
Overlord: Black Cell's Grand Inquisitor

A serial Killer, who treats humans like swine, becomes a new Demon in the wonderful place called Nazarick... [!!!Just an Idea, no further chapters planned for the moment!!!]

DaoistehAJ75 · Book&Literature
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3 Chs

Born to be a Monster

A young man in his early twenties was walking down the streets, he was handsome in appearance. He was tall and an air of confidence surrounded him as he walked along the road.

Dressed in a customized suit, with dress shoes to finish, he gave off a feeling that he was a successful and capable part of human society.

Several young women took another look when he passed by, but he never once turned to take a look at them.

For the young man, it seemed like there existed nothing, besides wherever he was going.

It didn't take too long before he reached his destination, in a street filled with single-family homes, he went and entered one of them.

This seemed like the neighborhood everyone would wish for, peaceful and quiet.

And the houses gave off the feeling of being in possession of people who had no worries about money.

Entering the house, a neat and tidy inside came into view. No clothes were lying around anywhere, there was no garbage visible, and no shoes were standing around.

The house was clean, rather spotless, the more one would look at it, the more one would realize that something was off.

This house was just too clean, almost sterile.

The young man put his shoes into a small cabinet, where more other shoes were, but all were meticulously placed with perfect positioning and the same was true for the ones he just placed inside.

He then walked further into the house, going towards the Kitchen and taking out a glass, he filled it with water from the Refrigerator and drank it.

After which he immediately cleaned the glass and put it back where had taken it from. In the whole process, what took the longest time, was actually cleaning the glass.

It was already spotless before, but it was as if he couldn't stop from continuing to wash it more.

After doing this, the young man walked to a door, which lay below the stairs leading upward.

He opened it and walked down the stairs into the basement.

The young man seemed to have a specific target as he didn't stop.

There was also something strange with this basement, the space was not even half of the space it should have.

Soon he came in front of the reason, there was a thick metal door, and on the side was a number input field embedded into the door.

The young man slowly started to tip on it, soon the door opened and the young man walked inside, closing the door behind him.

Inside was a small separate room, with another door, more conspicuous was a chair with another set of clothes placed on it.

The young man started to slowly undress himself completely, folding the clothes he had just taken off very neatly together.

He then took the clothes on the chair and replaced them with the now neatly folded ones and began to dress himself in the clothes that had been lying there before.

After finishing this, he entered through the other door and this was again a thick metal door.

Suddenly noises were heard that weren't there before, but what was more alarming was what came into view upon entering this door.

Behind it lay a wide open room, on the other side were 5 doors placed at the same distance from each other arranged on the wall.

And here in the center of the room was a huge Table, with bindings for hands and feet, as well as a binding for the upper body.

This table was definitely used to bind a person onto it.

There was also something like a tool cart, but what was on top and inside of it didn't seem to be simple tools.

Rather they looked like things directly taken out of thriller and horror movies. This tool cart was simply filled with everything a torturing serial killer would need or desire to have.

The moment the Cart came into view of the Young man, his former rather stoic expression vanished and was replaced by one of bliss and delight.

"Ah, my lovely friends are still where I placed them."

He sounded as if he was talking to his lover and spoke with a voice filled with excitement and love.

"You missed me as well? Oh well, we will have a lot of fun today as well won't we?"

It was as if the tools were truly talking back to him, and he was having a conversation with them.

"Yeah we will amuse ourselves with the swines today as well, don't worry, you will be delighted in the swine's blood."

The young man squirmed in delight as he spoke with the tools.

"Now let's get the swine ready to play!"

He then walked to the five doors and gazed at them, from each of them small noises would sound from time to time.

"Which swine should I play with today?"

He asked himself as he took a good look at each of these 5 doors, as if knew exactly what was waiting for him behind each of them.

"Ah right! I haven't played with this swine till now, after all, I just recently caught it sniffing in my backyard!"

He walked to the rightmost door and took out a key from his pocket, slowly inserting it into the keyhole, he unlocked the door and opened it with a bright cheerful smile on his face.

"Ah, my lovely swine today I will play with you!"

Looking inside, there lay a woman in her mind twenties, her feet and arms were bound together and she lay on a mattress.

She had short black hair in a bob-cut and sky-blue eyes, which were staring at the young man with a mixture of hatred and disbelief.

The most peculiar thing about her was her clothes, it was a uniform, one that everyone could recognize. The Uniform of a police officer.

The young man smiled even brighter when he saw the look of hatred in her eyes and smiled at her with a harmless almost innocent smile.

"Little swine, who told you to sniff around where you don't belong? It is your own fault if the butcher catches you."

Yes she was a police officer and she found this man suspicious, a serial killer was going around and since she had first seen this person she had a bad feeling about him.

She then decided to have a look around his house, just to make her suspicion calm down.

Who would have thought that she found the basement with a huge metal door, just as she was about to call for backup, something hit her head.

The next thing she knew was here in this room, bound by her feet and arms.

"Yes, you little swine will be my friend's playmate today!" The young man exclaimed in excitement and then started to lift her onto his shoulder, dragging her outside of the room.

He continued to throw her onto the Table, binding her hands and feet onto it, before losing the original bindings.

He then took out the gag in her mouth, upon which the woman immediately started to scream.


The young man had immediately put his fingers into his ears, an annoyed expression appearing on his face.

He waited until the woman stopped screaming before pulling his finger out of his ears.

"Ah lovely little swine, do you think someone will care for such a sweet little swine like yourself?"

There was a mocking smirk now, which replaced the former annoyance.

"I and my good friends will have a lot of fun with you today!"

The woman's face grew pale and although she knew better than to ask a lunatic for reason, she still asked.

"Why? Why are you doing this?"

Helplessness and endless regret could be clearly discerned in her voice.

The young man paused, then he looked at her, his expression rather blank.

"You see little swine, l don't go around and gather you. You little swine all come to me, although you little swine are even more disrespectful than most of the swine I catch."

"You play like you are all someone special, someone that is ahead of others, or someone that is Great and precious, like the world would end when you disappear..."

Shaking his fingers in front of the woman, his innocent smile returned.

"But in the end... you are all the same, nothing changes, if you are in the world or not."

She had already felt cold all over, but the more she heard this young man speaking the less she felt she spoke with someone even remotely sane in his head.

"It doesn't make any difference... and on my table... each and every one of you is the same."

"You asked me why I am doing this..."

"You ask me to let you go..."

"You beg me to spare you..."

"You apologize for whatever..."

Then the smile suddenly took a turn, it became wide almost from ear to ear.

"Then you start to beg me... to kill you."

"To end your misery..."

"To take pity on you and let you die."

The woman's whole body was trembling now, she knew the serial killer was a lunatic like all of them were. But this one, this was too much, far too much.

He hadn't even touched her, but she felt her mind going crazy after hearing what he had said.

She didn't want to be here, she should have never come close here. Wasn't she living a good life? Why would one need to play the hero?

Her expression at the moment was one of true and utter terror.

And looking at her face like this, the young man didn't stop talking.

"And the longer you beg, the more fun I have, but whoever said that swine has a right to decide their fate?"

"Since I was a boy, I wondered why I need to get along with all those swine around me?"

"Why do I need to call these swine Mother and Father? Since when did swine have any rights?"

"Then I realized, I can do whatever I want with these swine... the important thing is that no one sees that I was the one who did it."

He then slowly pulled over the tool cart, the woman couldn't even speak anymore so terrifying was his self-rambling in her eyes.

She was just a simple police officer, why would she do such a dumb thing? such a thing repeated itself in her mind in a nearly endless loop.

He first took a knife from it and slowly started to cut apart her clothes under her own horrified gaze, which seemed to be too terrified of what would await her after he had done so.

"Did you know little swine? The waiting for the first pain can sometimes be much more excruciating than the whole torture that follows."

"The most important part is to take cour time to bring the swine to the edge of its sanity, to continue to confuse and terrorize its mind while you slowly but surely get ready to inflict pain onto it that it has never experienced."

The smile on the young man's face went back to one of pure innocence as if he were an angel, but the woman didn't think so even for a second.

The stark contrast between his appearance and mannerisms and words was just making her more ND more uneasy and scared.

Even though she didn't have a gag in her mouth, she hadn't spoken since her first question she felt like the moment she did the pain would begin.

Or was it just another play to make the pressure on her mind heavier? She didn't know and she really didn't want to know.

All she currently hoped for was for all this to be a bad dream, and that she would wake up soon in her bed at home.

"You know little swine, when I put the swine which called itself my father onto such a table, it rambled on and on about how it would slap me to death once it gets free of the bindings and off of the table."

"It was screaming at me nonstop, how it should have killed me in the cradle or thrown me out the window..."

"It's not like the swine didn't try to kill me. After all, it drank a lot and treated me as its punching bag, when the swine which called itself my mother decided to hide itself so that it wouldn't end up like that."

"But as I continued on and on, as I started to rip out his nails, to cut off his fingers and close the wound through hot metal, again and again, he started to realize that there was no way for him to Kill me."

"Because I was the one to kill it, slowly, taking my time, day for day... I think in the end I spend a whole month with it... I don't remember anymore."

"After all, it wasn't even the first, but the swine which called itself my mother, decided that it was better if I was used as a sandbag rather than it."

"Oh its screams were so wonderful, how it begged me to forgive it again and again!"

"Isn't it fine after all swine are swine, no matter how much you swine think you are something better I will make you understand your true place at the end!"

At this moment a thought came to her mind, 'This isn't a human, this can't be a human, this is a monster wearing human skin!!'

While speaking, he had already removed the clothes from her body. And now she was lying naked on the table.

But this didn't change anything for her since the young man started talking, her body was shivering and trembling from the fright in her heart and mind.

"So little swine, now where and how do my little friends here and I start playing with you?"

There it was again that evil sadistic smirk that seemed to go from one ear to the other.


Before she could realize what was happening a sudden pain assaulted her, ahead screamed in agony.

When she calmed down a little and looked where the pain was coming from, she found that there was a 20 cm long pin inserted halfway through into her right thigh.

"This was just the little starter to get your attention." He said before pausing and turning to the cart while continuing, "After all I want you full attention on the pain now that it finally begins. You have been left waiting long enough, don't you think?"

He then took out something that resembled pincers and smiled innocently, "Oh yeah, I should use you, after such a long time it should be fun again right? But maybe I should first rip off her nipples with it?"

He seemed a bit confused and indecisive, "Or should I start with your clit? Ripping it off would probably make you scream for hours... what a delightful that would be..."

He shook his head, and lay back the pincers, "No such a beautiful thing needs to wait for later, that should be a finishing touch..."

As he continued to look for what to start with, suddenly a red lamp in the center of the room started to blink rapidly.

Getting his attention away from the cart as he spoke in disbelief, "No... impossible..."

He ran to the side and opened the wall, where behind it was a monitor hidden, and as his eyes landed on what was there, they went wide.

Being silent for a while, made the woman feel even more uncomfortable, then the young man started to laugh wildly like a madman.


he didn't even seem to take in air in between and it took him a while to calm down.

When he did, he came over again to the woman and smiled innocently at her.

"You seem rather important I have to say. Only a single day have I had you in my house little swine, but your friends are already here to make trouble."

Her eyes went wide, for a moment she thought she was saved but while looking at that innocent-looking smile, she realized her friends hadn't saved her.

No, they probably doomed her to an earlier death.

"Oh you seem to understand, how could I let you little swine go after I caught you? It's just a pity that I can't give you all the love and care I wanted to give you..."

He took out the pin, which was stuck in her thigh, and then smiled at her, "You know this wound doesn't seem like much... but actually I hit your deep femoral..."

Her eyes went even wider than before, simply because if this wound wasn't treated the right way, then she would simply bleed to death.

"I will give you a chance to live, but we won't be seeing each other again anyway."

He then held both her mouth and nose closed for a few seconds, so that she wouldn't lose consciousness.

"Now it's time for me!" He smiled innocently like he could not even harm a fly.

"But I always knew this day would come... sooner or later..."

He muttered before walking toward the door through which he entered the room, he then tipped a couple of times on a keyboard, which was linked with the door lock system.

"So... in ten minutes this door will open..."

Turning around, he walked toward the only chair in the wide room and sat down.

"It's been a rather amusing life I have to say... although I would appreciate less swine around me..."

He then took out a knife which he had taken from the tool cart before.

"At least I want to let someone else take my own life..."

With those words spoken, he stopped the knife without mercy or hesitation directly into his own chest, piercing his heart.




In a vast land, where the ground was burning and rivers of magma flowed endlessly, a being of pure evil looked at a black small sphere in its gigantic palms.

It's the evil voice that would kill mortals just by listening to it reverberating endlessly over this vast land.

"Such pure darkness... you should have been born as a Devil, not as a Human, hahaha!"

"Wonderful, let's make you into one of us and send you to a new place..."

"Hahaha, a place where humans are no more than swine! Yeah, that sounds great!"

The being then sent the small black sphere through a black void-like portal.

"Let's see how much more you become until I see you in the abyss again!"




"Hey Tabula, how far have you gotten with your Npc? I think I have perfected mine!" a Goat like Demon, dressed in a military uniform asked.

"Ah Ulbert, I'm not far away, but I want the backstories to fit perfectly with each other. After all, we put so much work into them, it would be a pity when later something went wrong."

A man with a squid head and tentacles for fingers answered.

"True, I just hope the others will love it as much as I already do." He paused and looked at Tabula, "You know I only got this idea after you scared the shit out of us with Nigredo..."

"Hahaha! That was a great day!" Tabula broke into laughter, "But I think your idea is good, and these two Npcs are perfect in a duo fight, they can easily be a big obstacle if they work with Sebas and the maids in an invasion..."

Ulbert nodded then shook his head, "Nah if they get beyond the other Npc you planned to make, then you can forget it."

"Hehe, also true, but it isn't bad to have them here and they are more for role-playing purposes even if they are really strong." Tabula chuckled a bit, before complaining about the money spent.

Ulbert nodded, "Yeah but both have two divine class items now and are lv.100, this can at least buy a lot of time for us in the future if necessary."

"Also true, though I am rather inclined to believe that none will get beyond the 8th Floor."

"Possible, but let's go through their builds again once and then look at the Backstorys."

Nodding at, Ulberts' suggestion, Tabula pulled up, both of the sheets for the two new Npcs they were about to create.

"First one is... Astaroth..."

Name : Astaroth Elereth Gregory Varitias

Job : Area Guardian of the Black Cell's on the 9th Floor, Grand Inquisitor of Nazarick

Residence : Head Inquisitor office in the Black Cell's on the 9th Floor

Racial Class Level :

Chain-Devil - Lv.10

Shadow-Devil - Lv.10

Arch-Devil - Lv.5

Job Class Level :

Sorcerer - Lv.15

Warlock - Lv.15

Shadowborn Sorcerer - Lv.10

Master of Eldrich Sorcery - Lv.10

Unholy Priest - Lv.10

Dark Inquisitor - Lv.5

Lord of Shadows - Lv.5

Lord of Evil Sorcery - Lv.5

Alignment : Extreme Evil

Sense of Justice : - 500

Level 100: {Racial Level:25|Job Level:75}

Ulbert commented, "Mhm, looks fine. I think Momonga will like his magic-oriented build, but his shadow and Evil magic should be a step above Momonga's and our own."

Both Ulbert and Tabula were so-called Magic Casters, something they had in common with the new Npc they were about to create.

"Then the next one is..."

Name : Jeanne D'Arc

Job : Warden of the Black Cell's

Residence : Head Inquisitor office in the Black Cell's on the 9th Floor

Racial Class Level :

Immortal (Human races have no racial levels)

Job Class Level :

Guardian - Lv.15

Fallen Bishop - Lv.15

Dark Knight - Lv.10

Black Guard - Lv.10

Fallen Priest - Lv.10

Fallen High Priest - Lv.10

Unholy Maiden - Lv.10

Unholy Knight - Lv.10

Evil God's Apostle - Lv.5

Fallen Saint - Lv.5

Alignment : Extreme Evil

Sense of Justice : - 500

"Looks just as fine, but I have to say the work to get the Fallen series for the classes was heavy..." Ulbert complained a bit.

"Yeah, but it was worth it, and the backstory of the two is based on her having fallen to the lowest point possible..." Tabula didn't care too much, but also knew that it was dogshit, still, he would do it again the same way even if he began from the beginning again. Simply because he wanted it for the backstories to better fit.

"Still Astaroth is in some ways even worse than Neuronist I would say... I mean... no let's not talk about it." Tabula wanted to say more, but then just decided to let it be.

"Anyway, did you make the girl part of the sisters? Because my new creation is the younger brother of Demiurge."

Nodding at Ulberts question Tabula answered, "Yes I did. I didn't want her to feel left out. Hahaha."