
Overlord: Black Cell's Grand Inquisitor

A serial Killer, who treats humans like swine, becomes a new Demon in the wonderful place called Nazarick... [!!!Just an Idea, no further chapters planned for the moment!!!]

DaoistehAJ75 · Book&Literature
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Character Sheets, Backstories, and Appearance

Name : Astaroth Elereth Gregory Varitias

Job : Area Guardian of the Black Cell's on the 9th Floor, Grand Inquisitor of Nazarick

Residence : Head Inquisitor office in the Black Cell's on the 9th Floor

Racial Class Level :

Chain-Devil - Lv.10

Shadow-Devil - Lv.10

Arch-Devil - Lv.5

Job Class Level :

Sorcerer - Lv.15

Warlock - Lv.15

Shadowborn Sorcerer - Lv.10

Master of Eldrich Sorcery - Lv.10

Unholy Priest - Lv.10

Dark Inquisitor - Lv.5

Lord of Shadows - Lv.5

Lord of Evil Sorcery - Lv.5

Alignment : Extreme Evil

Sense of Justice : - 500

Level 100: {Racial Level:25|Job Level:75}

{Statpoints: 730}

HP : 60

MP : 120

Phy. Attack : 50

Phy. Defense : 70

Agillity : 50

Mag. Attack : 120

Mag. Defense : 70

Resist : 90

Special : 100

Appearance :

His skin is pale white, with a grey black luster and his appearance resembles a human in hight and silhouette. Astaroth's face and body has no hair, and his eyesockets are deep Black with black eyeballs inside and a clear white pupil inside.

He has neither ears, lips, nor teeth, when he opens his mouth all people can see is endless darkness. There is a Crack in his face, going from the right corner of his mouth up through his right eye and ends on his forehead. What can be seen in this gap is only endless darkness.

Astaroth wears a pair of black pants, a grey sweater, over which he wears a black jacket and black dress shoes, around his neck hands a grey scarf.

He also had his hands covered with white gloves, hiding the rings on his fingers.

He uses a luxurious looking obsidian colored walking stick, with a black jewel embedded in silver colored metal at the tip. This is his magic Staff, which he regularly uses as a simple walking stick.

Backstory :

Born as a Chain-Devil, Astaroth loves to torture all beings that cross his way, he desires nothing more than to torment from the beginning of the day until the end of the night.

He loves to turn his victims into masochistic creature who beg for him to torture them, only to leave them hanging.

His desire to inflict torment on his victim's is not restricted to physical pain, but he loves to inflict mental anguish onto them just as much.

The only beings who are an exception in his grand desire to torment all beings alive, are his fellow creations of the 41 Supreme Beings, as well as the 42 Supreme Beings themselves.

While his desire to inflict torment onto others can be said to be the main pursuit in his existence, it isn't the only one.

The desire for wisdom and knowledge of Dark and Evil sorcery, lies just one step below the former.

Researching new ways to apply his Dark and Evil magic on his victim's is one way of him to combine both these passions.

Astaroth is his first name and stands for his work and his ethics in accordance. Known as the "Grand Inquisitor" he works in the Black Cell's on the 9th Floor.

When going on patrol around the prison, he often plays with the keychain, in which the key of each Cell is gathered.

The Head Inquisitor office in the Black Cell's is the only room there which has one thing that the rest of this place lacks, light.

He has his office decorated with different tools for torture and ancient scripts of dark sorcery.

Like many Devil's, Astaroth doesn't only have one name, his full name being "Astaroth Elereth Gregory Varitias", though he never uses the full name. The denizens of Nazarick only know him under his first name "Astaroth" his epithets "The Grand Inquisitor", "The Wicked Tormenter" and "Nazarick's Nightmare".

The only reason the so called "5 Worst" of Nazarick didn't become the "6 Worst", was that he could like many demons take on a human guise, but as he hated this guise, so he never shows it.

Astaroth isn't alone in the Black Cell's, no there is one more creation working with him in there, besides the Minions placed by the Supreme Beings, though to call them co-workers would be very wrong.

She is his most precious work and masterpiece, having tortured the former Saint to a point were she derives even pleasure from him denying her attention, when she begs for him to torture her.

Besides this, she is his wife, even when their relationship is on born from endless torment, she is truly his masterpiece.

Astaroth is the younger brother of Demiurge and the two work very well together, as both have their on sadistic and Evil tendencies, which when brought together can be said to be the true hell.

His intellect is similarly high, but he mostly uses it to think of new ways to satisfy his rather peculiar tastes.


Highly respects Neuronist Painkiller and has enjoys Haring work-related conversations with her/it/him whatever.

Respects and admires Demiurge, his older Brother and has a very good relationship with him.

He generally has a very good relationship with all of the five worst, and regularly visits their places if he has nothing to do.

He respects Sebas's work ethic and strength, but basicly hates his personality.

Astaroth also has a slight crush on Nigredo, his wife's eldest sister, as he finds her appearance fascinating. As such when visiting Neuronist, he often goes to greet her as well.

He and Albedo have a good work related relationship as well as family related, with him being the husband of her little sister Jeanne.

Items :

[Arch-Devil's suit], [Warlock's Scarf], [Shadow shoes], [Staff of Evil Gods], [Tormenter's Sweater], [Death's Gloves], [Nigrum dea mater mali], [Black Cell's Keychain],...

Name : Jeanne D'Arc

Job : Warden of the Black Cell's

Residence : Head Inquisitor office in the Black Cell's on the 9th Floor

Racial Class Level :

Immortal (Human races have no racial levels)

Job Class Level :

Guardian - Lv.15

Fallen Bishop - Lv.15

Dark Knight - Lv.10

Black Guard - Lv.10

Fallen Priest - Lv.10

Fallen High Priest - Lv.10

Unholy Maiden - Lv.10

Unholy Knight - Lv.10

Evil God's Apostle - Lv.5

Fallen Saint - Lv.5

Alignment : Great Evil

Sense of Justice : - 350

Appearance :

Jeanne D'Arc has long black hair bound in a large braid falling down her back reaching below her thighs.

She has fair and pale skin, a face which is said to be the embodiment of innocent beauty. Her eyes are blue in color and people would think one was looking at the endless dark blue of the ocean.

She has a similar height to Albedo, the Guardian Overseer, who is also her elder Sister and her body is in stark contrast to her innocent face full of seductive curves.

She wears a battle-dress with armor laced in important parts, the predominant colors are black and red. She also wears gauntlets and armored boots.

She holds a tall flag pole in her hand, with the Guilds symbol on it, she also has a western style sword hanging on her waist.

Creator :

The Black Cell's was something Ulbert Alain Odle came up with after being scared shitless in the first presentation of Nigredo.

Having decided that there needed to be a prison ruled over by a Demon who loved tormenting, he put it in the 9th Floor and roped Tabula into the idea.

The two built the whole place in secret and spent not only a lot of time but also money on it.

And while Tabula helped Ulbert with ideas for the Area Guardian's backstory, Ulbert helped Tabula with a good build for the Warden under him.

The Backstorys of the two were also made by working together and when they first revealed this place to the other members of the Supreme Beings, they were so frightened that some logged off directly.

Momonga especially said that he will never go back into that place.

When that thing came walking out of the pure darkness, turned at them and laughed like a madman, he was the first to log out.