
Overlord: A new journey

200 years before the main timeline of Overlord, a powerful player was transported into New World. (English is not my mother tongue, please forgive if i make grammatical mistakes.)

Dang_Hoang_4631 · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

"Ahhh. .... so boring." Kain yawned on horse back. He thought about the reason which caused this weariness. Kain was the leader and warrior of a mercenary group named "Red eye". It was the name of a hero who drove back an army of Yurinigger 30 years ago. He was the idol of majority of members in his group. Few days ago, Red eye accepted an escort request from a merchant of Seroth city. They had to escort him and his family to Thedas city. At first, he did not want to accept the invitation. However, the generous amount of money, which the merchant promised to pay them made him change his mind. Money was always the thing which attracted Kain the most. After all, who doesn't love money? Especially for a group of mercenaries who would do anything for a good price.

"The weather today is really beautiful. Do you think so, young man? The old man who was driving the carriage spoke up.

His name was Thoros, he was the one who hired Red eye. He was about 60 years old with a bald head. His obese belly and expensive clothes were proof of his wealth. Sitting next to him were his wife and child. Her name was Layla, she was a beautiful woman. Her appearence exuded elegance. Kain heard that she was a daughter of a famous merchant. Her father sold her to Thoros after he offered him a lot of money and bussiness interests. Other people might feel sorry for her but Kain did not. After 2 two days traveling, he saw how much Thoros pampered her. Their child was a 10 year olds boy name Thomas. He was very active. Fortunately, the boy inherited his mother' beauties. Kain and his friends pretty liked Thomas.

"Yeah, good weather helps reduce troubles from monsters." Kain replied.

"Haha, you're not literary like bards." Thoros said happily.

"If you want pleasantries, you should talk with our bard, Roland." Kain said.

"Haha , that guy sang all night last night. Just let him sleep." The old man replied.

"Singing is all he can do for us, wake him up if you want hear some song."

" Hey, don't say like I'm useless." Roland voice came from behind.

"Why? It's the truth". Lyanna, who was riding horse near him, teased Roland. She played archer role in party. She was a petite girl who always knew how to make other people smile.

" If you keep teasing him like that, he will cry and tell his parents." Priest Rosalia also contributed the fun. She was a genius magic caster who was able to use 4 tier magic when she was just 16. Currently, she was about to break through to the 5 level at just under 26.

"Even you are like that, Rose." Roland groaned.

Kain sighed with a smile. Everyone liked teasing Roland in their free time. Roland was son of a warden of a city which was located in the south. He had had to follow a lot of rules since childhood. Kain and his friend was once hired by his father for some bussinesses. After solving them, Roland asked him to join them. Of course Kain rejected. But after seeing Roland's sincerity, Kain and his friends accepted him to join the group. Roland left a letter for his parents and traveled with them.

Despite being teased, Roland was not useless. His class was bard. In a battle, he could use his songs to buff everyone. He played an important role in the mercenary group.

In addition, there were more 3 members but they went ahead to scout. They were Ranger Ned, Druid Lily and Assassin Scott.

"But hey young man, are the rumours the truth?" Thoros asked Kain.

Kain knew what the rumours were. Over a month ago, there were some rumours that there were a group of troll hanging around Nos plain. That was why Thoros hired Kain.

"I don't know. But i think they were made up by old Grean. Who doesn't know that he just bought 15 ships to carry passengers on Royce river." Kain replied.

"I agree with you. The rumours have been around for 1 months and no one encounters them. So hard to believe" Thoros said.

"How long will it be before we reach the city?." Layla suddenly asked.

"If we maintain this speed, we will reach Thedas in 2 days." Kain answered.

Layla sighed and carried Thomas into carriage. The boy objected to his mother.

"Mom, i want to be here" Thomas struggled.

"I'll take care of Thomas, you should take a rest bae". Thoros said.

Layla went into carriage without a word. Kain and Thoros looked at each other.

"Sorry about that. She never liked traveling." He apologized.

"Never mind ,old man"

Right at that moment, three members, who had scouted, came back.

"Hey, Is there something strange?" Archer Lyanna asked them before Kain.

"Nah nothing, just some goblins. We also bring gifts for you guys". The one who spoke was Ranger Ned. He and Scott were holding six rabbits.

"whoops nice gifts!" Rosalia whistled.

" It's already noon, we should rest for lunch. What do you think?" Kain asked Thoros.

"Sure, my belly has sung for a while hahaha." Thoros replied happily.


After having lunch, Kain and the other continued their journey. When they got close Nos plain, Ned was sent ahead to scout. An our later, he came back without bad news. And so, they kept acrossing Nos plain , unware of the lurking deaths.



A growling voice urged the giant shapes.

They were the blue monsters with a height of 3 meters. If someone was there, they would recognized them. They were an ugly group of monsters called Troll. But there was a strange thing. Trolls were monsters that lived alone, they did not have group behavior. However, there were 15 trolls that were walking together. How could it be? The answer was very easy. That was because a special individual gathered them. And that individual was the troll holding a wooden staff standing behind them . It was the "Boss" of this group.

It was born in a beautiful forest,which was the domain of Troll. Its mother was the one who ruled the forest and other monsters living inside. There was no creature in the forest that was not afraid of them.Its mother was a experienced hunter, she taught him how to hunt other lowly creatures and frighten others. She made it realize what the predator was. With those advantages, it thought it would become a ruler like its mother. It could have come true if those little brown-skinned wouldn't have come.

They gathered in flocks up to 400 individuals. They invaded the forest by their overwhelming number. Especially, the leaders of them were very strong. They killed strong monsters in forest. And its mother was the first one to be killed. When they about to kill it, it awankened its talent for the first time. It unconsciously created illusions for enemies that caused them to kill each other and it could escape.

After realizing its powerful ability during the encounter in the forest, the troll swore to kill and eat the invaders but understood that it needed to become stronger first. It spent many years training itself to hone its skills and abilities. Additionally, it recognized that it couldn't achieve its goal alone, leading it to recruit other trolls as subordinates.

One time of hunting, it encountered a group of short creatures that wrapped in strange item in their bodies. They caused it a lot of difficulties because of its weapons. One of them could use a strange power to attack it. In spite of a lot of difficulties, it finally defeated them. It left one of them alive to learn about their power. That encounter completely changed its perception. For the first time of its life, it finally learnt the truth of its power. The one whom it left alive claimed itself was a magic caster. That creature said that both of them were magic casters who could use an invisible power called magic. It was the first time it heard about tier magic. That thing also said it was a kind of magic caster who could use illusional magics. Then, it ordered that creature to teach it about magic. Unfortunately, that creature couldn't help much. After learning all things, it ate that creature to absord its power. It also gave itself a name called Ra. And since then, Ra and its subordinates had traveled everywhere to hunt powerful creatures and eat them to gain their powers.

After many years, Ra currently was able to use powerful combat magics. In particular, it was able to use 5th tier illusional magics, which was considered impossible for mortal beings. However, Ra realized it was not strong enough to defeat the accident invaders so it continued its journey. And by chance, it came to that Nos plain. The poor creatures here did not know that a natural disaster had come here, waiting for oppoturnity to devour the careless.