
Overlord Quake

Don't comment unless its a meme. I do not want to see your opinions about the story nor do I want powerstones. I wrote this for myself not you read it or don't. It's overlord so you know what the story will be about.

VatOfRedundancy · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs


About a week later at our next meeting I told the clan about Nazarick and my plan to make it our new guild base. Everyone was jazzed up when I said we should become a guild. After 2 more weeks with the guild members taking time off work we raided and took over the great tomb of Nazarick in one fell swoop. As the person who would be online constantly and putting the most money and effort into the base and as the best mediator of the group I was the guild leader. Things progressed rapidly from there the base grew and grew. We took over mines, created NPCs found and collected world items and became the 42 Supreme Beings.

When the giant raid happened Ulbert and I cast an overlapping [Grand Catastrophe] on the group outside the base before they could even start. I issued my battle cry "LEROY JENKINS!" and hell was unleashed. I had access to the world disaster class on my [Aspect of Change] alter ego as an incubus demon. After that what was left didn't even make it to the 6th floor.

After the raid things slowed down a lot. Members began to turn in their gear to me and I was always really supportive. When Buku told us she was pregnant I knew that Momo wouldn't be playing much longer. I had officiated their in game wedding which was great. I had stationed all the NPCs in the throne room and set decorations everywhere with creator tools. Everyone who was still in the guild at the time were present, it was a big affair. Peroronchīno walked his sister down the aisle and wept like a big baby. He said it was because Momonga fell into the trap of monogamy but I knew better.

Things slowed down further less and less members stayed until it was only me day after day. That's when I started to change things. I felt Aura's classes didn't synergize well and so I adjusted her abilities and added more mounts to her arsenal. Shalltear had some edits as well, Pero had simply copy pasted a list of fetishes. Every NPC had a line added for ensured loyalty. I talked to them and moved them around constantly I didn't want them to feel neglected. I had three custom NPCs, Natasha Romanov my arachnoid spymaster, Tinker Bell my fairy companion, Chiron the female immortal centaur alchemist and teacher to Mare and Aura.

I had felt that the Homunculus maids were too uniform because people were too lazy or cheap. So I redesigned each of them to stand out more. Plus how else could I put my favorite characters into the new world. On the 8th floor there was a lot of wasted space so I built a city that had different styles all arranged like slices of a pie. There were midevil German Gothic buildings all the way to cyberpunk style skyscrapers and floating vehicles. I made the characters who were needlessly grotesque have an alternate humanoid form like Neuronist and Entoma. I gave Narberal Gamma more levels in Doppelgänger and turned her into a Mystique style character. I gave CZ a power armor suit with a maid theme to boost her abilities as well.

I kept pushing more and more money into the guild coffers and using the cash shop to the max. Two months before the end of the game I received a message from a GM that their was a level limiter removal item available. He pointed me to the quest marker and I went full blast. At the end of the quest was a sapling of the world tree. I took it and ate the fruit then planted the sapling in the city park in Nazarick. I ground out more and more levels but didn't distribute the experience yet. I was hoping my plan to get access to wild magic would work in the new world.

On the last day of the shutdown I tidied up and brought all the NPCs of note to the throne room. I held the staff of Ainz Ooal Gown the golden septer in my hand All Black on my hip. I had my spartan armor I received from the first part of the championship on. I looked over the gathered NPCs and began my speech. "My children, YGGDRASIL is beginning to end. Fear not, through the efforts of your creators and myself we have found a way to persist on. What lies ahead of us will be our greatest challenge yet. The laws of this world will adapt to the new world. Like all things that manage to survive we must adapt and evolve to hold our place in the world. Prepare yourselves my children a great adventure awaits!"

Behind my helmet I close my eyes I feel the anxiety rise in me as I watch the countdown. Triple checking I confirm no one in my friends list is online.




Opening my eyes I stare at how much more real everything is. Everything we created is now utterly real and it is beautiful.

"Hahahaha!" My laughter rumbles out deep and dark. I see the servants of The Great Tomb raise their head and look at me in awe. "Sebas," I say reaching into my inventory and withdrawing a guild ring. "Exit the Tomb and check the surrounding area. Do not engage anything and try not to be seen. If you are attacked retreat immediately do not put yourself at risk." I command and toss the ring into his hands.

With wide bugged out eyes he says in his regal and humble voice looking down into his hands. "My lord Quake, I am not worthy of weilding a ring of Ainz Ooal Gown."

I can see him shaking from the pressure of every other servant looking at him. "Sebas, we need to adapt to the necessity of the situation at the moment. Go and carry out your orders do not stray to far from the Tomb."

"Yes my lord." He states as he stands and teleports to the entrance.

"Albedo, Demiurge, Pandora's Actor, Natasha, and Chiron." I state the names of the greatest thinkers in the tomb. I see each of them shudder in excitement. "Work together to establish a internal communication network. If I tell one of you something within 24 hours everyone should be aware of what new orders are pressing. Each of you can assign yourself an assistant to help you with your tasks besides other floor guardians and Tinker Bell who will be my assistant. Approach and accept a ring and your duties."

As they approach individually they each pass thanks to me. "Your words are my command Lord!" Albedo says fervently.

"Your wisdom has no equal even among the Supreme Beings." Demiurge states with a sly smile.

"Your will be done Mein Führer!" Pandora's Actor says with a grandiose bow.

Natasha clearly displays the fact that I'm a degenerate when she seductively approaches. She bends at the waist and gives a clear view down her skin tight catsuit. "Anything you say Daddy." She says with a wink shaking her thicc butt as she walks away from the throne.

Chiron trots up the stairs and bends at her front hooves and waist. "I humbly accept this responsibility All father." Its nice to see Anna Kendrick's cute face on a big breasted centaur.

Tinker Bell flutters her wings over to me. A chime of a bell rings out that my mind auto translates to "Does that mean I get to stay by your side my love?"

"Always Tink." I respond. A peal of bell like laughter erupts from her and she twirls on the spot shrinking down to fairy size about a finger length tall and flys back into the crowd.

"Albedo, call Sebas back please." I say and she nods pauses for a moment and tells me he is on his way. "Victim, you are our last line of defense keep yourself safe either in the city on floor 8 or up here on 9 and 10."

His creepy voice confirms my commands and we wait but a moment.

Sebas walks back into the throne room and approaches the center of the throne. Seeing that he is waiting I simply command with authority. "Report Sebas. Let us all know our current situation."

"My Lord it appears we are in the middle of vast plains. Their didn't seem to be any signs of intelligent life nor monsters around us." I nod placing my hand on my chin.

"Thank you Sebas. We are currently exposed at the moment. Demiurge make a plan to surround our base with a native forest. Mare," I call out to the nervous trap.

"Y-yes my Lord Quake?" He stammers out.

"I'll need you to work on building the forest to surround us and maintain it. Aura, I'll need you to gather local fauna and monsters from the surrounding area and relocate them as our first line of defense."

After deligating those tasks, Aura pops up with a chipper salute. "We will take care of it for you lord Quake."

"Thank you, you two. Just make sure you don't upset the balance of the ecosystems we take from or Blue Planet would be disappointed in us." I reply. "Sebas, set up a rotation for the maids no one should be overworked in our home. Time for relaxation is mandatory for everyone. That includes each of you and myself. Albedo, do what you can to minimize operating cost of the base there is no reason to purge cash at the moment. Cocytus, as our resident weapons expert I hope you can make yourself available for your siblings and help them keep their skills sharp."


"Shalltear," I say looking at the Gothic Lolita. "Your duty will be security reports deliverable to myself and Demiurge. You are to check to see if anything detrimental to the security to our home happened during the transfer."

"I will rush to your side to inform you my lord!" She says fluttering her eyes at me. I give out the rings to the other floor guardians.

I take a moment and release my inherent aura. Unlike some of my other forms my Doppelgänger form has the aura of mystery. This is the illusionist ability and a confusing and intimidating technique. It makes it seem like your vision is doubled making ranged attacks have a chance to miss. But the lore description makes it really cool, [The user has an air of mystery about them and appear to be unfathomable and unknowable]. Seeing the looks of awe and wonder on the faces around me I nod contentedly.

"Perfect, take a moment to get to know each other and begin your duties." I say standing from the throne of kings and walking out the side exit as everyone bows or kneels depending on physiology.

Walking into my room I remove and store my helmet. I walk to my enormous dressing room and look at my floor to ceiling mirrors. My face is even better than I designed it. A close cropped beard on Henry Cavill's face. I look grissled and muscular my muscles are tightly corded and intense looking. At 6'5" I'm an intimidating sight in my blood red armor. Releasing my hold on the staff of Ainz Ooal Gown I walk up to the purple glowing sphere hovering above a floor mount.

"I am the ruler of Ainz Ooal Gown." I say the cringey line I would not repeat infront of others and pick up the sphere and walk into the mirror. Inside is the massive pile of prismatic ores I have been converting to Caloric stone. Nodding my head in satisfaction I leave the area replacing the crystal on its pedestal. Making my way to my side room office desk I grab the pile of summoning scrolls I have for this occasion. [Summon Hanzo] a NPC appears before me pulling itself out of shadow until I see a kneeling ninja awaiting orders. Giving it orders I repeat the process a dozen more times. Sending them out to find and keep tabs on their new world targets.

<Back in the throne room>

"Our lords mind certainly is an enigma." Demiurge says pushing up his glasses and standing.

"All are flys in his web. Playing to his tune and struggling uselessly." The black widow says with a hair flip.

"Dear sister, don't think I didn't notice you trying to seduce him while he was in the middle of taking care of business." Tinker Bell says to her sister without the bell chime sounds.

"Oh and what did you chime to him up there 'my lord please bend me over infront of all your servants!' Who knows what you say to him in that secret fairy language." Natasha claps back.

The pervy fairy's wings titter at the accusation. "Lord Quake is so cool." Aura shouts shaking her twin in excitement.

"INDEED!" States the frosty insectoid.

"I can't believe he knew exactly what to do. The way he took command and issued orders gave my panties a bit of a situation." Shalltear drolls her face blushed.

"The All Father surely is the wisest leader. Aura, Mare, let this be a lesson that action, even if it is not without risk. Is better than to sit and do nothing hoping answers will come to you." Chiron nods to herself.

"Albedo? Is everything alright?" Pandora's Actor asks looking at the writhing succubus with her arms and wings around herself.

"Oh to finally be able to tell my lord, the leader of the creators that I wish to be his! This is a glorious day!" Albedo shouts to the sky. The sentiment is echoed around the throne room by the female staff and a silently nodding trap.

<In the quarters of Quake>

With the hanzos deployed I sat back in my super lux armchair. This is good I think and sigh. [Message] 'Sebas, send today's maid to my room I have some work I need to do.'

'Yes My lord Raven will be there shortly.'  After cutting the connection I thought about the black hair and grey skinned teen that would be coming to my room. Styled after the teen titans cartoon. I started writing operation instructions for Demiurge the NPC that needed the most clear cut rules before things get out of hand. I had to rein in Demiurge's actions but without making him feel that I don't appreciate him.


"Come in." I say in my deep baritone.

The young beauty steps into the room and bows politely in the typical Japanese way. As she stands, I can see her look me in the eyes taking in my human face with a smile. "I am your maid today my Lord, command me as you wish." She says demurely.

"Raven, how are you feeling after the transfer?" I ask her as she approaches to stand at my side.

"Better then ever my lord. I no longer feel the pressure of Trigon. It is great and I appreciate you my lord keeping me safe from his reach." She smiles at me.

"And are you okay with the work for you here in the Tomb?" I asked making sure all the background details I put in should ensure everything is okay.

"I love it! Honestly it's a relief to not have my powers. Plus all the girls are great and no one will judge me due to my demon ancestry." Her thoughtful grin makes me feel reassured.

"I'm happy to hear you are getting on well. Please let me know if you need anything else to be more comfortable." [Message] 'Demiurge meet me infront of the tomb in half an hour please.'

'Of course my lord.' After his response I stood and waved Raven to come along. We walked through the halls and made our way to the library to meet with Titus.

At the library, Ashurbanipal, the undead librarian approached me. "Titus, is everything preserved? No knowledge was lost in the transfer?"

"Thou need not fear, all is preserved." Titus replies.

"I'm glad this is the case. I have two tasks for you if you are interested." Knowing I have his inquisitive mind ensnared I continue. "This New World will likely have its own languages and knowledge. I would like for you to be responsible for translating then logging discoveries made and compiling them in a easily digestible booklet. The other task I would like you to work on is the creation of spell scrolls. Until we have a viable method to create new scrolls our current reserves are to be limited in use."

"Your will be done." He says to me with a bow.

"Excellent. If you are having issues contact Demiurge or Albedo. Until next time." I say walking out of the library and around the halls again.

Enjoying the companionable silence I figured I was ready to meet with Demiurge. "Raven, you can head back to quarters. When I come back from my meeting I'll be heading to bed to rest for the night."

"What time would you like me to wake you up in the morning my lord?" Raven asks with a chipper smile.

"8 o'clock would be just right. If it isn't a hassle, can you make sure Monica is cooking tomorrow I am craving American style breakfast." I say thinking about the 'friendly' chef.

"Yes. Goodnight lord Quake." She says bowing then turning around throwing the hood of her maid uniform up and walking down the hall.

"Goodnight Raven." I say enjoying the sights of her walking away.

Arriving infront of the mausoleum I see Demiurge kneeling. Withdrawing a grimoire I cast [Twin magic Fly] on the two of us and rise into the air. We race up into the sky and fly above the clouds. Looking around I see the massive amount of stars. "What do you see my son?" I ask to Demiurge.

"I'm afraid I don't understand lord Quake. I see stars." Demiurge says with consternation on his face.

"I see a box of jewels that I want for myself and all of you. But I have seen those with greed destroy all the beauty in the world just to possess it." I say. "I want this world Demiurge. I want to make it a home for all of my children. But I don't want to go to far and destroy what makes it beautiful in the process. That means certain things are going to be controlled. Here." I say handing him the operating orders.

"My Lord I understand." He says after reading through his new rules with a wicked smile. They essentially protected the innocent from his ways regardless of race. I gave him free reign on anyone who commits murder of innocents, rape or corruption of society to include things like organized crime and slavery.

"How have your other duties been going?"

"Nazarick's defense is going well. I have implemented concealing magic around the mausoleum until the forest plan can be implemented. Using this worlds native creatures to defend the Tomb displays your infinite wisdom." Demiurge gushes.

"Good work if there are resources available here we should not waste it. The natives may play an integral role in the future of Ainz Ooal Gown." I slide over to the demon and throw my arm over his shoulder. "Lets go home son. We have busy days ahead." We drop out of the sky and head to the front gate. "Keep an eye on things I'm going to get some rest if something urgent happens let me know." I then teleport out to my room.