
Overlord of Naruto World

What happens if a bored God decided to intervene with the original storyline of Naruto world. What if he selected a canon fodder and blessed him with gifts changing his fate. Follow in the footsteps of Arashi Uzumaki, a guy who was a cannon fodder in the original timeline, was saved and given two gifts by the God. Watch as he fought against his original fate and slowly becomes a powerhouse feared and respected by others. Lets follow him as he explores the limits of the world. DISCLAIMER: I DONOT OWN NARUTO OR ANY CHARACTERS OR JUTSUS RELATED TO THE MANGA OR ANIME. MINIMUM 3000 WORDS FOR EACH CHAPTER.

ben10rocks · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Five Years(2), Transformation

--- Flashback ---

In the lab of 2nd Hokage, Mito, Kana, Kushina, Tsunade, Mikoto and Akira were standing on a ritual circle. The circle was made up of sealing lines and characters along with five smaller circles on its circumference and a bigger circle in the center. Arashi was standing at the center and others were at the other five circles.

"Are you ready Arashi?" asked Mito.

"Yeah. I am ready." replied Arashi.

"Ok then. Start the hand seals. Everyone inject your chakra to the circle when I will signal." Everyone nodded and Arashi started performing the required hand seals for the jutsu. Soon Mito gave the signal and everyone started injecting their chakra in to the seal.

The seal lit up and complex sealing marks started appearing on Arashi's body. To be safe, he had removed every other seals from his body. Slowly the already prepared blood and cells which he had previously added to the sealing circle approached his body. As soon as the blood and cells touched his body, they were absorbed inside his body.

Slowly he felt like millions of ants were crawling all over his body. Due to his spirit powers he could feel whatever was happening inside every cells of his body. Slowly different fluids started coming out of his body and it formed cocoon around him. By this time he lost his conscious due to overwhelming amount of pain he was feeling.

Everyone could see the blood red cocoon around Arashi and knew the genetic transformation process was starting. Mito could sense the dense amount of chakra and nature energy from the cocoon. She already was familiar with nature energy.

Everyone continued to supply chakra in to the seal. After some time, only Mito was able to supply chakra. Others were already feeling exhaustion. She also started to draw chakra from nine tails and inject it to the seal. They had already tested the effect of adding Kyubi's chakra in to the seal. Rather than having any adverse effect, it's chakra sped up the transformation process.

Everyone was waiting for the transformation process to end. They didn't dare to do anything to cause any unnecessary damage. After waiting for an hour, finally the cocoon began to melt and the naked body of Arashi appeared. His clothes had melt due to the cocoon. Everyone except Mito blushed furiously when they saw his naked torso.

Arashi's body had undergone major changes. His height had reached 5 feet 6 inches and his muscles had grown. Though he didn't became bulkier, his lean and tightly packed muscles made him sleek without affecting his agility. His skin colour had become lighter and his hair had become scarlet red. The most noticeable change was his pair of golden eyes. Everyone seemed to be drawn towards it. His eyes had become similar that of a Byakugan except the colour.

Mito gave Arashi a towel to cover his lower body and asked "How are you feeling? Do you feel any discomfort?"

Flexing his muscles and performing some stretching, Arashi replied "No, I don't feel anything wrong. In fact I feel great. I can feel that my body has become more powerful compared to before."

Searching for a while, he found a steel bar and bend it with his bare hand without even applying much force. "This will take some time getting used to it."

Everyone were dumbfounded when they saw his action. The ease with which he performed it, made them realize that he was more than okay.

"What about your eyes? I think you have unlocked a mutated Byakugan." said Kana. She was eager to know about it. If he had unlocked a new type of Byakugan, then it would open a new path for the Hyuga clan.

Arashi tried injecting chakra in to his eyes. Suddenly his view was replaced with 360 degree field of vision around themselves, without the small blind spot at the back of the neck above the first thoracic vertebra like other Hyuga clan members.

"Well it is Byakugan but it doesn't have the weakness of it. I think it has other powers but we should check that out later."

Arashi stopped injecting chakra and his vision returned to normal.

"OK guys lets keep the questions for later. We should first test his body for any sign for abnormality. Later we will perform ninjutsu and other tests."

Mito started performing many medical test along with Tsunade. Kana, Mikoto and Kushina along with Akira waited for the result. After an hour performing various types of result on his body they give him the green light.

Mito didn't find anything abnormal except the fact that his chakra has gained higher density and silver colour. His chakra density was now that of the nine tails. However his chakra reserves didn't increased. Another important thing was that his regeneration power was of the charts. Any cut was healed in a matter of seconds without his conscious action. Though they didn't perform any major test like limb regeneration, they knew it might be possible.

'Well it seems adding Tsunade's seal along with the genetic change has boosted his regeneration speed to a new height. This may be the reason why his body has grown up. This way his body can get acquainted to the changes easily.'

Mito and Tsunade also checked his genes. They found out that his new genes had all the talents of the bloodlines. His old gene and new gene were totally different. Also when they tested his blood by adding it to their own, they were surprised to find out they their blood got consumed without any signs of mixture. If someone directly consumed even a drop of his blood their body would die.

But to cut through his skin it would take a lot of effort. His muscle density and skeletal density was at least 100 times more than that of a normal human. If he only used his body along with taijutsu, he could beat a kage. Normal shuriken and kunai had no effect on his skin. His skin was smooth and soft but very tensile.

When everyone heard his results, they immediately wanted to perform technique on themselves. But Mito denied.

"You all should wait for at least a week before doing another sealing ritual. This way we can find out more about this and Arashi can try to increase his familiarity with his new chakra."

When Arashi had tried to check his chakra, he was surprised when he found out that his quality of chakra has now reached the level same as nature energy. He decided to try and use nature energy mixed with his own. He got an unexpected result. Now he didn't need to control nature energy like before. Once it was mixed with his spiritual and physical energy, it became his own. This means that he can always be in sage mode. And the nature energy he had drawn inside remains there without dissipating.

This discovery made his mood even more happier. Now as long as there was nature energy outside, he would not need to worry about going out of chakra. This not only increased his chakra quality many times more but his physical limit and spiritual limit also increased.

When he tried to use different jutsu, his chakra requirement for them has decreased while power output has multiplied. A simple 'Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu' now could kill a jonin easily. He now was somewhat able to use Yin and Yang release. Though he felt that he needed to practice to use them to increase his power again.

Yin release helped him to give shape to his chakra. Whatever he wanted to shape his chakra, it would give shape to it. This helped him to use jutsu without any hand signs. His thought alone was enough. Also he now could use telekinetic abilities more freely.

Yang release helped him to give life to his techniques. For example if he used Yin release to create a fire dragon with his chakra then with Yang release he could make the fire dragon more like a real fire dragon. Also his fire turned into crimson color and the temperature was 5 times more than normal fire style jutsu.

Also his familiarity with elements increased. Like 2nd Hokage, he could also draw moisture from air to use for his Water release or use air directly from the atmosphere to use Wind release. This decreased his chakra consumption and it helped him to fight against chakra absorption techniques in the future. As due to using natural element rather than using chakra to convert them, one couldn't use chakra absorption to absorb the jutsu.

He figured that if he managed to train his elemental jutsu this way, he could truly become a god like being. He didn't need to be afraid of any jutsu as he can directly use someone's jutsu against him just because of his familiarity.

It opened a new branch of power for him. Already due to his gift, he was closer to the nature than anyone else. This would help him to gain another level of nature affinity.

After a week of practice, he decided to began his preparation for performing the ritual for the girls. He had asked grandma Mito if she wanted to do the ritual, but she denied.

"I don't want to do the ritual. I am already old and I want to die peacefully and reunite with my family in the Pure Land. I don't have any more attachment for the world of living. As soon as I see you can take care of yourselves, I want to leave this world."

Arashi was very sad when he heard her reply. He liked his grandma Mito and wanted to spend more time with her. But he also respected her wishes. She had been carrying a lot of burden alone in this world. She needed her rest and happiness. Even though they provided her a familial love, she wanted to reunite with her beloved husband. She loved him very much. Even after so many years had passed, she still loved him.

Soon one after another everyone had undergone the ritual. Tsunade had gained 3 tomoe Sharingan immediately after the ritual along with Wood Style. Though everyone got to use Wood Style after the ritual, only Tsunade choose to focus on it. Others had decided to focus on other elemental techniques.

She also gained ability which allows her to increase her physical strength tremendously for an amount of time. Her physical abilities were more compared to Arashi and other girls. Her normal strength was more than that of Arashi. Along with that her body became more developed compared to what she should be in her late teens. She was no more flat chested. Arashi had to fight the urge not to look at her chest every time. As due to increase in physical abilities, his hormones were raging when he saw all the girls naked after the ritual. If not for his self control, he might have done something unthinkable.

His new feelings towards the girls was not unnoticed by the girls. Though he didn't know, all the girls were feeling the same towards him.

Anyway, after Tsunade, Kushina gained red Byakugan like Arashi along with a natural ability to solidify chakra and use it like weapons. Her weapons were stronger compared to others. Her hair turned scarlet like Arashi and she gained the ability to use natural air and moisture directly to make them Ice. She gained Ice release the most than others.

Kana and Mikoto on the other hand had not shown any physical changes other than growing up like their 13 year old body and gaining new chakra and physical strength. Though Mikoto's Sharingan awakened and was much more powerful than Tsunade's even if both of them had 3 tomoe Sharingan. Her ability to use it was higher compared to Tsunade's. Arashi guessed that she would unlock her 'Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan' directly after some training. She didn't need to exchange her eyes with her father's. Her affinity for fire also increase to a new level. She gained a new fire ability which allows her to use blue flames naturally. This flame was more powerful than Arashi's crimson fire.

In case of Kana, her Byakugan had it's weakness removed. Her chakra control shot through the roof. Her speed and strength increased many times. She gained much more elemental affinity for earth. Now she could just use her thoughts and gestures to control natural earth easily. Like others she also gained the ability to use different elements. She also gained an ability to control her hair and solidify it to use it to attack enemies tenketsu points. Her chakra control allowed her to use Hyuga clan abilities more proficiently. Using her hairs, she could strike all the 361 tenketsu points permanently destroying ones chakra network.

After the ritual, everyone decided to focus on one element to be their strongest. This way they all would be more deadlier. Even though they all could use all elemental nature transformation if they tried to, they decided to focus on one first. Later they would have their secondary and tertiary elements. They all also decided to create their own original jutsu.

Arashi also helped them to use nature energy to increase their powers. Though they might not have his gift's full power, they gained the watered version of his. All of them had little problem while drawing nature energy inside their bodies and use Sage Mode. But they couldn't keep the already drawn nature energy inside their body like Arashi.

Later Arashi and Tsunade made a seal which would store their Sage chakra which they could use in case of emergency. Also the seal helped them to draw in nature energy much more easily than others.

'It seems I will have to research the God Tree in the future to find out how it works. Later it will help them to convert the nature energy to their own like myself.'

Arashi knew that they would not gain his ability such easily. Even after the rituals, everyone's spiritual energy pales in comparison to that of Arashi's.

'I will have to look into those seals about souls in the scrolls. I may find a way to help them increasing their spiritual energy rapidly.'

Arashi and others also once again applied the gravity seal and chakra restrain seal. They didn't want to get lazy after the ritual. He knew even after their transformation, they had a long way to reach Madara and Hashirama's level. They were not known as legends for nothing.

As for Sage of Six Paths level, he guessed that he needed at least 10 years of constant training if he didn't awaken Rinnegan or Tenseigan. The easiest way would be by becoming the jinchuriki of Ten Tails. But he didn't want to do it. He wanted to gain his own powers himself, such that he would not be limited by it.

For example, even if Kaguya had raw power much more compared to Hagoromo and Hamura, she was defeated by them due her lack of training her power and the way she gained it. Her power came from the God Tree. So it was depended on it. He guessed without the God Tree, she might have been killed by them.

He didn't want to have a tragic fate like her. Also he knew that Kaguya was lowest level member of Otsutsuki clan. He didn't have blind feelings that all Otsutsuki clan members would be as lazy as Kaguya. They must have trained their powers, otherwise they couldn't have dominate many solar systems.

--- Flashback End ---

Even though he knew he could use other elemental combinations, he focused in Ice release and Wood release. But his Wood style and Ice style couldn't compared to Tsunade's and Kushina's. They were monsters in these segment. If not for his gifts, he would be destroyed by them.

As for single elemental nature transformation, he focused in Lightning release. His affinity for natural lightning was the highest than other elements. Using Fire release and Water release he could make artificial clouds and use them to draw more clouds from the surroundings. Eventually, he had been able to change the weather to some degree. It was not as powerful or practical. He needed a lot of time to gather clouds.

But he wanted to eventually reach a point where he could change the weather with his thoughts only.

He had created his own Lightening jutsu using these. As for what, it would be a secret for now.

After years of training, everyone had reached S level and Tsunade was on SS level. It was due to their lack of actual combat ability. They had fought against each others, but they didn't use their most destructive or wide ranged jutsu. Only Tsunade had real fighting experience. She had kept her Wood release a secret. Though they had performed another ritual for Nawaki, they had strictly forbid him for showing his powers to others.

They had given him a long lecture about this. Eventually he agreed on the condition that they would allow him to join the war when he graduate from the academy. Nawaki had awakened Sharingan and Mokuton like her sister.

To hide their physical changes they used an improved version of 'Henge'. Nobody knew their current appearance. In these years, they all had grown very much.

Arashi looked like a 18 year old youth with an impressive height of 6 feet 3 inches and sleek figure. He was handsome and charismatic. His crimson hair was chin-length that parted to frame the sides of his face. His Kin'ironogan (Golden Byakugan) increased his appeal for opposite sex more.

Kushina had grown to be a fair-skinned and slender woman of feminine build. Her Akaigan (Red Eyes, they had decided to call her mutated Byakugan) along with her crimson hair made her look like a vampire princess. Her hair was straight and reached her thighs with shoulder-length strands that framed both sides of her face and a black clip that parts her hair to the left.

Mikoto had grown to be a fair-skinned and slender woman with long, straight black hair with bangs hanging on either side of her face to roughly frame her cheeks and black eyes. Compared to Kushina she looked like a goddess on earth. Her caring and kind attitude increased her charms more.

Kana had grown to be a slender girl of fair-complexion who, as a Hyuga, her most distinguishing trait is the Byakugan, giving her featureless white eyes. Her hair reaches her lower back and the framing strands reach shoulder-length. She looked like a Ice princess with her cold and stoic personality.

Lastly, Tsunade had grown to be a fair-skinned woman with blue eyes and straight blonde hair that parts above her forehead. Her hair has shoulder-length bangs that frame her face and the rest reaches her lower-back. Her slender figure of curvaceous frame with above-average height and noticeably large breasts, she is in fact widely regarded as the most beautiful kunoichi in the world.