
Overlord Death System

Marvet always loved seeing anything that lived perish, from a stray cat getting run over in the middle of a highway down to the lizards he caught and tortured in his basement. However, tragedy strikes when Marvet meets his own demise, crushed beneath the wheels of an unforgiving truck. But his journey doesn't end there. Instead, he awakens in a world where magic reigns supreme. *Ding! ['Enter your name.'] A game-like message flashes before him. As confusion gives way to curiosity, Marvet sets out to uncover more about this new world and his strange powers. Will he embrace his morbid fascinations, sowing chaos in his wake? Or will he harness his mysterious powers for a greater purpose?

KhingOfPages · Fantasy
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4 Chs

A Dance In Darkness

"You didn't have to accompany me if you're not fully recovered," Marvet spoke, his voice resolute, as they stood at the entrance of the foreboding cave.

Selene gazed at Marvet for a fleeting moment, a radiant smile gracing her lips. "I understand your concern, but trust me, I'm more than capable. I can handle this. Besides, I have a personal score to settle with these goblins," she declared, her determination shining through. With confidence, she brandished her spear.

Without hesitation, they stepped forward, venturing deeper into the dimly lit cavern. The only source of illumination came from a torch they had discovered near the entrance.

"It's eerily silent, isn't it?" Marvet observed, his torch sweeping from side to side, casting dancing shadows upon the walls as they pressed onward.

"That's the way goblins operate. They lurk in the shadows, biding their time until they can strike when your guard is down," Selene explained, her voice tinged with a sense of caution as they continued their path.


As Marvet and Selene engaged in idle conversation, an arrow whizzed through the air, hurtling toward them. "Get down!" Marvet shouted, swiftly pushing Selene out of harm's way, narrowly avoiding the projectile.

"Grufrindrahimtrak," the goblin responsible for the attack sneered before vanishing back into obscurity.

"Are you unharmed?" Marvet approached Selene, who had fallen to the ground. "Yes, I'm fine... I should have been more vigilant of our surroundings. Thank you," Selene replied, rising to her feet.

"They're hunting us from the shadows. We must remain on high alert, as they may—"

Before Marvet could finish his sentence, another arrow was launched from the darkness, hurtling toward him. However, Selene swiftly deflected it with her spear before it could find its mark.

"Frukrut," the goblin spat, disappearing without a trace.

"I fear we are surrounded," Selene voiced her concern. "We cannot pursue them into the darkness, as there may be traps, and they possess superior knowledge of this cave's layout," she warned, her voice tinged with caution.

Marvet and Selene stood back to back, their bodies tense as they guarded each other's blind spots, ready for the next onslaught of goblin arrows.

However, to their surprise, the cave remained eerily silent. The goblins seemed to have vanished, not even bothering to launch a single stone at them.

Hours passed, and the duo's fatigue grew. They decided to break formation, desperate for a moment's rest. Little did they know that this would be the moment the goblins chose to strike.

In an instant, two arrows whizzed through the air, aimed directly at Marvet and Selene. Reacting swiftly, their blades met the projectiles, splitting them in half with precision.

Frustration etched on his face, Marvet couldn't contain his irritation any longer.

"We're not making any progress like this," he grumbled, his voice laced with exasperation. "Can you stay here for a minute? and try not to get hurt. I'll be back," he requested, disappearing into the shadows.

[You used -Soul Shroud. -10 MP]

With a practiced motion, Marvet activated his skill, -Soul Shroud, enveloping himself in a dark aura.

He sought to suppress his existence, waiting patiently for the goblins to reveal themselves. However, the draining effect on his mana was more severe than anticipated.


-Soul Shroud [Lv1] Surrounds you with a dark aura, increasing your stealth by 50% for 30 seconds and causing enemies to have a 20% chance of missing their attacks.


[You used -Soul Shroud. -10 MP]

[You used -Soul Shroud. -10 MP]

[You used...


"At this rate, I'll run out of mana before they even make a move," Marvet muttered under his breath, feeling the frustration welling up within him.

But then, an unexpected development occurred.


A notification flashed before Marvet's eyes, signaling the mastery level increase of his -Soul Shroud skill. A surge of relief washed over him, knowing that his patience had paid off.

-Soul Shroud [Lv2]

Surrounds you with a dark aura, increasing your stealth by 55% for 60 seconds and causing enemies to have a 30% chance of missing their attacks.

"Sweet an upgrade, just what I was waiting for... Now I can save up some MP," Marvet said under his breath, slightly glad the skill upgrade came just when he needed it most.

[You used -Soul Shroud. -30 MP]

"Are you screwing with me... 30 MP? Do you think this is funny?" Marvet whispered trying not to give away his location, but he was definitely pissed.

'I was just complaining about how draining this skill is on my mana and now it's being tripled'

Just as Marvet had been grumbling and lamenting, the goblins finally made their move.

An arrow shot toward Selene, a signal that the waiting game was over. Reacting swiftly, Marvet sprung into action, launching himself toward the source of the arrow.

Using his skills -Reaper's Grasp and -Shadow Strike, Marvet swiftly dispatched the goblin responsible for the attack, causing a chain reaction that exposed the positions of the remaining goblins.

The goblins fell one by one, unable to match Marvet's updated strength, and agility.

"SHREEEKAR!!!" The cave echoed with screams, turning into a grisly spectacle as blood spilled freely.

It was a blood bath and the tub was overflowing with goblins blood.

Selene, drawn by the cacophony of battle, joined Marvet in the relentless slaughter, her spear piercing through the goblins with deadly precision. Together, they left no room for mercy, turning the tide of the battle.

But as the last of the goblins fell, one managed to slip away into the darkness, seeking escape. Selene, fueled by her desire for revenge, prepared to pursue the fleeing goblin.

However, Marvet intervened, gripping her wrist firmly, preventing her from giving chase.

"Don't," Marvet commanded, his voice firm but calm. "Let him think he has gotten away. He will lead us to their base."

Caught off guard by Marvet's interruption, Selene's embarrassment washed over her, realizing she had nearly jeopardized their plan. "I'm... I'm sorry," she murmured, her voice filled with remorse.

'What was I thinking? I almost ruined my master's plans.' Regret filled Selene's heart as she reflected on her impulsive actions. She had almost risked the mission and let her emotions get the best of her.

Marvet, his breath ragged and adrenaline pumping through his veins, surveyed the aftermath of the fierce battle. The goblin corpses lay strewn across the cave floor, lifeless and defeated.

"It's alright, Selene. You did well," Marvet reassured her, a hint of pride in his voice. "But we can't let our guard down just yet. That goblin will lead us to their base, and we must follow."

Selene nodded, determination gleaming in her eyes once again.

Together, they set off in pursuit of the fleeing goblin, carefully tracing its footsteps through the dark tunnels.

Marvet's mastery of the -Soul Shroud skill allowed them to move stealthily, avoiding any potential traps or ambushes.

As they ventured deeper into the cave, the air grew heavy with tension. They could sense the proximity of the goblin lair, the stronghold from which these creatures had been launching their attacks.

Finally, they arrived at a large chamber bathed in an eerie green glow. The goblin base. The sight before them was astonishing—a sprawling network of tunnels and chambers, bustling with goblin activity. It was a well-organized hive of mischief and malice.

"Here we are... Considering their numbers I suppose we can't just waltz in there...

We need to play it smart," Marvet and Selene hid behind a rocky outcrop, observing the goblins' movements and strategizing their next move.

They needed a plan to navigate this labyrinthine lair and uncover its secrets without alerting the entire goblin horde.

Marvet whispered to Selene, his voice barely audible amidst the goblin chatter. "We'll split up. You take the eastern passage, and I'll head west. Stay vigilant and report back if you find anything of interest."

"Also, try not to get captured."

Selene nodded. She understood the importance of their roles and the need for swift communication. With a final glance, they parted ways, disappearing into the shadows of the goblin stronghold.

As Selene ventured deeper into the eastern passage, her senses heightened. Every step was taken with caution, her spear poised for any potential encounter. The goblin's presence was detectable, their whispers echoing through the tunnels.

With each turn, she uncovered more of the goblin's operations—storerooms filled with stolen treasures, crude weapons being forged, and maps detailing their planned raids.

It was a glimpse into the goblin's world, a dark and chaotic realm driven by greed and aggression.

Hours passed, and Selene's exploration yielded valuable information. She discreetly noted down the goblin's weak points and potential escape routes.

Eventually, Selene rendezvoused with Marvet at a predetermined location, she was eager to disclose all that she had discovered.

"So what did you find out?" Marvert asked as they huddled together, discussing their next steps in hushed voices.

With the goblin, stronghold laid bare before them, Marvet and Selene were ready to orchestrate their strike against the heart of the goblins lair.

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