
Overlord of Naruto World

What happens if a bored God decided to intervene with the original storyline of Naruto world. What if he selected a canon fodder and blessed him with gifts changing his fate. Follow in the footsteps of Arashi Uzumaki, a guy who was a cannon fodder in the original timeline, was saved and given two gifts by the God. Watch as he fought against his original fate and slowly becomes a powerhouse feared and respected by others. Lets follow him as he explores the limits of the world. DISCLAIMER: I DONOT OWN NARUTO OR ANY CHARACTERS OR JUTSUS RELATED TO THE MANGA OR ANIME. MINIMUM 3000 WORDS FOR EACH CHAPTER.

ben10rocks · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Arashi vs Tsunade

After 15 days of preparation, Arashi and the girls managed to cover the entire village with the require sealing array and use it as an anchor for their pocket world. They managed to successfully activate the seal and finally had a place where they could do what they wanted without hiding anything.

Later they used their chakra to increase the space and added forest and lakes along with a fully built house using different jutsu. Now the whole space was three times the size of Konoha. They had built their own labs and houses. Slowly they had transferred most of their necessities inside it.

They were also planning to add different creatures to keep Akira's company. After five years she had grown as big as a elephant. Though she didn't grow any more tails, she had began to train her own Sage Mode after learning from Arashi.

Tsunade had performed several tests to see her abilities. They were astonished to see her strength. Her chakra quantity had grown. Now she had a chakra reserve comparable to them. But her chakra was different compared to humans. Her chakra was harmful for any human. If they had not managed to change their genes, they would have harmed by her chakra.

Her chakra was like the nine tails. But it was green in color and less denser. Tsunade had a theory that she would be more powerful than Kyubi if she manage to grow nine tails. But by how much, she couldn't calculate. Also she had much more broader chakra veins and more tenketsu than humans.

When they asked why, Tsunade explained that chakra beasts were more powerful than humans generally. But due to their less intelligence and lack of variety of techniques, a experienced shinobi could defeat them.

Hence they had trained Akira to nurture her talent. They found out that she had an instinctual control over fire and wind elements. After training her for 5 years, she was now lot stronger than before.

Just before two days of graduation test, Arashi and others decided to have a mock battle inside the pocket world to gauge each others strength.

For the first battle Arashi and Tsunade fought against each other while the others were watching from the sidelines. Mito became the referee for the match.

"Ok, this is a mock battle. Other than your absolute killing techniques, you are free to use any jutsu." Both Tsunade and Arashi nodded. They were here to train not kill each other.

"Then without further delay, let the fight began." As soon as Mito gave the signal, Arashi and Tsunade dashed towards each other. They both punched each other at the same time, but dodged it. Arashi used the momentum to kick her on her stomach. Tsunade used her own leg to stop the attack. Following that she once again punched on Arashi's face. He narrowly dodged it but another punch hit on his face. He was pushed back 10m due to the force behind that punch. If not for his strong body, his jaws would have shattered by now.

He knew Tsunade's strength was far above him. Along with 3-tomoe sharingan and her fighting experience put her strength above him. Till now she had not activated her sharingan.

Deciding to going all out, he activated his Kin'ironogan and changed his taijutsu stance. He prepared himself for her attack. When Tsunade noticed his eyes, she knew she couldn't take advantages now. With his 360 degree vision and range, he would she her coming from any direction. She also decided to go all out and activated her sharingan.

Blood red eyes with 3 tomoe madly spinning were glaring at golden eyes. As soon as their eyes met, once again they dashed towards each other. But this time their speed was many times greater than before. Sounds of fist colliding with fist and legs colliding with legs could be heard from a distance.

Arashi was using his chakra to increase his power behind those blows. He finally could handle Tsunade's powerful physical strength. By this time Tsunade was already using Sage chakra to balance with Arashi's. But Arashi's chakra was more powerful compared to Tsunade's Sage chakra due it's being a used as his own chakra amplifying it a higher degree. Arashi's gift allowed him to constantly convert nature energy into his own before mixing with his spiritual and physical energy. This transformation was more powerful than normal Sage chakra.

Arashi constantly used his palms and fingers to block her tenketsu. But with her dynamic vision she could dodge it. Soon both of them increased their speed to another level followed by increase in power behind their attacks. Their rapid movements caused sonic booms constantly. Each attack would cause ground to cave in and powerful shockwaves. Sometimes Tsunade would use her terrifying chakra enhanced strength and blow up the ground.

After 15 minutes of constant dodging and attacking, both of them knew they were getting no where at this. As the time passed by, they were getting familiar with each others attack pattern. They knew they could fight like this for hours before they could decide a victor.

At the same time, others were enjoying the fight between the two. They had been commenting on who was stronger or who was going to win.

"It seems they are unable to overpower each other. Looks like they are going to use their ninjutsu. Let us see what they have in store for us." Mito and the girls were excited to see their ninjutsu. Kana, Kushina and Mikoto were trying to learn from their fight and improve themselves. As time passed on, their desire for an all out battle was rising. looking at each others eyes they could feel the same.

As if listening to their wish, Arashi and Tsunade started using ninjutsu. Jumping backward, Arashi gathered a large amount of chakra in his lungs and converted it into fire while using Yang chakra in the mix to increase its potency.

"Fire Style: Great Fireball Jutsu"

He expelled all the Yang fire chakra from his mouth in the shape of a large sphere. The size of the sphere was 5m in diameter. It quickly moved towards Tsunade. Watching the giant ball of crimson fire coming at her direction with no time to dodge, Tsunade performed a single hand sign.

"Earth Style: Multi Layered Wall"

She slammed her palms on the ground quickly while applying chakra. Soon six layers of earth wall each with half a meter thickness rose from the ground. Knowing that this would be enough for her defense she started to perform hand signs for her next jutsu.

By this time, the crimson fireball had collided with the earth wall, melting them in the process in to lava. Arashi's fireball technique along with empowerment of Yang chakra made the simple fireball jutsu in to a deadly technique. Everyone was clear that if it touches anybody, he or she would be vaporized in a matter of seconds.

But Tsunade's earth walls didn't let her down. They managed to hold it. Arashi already guessing one jutsu would not be enough had already prepared for the next one.

"Fire Style: Fire Dragon Bullet Jutsu"

"Water Style: Water Dragon Bullet Jutsu"

This time they both simultaneously released their jutsu for counter attacking. Soon they were dodging each others jutsu while some fire dragon bullets collided with water dragon bullets converting them into steam. Soon the area was covered with steams. Without giving any chance to Arashi, Tsunade completed her jutsu.

"Wood Style: Deep Forest Emergence"

As soon as she completed her jutsu, large trees and vines started sprouting under Arashi's feet. He had to dodge the continuous attacks from the vines to capture and bind him. He knew he would be caught if he didn't dodge them. Meanwhile, Tsunade was controlling the vines to slap him or capture him. Soon the landscape changed from barren ground to that of a forest filled with trees.

Getting irritated by the constant attacks of the vines Arashi performed some hand signs while dodging them.

"Fire Style: Majestic Destroyer Flames"

He started spiting crimson fire from his mouth like a large flame thrower and managed to burn down his nearby forest. Watching her forest getting destroyed, Tsunade counter attacked with another jutsu.

"Water Style: Great Tsunami Jutsu"

A large wave of water suddenly appeared out of no where and put out the fire. But the wave didn't stop there. They soon reached Arashi. Without getting a chance to dodge, Arashi was blown away by the force. He managed to stop after the wave slowed down considerably.

He tried to calm himself down and quickly thought of a way to use his current situation against Tsunade. Preforming shadow clone technique, he created five clones. Three clones performed a single technique and while he and two other clones performed another.

"Water Style: Water Dragon"

"Lightning Style: Lightning Dragon"

"Combination Technique: Twin Dragons' Dance"

Arashi used the waters from the wave and turn it to a giant water dragon while his three clones created a lightning dragon. The two dragons then combined and attacked Tsunade who was caught unprepared was assaulted by them. In time she managed to create a wooden dome around her. But it was broken after collision.

She was thrown like a rag doll while being electrocuted. She managed to steady herself after 100 meter. Now she was not given a chance to take a breath when she heard loud crackling sound of lightning forming above her head. When she looked up, she saw black clouds have gathered and slowly a giant lightning creature could be seen forming.

Not wanting to caught up with whatever Arashi was doing, she decided to use her big guns. Concentrating for a while to gather nature energy from the surrounding and opening her Sage Chakra storage seal, she quickly entered Sage Mode. Blue markings could be seen around her eyes and her sharingan turned blue. Concentric circles appeared on her forehead.

"Wood Style: Durga's Avatar"

A humongous wooden statue of a beautiful goddess formed from Tsunade's chakra. This wooden avatar of goddess Durga was 100 meter tall. It had eight hands and each hand held a weapon. Even though it was a wooden construct, you could see every details of her features. looking at her avatar, fear would spread among enemies. Weaker opponents would give up immediately after just one glance at her. Her life like eyes showed no sign of forgiveness for her enemies. Tsunade's figure could be seen inside a pentagon made up of chakra on the avatar's forehead.

Tsunade had created this technique using her grandfather's scrolls and reference from Uchiha clan's Susanoo. She didn't want to copy his jutsu. Hence she created her own wooden avatar like his wood golem and thousand hand buddha. She was pleased with her creation. Furthermore, as she continued to get stronger, she could improve this technique further. She wanted to surpass her grandfather.

By the time her wooden avatar managed to complete, a terrifying lightning dragon had formed inside the black clouds. Unlike normal lightning, it was slightly red in color. You could feel the terrifying strength that the lightning dragon contained. Soon the full figure of the lightening dragon became clear as it slowly lowered itself and flew next to Arashi.

"Lightning Style: Avatar of True Dragon"

Arashi voice could be heard declaring the jutsu's name. His face was slightly pale from the amount of chakra he had to use to use this technique. This technique he created to counter attack Susanoo. But it consumed large amount of chakra and needed natural lightning to complete it. Otherwise his current chakra capacity couldn't handle it. Also to control the form he had to give his full concentration. Without his Kin'ironogan and strong spiritual power, it was impossible for his current self to use.

As for the avatar, it was 90 meter in height and 100 meter in length. It looked like a western dragon with two wings. It remained floating by his side.

When Arashi opened his eyes, he was greeted with the sight of Tsunade's wooden avatar. He smiled at this situation. Now they could see who would win.

"Let's settle this Tsunade. Let's see whose avatar is more powerful. Your goddess or my true dragon." he shouted.

Soon the two avatars dashed towards each other. The dragon used its claws to attack the wooden avatar while the later used its weapons on each hand to mercilessly strike down the dragon. The dragon tried to withstood the attacks and used its wings to fly upward. But the goddess avatar used a large bow and arrows to pierce it's wings and head.

The dragon tried to maneuver itself in the air but the latter's constant barrage of arrows managed to pierce its body. The dragon in its last moment concentrated all its power in its mouth and used a breath attack. The concentrated lightning managed to wound some part of the wooden avatar but was unsuccessful as it used a giant wooden shield to deflect its attack. At last the wooden avatar used wooden chains and bound the dragon tightly and drag it down to the ground.

As soon as the dragon touched the ground, wooden spears pierced its body. Finally the dragon dissipated to thin air. Arashi was breathing heavily on the ground looking at the Goddess avatar. He could see Tsunade's smile from there. He knew he lost the duel. But he was not angry or sad. He was rather happy that he got to test it before facing any life and death battle. It showed him that he had much to improve if he wanted to be on the level of Madara and Hashirama's. He was miles away from reaching Sage of Six Paths level. He didn't want to think about Kaguya. He didn't even know if he could reach her level soon.

This fight also showed him many weakness of his technique and he would improve them. Regulating his breathing, he sat there waiting for others while regaining some strength.

Soon Tsunade cancelled her jutsu and came towards him. Kana, Mito, Kushina and Mikoto were also walking towards him while laughing and discussing something among themselves.

"This fight I won. I am looking forward to our next fight." Tsunade was clearly very happy about the outcome. She was shocked that Arashi could fight her that much. You have to know that he was only 12 year old. If he was her age, the outcome would have been different.

'It's look like I can't slack of otherwise he will surpass me sooner.' Tsunade didn't let this win to get in her head. She vowed to work even harder and become more stronger.