
Overlord of Domination

Artjom Vlad III King of the tiny Nation of Vladland is currently inside his bunker waiting that his Researcher can finish the Wunderwaffe Project to turn the tides of the was to his favor so that he can win the war. But to his bewilderment the Wunderwaffe aka a time traveling machine brought him right to a medieval world filled with magic. Can he overcame all boundaries and survive in this new world? Donate to help me continue writing and get access to advance chapters: patreon Comming Soon Also join my Discord to discuss everything about the book and get all updates: Comming Sooon Thank you all for Supporting me!

Acedium · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Entering the Sect

Reaching our destination the female guard let go of my hand, walked to a massive wooden door , that seemed more like a gate, and knocked 3 times at the door and then walked about 4 meters back. Probably so that when the door opens that she will not be in the way.

About 2 minutes later the door opened with loud cracking voices, but to the surprise of Artjom the door was not opened by some heavy lifters, but by a normal looking woman around 30 years old. The woman had black hair and looked fairly beautiful.

The woman clad in a white robe that looked like a priestess robe greeted the guard and then looked towards Artjom. Upon looking at Artjom and discussing something with the guard. A smile could be seen on the face of the woman.

After the talk between the two woman, the guard left Artjom alone with the black haired woman probably walked back to the entrance where he got inside this place. Then the woman walked inside and told something to Artjom, but yet again he could not understand one thing.

Artjom just followed the woman inside because he could sense a friendly aura around the person in front of him. They walked inside a long corridor with various doors to both sides. At the end of the corridor both of them stopped. The woman opened the door to her left side and walked inside. As always Artjom followed her.

Inside the room Artjom could see a chalkboard hanging on the wall to his right side and a table right in front of it. On top of the table was a set of clothing that was completely white like the one the woman in front of him was wearing right now.

Then the woman picked up the clothes, walked to Artjom and gave him the clothes while showing him that he should probably change into this set of clothes.

"Ehm. Is there some sort of changing room?" Artjom tried to ask with a hesitant voice. And like he thought it would end the woman didn´t understand him and just tilted her head sideways indicating him that she didn´t knew what he has told her right now.

After some reluctance from Artjom he finally gave in to change his clothes right in front of her. To his surprise the woman didn´t even try to look away and just watched the whole time while he was changing not even looking away once.

"Well that was uncomfortable. " Artjom thought to himself.

Then the woman took his old clothes from the ground and put them inside a wooden box right beside the door where they came in.

"Ravaka Saga Nakala?" The woman spoke to Artjom, but he couldn´t understand even one word that she spoke to him.

Realizing that he could not understand her, she walked to the other side of the room where a locker was located. She opened the locker with some sort of wooden key and took a greenish stone out of a metal box from the locker.

For Artjom the stone looked quite beautiful like some sort of mesmerizing diamond that is worth thousands of dollars of maybe even unobtainable be money. The woman walked to Artjom after she grabbed the green stone and began praying with both of her hands.

"Pacash Faku Rash, Rash Dulaha Ravaka Saga Wata!" She prayed.

After she was done with her prayer a white layer of mist started to surround her hands and then started flowing to Artjom and engulfing him completely inside the white layer of mist. Suddenly Artjom felt ill, and coudln´t muster any strength in his legs anymore and collapsed to the floor...

Before he crashed down onto the hard wooden floor the woman hold him so that he wouldn´t injure him. Then out of nowhere his head started to scream in pain, like it would burst open at any given time. It was like someone would try to forcefully open his head with a screwdriver.

Artjom had to feel this immense pain for about 10 minutes until it went away.

"Can you understand me ?" The woman suddenly asked Artjom.

"Yes I can understand you." Artjom answered her, but soon realized that he could understand her language or to formulate it better she suddenly started to speak in his own language.

"That is good, do you feel any pain in your head anymore or is it gone?" The woman asked him in a worried voice that he could still be in pain.

"No thanks, the pain suddenly went away." Artjom answered truthfully to her.

"If that´s so then I am relieved to hear that. Most people faint when I use this magic, I was quite surprised that you were still awake. Now that you can understand me we should get going it is soon evening. Just follow me and I will guide you to your other roommates. They will tell you everything else. Oh and my name is Erina." Erina told Artjom in a full swing.