
Overlord Naruto

This story is taking place in alternate Narutoverse. The main character has a different judgment and mentality from the original naruto. And the memory of Naruto's childhood has a deep effect on him when he woke up on his body. His soul has transferred to the body of recently died Naruto as compensation from a true god. He woke up with all the memories of Naruto. As he is from the earth he will not stand the rude behavior from others towards himself. He is not alone. He brought the guild of Ainz Ooal Gown and ultimate system with him.

UlTiMaTeNiNjA · Anime & Comics
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80 Chs

Chapter 55 First C rank solo mission

...Unknown place .....

A girl is walking alone towards a town and she stopped for few seconds and look backwards and find no one is behind her . She walks towards the entrance of town and enters in the town . She looks at an expensive inn . After thinking for few minutes she enters inside .

She is around five feet and six inches in height . She has golden hair . She is wearing expensive dress and anybody can tell she is alone and ran away from the family . She has a huge luggage with her which she carried herself . A purse which is hanging on her shoulder and it was full of money .

" Hello , May I get a room for one night ," She asked the female receptionist . She looked at her and her jaw dropped after she looked on her face . She looks so beautiful according to her .

"Welcome to the Golden house inn . May I know your name miss ," She asked her . And the girl smiled at her . She is around eighteen years old .

" I am Katy Perry ," She told her name and the receptionist told her the room number and she left to take the rest .

A worker is looking at their exchange . And he came to the receptionist .

" Hello Tsu , Can I take a day off . I am not feeling well ," He said to her . He is a middle aged man and he look quite slim .

" Are you okay Mr . Kim . Whenever you leave due to the sickness . Something bad happens . Last time you left a rich family get robbed in our inn by someone ," Tsu said to him . She is in her twenties . But in last few months she became depressed because someone is robbing their rich customer . It happened three times . It is affecting the public image of golden house inn .

" It is not your fault miss Tsu . It is because I am recently sick and could help all of you to look after the inn . Others are here so don't worry ," Kim said to her . And he was about to leave .

" Please take care of yourself Mr Kim ," Tsu said to him and he left . She has a bad feeling whenever a rich customer comes they are robbed in their inn for some reason . Their inn is known as number one in the area . But now they are losing their customers due to the recent events of robbery in their inn .

Mr Kim left the golden house inn . Instead of going home he entered in a secluded place where no one goes due to the fear of ghosts . Five man are sitting there and playing cards .

" There is a rich lady in the golden house inn and she is fully loaded with money . She looks beautiful too ," He said to them . They stopped their mini card games and looked at him and smiled at him .

" We want that golden house inn to totally get bankrupt . If we stole her money and play with her little bit then they will definitely go out of the business . We are hired so our customer can easily buy that inn . So he will not face any competition in this area ," The leader said to them . He is a rogue ninja .

" Don't forget about me ," Kim said to them and they smiled at him .

" You will get a lot of money after we rob that lady . But this time we will rape her so no one can try to enter in that inn again for few months ," the leader said to them .

Kim left them and went to his house to take the rest . Whenever they rob the rich people in the inn . They deliver his share later . He is happy with that . Kim hates rich people after his wife left him and ran away with a rich boy .


...Midnight ....

At night time when nobody is paying attention five figures entered in the golden house inn . They are going to raid the exact room .

" We will be rich Toka . After we finish this job . We will get a lot of money and we can spend our life happily ever after ," One of them said to their leader . The leader name is Toka . And all of them are rogue ninja from Iwagakure .

" After we finish this job . We don't have to worry about anything as our employer is paying a lot of money . We can start our new life . Let's start it after we enjoy the body of this rich lady ," Toka said to them . He changed his plan when he heard the lady is alone and beautiful . He would have just robbed and left her to her fate but due to his lust full nature he couldn't resist hot women .

He signaled them to remain silent as they reached near the room of that girl . He put a genjutsu on everyone in the inn at the same time . So no one disturbs them . He enters with his four lackeys . They look at the girl who is sleeping and they were amazed by her beauty . Now they are full of lust and wanted to enjoy her body .

" Such a pity for this girl . I would have made her my wife if she was not here . Let's wake her up . After all we want everyone to hear it . But they couldn't come and help her due to genjutsu ," Toka said to them and they released the genjutsu on the girl .

Katy is sleeping without a care in the world . Toka was about to slap her to make her fully aware of the situation . His hand was about to hit her in the face but the girl disappeared from the bed .

" Motherfuckers want to rape their grandma . First you have try the hole of your mother . Then think about this world class beauty ," Katy is now standing on the door . Her words angered all the rogue ninja . They jumped on her to punish her but she kicked a jumping rogue ninja into others and they all are in the floor .

" Let this grandma teach you raping is not a good thing for men . What will happen if some plunge their dirty rods in your virgin asses ," Katy said to them . And she started to laugh .

" Who are you ? You are definitely a ninja . Everyone run we are inside a trap ," Toka said to them and when everybody tried to get out of the room . They are blocked by a fuinjutsu barrier .

" Sorry about that but you couldn't leave with your virgin asses motherfuckers . I will teach you today to respect women ," Katy said and appeared behind a rogue ninja and lifted him from behind and throw him like a bag on another guy . One tried to stab her but she caught his hand and twisted it and broke his wrist . And kicked him in his golden nuts . He became unconscious on the floor .

" One down ," Katy said to them . And produced three shadow clones and they started to fight in a Taijutsu match with them . She is not giving them any chance to use ninjutsu .

She started to hit them with her heavy punches . She snatched one of rogue ninja kunai and with it scratched other rogue ninja thighs . Then kicked on the kidney area of the first rogue ninja with a full force . He felt it till his bones and dropped on the floor and became unconscious .

Only the leader remained and all the four Katy ganged up on him and with the kunai of other rogue ninjas they injured him . When he was unable to defend from all the sides he was fully beaten by kary . She dragged him with his hair and tied all the rogue ninja with him .

She threw cold water on their faces to wake them up . All the customer are free from genjutsu but they didn't hear anything from Katy's room due to barrier .

" Now tell me who hired you . So he can be my next victim ," Katy asked them with a smile .

" We will never tell you . Fuck you lady ," Toka said to her . She didn't like his comment on her and did what others wouldn't have thought . She cut the a small gap on their clothes near all of their asses . For accurate detail near their ass hole .

" What the hell are doing ? You should have arrested us and taken to your ninja village . Why are you doing this to us ," Toka said to her when she tear his pants from backside with the help of kunai .

" I doesn't like when someone insults women and not by someone who are raised by their father milk . If you caught another girl in my place you would have raped her . Let all of you feel the pain of your own medicine ," Katy said and and brought five rod from somewhere and started to put it in their asses .

" Stop it . Don't do it us . I beg you it hurts ," One of them said to her . He was in agony from the penetration of cold iron rod in his ass .

" No . I like it when you beg for mercy . You should have given the name and gone to jail but you wanted to provoke me . I forgot the most important detail you wanted to rape me . Let me give the favour back to you ," Katy didn't stop and tortured them for whole night . Even after getting the name she didn't stop to put iron rods in their ass holes .

" I will make an example out of all of you to this ninja world . Never rape a girl . My methods are wrong but through this brutality everyone will come to know what a woman can do to pathetic men like you ,' Katy said to them and left a clone with them to continue the torture .

Katy left them and went to their employer who owns another inn nearby . He wants the inn because if he get the inn. He will have two bigger inn in his pocket and he will get a lot of money without spending too much .

She saw a man is sleeping peacefully and she entered inside and slapped him . He woke up and looked at her .

" Who are you ? What do you want from me ?" He said to her . She smiled and made him unconscious with a chop on her head and tied him in his bed naked and took a tight rope and started to hit him nicely with that rope .

" Awww argggghhhh . Stop hitting me . I can give you money if you want ," He said to her and she stopped .

" Tell me where is your money , you cock sucking bastard ," Katy said to him . He was angry but couldn't say anything and pointed her to his locker room . She left him and snatched all the money from the locker and it disappeared in a scroll .

She looked at him and then for some reason she went outside and brought a donkey and hypnotized it . It started to fuck the man in his ass after thinking him as his mate . He was crying under the agony and without a barrier whole town heared him . His servants and some of his neighbors came immediately to look at his condition . Katy is gone by the time .

" My God what happened with him ," One of his neighbor said to others . The servants are busy in separating donkey from their master who is tied with ropes tightly . Donkey kicked them for disturbing him . With a great difficulty they separated them .

The employer is no condition to talk and crying for some reason . They looked everywhere and found that his locker is fully empty . He is now penniless .


.......Golden house inn...

Meanwhile Katy returned to torture the rogue ninjas . One of her clone brought Mr Kim and already started to gave his share . It was one of her clone she sent after him when she found kim is looking at her with an ill intent during her talk with Tsu .

" What are doing to me ? " Kim said painfully . Katy laughed at him .

" You are the one who asked your share from them . So I am giving your share . You are an asshole so you should enjoy this iron rod ," Katy said to them and plunged a bigger iron rod this time on his ass . She is laughing at their misery . She keep bringing bigger iron rods torture them .

" I hate people who thinks girls are only for pleasure . I hope you like the rape session . You will now understand the pain of a girl who is raped by men like you ," Katy said to them with a venom in her voice . They are in no condition to talk .


Morning at the golden house inn.....

Katy started to wait for his employee . Her employee is the golden house owner who got fed up by how his customers are getting robbed inside his inn .

" Miss Tsu , when will your owner arrive . I have a important matter to discuss with him ," Katy said to her . Tsu got terrified and she thought Katy get robbed this time .

" I am so sorry miss Katy . Someone is framing us and trying to rob our customers . I deeply apologize for it ," Tsu tried to apologise to her but the next word of Katy shocked her .

" I am a ninja and no one rob me . Actually I am hired by your owner and last night I captured the culprits and even punished their employer . I didn't get sleep because full night I was busy in torturing them . They wanted to rape me . I did the reverse to them . They will never forget it in their whole life ," Katy said to Tsu . All the other workers looked at her and got amazed by her words .

" Sorry I am late . I am the owner of this inn . My name is jin . Are you a ninja of konoha ," He asked her with a lot of expectations .

" I am a ninja of konoha and my name is a secret for you . I am a chunin and assigned for this mission . Could you please sign on this . I already finished the mission and going to send the rogue ninja and another two guy to the prison ," Katy said to him and he signed on the document . The money will directly transfer from his account to konoha . Few of her clones brought Five rogue ninja and Mr Kim in their naked glory and a iron rod attached to their asses . Another clone brought the main culprit of the event after he suffered a lot of public humiliation yesterday .

" Mr Kim you are one of them ," Tsu couldn't believe her eyes . Even the Jin couldn't believe his eyes . All the crowd gathered around them and looked at them . The main culprit humiliated once again . He could not look at the eyes of Jin .

" He was helping them for the profit and I gave his share last night . They wanted to rape me . I hope they like their punishment . I punished their employer and he is not in a condition to hire another group in the future . I hope you heard his cries last night ," Katy said to them . The inn owner was one of them who visited him after he cried at full volume. He was his neighbor so he went to help him . He is terrified by the revelation about him .

" Thank you for saving me in this situation . I now understand why he wanted to take care of the inn and wanted to buy it in a cheap price from me ," The inn owner said to her . He looked at his neighbor and his so called best friend . The main culprit was exposed in front of everyone .

Katy said goodbye to them and then she knocked out the prisoners and and directly teleported to the konoha prison with them .


....Konoha ......

This time Katy turned into Naruto and he put the unconscious rogue ninja and kim and main culprit to prison . He told the prison Warden , not to tell anyone that he was the one who did it . But a kunoichi of konoha did it to them . And he agreed with him .

Naruto went and submitted the report directly to Tsunade . She was impressed by his report and what he did to the rogue ninja .

" Why you don't want to reveal your name ," Tsunade asked him .

" It is better that way . When they were talking about rape like a small matter I do not like their tone . At first I transformed into a girl to make them think I am a rich girl who is all alone . Now I want to create a legend of a girl who penetrate their asses from iron rods after they tried to rape her . All rapist will fear this kind of legend and would like to save their asses . At least it will stop many of them from raping girls ," Naruto said to her . He was angry at the moment when they wanted to start their new life with a rape .

" Okay I will do it and make it a secret mission for you . But it is a good idea to punish some of our rapist prisoner with this kind of method . Anko will love to do it ," Tsunade said to Naruto . She was laughing after she imagined about it . This is how Naruto finished his first solo C rank mission .

Somewhere else jiraya felt a chill in his back bone .

' Tsunade is definitely planning something against men population . I should focus on my research ,' Jiraya focused on the bathouse . Soon he discovered by females and they chased him out from the bathouse . Even then perverts like jiraya are much better than rapists .