
Overlord Quake

Don't comment unless its a meme. I do not want to see your opinions about the story nor do I want powerstones. I wrote this for myself not you read it or don't. It's overlord so you know what the story will be about.

VatOfRedundancy · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs


The next morning I went down into the village. I had my weapons on my back, sword on my hip and helmet tucked under my arm. My menacing figure was under cut by the smile on my face as I waved hello to the villagers. I walked to the town square and saw that the soldiers had packed up their gear and were heading out of town. Gazef was on his horse talking to the chief something about being tax exempt during the rebuilding phase. When he saw me I just nodded to him, I had already said everything I felt like saying to the guy. I maintained my distance until he spurred his horse away.

"So chief, my companion and I will be carrying on for our vacation. I'm going to check out that city nearby do you want me to send a message for you?" I ask the old man.

"We could put something together that you could post on the adventurers board notice if you don't mind Lord Quake." He said bowing deeply at yet another favor.

"It would be no problem. If you want my continued protection I can send a delegate to your community." I say offering an olive branch.

"Lord Quake we couldn't possibly ask for anything else from you." At his hurried denial I shrug. 'He won't be in charge for much longer anyway.'

"Bring your notice to me and we will be on our way." I finish and see that Enri is waiting to walk up to me holding her sisters hand. As the old man walks away I call to the girls. "Enri, Nemu, good morning."

"Good morning Quake." Enri says with difficulty not adding honorifics. "Is that all true what you said last night? You were born like me a commoner?"

"It is true, why do you ask? Want to build a nation of your own?" I question with a raised eyebrow.

She looks far more pensive to disagree then I thought she would. "Honestly, I just don't want to live in fear of some nobles using us."

"Personal power then people power then political power Enri. You are already half way there. Your heart is already strong, you protected what mattered most to you. Strengthen your mind and arms those are easy if you have a strong heart like you do. Use the horn. Learn to lead, fight for what you believe in. If you are ever in trouble with no way out shout at the top of your lungs all hail Quake Ooal Gown, I will protect you." I put my hand on her shoulder and looked into her watery amber eyes. "I believe in you. I'll be by again in a few weeks at most. Maybe your chief will rethink my proposal by then." I saw the chief walking up, with a smirk I looked at the girl again giving her a squeeze. "I can't wait to see you again Enri Emmot..."

I walked away from the flustered girl and took the notice from the chief. The whole village gathered and I shouted to them. "Till next time Carne Village." Bella and I started walking away and I asked the fairy to play a song on her pan flute.

"Brainstorm, take me away from the norm'

I've got to tell you something

This phenomenon, I had to put it in a song

And it goes like

Whoa, amber is the color of your energy

Whoa, shades of gold display naturally."

I sang the lyrics and we walked till the song was over before using the gate to head home.

At the entrance to the tomb Narberal came out with our rings of Ainz Ooal Gown. "Thank you Nabe, anything happen while we were away?" Her stoic face had a blip of suprise at the shortened name but she carried on.

"My lord nothing of significance if you would like a full report I can inform the think tank." She helpfully responds.

"Actually send a message to them that we should meet in two hours at the lounge. Ask Sous-Chef if he wouldn't mind reserving it for us." I tell the dopple. "Tinker Bell you are free until we head out again. I'm sure the twins would like to hangout if you have nothing to do."

"Yes daddy, bye Nabe~" she said before teleporting away.

Seeing the now red dopple I pat her back. "Sorry Narberal if I embarrassed you with the nickname I don't have to use it if you don't like it."

"NO no Lord Quake I like it please continue to call for me how ever you like!" She says excitedly before she gets under control.

'She is fun to tease.' "Okay~ Nabe~" I say closer to her ear before teleporting to the 9th floor spa.

Stepping into the changing room All Black slips over me storing my weapons and my armor in her internal storage then fusing back into my body. I rinse and grab a basket full of slimes and bring them into the bath with me. Each one takes over a different part of my body using their natural abilities to clean scrub and rehydrate my skin. Honestly though with my resist so high this is probably pointless but it feels great so treat-yo-self. I spent about an hour soaking and enjoying myself before putting on my toga and heading to the dinning area.

I saw Rachel and Monica sitting at a love seat sipping coffee before they realized I was there. "Good morning ladies."

At my greeting they both pop up and say "Mr. Quake! Good morning!" Rachel quickly fixes her hair and Monica straightens her outfit.

"Can I get you a coffee sir? Cappuccino like last time something else?" Rachel asks with a kind and nervous smile.

"Or I can get you something to eat." Monica pipes up waving her hand.

'Best friends and love rivals. A great move I loved to watch them jockey for position on the show.' "I would love both please. Could I get an Irish breakfast extra black pudding and beans Monica? And Rachel could I get an americano." I am so happy I crafted a magic fridge that has unlimited mundane items that will not give you bonuses other cooking would. It was completely useless in game but here it means they always have normal food in stock.

"Right away Mr Quake." They chime together and I follow Monica to the kitchens.

"You know I used to cook this for my self all the time when I had the supplies for it." I say watching her hips sway as she loots the fridge.

"Mr. Quake, you can cook?" Monica asks with suprise plastered on her face.

"I mean not like you but I can make some stuff. My lasagna was to die for. I'll give you the secret if you ask nicely." I say with a grin.

"Well thats just not fair you dangling a secret recipe of a Supreme Being." She says with a pout. 'I forgot that she doesn't have a history of being human. She just has what I liked about the characters personality and a skill set with international cooking knowledge of the early 2000's.'

"The secret is not that great I don't think you would have to try to hard to get it out of me." I say giving her a seductive look.

She comes up to me and presses her soft chest against my hard body. "Mr Quake would you tell me for a kiss?" She asks looking into my eyes.

"I think that will do it." I say as I slowly bend down and she reaches her arms around the back of my head. Just as we are in that position the sitcom timing happens and Rachel walks in with my coffee causing Monica to chicken out.

Rachel walks in oblivious to the moment she ruined and hands me my coffee. "Here is your americano Mr. Quake."

"Thank you Rachel I'll be in the other room." I say as I walk off to sit in the dinning room. After my breakfast I went to the lounge to wait for my think tank.

"Good morning Lord Quake." Sous-Chef says as I walk in the door.

"And a good morning to you as well Sous. I appreciate you changing up your schedule on my request." I say to the mushroom man behind the counter as I saddled up on a bar stool.

"Anything for the Supreme one." He said with a slight bow. "What can I get you to drink my lord."

"I'll start with an old fashioned and after that anything you want me to try. Your the expert here my son." I say spinning the napkin he placed infront of me.

I can tell he is excited to have me try some drinks. "My lord can I ask why the old fashioned? Is it your favorite drink?"

"Not quite my favorite actually. Its just one of the first cocktails I ever enjoyed. I don't know if you know but I'm the oldest of the Supreme Beings." To his look I nod. "Yes more ancient than Ancient One. My friends always called me old fashioned and so this is a nod to all of them." I finish as he sets the glass infront of me then twists the orange peel over the drink.

"Thank you for your story my lord." The shroom bows again to me.

"And thank you for the beverage it looks like Demiurge is ready to join us." I see the earliest of arrivals walking in the doors pushing up his glasses over his crystalline eyes. I take a sip and say "That is damn good!"

"Welcome back my lord." Demiurge says with a formal bow.

"Its good to be back Demiurge. Relax my son thats why I picked this setting,  you can still be polite without being so formal. Now ask Sous-Chef here what you should be drinking. I'm going to find the best spot on the couch." I said with a smile patting the skinny demon on the back as I found a spot with good view of the room with a stand on the right side I can set my drink on. There was room on the couch next to me for whomever got to claim that spot first.

Demiurge came to the couch areas and chose an armchair that fit his style perfectly he looked classic evil villain. "So son have you had a good time with the gifts I sent you?"

"They have been quite informative..." Demiurge starts until I raise a hand.

"We can talk their usefulness later with everyone. I just want to know if giving you things like that make you happy." I say clarifying my question with a smile on my face.

"Oh I see. Well yes few things make me happier then punishing those who stand against Nazarick." He says returning my smile.

"Good whats something that makes you happier than that?" I inquire not even mentally bracing myself for any sort of nightmare fuel he could say.

"Seeing deeper into your plans make me feel a sense of accomplishment beyond all other things my lord." He says fervently.

"Ah the pulling of the layers of plans is an interesting ambition. I assume it feels better when you figure it out for yourself over me just stating end goals?" He nods at this as Albedo flutters in the door. I wave to her and she comes straight over. "Albedo, you are in the domain of Sous-Chef go ask him for a beverage then you can come sit next to me."

"We are all in your domain my lord I simply wished to greet the greater domain first." She says diplomatically.

"Very well, now go on." I look at Demiurge "It is a fun challenge trying to get her to not have a diplomatic answer." I laugh at myself as Demiurge looks deeply introspective at my statement.

I sip my beverage and and relax with my arm stretched over the back of the couch. In this position Albedo sat so close to me as to try to rub her butt on my lap. Pressing her with my hand on her shoulder I got her to relax slightly. I could still feel her feathers caressing my open side of the toga. "So Albedo, how has the progress on your homework been?" I asked the succubus trying to overwhelm me with her pharamones.

"Excellent my lord I'm ready for you to test me at any time. I read 14 entries about etiquette, Japanese traditional bathing, and something called hentai that had pictures which helped me better understand my role if I wish to help you in the bath." She says excitedly.

"I'm guessing some of that was put in by Peroronchīno. Just remember not everything is applicable universally. Some tastes are not shared among the Supreme Beings." I nod to myself thank you backstory of Supreme BS.

Shortly after the last three members had walked in. I was surprised to see Chiron in her fully human form.  She had the same necklace as my other girls, able to hide non human features. Each said hello or guten Morgen in one case.

Once they each got a drink and I received another from the mushroom man as I finished off my glass. I was now holding a yellow and purple swirled drink garnished with a spiral shaped yellow pepper.

"Relax everyone this is an informal meeting." Demiurge and Pandora's Actor had the hardest time getting comfortable with non formal setting. "So my children, how have things gone in the think tank?"

"Mein Führer, there have been no issues. Anything that Nazarick has had to prepare for is quickly handled by my esteemed siblings and I." Pandora states to a round of nods.

I looked at them confused. "You all have not had any disagreements in the plans you have made?"

Albedo responds happily to this "Of course not my lord."

"Well that is an issue." At this I am surrounded by shocked fearful gazes. "Give me an example of one of your solutions to a possible Nazarick problem." I say and my web head daughter speaks up.

"We had planned that if an intruder was to come towards the tomb we could have the eight edge assassins posted in the forest that is under construction. They could kill whatever dares approach our glorious home." The whole group nods about the effectiveness of this plan.

I take a sip of my new cocktail and am hit by an explosion of tropical fruit that gets washed over with blueberry pie and ends with a tingling sensation on my lips. I look to the shroom and give a nod of my head and thumbs up.

"Okay that would accomplish the mission but someone point out an issue with this plan." I say and survey the group for answers. They all look contemplative but no one speaks up. "Chiron tell me anything wrong with this."

Anna Kendrick's face scruntches in thought as she tries to see how this wouldn't be effective. Then it hits her. "Its too effective?"

I laugh and clap. "Exactly you brilliant woman. You want to deploy enough eight edge assassins to cover the entire surroundings of Nazarick. They could certainly do it and would be effective but wasteful of resources. Someone tell me a simpler plan that would work as well so we can have the eight edge assassins doing more meaningful work."

Demiurge's eyes sparkle with understanding. "My lord we could simply station a circle of undead with S.O.S. beacons that you made. They never get tired and would be so plentiful that if one went down the others could hit their beacons and we could deploy more effective forces at that time."

A wide smile covers my face and I say "Anyone else?" When no response came I furthered "Excellent Demiurge. Allow me to add a layer. We plan on moving communities into the forest. We should harness them to their full potential. If we set up trade to the villages that pop up we can have them harvest the resources in the forest then if there is a emergency or a threat to the forest they could come to us and inform our teams. They would be forward scouts and resource collectors. We could give them trash gear in the eyes of Nazarick in exchange for meritorious actions or such, building loyalty for scraps and increasing the effectiveness of their work for us."

All eyes are wide as I just explained how we can rope others into doing our work for us. Make them willing to do it and adding to the effectiveness of the plan for almost no cost to Nazarick. "Truly my lord you were right to be the leader of the Supreme Beings." Demiurge states to nods all around.

"There are still opportunities to improve on that rough outline and I look forward to seeing the implementation of the improvements when you all enact this plan." I said letting them know that there is more potential if they cultivate it. "The think tank is about more then just combining smart minds its about creativity and conflict. A solution you make should pass each of your moral objections. It should be factored into as much of the far reaching plans as you can make it. Each of you are made with differences so the first brought up solution might not bring the most benefits to Nazarick. I want each of you to bring in your own perspective lets go over an example problem and we will think tank it." I say opening the informal class as Albedo snuggled next to me.

I decide to start another scenario. "Okay let's say there were an uprising in the kingdom..." We continue going over plans and how to see the issues in them. Albedo's mind focused on the political aspects. Natasha was focused on intelligence and subterfuge. Demiurge had heavy handed plans that maximized the safety of Nazarick. Pandora cared more about attaining resources and lowering costs. Chiron was looking to long term resource development and discoveries that could be added to Nazarick's skills.

Everyone at the meeting could feel the progress and new dynamic that was being established. There were no longer death glares for poking holes in their plans. Especially after I kept repeating the phrase "Non-stupid people always underestimate the damaging power of stupid individuals." And "No plan is stupid proof." And "Think of how stupid the average person is and then realize that half of them are stupider than that." It really became effective when I started throwing in wrenches in the plans by acting as a stupid person. It was great when Albedo looked at me in exasperation and said "No one could be that dumb." I just laughed my ass off at that.

The day rolled on and I decided to leave them to it and said that I would go visit some of the others.