
Overlord: Ghosthood

Imagine being sent to a fictional world where fiction is reality. Where you can take on the fantasy world in your hands and do what you want. However doing what you want requires strength. After being exposed to a nuclear bomb watch how a unfortunate boy with a colonial personality takes a adventure through the Overlord universe. ***************** This is taking place in a alternate universe so everything won’t be the same. I will maybe add a few things of my own. (A/N: This was inspired by two Overlord Fic’s I have been reading lately called 'Overlord: Reborn As An NPC’ and 'Overlord: The Orgin’, I highly recommend you guys read it if you are a fan of the Overlord Series.) Current schedule: Hiatus ***************** Check out my other and more serious work, A Cold-Blooded POV, it’s what I upload everyday.

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World Champion Item

[ Dev's POV ]

"Are you sure this is what you want? Remember, there are other things you can choose."

The Dev stood in front of Malice with an complex expression, though it was not viewable in the game. It had been over thirteen minutes since he had given all nine of the World Champions the permission for item creation of their personal item. In front of him was Malice, she had confirmed to him that her item would be a sword.

She walked over giving the design, flavor text, and abilities to him through the status menu. Even the Dev could agree that it was a very nice sword. It was adorned with black and clear crystals that complemented her armor. Not to mention the abilities she wanted for the sword were doable, it wasn't too overpowered nor was it too weak for a World Champion Class item.

He thought that it was a pretty good idea for a weapon, however, that was it. To him, this sword was nothing too special, it was something anyone could come up with. It lacked creativity and originality, even the abilities were straightforward and not hard to counter with the right circumstances.

"Sorry if this is repetitive but are you sure this is what you want?" he said looking back and forth between Malice and the virtual screen.

"Ughh! You've asked me this three times now, it's getting kind of old. Yes This Is what I want, with this sword ill definitely become the strongest!" she said smugly.

The dev sighed internally, then he began finalizing the weapon. While doing this he looked toward the flavor text, this is where a player's roleplaying lore would be. He was a fan of this addition in the game because it allowed the creator to make pieces of history, and with the right amount of items, a creator could quite literally create their own story, which would then be immortalized within YGGDRASIL.

'"A sword so powerful and pretty that even the gods envied its wielder.". Well, this isn't as bad as I thought it would be, though, it is a bit short but that's okay.' he thought.

[ Complete! ]

The completion notification appeared, indicating that the item had been created. He then reached into his admin inventory and pulled out the sword. He looked towards the fidgeting Malice as she reached her hands out wiggling her fingers.

"Here. It's finished." he said handing over the sword.

"Yes! It's just as I thought it would be!" she said while test swinging the sword.

"That's good to know."

Malice continued swinging in swift maneuvers however, after a couple more swings she stopped and stared at her sword, then turned around to look at the dev.

"Hey! Mr. Dev Guy, why isn't any of it's abilities working? Is my sword broken?!" She said with a voice on the verge of tears.

The Dev looked at Malice with an expression that said "How old are you, 10?", then he replied.

"You are not permitted to use any combat abilities while in this room. All combative abilities will be blocked."

"Oh! Then send me back to the open world. We should be done here after our item is finished right? If that the case let me go back so I can test out my weapon." she said eagerly, her sad baby voice from before had already vanished like it was never there from the beginning.

The Dev immediately snapped his fingers teleporting the girl away without any response. 'Jesus that girl is annoying.'.

He had already completed almost of everyone's item except two people. One was the player, Touch Me, he had been quietly focusing on his virtual screen this whole time without making a single sound. This slightly made the Dev excited to see what the Insectoid was creating. He was a man who appreciated good creative ideas, it was one of the reasons he pursued becoming a game developer for his career.

The other was the mysterious and now famous #1 player, Doyle. Doyle had became an anomaly to the Devs of YGGDRASIL early in the game, causing questions about his avatar and his account altogether. He had peculiar things going on with him. For an example, he has not even once logged off since the game's launch. This was not a bad thing for the game in all honestly, but it caused a lot of Devs to question how this was even possible, which also led them to believe that he was using exploits within the game.

Things got cleared up in the end. One of the lead developers decided to investigate Doyle himself, and that's when Doyle revealed his dark circumstances. Apparently the reason he even found out about the "Ghosthood" quest was due to his suicidal tendencies. This did raise the flag of why the lead developer even allowed him to continue to play the game knowing such details about Doyle, it was obvious that he should instead be put in a mental hospital somewhere instead of playing this game. YGGDRASIL was made for multiple audiences, it's one of the reasons the devs banned R18 things from occurring in the game, but at the ends of the day the game still shows things like death etc. What stopped the lead developer from doing anything however was that Doyle was obviously a part of some powerful family.

YGGDRASIL itself was not backed by an influential backer big such as Doyle family. This meant any wrong move on the Dev's side could possibly destroy the whole game itself. In the current world, the wealthy and influential held more leverage than ever, influential Organizations and corporations we're the leaders of the world. In the end, discussions about Doyle were stopped by the higher-ups in order not to jeopardize anything.

Back to the present, Doyle also was focused on his item creation. He hadn't looked up since he began creating his item. The Dev was also just as excited to view what Doyle would present to him.


About 7 more minutes passed before Touch me finally stood up out of his chair then looked in the direction of the Dev. He then pushed in his chair and proceeded to walk down closer to the Dev.

"I finished my item. What do I do next?"

"Okay, all you have to do is forward it here" said the dev as he pointed.

Touch me forwarding the item and it appeared within the Dev's sight. The dev began analyzing the item.

{ Compliance with Law }

The item is a shining white armor with a helm that has a huge blue sapphire embedded in its chest, radiating with pure and divine light. Additionally, it had a red cape that hung over the left shoulder.

'Hmm... The design is quite nice. Honestly, it's a very good design, though it may lack a bit of originality it was definitely creative. This might be one of the best armor sets that I have seen in a long time.'

The Dev finished analyzing the design and moved on to the abilities. The abilities were much better described than most of the other World Champion Items the dev had read, it was also much more powerful. Just as armor is intended, it was for defense. Until recently everyone else had created items that we're for only offense and did nothing to help defense. The World Champion class was already a massive offensive boost, though, no one knew that yet, so he had expected at least one person to make an item with defensive properties. Now that he finally found someone who was not only worrying about offense he smiled internally.

Reading throughout the flavor text he was a bit stunned though. Everything so far was okay until he reached the flavor text.

"What the...". The dev was speechless at what he was reading.

"Huh? I'm sorry, could you repeat what you said, I didn't hear?" asked Touch me. He didn't clearly hear what the Dev said.

"Oh... It's nothing.". The dev lied. What he saw in the flavor text was an obsession. A huge obsession. This obsession was with the word "justice". Literally in every sentence was the word justice. Some of it literally didn't even make since, but it still had the word justice in it. If the flavor text was to be summed up it would probably say something like "This is the armor of Justice.".

The dev internally facepalmed. 'I guess everything couldn't be perfect.'.

Looking back towards Touch me he asked the question that asked everyone before he finalized their item.

"Are you sure that this is what you want?"

"Yes. This is the item I know I will need in the future." said Touch me confidently.


The dev then began finishing the items completion.


[ Doyle's POV ]

Annnnnnd this should do it. This whole time I had been confused as to what I really wanted. There were countless things I could do but this is a one-time thing, this will be my only time to make the perfect World Champion Item. I'm sure the other Champions don't fully understand just how strong a World Champion Item truly is because the Dev never explained that. But I understand just how strong this item can get, which is why I took time just to brainstorm on what I should go with.

I took one more look at my item and smiled, then I looked up at my surroundings. Surprisingly the room was empty, the only people in here are me, Touch me, and the Dev. When did everyone leave? Was I that focused that I didn't even get to see everyone leave? Ah, whatever.

I got up and walked to where Touch me and the Dev was. Seeing me approaching Touch me turned around.

"You just finished as well? Looks like we're the only ones left."

"Yeah. It surprised me because I didn't even see everyone leave." I replied.

"Haha! I know right, the same with me. I was so immersed in my item creation that I even forgot that I was here haha!"

I giggled along with Touch me for a minute before he continued.

"Phew. Anyways, which world did you fight in?"

"I fought in Muspelheim. What about you?". I already knew which world he participated in but I decided to still ask him.

"Muspelheim huh? If I'm not mistaken didn't Shad-"

"Shadow right? Yeah, he was there. I fought him." I interrupted him. I'm tired these guys saying the same thing...

"Yeah, shadow. It must've been a good fight. Oh right, I fought in Álfheimr. The fights were decent but the best fight was my last one. Haha! I fought this angel named Luci★Fer. Though he wasn't super high on the leaderboards he was just as competitive." he said eagerly.

"Luci★Fer?! Wait what? Pfttt- hahaha!". I couldn't hold back my laugh hearing this. That idiot went to Álfheimr of all places?! That was a destined defeat. He should have let me know where he was going so I could have at least given him a better chance at winning haha!

"You must know him. Is he a friend of yours?" he asked.

"Yeah. He is a friend of mine, how did he fight?" I asked curiously. I got to hear about this so I can rub it in his face.

"The guy was great. He used strong divine spells along with some golem summons, it was quite difficult to deal with at first but I ended finding some kind of way."

"Oh I see. That good."

"Mr. Touch Me your item is finished." said the dev transferring the armor to Touch me.

"Oh ok, thanks. I'll try it on."

And just like I knew, it was the platinum armor that he wore in the novel/anime series. It looked much cooler in person though.

"Nice armor." I complimented.

"Thanks. I tried my best with its design. Well, it was meeting you...um wait what's your name again?"

I laughed and then responded. "My name is Doyle."

Touch me stood still just staring at me for a minute before yelling in surprise. "Wait, Doyle?! You're Doyle? The #1 player? Ah dammit, how didn't I know about this?"

"Haha! Yeah, that's me. It's not your fault really, I don't go around telling people who I am and most people don't know what I look like so it's normal."

"Yeah, your right. I hadn't even heard any news about you. Well, it was nice to meet you, Doyle."

"You too. Oh, how about we add each other, we could party up at some point as well."

"Oh, sure I'm down."

After adding Touch me, he left and I walked up towards the Dev. Just like before the Dev gave off this nervous vibe when I was around, though now I'm starting to understand why.

"I finished my item."

"Ok, good. Now you can just forward it to me please." he said respectfully.

After I sent it to him he started to go through the item's information, probably to take things out that were too overpowered. However, I have a plan if that happens.

"Mr. Doyle this is a very creative idea. None of the other Champions even thought of something like this." he said.

I just nodded and continued to wait. After a couple more minutes I noticed that his fingers were twitching a little then he spoke.

"Uhh, Mr. Doyle I don't mean to be rude but what is this?"

I smiled internally. "Ahem well this is the item I want to create. I named it 'Six Eyes'."

"N-no I meant its abilities..." he stuttered.

The item I decided to create was an idea from my previous world. It came from another popular anime in my last life. I wasn't too informed about that specific anime since I mostly focused on overlord however I did know of a very popular character that was in that series. His name was Gojo Satoru if I'm not mistaken... His powers were something that we're the very definition of overpowered. I decided to try and use those powers and techniques as abilities of the item { Six Eyes }. (I know that Six Eyes does not use limitless but I added it as an ability within the { Six Eyes } within the story. For those who do not understand Gojo's power or do not know who that is at all I will explain it when necessary so you guys won't be lost or confused.)

"Is there something wrong with it's abilities Mr. Dev?" I said sarcastically.

"Ahem...yes, sorry but this is a bit too much."

"Alright, okay well let's just add it to the flavor text. I'm really into roleplaying and adding this to the lore could allow me to still be able to use the idea in some kind of way. I really don't want to have to completely delete it after I put so much effort into it."

"Oh. You want to just swap some of it to the flavor text? I hadn't thought of that, but that's a good idea. Sure this game revolves around roleplaying anyway so it's no problem."

After a couple tweaks to my item it was finally complete. I decided to add the techniques to the flavor text and keep the limitless as it's ability along with Gojo's Six Eyes ability. So in the end, the Dev believed this item to be a defensive item with support quirks, however, he doesn't know just how clueless he is.

"Here you are, Mr. Doyle. Your item is now complete." he said handing me my item.

I reached out and grabbed it. In my hands were two beautiful ocean blue eyeballs.

(A/N: Now for the people who may be raging about me not choosing their idea, don't. I may have not used your idea here in this one instance, but you have forgotten I still have divine weapons to create for the mc. I may even attempt to create a world item maybe. Anyway I have been thinking about making a Tokyo Revengers Fanfic since its one of my favorite series, what do you guys think? No I will not drop anything if I do start the TR fanfic. I just want to know would you guys be up for it.)

A chunky chapter. Anyway Enjoy!

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