
Ch 4: The Empire I Envision

When I woke up the next morning my body felt very achy and tired, as making a soul corridor and skill had really taken a toll on me.

Dagris stood outside of my tent with the demon girl next to him, they looked to be getting along but I really couldn't tell as any time Dagris is around me he is smiling.

"What did I miss Dagris?" I asked with a laid-back voice

"Nothing important, I was able to take care of everything without any trouble although I'm not sure where the female should go as she hasn't spoken to me yet," said Dagris as he glared at the demon for a moment

'What a pain, I honestly wanted to go back to sleep but I had a duty to fulfill, these demons would be lost without me.' I thought as we made our way back to the small stone house that had been constructed for me

It was bigger than average, with a bedroom and throne room taking up most of the place, the bedroom wasn't finished yet as I didn't have time to create materials for it yet.

As I made my way to the throne I felt an odd sensation in my chest, it was like a knife wa being dragged against my skin. I ignored it as the sensation went away a moment after it appeared.

"Step forth," I said looking at the female demon

She moved up and then kneeled in front of me, it was the first time I took a good look at her appearance. She had red eyes and was around 5'7 with a skinny build, her most notable feature was her long red hair that reached waist length, I could have sworn it glowed at one point.

"I'm guessing you have had time to realize that you have been given a new power and have grown stronger with it," I said with my hand against my face up against the arm guard

"Yes I have," said the demon with a nervous voice

'Is she still nervous about speaking to me, her skill literally devours fear and all other negative emotions that relate to it,' I thought as I began to get a little annoyed

"Hmm, well then I'm sure you've realized that I can take back that power at any time, and don't think I won't, you are merely an extra set of arms to me so don't get any weird ideas," I said trying to show her my authority

"Yes, master." said the demon still with a nervous voice

"Anyway, I'm guessing you don't have a name because of your rank and all, so as your master I will have to give you one," I said as I got back into the proper position and leaned forward looking at the girl

"Hmm, how about Ruby," I said with a slight chuckle

The demon nodded her head before her body began to glow.

{The Demon Ruby has evolved into a Demon Duke}

'Holy crap! She's stronger than Dagris.' I just realized what had happened and that Ruby's strength had suddenly increased without warning, was this because of the soul corridor that was established, is that how she was able to get stronger by getting named?

'So if I establish a soul corridor that is how I can increase the power and rank of a person in this world, interesting I can't wait to test this out.' I thought with a smile creeping up on my face

"That will be all Ruby, you can leave," I said as I was still in shock at what had just happened

Dagris looked at me and then at the demon, he was startled by the sudden surge of mana from within Ruby and the sudden drain within me. A moment passed and that was when the fatigue hit me and I noticed the mana naming one demon taken out of me, there was no way I'm doing another at this time I would probably faint if that happened.

"Should I get you something to eat my lord," said Dagris with a smile as he walked up to me

"No, I'm fine for the time being," I said as I closed my eyes and rested on my throne for a minute

To be honest I was still in shock from what had happened these last couple of days, with me wanting to preserve my well-being above all else I was still not really processing what was going on and that I was in a light novel and had met gone all within the same week.

I honestly didn't feel that much but at the same time was still speechless at the thing around me. I grew up in the city so I never really got to appreciate nature and its beauty, but when I looked outside or walked through this place that's when I really started to notice that this place was as much natural as my past world and had real people with lives and everything. Honestly, maybe taking over the world and making it better would be best for everyone, this world hasn't gotten a chance to breathe and have peace with all the godlike people that come here every hundred years.

'Eh, whatever I'll deal with this later,' I thought as I opened my eyes and stood up


With the defeat of the Evil Deities and Eight Greed Kings, the Dragon Lords have finally been able to take a break and rest for a moment. Many of their kind had been killed by the Eight Greed Kings as well as the Evil Deities, but nothing hurt them more than losing their prideful Wild magic. The very thing that made them better than every single race in this world. It is what gave them power and a sense of superiority over all races, even though they were still stronger than all the races physically their Wild magic was the one thing that made them different from all races and what gave them power over the very world. But now it was no more it had been corrupted by the Tier magic from Yggdrasil, which was now used by humans the weakest race in the world as well as other beings.

With some Dragon Lords, Wild magic was no longer accessible to younger dragons, making most turn to Tier magic. And then came the divide, with the Thecorasy classifying Dragons who could use wild magic as True Dragon Lords while others were just called Dragon Lords.

Velzo rested in her cave as the sun shined down upon her, she was a Dragon Lord and a true one capable of using wild magic. She was the last dragon born who could do so, her father was not a notable Dragon Lord and was killed by the Eight Greed kings in the war long ago. With her mother also dying Velzo became lonely and only survived by hiding in caves and moving every week to try and escape from the Greedy Kings. Being so young she was looked down upon by the other Dragon Lords and was cared for in the slightest, but now that the Evil Deities were killed there was no need for that as they were the only threat to the dragon race.

Velzo stood outside of the cave and extended her wings, she was not a big Dragon but a Dragon nonetheless. In instant, she moved her body into the air and then soared out of the cave and into the great blue sky.

She was free for the first time in her life and it was amazing, her natural enemies were gone and now the only threat to her were other True Dragon Lords and even then they wouldn't attack someone like her for no reason.

Velzo flew over the dwarven mountains she had been resting in for the past years, looking in the distance she could see the Baharuth Empire the only human nation in the area besides the City State.

As Velzo flew over the land she couldn't help but truly feel a sense of relief and happiness in her heart. A couple of hours passed and Velzo finally stopped flying and decide to rest on a nearby hill, it was nice and peaceful there with maybe a few monsters lurking around.

The time had war had ended and now she could relax, there was no need to hide from other monsters anymore and instead she could be free.

Or so she thought, as the world around her began to change with time slowly ticking away until the next disater came.

Hey guys, sorry for the wait. I had a hectic week with lots of activities and didn't think I could write another chapter so this is all I got. I just finished so it's not going to be well-edited, but I skimmed over it just to make sure it's readable. Next week will be normal, hopefully. But if you don't hear from me over the next couple of days just expect something on Friday. Thanks for your understanding and patients.

Crem_Ycreators' thoughts
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