
Overlord: Multiverse

Daelius Vortem was an enjoyer of Anime and Manga. He was a cultivator, during his breakthrough to the last realm he died. But he sent a fragment of his soul to a new body with a system. He is transmigrated into the universe of Overlord. Follow his journey as he rises to power. A/N This is a non-canon fanfic of Overlord. There will be other worlds of different animes, manga, and games. Also, I am just writing this for fun because there are no good Overlord fanfictions. There is no definite update schedule. So, if you have any suggestions please write them in the comments. Also, there might be grammar mistakes because English is not my primary language. I don't own anything in this fanfic other than my OC. The main focus will be on the story, with not a lot of focus on the cultivation aspect of the novel.

PrimisOptimus · Anime & Comics
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77 Chs

Yggdrasil XIII

It took the group a few hours to reach Helheim. Because the Tournament was going to start tomorrow, they logged off the game and decided to meet tomorrow.

~Momonga's POV~

After a good night's rest, I was pumped for the Tournament. I ate a hearty breakfast and jumped into the VR Pod.

After logging in, I received the notification for the start of the Tournament.


[World Champion Tournament will start at 10:00.. Time Remaining: 00:59:23]

[You will be teleported to Helheim Tournament once the time ends.]


The news of the Tournament had been made public two months before its start. During this time, all the Players who wanted to participate began their preparations.

To take part in it, Players needed to submit their applications a month before the Tournament's commencement. However, not all participation requests were considered.

Only a finite number of Players could participate in the Tournament, precisely 10,000 participants per realm, totaling 90,000 Players from the entire game.

There were restrictions on the Players who could join the Tournament; the Player needed to be level 100, etc. And even if someone failed to participate this year, they could do so the following year.

I opened my console and checked how many Players participated in the Tournament.


Asgard: [8,500 / 10,000]

Alfheim: [9,856/ 10,000]

Helheim: [ 8,036 / 10,000]

Jötunheim: [ 8,959 / 10,000]

Midgard: [9,950 / 10,000]

Múspellsheim: [8,000 / 10,000]

Nifelheim: [9,500 / 10,000]

Niðavellir: [8,361 / 10,000]

Vanaheim: [8,739 / 10,000]


'Hmm, Midgard has the highest Player count.'

The structure of the Tournament was unique. In the first round, the players were divided into different brackets.

The number of Players in each bracket depended on the total number of Players participating from a realm.

The first battle was a free for all. The last standing Players in a bracket were moved to the next round. The devs decided to do so because of the number of Players participating.

After the free for all, rounds start from;

Preliminary Rounds -> Elite Rounds -> Quarterfinals -> Semifinals -> Finals

After reading the rules of the Tournament, I decided to wait for my clan mates. Some of them also participated in it.

I had to wait; half an hour before they started to log in.

After another half an hour, I received the notification for the start of the Tournament.

[The World Champion Tournament is starting! Please use your console to accept the teleportation request!]

I turned toward my clan mates and spoke in an excited tone.

Momonga: "See you guys on the other side."

Bukubukuchagama: "Good luck, big brother Momonga~"

I accepted the teleport request and vanished into motes of light.

~Scene Change~

Because the Tournament was an official event, the devs made a dedicated arena for it.

The arena was in the shape of a roman styled colosseum. The seats of the Colosseum were packed with golems meant to mimic a crowd.

Flags featuring a deep black backdrop adorned with a vibrant, multicolored depiction of Yggdrasil were proudly raised at the 4 cardinal directions of the Colosseum.

The arena in the middle of the Colosseum was filled with Players of different races. There were Humans, Elves, Demi-Humans, and Heteromorphs. The players were mingling with each other.

Because of the popularity of Yggdrasil, the entire Tournament was being broadcasted all over the world. It was large enough to easily hold 1,000 Players.

'They went all out for this.'

Helheim had 8,036 Players, so there were 8 Colosseums with about 1,000 Players each. After some time, the arena was packed with Players.

Then suddenly, a blue screen materialized in the air, displaying Players' names and their assigned numbers.

'I'm number 420.'

At 10:00 PM, a male voice reverberated in the Colosseum.


All the players let out excited howls.



As his announcement ended, each Player was immediately transported to one of the sides of the arena.

Suddenly, a timer materialized atop the blue screen and started counting down.












~Commentry POV~

"All the Players have decided to go to the middle of the arena. As you know, if a Player went outside the arena, they are automatically disqualified."

All the Players rushed to the center of the arena to prevent any mishap from happening. Because of its area, it took some time for the Players to reach the middle.

"Looks like the first batch of the Players have reached the middle. Now, it's time to see how they will protect themselves from the waves of other Players."

The only Players who managed to reach the middle were those with an exceptional agility state.

Due to restrictions on the number of items a Player could equip during a match, many Players opted to boost their HP, physical attack, and damage. Furthermore, Cash Shop and World Items were banned.

"It looks like the Players in the middle are about to face the first wave of the Players. Let's see how they will protect themselves."

A Player wielding a long sword spun around and delivered a strike that inflicted significant damage upon the approaching Players.

At the same time, the approaching Players used their skills to attack the Players in the middle.

Many fights also broke out at the back of the approaching Players.

One of the Players leaped into action, targeting a cluster of fellow participants; engaged in combat.

He caught them off guard and managed to defeat the first Player of the Tournament.


The golems in the seats mimicked a live crowd by cheering and clapping.

Players kept attacking each other and defeating others. One Player in the middle, wearing a red coat, swung his sword.

The swing left behind an ethereal track. The sword passed through the bodies of 4 Players, killing them instantly.


Momonga kept killing other Players, but he wasn't unharmed. Most of the Players that participated in the Tournament were min-maxed Players. They each had an optimized build and were not pushovers in no sense.

Each Player had unique fighting styles; some relied on their Agility, while others on their Defences. So, it was difficult to kill them.

And due to the restrictions of the Tournament, a Player was allowed to only bring a set number of potions.

"Things are not looking good for Player number 420. Up against him are Player numbers 652 and 965. Both are spear users; it will be interesting seeing how Player number 420 overcomes this challenge."

Because Momonga was using a sword, spear users were naturally his greatest opponents.

As time passed in the arena, it became a cacophony of clashes, spells, and tactics. The initial chaos gradually gave way to calculated maneuvers as Players adapted to the intense conditions.

Amidst this turmoil, Player 420, a figure clad in a red coat, was locked in a fierce struggle against the spear-wielding adversaries.

Player 652 and Player 965 closed in on Player 420 from different angles. Each step was deliberate, each strike aimed with precision.

Player 420, undeterred, expertly parried the incoming thrusts, his sword dancing with practiced grace. Sparks flew as the blade met the spear, the clash of weapons resonating throughout the arena.

With a sudden burst of speed, he evaded a sweeping attack from Player 652, narrowly escaping the spear's trajectory. Seizing the opportunity, he swiftly closed the distance, his sword whirling like a vortex of destruction.

Player 965 reacted instinctively, attempting to intercept the blade, but Player 420's speed proved too much to overcome.

In a flurry of motion, Player 420 executed a seamless combination of strikes, his sword finding its mark with unerring accuracy. Player 652 and Player 965, caught off guard by the ferocity of the assault, found themselves unable to mount a proper defense.


The commentator's voice boomed across the arena, a fitting tribute to the remarkable feat witnessed by all.

After defeating both Players, Momonga drank an HP recovery potion. Despite emerging victorious in the duel against his spear-wielding opponents, Momonga did not remain unscathed.

The blue screen atop the arena showed the eliminated and the alive Players. The eliminated Players had a red cross over their avatar.

With the last elimination, only 248 Players remained in the arena.


As the announcement ended, all the Players began to prepare for the next round. Momonga also took potions from his inventory and stored them on his belt for easier accessibility.

The next round was going to Preliminary Round.

This round introduced team battles, where Players would collaborate in teams.

The reason why the battles in the Tournament were so varied was that the winner of the Tournament received the job class known as the 'World Champion,' which was considered to be the powerful warrior-type class.

How was a Player who was only effective against one other Player qualified to take the class? The Tournament was designed this way to judge various characteristics of Players. At least, that's how Momonga viewed it.

After 5 minutes, the blue screen changed its content. Now it showed multiple teams and their opponents.

Momonga was on a team with 2 other Players, a paladin, and a Club user. The opponent team had a war wizard and two great sword users.

Our team number was 32, and we were up against the team number 53.

Each team had a 10-minute bracket for their battle. The team that caused more damage than the opposing team was declared the winner if they failed to defeat them in the allotted time.

In this round, multiple battles took place at the same time. The teams were given 15 minutes to develop their strategies.

I met with my team members and discussed our strategy for the upcoming battle.

After discussion, we made a good strategy; as part of this plan, the paladin would bestow blessings upon both myself and the club user.

I and the club user will act as a vanguard while the paladin will remain behind and support us.

After deciding on the strategy, we started to wait. After about half an hour, our team was called out to the arena.

~Commentry POV~

"Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the last batch for the Preliminary Rounds."

8 different teams entered their designated stage. After the teams were done setting up, the matches started.

Team number 32 decided to act upon their strategy right away. The paladin moved to rearguard and started blessing Momonga and the club user; named Harry.

The war wizard of team number 53 used a lightning spell to damage the vanguard of team 32.

The spell managed to hit the vanguard but failed to deal much damage.

Without wasting time, the great sword users of Team 53 attacked the vanguard of the opposing team.

But before they could reach them, the paladin of team 32 finished casting blessings, and Momonga lunged toward the great sword users.

He used one of his favorite skills from the 'Weapon God' job class, known as 'Widened Phantom Strike.'

It was able to pass through the enemy's defense if the user's Physical Attack was higher than the target's Physical Defence.

The great sword users failed to evade the attack. As the sword struck them, a club struck them from the sidelines.

The combined attack of Momonga and Harry chipped away a large portion of their health. While they were fighting with the great sword user, the paladin was engaging the war wizard.

Team 32 didn't know whether the war wizard of the opposing team could use recovery spells. So they decided to keep them busy.

Both teams kept attacking each other, and after 9 minutes, team 32 emerged victorious.

To Be Continued...

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