
Overlord: Ghosthood

Imagine being sent to a fictional world where fiction is reality. Where you can take on the fantasy world in your hands and do what you want. However doing what you want requires strength. After being exposed to a nuclear bomb watch how a unfortunate boy with a colonial personality takes a adventure through the Overlord universe. ***************** This is taking place in a alternate universe so everything won’t be the same. I will maybe add a few things of my own. (A/N: This was inspired by two Overlord Fic’s I have been reading lately called 'Overlord: Reborn As An NPC’ and 'Overlord: The Orgin’, I highly recommend you guys read it if you are a fan of the Overlord Series.) Current schedule: Hiatus ***************** Check out my other and more serious work, A Cold-Blooded POV, it’s what I upload everyday.

Month · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Meeting my Idol

[Doyle's POV]

[New message from {Luci★Fer}]

Glancing at the notification, I looked back at the two guild members of World Searcher.

"We're done here now, you guys can freely leave. Don't worry, the place you were in before was all an illusion, and you can freely use teleportation again."

The two stared at me blankly, before the mage replied abruptly.

"O-oh, right, thanks for that. We'll get outta your hair now.", however right before they got the chance to leave the monk grabbed him, stopped, and looked back at me.

"Wait, we never got your name, do you mind telling us?"

I didn't say anything, I looked at her. From their point of view, my appearance was something that no player could recreate so they probably thought I was an area boss or some other boss monster.

Seeing me staring at her silently she started to panic. "Of course, I don't mean any harm, it would just be beneficial for you, the guild would properly compensate you if I and my subordinate told the higher-ups that you helped us when we were ambushed-"

I interrupted her before she could even finish. "Nah, that's all good. I don't need the compensation, the World item we traded for was already compensation enough. If anything, you guys need to worry about finding the snake that's in your guild."

Hearing my words they both recoiled. I could tell they were furious, of course, I couldn't see their facial expressions but have been in this game world for so long you get a knack for these kinds of things.

"He's right, we need to go inform the guild leader personally, anyone else could be the leaker." The mage said seriously. Then the monk turned around and nodded.

I wasn't he'd as they took a couple of steps and then teleport out of my sight. As soon as i was sure that they were gone, I deactivated my Spectral Ruler form, and my appearance changed to its normal ghostly appearance. I decided to hide my identity when I approached that situation because I didn't know whether I would have had to take Graeae by force. And since I'm on good terms with the World Searcher guild I didn't want to break our relationship, without them I wouldn't have found the 4 world items I have in my possession right now.

I looked to my left and lifted my arm.

"[Deactivate Illusion]"

Soon I'm that area, the nice forest of tall trees and autumn leaves changed to broken trees, that had been burnt from electrical attacks. The ground had tons of craters making the floor resemble a black moon. Electricity buzzed and zipped unstably, standing in the center of all that destruction was Ghidorah, tall and giant. His three heads stood still in a posture waiting on me to give my next command.

I walked over and lifted my arm, then balled my fists to reveal the four rings on my fingers. What was the command again? Oh, right I remember.


I cringed as I said this, every time I sent one of my dragons back into their ring it always made me think of a certain monster catching anime in my old world. Now that I think about that, it was my dad who made me hate that show, I remember he used to always say how stupid it was. Thinking about this made me annoyed so I looked toward the messages that I got from Luci★Fer.

{Luci★Fer}: ~Yo, Doyle!~

{Luci★Fer}: ~Hello! You there?~

{Luci★Fer}: ~If you don't reply I will spam you! I can literally see that you are online right, just like always so reply to my message you %##%~

Luci★Fer is typing…

Look at this idiot, does he not have any patience? He always does this whenever I take a while to answer, I'm not his girlfriend. Look his cursing even got censored, heh. I finally decide to reply.

{Doyle}: ~Can't you tell I'm busy? Why do you always spam?!~

{Luci★Fer}: ~You? Busy?! Like hell you are, you're always on the game 24/7~

{Doyle}: ~Whatever, what do you want?~

{Luci★Fer}: ~You don't know? Remember Touch me said he had a newbie that he wanted to introduce you to?~

Oh right, he did say something like that, I've been so proactive I forgot.

{Doyle}: ~Ah, yeah i remember. Where is he right now anyway, still in Helheim?~

{Luci★Fer}: ~Yeah he's even renting one of the buildings there. I'll send you the cords, I'm gonna get off for the night. I have to get up early tomorrow.~

After getting the coordinates I tell Luci★Fer "bye", though he's a bit of a pain sometimes, he still is someone I consider a friend, and you have to tell your bros goodnight.

Luci★Fer and Touch Me have also gotten pretty close. I have to say watching him briefly in the show and reading about him, It was stated that Touch Me was good, but now that I've met him I can truly say with certainty he is a decent guy through and through. Even during the times that we had, I'd help him farm some mobs for materials and even then, he'd always help those who needed help, specifically the heteromorphic players.

It's honestly been a while since I've seen him so it will be nice to chat with him again. I casually cast [Greater Teleportation] and disappear from my current location, appearing at the checkpoint in Helheim. Then I followed the coordinates that Luci★Fer sent me, which lead me to a large building that had two floors, it was styled as a gothic mansion. Entering, I quickly let my presence known.

"Yo, Touch Me where are you? It's me, Doyle, Luci★Fer reminded me that you had someone you wanted me to meet."

The house was quiet for a second until I heard a familiar justice-filled voice, kinda like the superhero's from old-school movies and Tv shows.

"Doyle, how have you been man? We're upstairs."

I walk up the stairs and the first thing that catches my sight is someone I have seen over a hundred times. Not in real life or in person, I've seen him in the manga, and anime, and I've even read about him in novels. He was geared in old and teared-up brown cloth, however, his shiny white skull and pointy bone fingers were enough for me to guess the guest Touch Me wanted to meet.

"It's nice to see you, Doyle, this is Momonga, I just met him a couple of days ago in the game but he's a really good guy."

I think I might fanboy…



I, Month, have upheld my oath of posting every week so far, praise me. I'm writing this here because I really don't feel like putting this in the 'Author's Thoughts' section, I'm too tired. Anyway I'm happy with the audience this ffic has grown me, I've seen tons of OG readers that I have been here since the beginning, when this was only at 5-7 chapters. I'm happy you guys really enjoy my work, seeing such nice comments like "Glad you are back Author" really makes my day, I also laugh at the funny comments. Anyway uh oh yeah, I almost forgot, if any of you like my writing feel free to check out my new novel that I've been working on called "A Cold-Blood POV" I'd really appreciate the support since I'm trying to take this author thing serious. Anyway without further or do, Month out.