
Overlord Death System

Marvet always loved seeing anything that lived perish, from a stray cat getting run over in the middle of a highway down to the lizards he caught and tortured in his basement. However, tragedy strikes when Marvet meets his own demise, crushed beneath the wheels of an unforgiving truck. But his journey doesn't end there. Instead, he awakens in a world where magic reigns supreme. *Ding! ['Enter your name.'] A game-like message flashes before him. As confusion gives way to curiosity, Marvet sets out to uncover more about this new world and his strange powers. Will he embrace his morbid fascinations, sowing chaos in his wake? Or will he harness his mysterious powers for a greater purpose?

KhingOfPages · Fantasy
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4 Chs

You Did This... Not Me

In the dimly lit cave, the air grew heavy with tension as Marvet, a cunning and sadistic soul, reveled in his nefarious plan. The adventurers, Finley, Selene, and Alistair, found themselves ensnared in a perilous predicament.

"Alright, tie yourselves up. The fun is just about to begin," Marvet declared with a wicked grin, tossing a length of rope to Finley and Selene, who hesitated, their instincts urging them to resist.

"There's no way I'm binding myself... I won't make it that easy for you to kill me," Finley objected, his voice filled with defiance and a trace of fear.

But Marvet was not one to be swayed by simple resistance. Swiftly he pressed his blade against Alistair's throat, causing him to wince in pain.

"Augh!" Alistair grunted, the cold steel biting into his flesh, a chilling reminder of their dire situation.

"Please... Please, Finley, let's just comply. I don't want to see him die," Selene pleaded, her hazel eyes brimming with tears, unable to bear the thought of losing a comrade.

Finley's eyes darted back and forth, torn between self-preservation and the desperate plea of his ally. "But what if he just kills us all?" he voiced his concerns, questioning the trust they were placing in their captor.

Selene, her voice trembling but resolute, responded, her tears streaming down her unblemished cheeks, "What if he doesn't? I'm willing to do anything as long as it means no one dies here today."

Marvet, sensing the wavering resolve within his captives, sought to assuage their fears. "I promise I won't harm you. I'm just interested in looting you guys... No one needs to die a needless death here today," he reassured, his words laced with a twisted charm.

Finding a glimmer of hope in Marvet's words, Selene reluctantly picked up the ropes and began binding her fellow adventurers. The minutes felt like an eternity as she secured Finley and Alistair, her hands trembling with each knot tied.

With a calculating gaze, Marvet observed their vulnerability, and like a boa constrictor closing in on its prey, he seized the final rope and tied his last unsecured captive, leaving Selene no room for escape.

"That's all, right? You'll just rob us and then let us go, right?" Selene desperately implored, her voice tinged with a mix of fear and fragile hope, her trust hanging by a thread.

"Mhmmm..." Marvet responded ambiguously, his attention drifting towards Finley, a sinister aura emanating from his very being.

Unsettled by Marvet's sudden change in demeanor, Finley's uneasiness permeated his voice. "Hey, what are you doing behind me? Just rob us or wha-whatever."

"Relax, Finley," Selene began, her words abruptly silenced as the unthinkable unfolded before her eyes.

From behind Finley, Marvet swiftly thrust his sword through his neck, a devastating blow that stole the breath from those who bore witness to the gruesome act. The room filled with silence, leaving only the sickening sound of the sword being withdrawn from its deadly path.

"No matter how thick your skin is, your neck can't be hardened like the rest of your body," Marvet coldly remarked, relishing in the shock and horror that gripped the remaining adventurers.

In the wake of Finley's lifeless body, the room plunged into an abyss of despair. Selene, her heart shattered.

"Help... me," Finley could only manage a feeble cry for help before he slumped to the hard ground. Finley was dead, and there was no denying the grim reality that surrounded them.


[You've killed a silver-tier adventurer. +1000 XP, +299 coins, +15 point(s)]

<Congrats! You've leveled up. Current level: Lv6>

<Congrats! You've leveled up. Current level: Lv7>

<Congrats! You've leveled up...

<Congrats! You've leveled up. Current level: Lv13>

As the system notifications echoed through Marvet's head, they served as a glorious reminder of his victory. Marvet, reveling in his triumph, approached Selene, her tears staining the ground where Finley's life had faded away.

"He was going to be a big pain in the ass if he had broken out of the ropes, so I had to deal with him," Marvet explained callously, his words dripping with a sickening satisfaction.

Selene's anguish transformed into a seething rage, her voice trembling with both grief and fury. "You sicko, wait till I get outta these ropes," she threatened, her determination burning brightly despite the overwhelming odds.

Alistair, bound and witnessing the unfolding tragedy, chimed in with a defiant spirit. "coward... I'm going to get my hands on you, and when I do," he spat, struggling against his restraints, determined to break free from Marvet's clutches.

Undeterred by Alistair's resistance, Marvet used his skill, "-Reaper's Grasp," attempting to weaken the defiant adventurer.

But Alistair, his health pool seemingly vast, continued his desperate struggle for freedom, undeterred by the meager health drain inflicted upon him.

Observing the situation, Marvet's analytical mind processed the details. 'I see, his health pool is so large that a mere 30 HP deduction seems insignificant,' he deduced, plotting a more effective approach.

"Well, in that case, I'll just keep draining him until he begins to feel it," Marvet muttered to himself, his eyes fixated on Alistair's dwindling resistance.

[You used -Reaper's Grasp. -5 MP, +30 HP]

[You used -Reaper's Grasp. -5 MP, +30 HP]

[You used -Reaper's Grasp. -5 MP, +30 HP]

[You used -Reaper's Grasp...


<Your skill -Reaper's Grasp- mastery level has increased>

Surprised by the sudden skill upgrade, Marvet's mind raced with new possibilities. 'Huh? A skill upgrade?' he pondered, the system's message in front of him shedding light on his newfound power.


-Reaper's Grasp [Lv2]:

Drains 100 health points from your target, transferring the same amount to your health pool. When used consecutively, the skill drains twice the stated amount of HP from your target, but also consumes double the required MP from you.


With a twisted grin, Marvet now possessed a more potent tool in his arsenal.

"So, consecutive use of a given skill increases its mastery level," he remarked, his confidence growing. "Now let's see if you shake this off, tough guy," he sneered as he placed his palm on Alistair's head.

"Get your filthy hands off me. Don't worry, Selene, I'm coming to save you," Alistair reassured, mustering every ounce of strength he had.

[You used -Reaper's Grasp. -10 MP, +100 HP]

[You used -Reaper's Grasp. -10 MP, +100 HP]


[You used -Reaper's Grasp. -20 MP, +200 HP]

"What... What are you doing to me? Get your hands off me," Alistair finally felt the energy drain from his body, his strength withering with every passing moment, rendering him helpless.

[You used -Reaper's Grasp. -20 MP, +200 HP]

[You used -Reaper's Grasp. -20 MP, +200 HP]

"Let... go," Alistair managed to utter weakly, his life force nearly extinguished, his body no longer capable of resistance.

"You're one stubborn runt, you know? Making me eat through my MP like that," Marvet taunted, his satisfaction noticeable as he reveled in his victim's vulnerability.

"Why? Why are you doing this?" Selene sobbed, her voice strained with grief and confusion, unable to comprehend the depths of Marvet's malevolence.

"Me? You did this... not me," Marvet retorted, raising his hands in mock innocence.

"If only you had called my bluff, I would have probably fled... But no, instead, you took the ropes and tied your partners," he accused, his words seeping with a toxic blend of manipulation and blame.

"Stay away from... her," Alistair managed to muster, his weakening voice a testament to his undying loyalty.

"Don't worry, I don't intend on harming her," Marvet declared, gripping Selene's cheeks firmly, his gaze locked onto her captivating hazel eyes.

"My work here is done," Marvet announced, picking up Alistair's sword. "I'll be keeping this if you don't mind," he added with a swing of his newly acquired weapon.

[You've obtained a Silver-tier sword]

With his newfound sword in hand, Marvet sliced through Alistair's bindings, freeing him from his restraints.

"Now go and rescue your princess, white knight," Marvet sarcastically remarked, a mocking tone lacing his words.

Filled with a mix of astonishment and determination, Alistair summoned every last ounce of energy within him and began to crawl toward Selene, driven by his unwavering resolve.

Despite her sadness, Selene felt a glimmer of hope knowing that Alistair was now free.

"I'm... I'm coming. Hold on tight, I'll be there soon," Alistair assured Selene, his voice trembling with exhaustion as he continued his punishing crawl toward her.

[You used -Shadow Strike. -5 MP, +30 HP]


[You've killed a silver-tier adventurer. +900 XP, +210 coins, +12 point(s)]

<Congrats! You've leveled up. Current level: Lv14>

<Congrats! You've leveled up. Current level: Lv15>

<Congrats! You've leveled up...

<Congrats! You've leveled up. Current level: Lv17>


[Name: Marvet]

[Level: 17]

[Health Points: 1070/1700]

[Mana Points: 69/150]

Job class: None

Strength: 20

Agility: 32

Intelligence: 15

Stamina: 5

Coins: 112(+519)

{Points to distribute: 20(+37)}


-Reaper's Grasp [Lv2]

-Shadow Strike [Lv1]

Title: None


[You"ve reached the requirement to unlock the skill -Soul Shroud-]


-Soul Shroud [Lv1]

Surrounds you with a dark aura, increasing your stealth by 50% for 30 seconds and causing enemies to have a 20% chance of missing their attacks.


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