
Overlord of Naruto World

What happens if a bored God decided to intervene with the original storyline of Naruto world. What if he selected a canon fodder and blessed him with gifts changing his fate. Follow in the footsteps of Arashi Uzumaki, a guy who was a cannon fodder in the original timeline, was saved and given two gifts by the God. Watch as he fought against his original fate and slowly becomes a powerhouse feared and respected by others. Lets follow him as he explores the limits of the world. DISCLAIMER: I DONOT OWN NARUTO OR ANY CHARACTERS OR JUTSUS RELATED TO THE MANGA OR ANIME. MINIMUM 3000 WORDS FOR EACH CHAPTER.

ben10rocks · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs


Land of Whirlpools

Its been 2 days since the attack of three great shinobi village on Uzushiogakure. All that left behind of the famous hidden village home to the fearsome Uzumaki clan was ruins and destruction. Not even a body was left behind by the attackers. All the buildings were destroyed in search of books and scrolls about the fuinjutsu of the Uzumaki's. Though it may not be the first village to fall, it showed what human greed and jealousy could do. Everybody knew the Uzumaki were peaceful folks. They tend to spend their time researching new sealing techniques. They had a unique gift of long life and a huge amount of chakra. But they use their gifts for sealing techniques rather than utilizing for developing into a strong shinobi village. Oh don't doubt their strength. They were rather fearsome bunch. Some of the clansmen who deal with their military strength were very strong. Combining sealing technique with unique jutsus, every single one of them could at least fight 10 similar ranked shinobis. They were so strong with their sealing technique that it required three village to come together to surround and attack them.

Everyone fought bravely. All of the Uzumaki knew their glorious clan would come to end. So as soon as they heard about the attack, they prepared to help their children escape to at least leave some hope for the future. They knew if any of the children got captured, their lives would be very miserable. So they stealthily transferred many children into different safehouses prepared before with the instruction if nobody came to take them away in one day, they should escape in different direction and never look back.

Many children were able to avoid being captured. But two children had no such luck. While they were escaping, they came across some enemy shinobis. As soon as they saw them, they immediately turned back and fled to the destroyed village. They knew of a place which would help them hide from the enemies. They ran to the ruined Uzukage building. There they found a hidden door under a pile of broken slab. This was the place they were hiding before. This door is only visible when you drop blood upon the place. No one beside the Uzumaki could access it. This was one of the safe houses in the village for emergency. One of the child a 7 year old boy, was the son of the previous Uzukage. Another 6 year old girl was the grand daughter of an elder. They were Arashi Uzumaki and Kushina Uzumaki. Both children were playing in the Uzukage building when the attack started. Being children of important personnel, they were main target of enemy villages. So they were hiding in the most secure place. Even if the whole building was destroyed, they would be safe. Nobody except the Uzukage and the village elders knew of this place.

This worked as both safe house and hidden treasury. All the clans original techniques were hidden here. Other libraries contained fake scrolls. Because of this reason, the enemies were unable to find any important scroll beside the lower ranked scrolls.

The boy Arashi swiftly picked up a kunai and pricked his and Kushina's thumb. Quickly he dropped the blood on the door. Many black seal lines could be seen on the door before it opened for them. They quickly entered inside and closed the door.

Gasping for breath, both of them sat on the floor hugging each other. He could hear sobbing from Kushina. He patted her head in order to sooth her.

"Boys don't cry. They don't show their pain." thought Arashi even though tears could be seen in his eyes. He was just a child who had just lost his parents and villagers. His eyes were filled with pain, anger and rage. He never had felt so powerless before even though everyone said he was very strong for someone of his age. Looking at the crying figure of Kushina just amplified his feelings. He vowed to protect her even if he would die trying.

Arashi could clearly remembered his father's last order.

"Don't even think about revenge before gaining absolute strength. Trust nobody. Especially the Konoha village. They had betrayed us. Protect Kushina with everything you have. They will come for her. Don't let them get their hands on Kushina. She will be your responsibility. Swear it on your life." These words had shook the boy to the core. Everyone knew Konoha was their allies. What had happen to Senju clan? Why would they betray us? If these words were not his father's last instruction for him, he would not have believed it.

He had not thought of the importance of the words. But he was confused. Why Kushina was so important? Who would want her?

"Arashi, are we going to be alright?" Kushina's voice broke his train of thoughts. He looked at the dried tears on her face. Even though he didn't know what would happen. He couldn't say it to her.

"Don't worry Kushina. Nothing would happen to us. My father had said this place has everything we need for survival for a year. We can just hide inside. The enemies will go away if they couldn't find anything. You don't have to worry about anything." Arashi consoled Kushina trying to cheer her up. He smiled at her hiding all his pain and anger. He had promised his father. He would do everything he can to survive.

Slowly tiredness caught up to then. They fell asleep while hugging each other.

What both of them didn't know was a transcended being was watching them. He was currently thinking if he should intervene or let the timeline continue as the original. He was bored. For some time there were no transmigrater coming and asking him to reincarnate in a fantasy world to serve as his entertainment. Though they often asked for something over the top, he happily gave them such powers and watch as they try to dominate the world or die due to their over confidence. He wouldn't look into their future rather watch them as they progress. Not that he cared about their future. They provided him with very good entertainment.

But its been a long time since the last soul he had reincarnated. Means of entertainment were decreasing for him. He thought of killing someone and reincarnating him (many had died before in accidents. not that he would agree it was his doing) but decided against it. Their wishes had become quite similar lately.

So he decided to directly intervene with a world's original future by giving someone a gift or two. The first world that came into his view would be the one he would intervene. The lucky world was a parallel universe of Narutoverse. He decided to go with it and watched for whom he should choose. There were many characters he could choose but decided to select a person who had very little to do with the original future. Searching for such person, he came across the escaping figures of Arashi and Kushina.

As he focused on them, every detail about their past and future came to his mind.

"Poor souls. Such a tragic fate. One killed by ROOT and while the other brainwashed to serve the village as a jinchuriki and died due to schemes of others. Well the boy is surely a very small character who would be killed in another year. Let see what changes could this boy bring with my gifts. Its time to meet the boy."

As soon as he had finished his sentence, he directly entered the mindscape of the boy.

Suddenly Arashi woke up and was blinded by a brilliance. He closed his eyes and started panicking.

"Did someone found us?" His body began shaking in fear and he started to prepare himself to fight whoever had found them.

"You don't have to fear me. I mean no harm. You are now inside your mindscape. I am here to offer you something extraordinary." said a voice which sounded like coming from all over the place.

"Who are you?" asked Arashi fearfully. He had no idea what his mindscape was. And how someone had entered it.

"Well for the first question, I am Mekionar, God of the omniverse. And your your mindscape is a imaginary place inside your soul which can be accessed by many techniques. Let me just fill your soul with all the information before you ask more."

Suddenly many memories began to appear inside of Arashi's mind. It showed him many things of his world's past and future, details regarding who Mekionar was and what was he offering. Seeing his future dying in the hands of Konoha's ROOT ninja filled him with dread. Not everyday you see your own future. He also saw what happened after his death, about Kushina becoming a jinchuriki, her death, her son Naruto, Madara Uchiha, Kaguya Otsutsuki and her sons, invasion of Otsutsuki clan and who is Mekionar truly was and his intention of giving him gifts to him.

He was overwhelmed by the seer amount of information that was loaded into his mind directly. Anything was possible for Mekionar.

"So now that you know everything, what do you want? Ask whatever is in your mind." said Mekionar. He was not in a hurry. He didn't read Arashi's thoughts and allowed him some time to think properly.

After thinking for a long time, Arashi asked "Can you make me very powerful like Kaguya or increase my chakra level to nine tails level?" Though he knew he was asking too much, who knows may be Mekionar would grant his wish.

"No. I will not give you such a gift. Why will I make you powerful without any effort? If I wanted to solve your problem, I would have done that. What I will give you are some reasonable talents that will help you in the future. Though I already have shown you the future, bear this in your mind, the moment I give you something, the future will change. So think carefully and tell me. According to your choice the number of gifts will change. Well the future knowledge can be considered a gift. So think wisely." Hearing what Mekionar said Arashi began thinking deeply.

With all the information he had been shown, every bloodline talent or doujutsu were derived from the Otsutsuki clan bloodline. Even the 'Eyes of the Sage' the rinnegan was born from their bloodline. He wanted his first gift to be the Otsutsuki bloodline, but decided against it. If he have enough medical knowledge, he could piece together the distributed bloodline of the Otsutsuki's . Though it would require time and skill, it had tremendous benefit than just gaining a bloodline, he could have the power to gave someone a bloodline ability and built a powerful clan on his own. Orochimaru had somewhat been successful in his approach and Madara had achieved it. With all the time he had before the fourth shinobi war, he had confidence he could be successful.

So no choosing Otsutsuki bloodline.

He began searching for another talent that was not so easily achievable. Suddenly he found something he had previously overlooked. Why were the Otsutsuki coming to this planet? For the chakra fruit. A fruit from the divine tree that gave near immortality to them and increase their strength tremendously. The Otsutsuki's main goal had been the chakra fruit. That means they lack something that required chakra fruit. Analyzing all the information, he discovered a startling truth, Otsutsuki didn't know how to use nature energy directly. Even if they knew, they required divine tree to gather all the nature energy in the planet in form of a chakra fruit to boost their capabilities to utilize nature energy.

Nature energy was the main reason for all this war. Now that he think about it, nature energy was very important. If slugs, toads and snakes could use it and achieve long life, intellect and tremendous power; what would happen if he gain something like that. As far as he knew, there was no human sage like the toad sage or slug sage. Even those who learned Senjutsu were not so much capable as the animal sages. Even the Sage of Six Paths, Hagoromo Otsutsuki was not had such capabilities. Even he would turn into stone if he tried to use nature energy directly. But animal sages already had the capability to utilize it even before chakra was introduced. Also they were capable of further evolving as mentioned by Kabuto. He had mentioned how the final evolution of snake sage was dragon. As far as he knew only Ten Tail was capable of such feat. If he can gain such a talent to use nature energy directly, many bloodline talents would pale in comparison.

Another gift he wanted to ask for was to increase his soul capacity. Anything related to souls were very vague in the information he had gained.

Arashi made up his mind. He said "I will like to have a gift that will increase my attunement with nature energy to the limit and increase my soul capacity."

Hearing what Arashi had requested, Mekionar said "You really have chosen some interesting requests. Very few people understand the importance of nature energy and soul. My thoughts of choosing you was right. Very well. Your body will have divine level of nature energy attunement. As for your soul, it will increase to the limits of mortal level. This means you will have a soul which is 10 times the size of average human."

As soon as Mekionar said, Arashi's soul increased 10 times. His child like form started which was translucent began to grow older and more denser. From the previous 7 year old to currently a young man of early 20s. His form became solid. His senses were increased at least 10 times.

"You will discover many other improvements once you grow and train. If you have anything to ask me you can, you can. This may be the last time you will see me." said Mekionar. He was happy with the choices Arashi had made. Though it didn't increase his strength now, it had open up a boarder future path for Arashi. As to where he would reach with this, he would just watch him grow. This would be an excellent entertainment show for quite some time.

"I only have one question. Can I share my gifts with others?" asked Arashi nervously. He wanted to share some of it with Kushina.

"Its possible but difficult. As for how, that's for you to discover. Now its for me to return. One last thing you better remember clearly, what memories I have given you is of the original timeline. There will be few changes in your timeline to make it more interesting. A word of warning before I leave, this world of yours is just a speck of dust compared to the whole universe. You will discover many facts and face many dangers ahead. Try to utilize your gifts properly. Goodbye Arashi." said Mekionar before vanishing from his mindscape. From start to end Arashi couldn't see Mekionar's figure. All he saw was blinding light. Now that he was gone, his form was out of his mindscape and he woke up in the real world.

As soon as he woke up, he saw the sleeping figure of Kushina holding onto his body tightly. He thought of what he had seen in the memories. He could remember everything clearly. His talk with Mekionar and his gifts. He thought it was a dream but dismissed the idea as soon as he felt a peculiar energy around him. He tried to sense what it was. He was surprised when he felt this energy was very slowly entering his body and leaving after some time. He knew this energy was nature energy. Suddenly the first gift came to his mind. Divine level nature energy attunement. His body had changed. He could feel it. The nature energy that was entering autonomously didn't harm his body at all. Instead very minutely, it was strengthening it. He tried to forcefully pull some nature energy into his body. But as soon as he tried, he felt terrible. The difference between chakra and nature energy was huge. His body couldn't handle even a tiny bit of such potent energy. Though due to his gift he was not turned into stone, he didn't like the feeling of being torn apart cell by cell. His body needs more time and training to handle nature energy.

Another thing he noticed was he felt uncomfortable in his body. He could deduce it for being having a powerful soul in a week body. Yeah, he really should have known. Such powerful gifts must certainly have some drawbacks. Now he had to train for some time to get used to it. He figured if his body grew rapidly to match his soul, he could overcome such problems.

Slowly he began planning for the future according to the information. He had no plan on going out of Uzushiogakure. This place has everything he needed except maybe food and clothing. As the son of the Uzukage, he knew some place where he could get food stored inside storage seals. If he needed more he could go out and buy food and clothes for both from nearby villages. The safehouse could become their home. If he could learn all the sealing techniques of his clan, he was confident nobody could manage to find them if he didn't want to. Beside he could repair all the security seals outside of their village. If not for Konoha betraying them, how could the shinobi of other villages find them. Just thinking about this, made him angry. Though he knew Madara had some hands. It didn't mean he could do it without external help. Black Zetsu was not all powerful nor Madara was in his prime. He suspected Danzo had his hands in this matter. Not that this would be the first time he had done something like this. Extermination of Uchiha Clan in the future was a prime example of that.

After reviewing the memories of the future many times, he had doubts regarding many events like kidnapping of Kushina and Hinata. He didn't believe Kumo shinobi could so easily kidnap a jinchuriki and a Hyuga heiress so easily without help. He thought for sure Danzo had something to do for all these events. He also deduce that their village destruction must be due to Danzo and black Zetsu. Konoha's hokage or the the Senju clan must not have received any report of the attack. Black Zetsu or Danzo must had interfered. He decided to kill Danzo whenever he got the chance. His future actions had caused many unnecessary deaths.

As he thought about his future path, he decided whatever he wanted to do, without his own strength, it would be futile. He cleared his mind of thoughts regarding revenge. He started to think of how to make himself and Kushina strong like Madara where he could single handedly fought the alliance army of five great villages. His name alone brought the five villages to negotiate and build the alliance army.