
Overlord Quake

Don't comment unless its a meme. I do not want to see your opinions about the story nor do I want powerstones. I wrote this for myself not you read it or don't. It's overlord so you know what the story will be about.

VatOfRedundancy · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
26 Chs


Nabe was at the front of the entrance and decended the stairs to greet us. "Good morning my lord. Here is your ring." She says extending a box in my direction from my mounted position. Inside is my and Tink's rings which I take and put on each of us.

"We don't have long to stay today. Bella go relax and and be ready by 5pm. Nabe with me." I say getting of the horse extending my hand to the dopple girl.

Bella turns and gives me a peck on the lips. "Yes daddy. Bye Nabe~" she says to the blushing girl.

I grasp the girl by the waist because she still hasn't taken my hand and teleport to the 9th floor. In front of my office I see Jennifer love Hewitt. "Jen, order some lunch for me and Nabe sushi for the both of us please. Also find out if your sister Mila is finished with her punishment."

"Yes right away Mr Quake." She says with a curtsy. 'God damn she is stacked!' I think then drag Nabe into my office.

I point to the chair opposite mine and sit down. Nabe just drops to the floor in supplication and fear. "I am sorry Lord Quake, I could not see the value of humans in your plans!"

"Sit Nabe, honestly I was focused on the mission I had for you not your report but let's address it." I say to the shaking girl.

"Lord Quake I don't understand am I not to be punished for my failure?" She says not moving yet.

"SIT Nabe! I'm not having a conversation with you on the floor like that." When she finally moves to the chair I take a deep breath. "For one thing I didn't expect you to have understood this lesson in only a day. What did Aureole say to you about the value of humans?"

"She said that the thing about humans is they are complicated. But I don't understand how that proves their value. How could it not be better to just wipe them out and make things simple?" Nabe asks with self loathing for her intelligence.

"Nabe that would make things simple but how would it make things better? That would be a failure on my part in integrating them into my empire." I say with my elbows on the desk interlacing my fingers.

"That would be on them for being a failure of a race, not you my lord." Nabe denies.

"Is it not a father's duty to correct a child and help them learn and grow?" I ask her.

"Yes my lord but humans are not worthy to bear your children." She shakes her head.

"I am the All Father. That is father to all no regard to race. Just like I led the Supreme Beings to great heights, this world will rise under my leadership. To be beneficial is to have value. The humans out there right now are spreading my name. They are telling stories and embellishments creating and spreading my legend as we speak. When I return this afternoon it will be to throngs of people hoping for healing. Or it will be those who have heard stories of me destroying oppression and lifting the common man from squalor. My legend made by these 'no value' humans will make kings bend to my will without the need to risk Nazarick's resources with war. Have no doubt there will be conflicts and the children who get out of line will be punished. But the amount of resources, talents, skills, and creativeness added to Nazarick will help us in making this world in my image." I increase my aura making it seem like there is never-ending depth to my plans.

"So... humans have value because you can make them do things you want?" She says slowly. 'She is not the slowest in the tomb but she has the strongest opinions.'

"There is more depth to it then this." I was interrupted by a knock at the door. "Come in."

Jennifer walked in with two trays covered by a cloche. She walked to the desks setting one infront of each of us and removing the lid. Inside were a multitude of beautiful sushi rolls. There were chop sticks and soy sauce with real wasabi.

"Mr Quake, Mila has informed me that she is halfway through her list. She said some have had a hard time with their answers." I nod to this.

"Thats fine tell her to take her time. A job done right is a job done once. Thank you Jenn." I reply.

After she leaves I look at Nabe. "Have you ever had sushi before?"

"No my lord." She says looking at the spread.

"Well do as I do. This has a interesting tingle so don't put too much until you are ready." We spend a bit of time eating and it seems she is enjoying herself. "So do you like sushi?"

"Yes my lord it has a great texture and excellent flavor." I nod.

"Did you know in the world of the Supreme Beings that this was invented by humans?" I say and enjoy the confusion and blinking pretty Japanese teen. She had no response. "I would like you to ask Demiurge about his thoughts on humans. I don't want you to start liking and accepting all of them. I just want you to be more open to the ones I will bring to my side."

"Yes my lord. Did you say you have a mission for me before?" She asks.

I think for a bit and realize I was needlessly complicating a plan. "I will with hold the mission for the time being. You made me realize I could handle the problem more simply then I had thought. That will be all for now I hope you enjoyed our lunch date." And there is the blush I wanted her to leave with.

Jennifer came in again and stood beside me now that I was out of meetings. "Jennifer what was your answer to Mila's question?"

She blushes and looks away saying. "Lenjerie, Mr Quake."

A thought just struck my mind. 'What kind of crazy shit are these girls going to ask for?' "Oh, do you like design or modeling?"

"I like both of them! I want to design a set for the maids." She says excitedly growing more bold.

"That sounds lovely. I will let Pandora give you access to silks, and other materials. You may use this to make your designs." I say handing her a sketch book.

"Oh my God really?" She asks and I nod and smile at her. "Does this mean I'm allowed to kiss you?"

"That was never forbidden." I say with a laugh. She then dives at me and kisses me full on the lips. 'Thats a shock I would have thought it would be on the cheek like Mila.' With her lips pressed hard and wanting against me. I opened my mouth and she dove in with her tongue. We made out until she ran out of breath.

"Thank you Mr Quake. I'll be sure to put on a show for you when the collection is complete." She said happily. Then stood up holding the sketch book tight to her chest.

'She got me all hot and bothered.' "I'll look forward to it then. You can call Albedo for a meeting with me." I say decisively.

"Yes sir." She said with a smile walking out the door.

When Albedo arrived she came with her assistant Solution. Albedo's senses could tell I wanted her. She walked in and ignored the chair opposite of mine. "Solution take notes of what my lord says and answer questions so I may focus." She said moving to kneel between my legs, she moved aside the cloth of my kilt firmly gripping my member.

"Of course Lady Albedo." She said watching with fascination as she stroked and sucked. After a moment she without looking away pulled her pen out and held it above her planner. "I am ready my lord."

'Time to start BSing this was all I was wanting.' "Solution how has the forest transfer been going?" I barely heard her answer.

"Its going well my lord the 6th floor staff have been steadily taking clippings then growing them at our location. In Chiron's report she said 'Lord Blue Planet would be proud of the healthy forest we are creating.' She said it will likely take 3 weeks or more before the forest is ready for animals. Then some time after that for sentient races." She completes her report and licks her lips.

'Holy hell she is a demon!' "Good lets not rush it I would like the area to be self sustainable. Brainstorm a name for the area during the next think tank for internal use." She wrote a little note without looking at her paper. "How are our guests in sanctuary?"

A voice comes between my legs. "Remove your clothes Solution, give my lord something to look at while you talk." I unconsciously flexed down there in excitement.

"Of course my lady." She says absorbing her clothes into her bubbly flesh. She was soft and curvy looking and I could see a clear dripping liquid between her legs.

"Albedo you overestimate me. I simply can't concentrate now. Let's go to my bedroom and leave the work for later." I say huskily.

<Tomb Front>

I hop onto the tree-horse and give my ring to Nabe. Bella grinds against me and asks Nabe. "I wonder what sort of lewd things you did for daddy to get out of your punishment Nabe~?"

[Gate] I say summoning the portal and slapping the undead skull tied to the horse. It was the skull of a death knight. "Play dead you. We will get you back on your body in a few days. And Tink be nice to Nabe I don't think she likes me in that way." I say sending the horse into gallup through the portal before the dopple can say a word to protest. On the other side we came out in the forest with a road leading back nearby.

"Oh I loved that! She is going to be so desperate to make you see she wants you." I feel her body shake. 'I like to tease and she is like a copy of me with less restrictions.' "You ride the horse let me ride you."

I pull her up and grind her in my lap. We take a slow trek to town enjoying every bump in the road.

At the gate we are met with the Swords of Darkness. The huge undead skull hanging from the back of the horse intimidating to even the seasoned adventurers. Dyne continues to bring wounded to us and a slow parade leads back to the Adventurers Guild. Outside I am greeted by Pluton. "Is that the skull of a death knight?"

"Yeah this guy was chasing around a giant basilisk there so I took care of them both." I casually say and all the adventurers that came out of the building start whispering or shouting no way!

"Well at least I can take those notices down. I can't pay you for your work of course Emperor Quake not being an adventurer and all." He says wiping his forehead of sweat.

"Bah! I had a great time buy me a beer if you feel the need for compensation. Hahaha. I'm going to go find a pub I need to wash down all that basilisk meat." I say something crazy again.

A orichalcum plate shouts. "You can't eat basilisk, its poisonous!"

"Huh! I thought it was just spicy but that makes more sense." I say giving them another shock. "Well anyway I'm off to quench my thirst." I lead the horse away from the guild smiling behind the impenetrable darkness of my red plumed helm. My aura on a constant low setting makes the rumors about me spread like wildfire.

We head to an adventurer's pub and Bella is enjoying giving her description of my "fight". "He threw his spear and like a bolt of lightning it struck the beast square in the forehead. The spear embedded all the way until only a grip as wide as my hand was out. After that we saw the ten foot undead that had been chasing it. I begged the Emperor to let me fight it but he said." She switches to a mockery of my voice. "I haven't had a proper warm up yet."

"Hey I don't sound like that." I say sounding remarkably like her impression to her peels of bell like laughter. "Bah." I say going back to drinking. Everyone realizes the Emperor just took a joke it was okay to laugh. Uproarious laughter comes from everywhere after that.

We had a great time Brita was being very clingy which I enjoyed. She kept on trying to get me to let her train with the Pleiades. "Are you sure? My Pleiades are my most devout. They wouldn't accept you without showing you were mine completely. Body mind and soul were pledged by my Valkyries it is no shallow commitment. You have barely known me for a day."

"This unit the more I hear about it the more I know its exactly what I have always wanted." She says with longing for purpose beyond the norm.

"There is only one other human in that unit. It is hard even for the sturdiest of races." I warn again. She just nods determined. "I'll allow you to meet my general tomorrow. You will go through his training before you are allowed to try for a spot on the Pleiades."

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Thank you my Emperor!" She says smashing me with a kiss to hoots and hollers.

Bella pulls her off me and says. "Brita you know better I am always first." She says kissing me as well to more shouts. We say we're going to go when some one shouts do the song.

"What song?" I ask.

"The shit-faced one!" Was yelled to a surrounding aye.

"Bella my axe." I say to the diminutive girl.

She reaches into my bag and pulls out a badass spiked black magic guitar. Then hands it to me with reverence. She grabs her pan flute and covers the bagpipe opening with it. "Okay last time we did it without music. This time I'm going to show you why I'm The Emperor."

I stand on the bench and put a Jerusalem cruiser on the table and Bella started.

I play in a band

We're the best in the land

We're big in both Chelsea and France

I play one mean guitar and then score at the bar

There's a line of chicks looking for their chance

So come on now honeys, I'll make you feel pretty

These other gals mean nothing to me

Let's finish these drinks and be gone for the night

'Cause I'm more than a handful you'll see

So kiss me, I'm shitfaced

And I'm soaked and I'm soiled and brown

In the trousers, she kissed me

And I only bought her one round

We shook the building with their cheers at the fun song. I walked out with both girls on my arms getting pats on the back and whoops. We made it to the manor and went most of the night till Brita tapped out and the pixie was left slowly grinding on me. She sprawled out on me tired but still lifting her butt to slam herself down. I had my hands behind my head making preparations for Brita tomorrow with Albedo.

'My lord I will do as you said. But I have worries about teaching outside entities in Nazarick.' Albedo says after I told her to tell me what she thinks.

'We will need to find out the limitations of these new worlders. I find it safer to start with someone we can brainwash heavily and will be more loyal as my bed companion. I have already scouted a few more potential recruits. The mage whose sister we saved, a archer from the Holy Kingdom and the trump card of the Slane Theocracy, and a vampire who is in this kingdom's strongest adventurer party. All of them possess more talent then Brita. This is the test run to minimize threats.' I answer.

"I only agree if they are all your lovers. I doubt a mortal woman could resist a thing you said after taking that monster.' She says in a haughty tone.

'You are just saying that so you can command them in the bedroom. I saw how you were with Solution. She is lucky slimes don't need to breathe. Plus that was always the plan.' I say smirking as the pixie cums again.

'Nabe came to me for womanly advice today. It seems she thinks you believe she has no interest in you as a man.' She says confusion in her voice.

'What did you tell her?'

'I said I would ask you what you thought. She begged me not to but obviously I would never hide things from you.'

'Well I have been enjoying teasing the girl thats all. I know she is interested but I'm having fun forcing her to make the first move.'

'I will find a assignment for her that will give you some private time. I'll make it as a favor for her to get more opportunities to show she is interested.' Albedo says helping my plans without second thoughts.

'You are the best. Oh tomorrow I'll be in Nazarick send someone to disguise as me to purchase scrolls. Bella will be doing the shopping there I just have to stand around and feign disinterest.'

'Thank you my lord I will send Pandora in your place.'

'Remind him not to be to showy and go off of Bella's idea of me in public.'

'Yes my lord'

'Tell Ninya she is going back tomorrow morning and if she wishes to continue to use Nazarick's resources she can join Brita but she should tell her team either way. Before she leaves make sure she can see 8th city so she can spread the word of our might.'

'I will have Sebas walk her and the sister around. She seems to have taken a liking to him.'

'Let Sebas know if he would like to keep her around I will allow him to sponsor her. She will be his responsibility and should be trained to be of value to Nazarick. That will also be on his discretion.'

'You will allow Sebas a pet human?'

'I will allow my children anything as long as they take responsibility for their actions. Just like you get to choose to be my lover. Your responsibility is to have no other flirting with you. Bella breaks arms of the ones who try.'


'Thats the psycho girlfriend I love.'

'Love! LoVe!LoVE!' Hahaha I'm just going to hang up and turn this pixie over.