
Overlord of the New World

Beings of extraordinary abilities have brought ruin to the world. After the death of a close friend, a certain dragon decides to take action to prevent new tragedies. What effect will his actions have on the planet? And about an half-elf in particular?

SIB99 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Cap 10: New Wind

Upper Fire Month, 13th day, 6.00

The cathedral of Earth had an entrance preceded by a four-sided portico where there was a large niche towards the outside with a tribune above the portal: here the Cardinals of the Theocracy of Slane showed themselves to the people framed by the majestic architecture to receive their devout attention.

The internal elevation of the Chapel was characterized by three clearly perceptible levels: the large arches; the grandstand; the drum with windows surmounted by the dome.

The large round arches rested on massive cruciform pillars and supported the monumental arches of the grandstand.

The grandstand, so defined due to the presence of the Royal Throne of Imirduo, a structure made entirely of marble decorated in bronze, entirely surrounded the perimeter with a matronea, opened onto the central space again by round arches articulated in a double level of columns with decorated capitals, accompanied by a pulvinus in the lower register. The lower tier of the grandstand bays was enclosed by a parapet made of bronze grilles with geometric decoration. The gallery was vaulted in transverse barrels, semi-cylinders parallel to each other. The use of the same typology of semicircular arches and the alternation of two-tone keystones conferred a visual correspondence between the level of the large arches and the level of the grandstand. The verticality of the building was accentuated by the clustered columns and straight lines and culminates in the drum above.

The octagonal drum had tall, sober windows, without splays, fitted with a plume. The eight-sided dome towered over forty meters high. It consisted of a cross vault, without ribs or spandrels. The top of the dome was a simple junction point of the vaults.

The mosaic that adorned the dome bore the effigy of the God of the Earth flanked by an outline of minor deities' intent on helping him build what appeared to be the prototype of a Theocracy church.

The aura of majesty and devotion that permeated the sacred building had an invigorating effect on the fatigued soul of Raymond Zarg Lauransan, vice cardinal of the Earth and the current third seat of the Black Scriptures.

Returning from a crucial diplomatic mission from the Draconic Kingdom, he hadn't even had time to return to his home and tidy up his personal belongings, which had been urgently summoned by his immediate superior.

His role required a constant commitment and therefore he did not give it too much weight, indeed continuous comings and goings and increases in assignments showed that his efforts were worthy of attention for the nation.

In any case, the person with whom he had an appointment was already ready to wait for him on a bench in the central nave.

Carnesio Assecle Elohi, current Cardinal of the Earth and commander of the Six Scriptures, was an elderly man with a jovial air, characterized by a lean and handsome physique. The hair, once of a shiny black color, had a silver hue as it decorated in patches what was a face with a gentle and serene air.

He held a small pocket rosary tightly in his hands, the worn pages of which demonstrated the constant use that had seen in the years.

Raymond listened to him utter a low voice a solemn invocation to the deities as he rested his gaze on the dome of the Cathedral.

He had such a mystical and serene air that few could have guessed that that gentle and calm-looking old man was actually one of the strongest and most influential men in the country.

Despite the age difference, the vice-Cardinal was well aware that he did not have even the slightest chance of emerging triumphant from an open confrontation against him. Not that there was any need to engage in conflict, of course.

"Ah Raymond, my dear boy! Come sit next to me."

After realizing his presence, Carnesio invited him to take a seat at the bar where he was sitting.

Raymond bowed reverently before the older man, demonstrating his loyalty with a simple and precise gesture.

The bench on which he accommodated was far from being the height of comfort, but given its function as an aid to penitents, it could not have been otherwise.

Showing one's devotion also required physical as well as a spiritual sacrifice.

A slight scent of incense was present in the air, combined with the religious silence of the pilgrims in prayer, it surrounded their conversation with a reassuring sacredness.

"I hope I haven't been late. I got here as soon as possible."

"You don't need to apologize! Indeed, it is you who has to forgive this old fool who called you in such a hurry."

"I am always happy to take your calls, Your Excellency. Please, don't hesitate to request my presence whenever you deem it necessary."

Carnesio scrutinized him affectionately, and a small grimace similar to a smile began to form on his wrinkled face.

"Before we start the report, how about you pray with me? I'm almost done with morning vespers. Just a few minutes and we can get started."

"I'd be delighted to do it."

They recited in a low voice, with the greatest possible respect for the other faithful gathered in the Cathedral, some invocations contained in that discarded book that the old Cardinal was carrying with him.

"Oh, Imirduo your art shapes our hearts. Your works shine with a light that guides our path. Your heart warms the cold nights of our lives. We prostrate before you, awaiting your judgment. Your mercy fills our souls with hope."

They continued like this for no less than twenty minutes. After finishing, Raymond felt his spirit invigorated by the previous days' fatigue. Prayer had a balmy effect on the followers of the 6 Great Gods, some disbelievers might have thought it was just a waste of time but he didn't think so.

It was part of the daily routine of many men and women of the Theocracy, not just among the higher ranks, that eased the tribulations of everyday life.

During his absence from the country, the possibilities in which he had managed to withdraw into meditation had been very few and he was grateful to have been able to resume them as soon as he returned.

"How about we chat outside? In the open air, it will be easier to reflect on the problems gripping our nation."

"An excellent idea, Your Excellency!"

"Come then. We have a lot to talk about."

Connected to the main hall there was a large open-air room in which a series of plants like jasmine, carnations, begonias, and many others were cared for with the utmost care, the origins of which could be traced back to any part of that area of the continent.

The care of that place was, in theory, entrusted to the Cardinal of the land but, in practice, it was the directorate of the Cathedral that took care of its estate while the figure in charge exercised only a control function.

However, Carnesio adored that little corner of paradise and often went to that place to relax and leave worldly toils behind him.

"A beautiful perfume, don't you think?"

The air was impregnated with a sweet aroma, and the freshness of the blossoms spread with a serene but decisive force, bringing a soft sensation of stillness to the two men.

Raymond stroked as tactfully as possible the petals of a rose that had caught his attention. The top of the plant flowed through his fingers like a dewdrop.

"Yes, this place soothes the soul like few others."

"It is said that the god Imirduo used to meditate here whenever he sought inspiration for his next work. Even today, artists come here to invoke divine intervention to guide their hands. Even I, during my adulthood, endeavored to improve my mediocre aptitude for poetry, surrounded by this natural beauty. I dreamed of being cheered by adoring crowds for my writing. But with very few results, as you may have noticed. Ahahahahah."

A laugh with a slight hint of remorse brought melancholy to the Cardinal's face.

For a Godkin like him, there was no other road than that of military or ecclesiastical life: a destiny already decided from birth. The needs of the many exceeded those of the few.

Being chosen by the gods involved a sacrifice far beyond that required of ordinary people.

"I'm sure your poems are worth hearing, Your Holiness!"

"No, they are not. But that's okay, I accepted my job and place in life without regrets. But let's stop thinking about this nonsense. Tell me, how was your diplomatic mission? Has the queen of the Draconic Kingdom accepted our requests?"

"She had some reservations, but in the end, she couldn't help but capitulate. The sum we have requested will be a serious blow to their state coffers. I wonder if we shouldn't have been more generous with our assistance."

For some time now, the Draconic Kingdom had been dealing with numerous demihuman incursions on its borders.

In the beginning, they had only been small raids rejected with the help of the state militia until in recent years the intensity of the struggles had begun to be increasingly violent.

The military force at her disposal was insufficient to guarantee absolute security to her citizens and, to avoid dramatic escalations, Queen Draudillon Oriculus had acted preventively by requesting the help of the Theocracy's special forces before her domain collapsed under constant attacks of beastmen.

For its part, Slane would have found it unacceptable for a kingdom composed entirely of humans to capitulate to the advance of lesser beings.

Finding a common point was therefore a goal shared by both States.

"In a perfect world, we could afford to lend our troops to any human kingdom without asking for anything in return. But we don't live in that world yet, sadly. The deployment of the Sunlight Scriptures, the troops of paladins, and that new special unit are also expensive for our pockets. Speaking of the latter, how did you take the news when you learned the more specific details of its composition?"

"How could the queen have taken it? She wasn't thrilled with it but she understood that didn't have much choice left. Of course, we enchanted her to keep it a secret. Khajiit remained there to ensure that the operation proceeded in the strictest secrecy. There shouldn't be any complications, in any case."

After years in the Black Scriptures, the vice-cardinal had become accustomed to operating in the shadows and using unorthodox methods to advance his nation's goals. If possible, he would have gladly avoided resorting to those procedures, but his task went beyond unnecessary moral judgments.

"I see." Carnesio began to look around as if he expected to be heard. But only the two of them were currently in that place. "And tell me, what impression did that queen make on you?"

"Why are you asking me?"

"Pure curiosity."

Draudillon Oriculus was not what one could have called an ordinary person. Her royal house could boast of a lineage that even traced back to one of the True Dragon Lords, the Brightness Dragon Lord to be precise, one of the most powerful and intelligent survivors of that ancient race.

How a dragon could mate with a human was a question Raymond had repeatedly avoided asking himself during the journey. The simple explanation that it was a particular use of ancient wild magic was enough for him.

In fact, according to their intelligence, even the descendant of that particularly curious dragon had the right to make use of that now-lost art, which she used to be able to change its appearance at will. It was said that she had begun to take the form of a defenseless child in order to leverage a feeling of protection aroused in the population.

Yet the one who had welcomed him was a woman with a respectable and regal air, endowed with a marked sense of courtesy and diplomacy.

The showy looks that surrounded her eyes had been the first thing to be noticed by the vice-cardinal: an unequivocal symbol that the suffering of her subjects was a boulder that weighed incessantly on the monarch's spirit.

What did he think of her?

Since he had assumed his current role more than once he had wondered what had to be the indispensable qualities that distinguish an authority figure.

During his official and non-official missions, he had the opportunity to come into contact with and observe a significant number of people in leadership positions.

But by what was their aptitude for a superior position judged? From the welfare of the subordinates?

From this point of view, his judgment of the queen would have been absolutely insufficient. After all, the people of the Draconic Kingdom wreaked havoc in conditions that bordered perilously on misery.

If Slane hadn't guaranteed its help, they wouldn't have resisted for more than five years, to be generous.

But that seemed to him a parameter which, however relevant, could not fully encompass the complexity of the evaluation.

Especially when discussing a complex and multifaceted structure such as a kingdom, reducing everything to a single point of view could have turned out to be a hasty and gross mistake to be avoided.

After all, the moment a royal ascended the throne he was not dealing with a clean slate, but inherited years and years of history, culture, and previous administrations to deal with.

The current emperor of Baharut was considered a genius and revolutionary but, although his political and administrative skills were beyond any discussion, he had been able to count on the legacy of the reforms carried out by his predecessors. If the impervious path had been partially paved, the goal was not so unattainable.

On the other hand, the current ruler of the Re-Estize Kingdom was considered by most to be unqualified but there was no doubt that he had managed, with his difficulties, to keep up a nation that had been prey to internal strife for years.

One person doesn't make a difference; it was a creed that the Theocracy had embraced since immemorial time and which had a fundamental significance for its political action, internal and otherwise.

So, in the end, what was his estimation?

"Although I cannot judge the queen and her government action in its entirety, I can say with certainty that the impression I had on her was entirely positive."

"Oh really? And what led you to this conclusion?"

"The humility with which she has conferred with me and my assistants demonstrates a respect for the opinions of others, a quality I believe indispensable for those in a position such as hers. Furthermore, she was quick to accept the suggestions of her ministers and secretaries, placing their opinions on an equal footing with hers but always remaining able to evaluate the good and the bad of each of them. Finally, and this I think is the most important point, Draudillon demonstrated an admirable foresight that took into consideration not only the well-being of the present population but also that of the future one. In fact, in addition to the military agreements, my report outlines a series of economic aids that we have planned to implement once the emergency situation will be over. There was talk of lower interest rates and discounts on their products for a series of reconstruction loans. Obviously, the ministry of the economy will evaluate the feasibility of these projects."

"Splendid, splendid! I'm sure the Superior Council will be happy to hear your proposals."

"My suggestions? What do you mean?"

As a subordinate of Carnesio, it was not up to Raymond to address the Theocracy Council but to his direct superior, in that case, the Cardinal of the Earth.

"That's the main reason I sent you to the Draconic Kingdom, my dear boy."

Carnesio ran a hand through his bald head as he found the courage to reveal the fateful news.

"I intend to retire. And I want you to be my successor. I have already submitted the application with all my evaluations. But it's just a formality. The only thing missing is your decision."

Generally, the appointment of a new Cardinal was proposed by one of the members currently in office in their office but remained pending for practice for no less than six months before being carefully evaluated, except in cases of exceptional urgency and seriousness.

But at the moment there was nothing like it that justified that expedited procedure.

And above all, why him? Among the other vice-cardinals and members of the Earth dicastery team, there were individuals much more prepared and capable.

He was a member of the Black Scriptures, but other than that, he possessed no qualities that warranted that somewhat bizarre arrangement.

Raymond could not understand.

"I think you made a mistake. I'm nowhere near the best person for this job."

"Do you question my judgment?"

Carnesio stared at him intensely, in his eyes there was a magnetic force that underlined his extraordinary abilities.

For a moment the vice cardinal was seized by a genuine and familiar terror. Only once before had he felt so at the mercy of another human being. The memory of that terrible experience caused a lump in his throat, for a moment he thought he was about to throw up, disfiguring that magnificent place.

Not that his superior had bad intentions, quite the contrary. Yet he couldn't help but be in awe.

"No, I didn't mean that. I just can't get over what you guys saw in me to come to this decision."

Carnesio crossed his arms, puffing with resignation.

"Have more faith in your abilities, my boy. First, I don't need to remind you how many times you have excelled in the field as both a special agent and military strategist. No one else in our departments can boast anywhere near your resume. And I don't need to state that my successor will have to take command of the Six Scriptures, among other things. But that's not just why I chose you. You are honest, endowed with a bright and open mind, a cool head to face the most delicate situations and, above all, an innate compassion for your fellow men. No, there is no one more perfect. With you in my place, I'm sure I can leave things in good hands."

Raymond felt embarrassed by the unabashed praise. Was this how the Cardinal saw him? In his heart, he couldn't help but feel a shred of satisfaction.

"But why withdraw now? Your Holiness still has so much to give to this country."

"No, it's time for a new wind to blow over Scripture. Big changes are in the air. The war is going to end, trust me. In a few years, we will have to reevaluate our position in the world."

"The Black Scripture's new Captain has yet to settle into his position. And then there's that new girl who seems to be giving more than a few headaches. Don't you think it's better to remain stable for a while longer?"

"No, a new face is needed to handle the new challenges that are approaching. I am too old and tired to continue. Have faith in your abilities, I have many."

"I will try to be able to meet at least half of your expectations."

"So, you accept?"

"I accept."

Raymond still wasn't sure he lived up to the praise of his soon-to-be predecessor. But the pride and esteem Carnesio showed towards him gave him a vigorous push to accept his future with serenity.

A new chapter in his life was opening.

He could only pray to the gods that the now ex-Cardinal hadn't been wrong about him.

Upper Fire Month, 13th day, 22.00

"Slow, slow. You don't need to try too hard, Rosalie. I'm here to help you"

The streets of Silksuntecks had now emptied of the city crowd as shopkeepers and passers-by returned to their homes to face a well-deserved rest.

Attached to Antilene's arm was a sweet old woman trudging along the streets of the capital of the Theocracy.

What had once been a proudly standing woman was now struggling to maintain a barely stooped figure. The long hair had lost the scarlet of its coloring, replaced by a more banal and sadder light gray.

The skin was studded with numerous wrinkles and calluses that hid what was once a smooth complexion.

Yet while time had proved its inevitability on her physique, that didn't mean the mind was as shriveled as the rest of her being.

Indeed, the sorcerer was more than aware of her physical decay and had accepted it with all possible naturalness.

"I'm sorry to be such a heavy burden, Lady Zesshi. I am appalled at my uselessness."

For her part, the half-elf had changed very little in those long years. She'd gained a few inches in height and lost some of her childlike air, but otherwise remained the same girl as always.

The passing of the months had had on her only the effect of a modest glimmer of wind and not of the storm that had overwhelmed those who were once her companions.

"No trouble. I am happy to help you. Indeed, if I can do something more to give a hand, just ask. Do you want me to carry you? That wouldn't be a problem at all for me."

"I still have a modicum of dignity, but thank you for the generous offer. Ah, every time I look at his face, I can't help but feel a minimum of envy. It must be nice to age so slowly. To stay young and beautiful for so long and not suffer the relentless judgment of time."

Was it? Antilene wasn't so convinced.

For her, the seasons followed each other with impressive speed, but the clock of life marked its hands with an unjustified slowness.

Instead, all the people close to her, dear and not, faded like a withered plant with a rhythm that she still couldn't fully understand.

The girl watched over them like a loving guardian from her tower, but she could never understand what it was like to walk the same roads that ordinary men walked.

How many by now had she seen succumb to unjust disease or disappear after a dangerous mission? Maids who looked after the house, guards who watched over her person, healers who came to check on her health. How many of those faces could she remember?

The half-elf wasn't sure, and thinking about it made her feel an unpleasant melancholy. When her turn would come because hers would come too sooner or later, how many would remember her?

How many would have kept Antilene presence in their hearts?

"You are still beautiful, Rosalie."

"Thank you. Hearing you say it i… coff, coff, coff."

The older woman started coughing heavily. Her legs struggled to stay upright, and if it hadn't been for the half-elf's grip, she would have collapsed to the ground without many thanks.

"Wait, let me help you."

The younger-looking girl cast a healing spell to aid her old mate. But even magic had its limits.

For the moment Rosalie managed to regain her composure. But it wouldn't be long before her condition started to deteriorate again.

Seeing the old companion in that condition whipped Antilene. What was the use of being the ace of humanity if she couldn't help the people she cared about?

But even she couldn't do anything to thwart Surshana's arrival. Before a God, her powers were as good as anyone else's.

"I'm sorry to be such a burden to you. I should never have asked her to bother to drive me to a place like this at this late hour of the night."

"Sneaking out of the treasure room every once in a while can only be good for me. Besides, I was more than happy to go with you."

Only the two of them were left of the old group now, and for how much longer could she say the same?

It hadn't been easy but she had managed to convince Rufus to grant her that extraordinary permission. Her master had given his blessing and his help in shielding the girl from the gaze of the Cardinals in exchange for a promise that she would have returned to him before midnight to tell how it had gone.

Antilene had willingly accepted. In recent times the opportunities to leave her apartments had become increasingly rare and occasional. The last time she had gone outdoors in the capital was more than six months ago if she remembered correctly.

The missions were now only a distant memory. In recent years nothing had justified the departure from Silksuntecks.

She should have been grateful for the tranquility that lived in her country, but the half-elf was still bored by the lack of action.

But at least Antilene was sure that her ambition was close to being realized. The war with the elves was now increasingly in their favor. The present Cardinals had promised that it was only a matter of time before she could be sent to pay her ancient debt to her hated father.

Even though her impatience was reaching its limit, she could have waited a little longer. Just a little more.

"Here we are, we have arrived." She said, turning to Rosalie.

Their destination was a small structure located a few kilometers away from the city center.

Since cemeteries were located outside the city centers, a measure used to contain the possible appearances of the undead, some of the larger cities of the Theocracy were full of small shrines inside which were preserved the honorary bodies of some of the most important personalities in Slane's history.

They were empty, of course, but they had more of a symbolic function to allow the loved ones of the deceased to pay homage to their memory.

In particular, the one where the two women had gone was reserved for particularly important members of the army.

"It's been a long time since I've been to this place. But it always has a preparatory effect on my soul." Rosalie affirmed her intent on contemplating her surroundings.

Antilene could not remember exactly when was the last time she had visited a place like that. It was probably more than a decade ago.

Away from the main hall from which they had entered was a long corridor that led to a small door sealed by a strong lock.

Rosalie pulled a small key from her robe which she used to open the door easily.

The room in which they lit was usually off-limits to the general public, except for prominent members of the Theocracy or close family and friends of the deceased, as it was dedicated to members of the Scriptures.

A slight stuffy smell lingered in the room; however, it was contrasted by a more pleasant one produced by various chrysanthemums of various shades of tints that adorned the similar tombs.

There was a particular legend concerning the Goddess of water handed down within the Theocracy concerning that particular flower.

The legend, which attributed to it the meaning of renewal, told of a sad little girl who, watching over her dying mother, was lucky enough to be heard, in one of her difficult moments, by a minor divinity moved by her tears. Moved by the crying of the child, he decided to inform the goddess Igarda so that she would end her pains. The goddess, having listened to the story, personally went to the girl to give her a flower, warning her that when the time came, Surshana would arrive to take her mother, recommending that she delivered this to him and told him that the Gods had allowed her to pass away after many days as her petals.

The little girl cut the petals into many strips in order to increase the number. Inexorably Surshana arrived and the girl handed him the infinite petals she had obtained.

Amazed and thinking of a joke against him, the God of Death decided not to take the adored mother with him, who remained with her daughter for as many years as there were chrysanthemum petals.

It was a silly and baseless story, viewed with skepticism by the most expert of the doctrine.

Yet Antilene had a soft spot for it, even if she was aware that it was only an apocryphal fantasy.

But sometimes there was nothing wrong with believing that a lie was reality, and then given the symbol of renewal that chrysanthemums now represented within the Theocracy, it was possible that deep down there was a grain of truth in that history.

It costed nothing to hope, right?

"How many years has it now been since Kapitel died? Five, six? Ah, even memory is no longer what it used to be."

Even their old comrades were honored there.

The head of the Hazeia family had been the last of theirs to leave this world. But, from what she remembered, he had done it in the most total serenity and the fullness of his old age, surrounded by relatives and companions.

Not a bad death. There were worse ones.

"Yes, I still remember the serene face with which he passed away. He seemed happy to be reunited with his beloved wife in the afterlife. I hope this wish of yours has come true."

"His grandchildren are in Black Scripture now, aren't they? I heard that they gave a good deal of headache at first for their indiscipline."

"The male actually stood out on more than one mission for his skills, as I recall. Instead, it is the girl who seems to give some particular problem. Not even my special training seems to have been able to straighten her. Well, not that it's my problem."

The battle with that warrior, Clementine was her name, still etched in her mind.

In fact, the arrogance with which she had placed herself towards the extra seat had irritated the latter beyond measure. So much so that she had decided to teach the recruit a hard lesson.

Proud of her speed and her mastery of using her daggers to inflict fatal damage on her victims, Clementine tried to replicate a hit-and-run tactic that had evidently been successful with many other victims.

She had been reduced to a pool of blood within seconds. Her wails and screams of pain were still etched in the half-elf's mind.

Usually, an experience like this was enough to put a new Black Scripture member down a peg, yet from what Antilene had heard her methods this time hadn't been as effective as they always were.

In any case, it was not her job to provide for the education of a fool and therefore she would have let the Cardinals and the Captain of the Blacks take care of her education.

Speaking of the Captain, shouldn't a new one be arriving soon?

It would have been nice if they could have gotten along, there hadn't been a good relationship with his predecessor.

She should have asked Carnesio to update her on the situation.

"Oh well, I'm sure things will work out soon. The hands of the gods are always precise in tracing our path. The girl just needs to settle in and I'm sure she will find a second family ready to welcome her warmly. Just like it happened to me."

The sorceress was sure of her statement, but the half-elf was unable to fully share it.

She decided not to say anything, however. There was no need to upset a woman in her condition.

"And Buvesez's nephew is now a seat of Scripture as well. Sixth, right? To think he took Campeao's equipment. Those two were always bickering, but I'm sure they would have been proud to see how the new generations proceeded."

They remained there letting themselves be taken by memories of a past that began to disappear in the folds of time.

Indeed, it was pleasant to let the past bring comfort to the present.


Rosalie coughed again, this time even more violently than before. Antilene's healing abilities were just a buffer to the current situation. They couldn't stay in that place much longer.

"Maybe it's best if we go home. You need a rest."

"First pray with me. I don't want to leave without paying my respects."

Together they recited an invocation to Alah Alaf and Surshana to take care of their souls.

The complexion of Rosalie's face was increasingly pale, and the cough did not seem to stop.

Antilene noticed that her eyes made an inhuman effort just to stay open. Worried, the half-elf decided to load her on her shoulders to bring her home as soon as possible.

She was so light; she couldn't have weighed more than a hundred pounds at most.

Taking the greatest care not to experience unwanted damage to the frail body of the old woman, Antilene crossed the districts of the capital as fast as possible until she reached her destination.

Here, she had no trouble entering her partner's home. Rosalie's servants were still awake and ready to receive her.

They washed and dressed their mistress for the night in record time, while the half-elf didn't leave for a second to watch over her.

When they put her down, the servants agreed to leave them alone, while they proceeded to call a healer.

"I am truly mortified, Lady Zesshi. I was just a burden to you today."

Her face became paler and paler, while the beat of her heart did not stop fading.

"You have nothing to feel sorry for. Just think about resting."

"I perceive the end is near."


"I will soon join the others. Ah, a new chapter of my life is starting."

She shouldn't have said that.

"I can leave this world with serenity. Knowing you are there to protect it."

Why was she continuing?

"It was an immense honor to meet you, Lady Antilene."

She closed her eyes.

Antilene felt her pulse. The heartbeat had stopped.

Not a move anymore.

There was nothing more the girl could do.

"Sweet dreams, Rosalie."

The half-elf walked away calmly; a new day was about to begin.