

That made him quietly giggle. It still didn't fully sink in but...

Rei suddenly turned his head to the left and his gaze landed at the wall where an ominous-looking clock with bones as clock hands was located.

"Shit! In two minutes it will be half an hour since I gave Solution the order to come to the arena!" Rei's eyes widened as he hurriedly sprang to his feet, not wanting to be late.

The evaluation time for his items seemed to be over as he now had something far more precious to be evaluated. It was time to see if the two years he invested into bettering Solution Epsilon were worth it or not.