
Overlord Quake

Don't comment unless its a meme. I do not want to see your opinions about the story nor do I want powerstones. I wrote this for myself not you read it or don't. It's overlord so you know what the story will be about.

VatOfRedundancy · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs


The night passes with the swords nervously resting in shifts. No incident occurs and the ogres and goblins share another deer in the morning. They have come to call me chief which is fine for now. We carry on to Carne and on the hill leading into the town, I can see the beginnings of a wall mostly constructed of timber.

"Wait here." I say riding towards the village. I see the goblins in the grass outside. "Stay your hands I come in peace. I'm here to see my friend Enri Emmot and check on the village."

A goblin pops up from the grass. "A friend of the boss eh?"

"Aye, I gave her the horn that summoned you." I say nodding once.

"Go get the boss!" One of them shouts. "I'm glad we don't have to fight you you look crazy strong."

"Most feel the same my son." I say with a laugh.

Enri peaks above the wall and shouts. "Emperor Quake! Let him in!"

We ride forward and I dismount. When she comes out the gate I say. "Enri its good to see you. I'm sorry but I have some bad news about a friend of yours from E-Rantel."

"Nfirea? What happened!" She asks right away thinking of the only friend she has in the city.

"The boy was taken and used for a dark ritual. He has died. His grandmother has come to this village to bury him." I say to the now crying girl.

"First my family now friends too." I go to the girl and rub her back as she cries.

"I know my dear. I do. You have your sister and these goblins and me to rely on. You are not alone." I say pulling her into a hug.

"Thank you lord Quake. I don't know how I would have made it, without those kind words you said back then." She says wiping her tears.

"You are a strong woman Enri, I saw that the moment we met. You would have made it regardless." I say squeezing her slightly. "I'm glad to see the goblins have been accepted into the village. I have brought some wild ones and a few ogres up on that hill. I think this wall could be completed faster if you were to take them under your service. Will you lead them?"

"Ogres too? If you believe I should then I will do it." She says determined.

"Good Enri, I have faith you will lead them well. You will have to put up a strong front for them but I will help transfer the power to you. Where is the chief I thought he would at least greet me?" I ask looking around.

"Oh um I have been made the chief." She says shyly still in my embrace.

"Well look at you. I figured it was a matter of time. You really took my advice didn't you? I'm very proud that was faster then I expected." I say with a smile squeezing her again. "All this talent I might have to take you back to my empire. You are wasted on a kingdom like this."

The red girl stammers at that. "Well I would be honored but I have a responsibility here."

"Aye, that just gives me an excuse to come visit you here then." I hear some goblin whistle at that. "Okay I'll stop flirting with her for a bit and let her calm down. Bella stay here I'll get the others." I say pulling her off the horse and hopping on.

I ride up the hill to the waiting group. "Lizzie, I broke it to her. She is the new chief and will be taking over our add-ons. She can't show weakness but she will need your support."

"I understand Emperor." She says and flicks the reins.

"Ogres, goblins my general will be taking charge of you. You will serve her or she will break you. Follow her commands or suffer." I say signaling them to follow. "Swords, do not draw your weapons against the goblin villagers am I understood?"

"Yes Emperor." They respond.

We enter the village and Enri commands the new goblins to follow the old. She hugs Lizzie and the two ladies go to bury the boy. I go and find Nemu and see her smooshing plants in a grind wheel. "Nemu how are you today?"

"Mr. Quake! Hi I'm good. I'm helping my big sister." She says smiling widely.

"Thats good Nemu it's important to be helpful. How about I show you some magic would that be fun?" I ask the sweet girl.

"Yeah! Show me! Show me!" She cheers.

I take my helm and show her its empty. Then I tilt it away and reach my hand in pulling out a grimoire from my inventory. "Tada!" I laugh. Now check out this one. [Mage Hand] the invisible hand then holds my helm lifting it up. I act like I couldn't find it.

"Up there! Up there!" She cheers.

I put my hands on my hips and give the helm a come here motion. Making the helmet turn as if its shaking its head no. "Now come down here." I say in a light chiding tone. It droops down and hovers about. "Now why don't you help little Nemu with her work." I say sending my helm into my hands and the invisible hand starts cranking the wheel.

"Woah! Thanks Mr Quake!" Nemu says.

"No problem Nemu. Magic is fun and helpful isn't it?" She nods. "You know you could ask granny Bareare to teach you if you promise to help her with her work."

"Really you think she would teach me?" She asks excited.

"Maybe, but you would have to be an extra good girl and ask your big sister the chief first." I say patting her on the head.

"Yes! I'll ask at dinner tonight I'll get the goblins to help me." She says finishing her work with the help of the mage hand.

She finishes up and runs to go get a goblin. Bella and I tour the town more and she asks. "Father why would you tell her to go to Lizzie for training and not someone from Nazarick?"

"Well Lizzie is in a bad place emotionally right now. I was hoping to help her with a surrogate grandkid. This also helps Enri and Nemu. Can you figure out how?" I ask back.

"It helps Nemu to learn a new skill and gain merit. But Enri... she has to worry less?" She answers.

"Well yes but more. Enri is now in a position where she will be very busy. Lizzie taking her as an apprentice of sorts will allow her to learn magic to protect herself. Thus freeing up from stress and that Nemu is still getting parental guidance. I'm sure she is worried if she is doing a good job in her parents place." I say listing off some benefits.

The fairy nods seeing things interconnect. "The wisdom of a father. I'm going to go see Enri, I love you daddy." She says giving me a kiss on the cheek with a jump.

"Love you too I think I'll go check the goblins out." I say strolling off.

Approaching the group of goblins who are settling the newcomers I call out. "Excuse me Jugem." He looks surprised and trots over.

"Yes Emperor?" He asks standing rigid.

"Relax my son. I am just curious as to how you are getting your arms and equipment repaired?" I say waving him to calm down.

"We do regular maintenance but if anything breaks we have been doing without." He says standing more calmly.

"Jugem I may have a solution though it wouldn't be without issues." He nods slowly willing to hear me out. "I can provide your troop and your troop only, with some enchanted gear. The risk is word getting out that well equipped goblins are in this village. That may put Enri at risk and thats something I don't want. People will already have problems with this village working with monster races. They are not as open as my empire. What are your thoughts?"

"Well Emperor we would be happy to accept those weapons if we can protect the boss better. I think you are right we will be facing issues either way it is better to be well equipped for trouble."

"Alright then Enri has a way to get my attention if something extreme happens so I will entrust you with the gear. Bring me a list of what everyone needs arms and armor tonight and it will be delivered in the morning. Take care Jugem my best wishes on your mission." To his serious nod I depart.

I return to the three ladies to find them about to enter Enri's house. "Quake! We were about to talk about what happened in E-Rantel if you would like to join us for tea."

"Thank you Enri, I'll have some tea but I'll leave the story telling to Bella." I reply entering the small home. I am served a mild tea. While they talk I tap my message bracelet and receive reports. My Hanzos are working fine gathering intelligence and tracking specific people. Albedo's management is phenomenal, Demiurge is learning how to work political power with discretion. Natasha is training her web-warriors and keeping track of details in the tomb.

I messaged Chiron and told her about the alchemist we have acquired. She was excited to learn about local alchemist techniques. She brought up resource transportation which I had planned to take care of after the kingdom was mine. For now letters and messages to hanzos would be how we communicate. A bit later Jugem knocked on the door.

"Boss, is the Emperor here?" He asks. "I'm not interrupting your romantic time am I?"

Enri gets mad and embarrassed and shouts. "Jugem what do you want?"

"I got a note for the Emperor. I had the old chief write it." He says with a laugh.

"What does it say?" She asks taking it.

"He said he'd get us a few things." He says dodging the question a bit.

"You better not be taking advantage of Quake. He is this villages savior, we won't take and not give back." She says with a serious glare.

"I thought thats what you were doing in there giving back." I don't need to see him doing his eyebrows to know he is. I can see Enri is red even on the back of her neck.

Before she can snap at him I say. "Jugem, thats enough I just wanted to help a small amount Enri. You don't need to pay it back I think this village is worth it."

"But I'm sure he wouldn't mind if you were interested Enri~." Bella says sweetly.

She sends Jugem off and she brings me the paper. "Enri you should get trained to write it is an essential skill for a leader. Plus I could send you letters on my travels with Bella's messenger bird spell."

Her happy nod makes me feel the warm fuzzies. She is just too cute. "I'll have the old chief teach me." She says determined.

"You are older then me what are you doing flirting with this young girl." Says the bitter woman for a moment until she realizes who she said that too.

Before she can retract that statement I laugh hard banging on my knee for a minute. "Man no one has talked to me like that in a long time it reminds me of my old friends. Sorry yeah its who I am. I love hard, I'm a man of passion. It is how I stay happy and with a healthy mind after the ages. So flirting with beautiful strong women is a passion of mine Lizzie." I finish with a ear to ear smile.

"Probably helps he has the vigor of a stallion." Bella whispers loud enough for all to hear.

The two others blush at that. "Sorry Enri I'll tone down my ways if you like."

"No, uh you're fine. I like you the way you are." She says embarrassed.

"I'm sorry Emperor Quake I was out of line." The alchemist says.

"Relax Lizzie, I am not a tyrant. You can speak your mind even talk some shit now and again. Hahaha." The looks of suprise on the locals face made me laugh.

"Enri knows but I guess you don't, Emperor Quake was born without privilege. He rose to power and ended the corrupt and entitled nobles of our home Nazarick. He is someone who appreciates straight talk but try to be respectful. Many of the people he has saved and helped raise do not take kindly to disrespect to him." Bella warns.

"Aye, thats true if Albedo heard that she would not be happy." I say with a shake of my head.

"Who is Albedo?" Enri asks interested in my life.

"One of my queens like Tinker Bell here. She is basically my prime minister and handles politics and the ministers of Nazarick. I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to do the job without that demoness." I say with a sigh.

"Demoness is not polite to say about one of your wives." Lizzie says.

"He means that literally. As in she is of the demon race specifically a succubus." Bella clarifies. 'Hahaha I love the shock I get here all the time.'

"Aye I've already said the only thing that matters in my kingdom is merit. You follow the rules and you have skills, that can take you anywhere in the empire." They look in awe at just how encompassing I believe that statement.

"That is impressive its hard to imagine." Lizzie says.

"Just look at the village you are now in. 3 races working in harmony in under a week. All it takes is a strong leader." I say gesturing to Enri.

"To be compared to the Emperor, I'm just a village girl." She says embarrassed.

"Maybe before Enri, but the moment you threw yourself in the way of that sword to protect your sister. That's when you threw away that title. Look at you now, a chief that dines with Emperors and queens. Its a new age Enri and you are leading it." She looks at me eyes wide in wonder realizing what im saying is exactly true.

"Wow." Lizzie says.

"Gather the village I'm going to sing you all a song. I'll feast you afterwards. Bella send your servants to the woods and bring back dinner. I'm Feeling Good." I say standing and walking out.

Bella says behind me. "You know in secret we call him the Queen maker." Before she follows me out.