
overlord - wish granter

Akabaru - one of the 41 supreme beings of the great tome of nazarick As one of the supreme beings he helped create some of the inhabitant of the tomb. He mostly working with bleu planet to create the 6th floor sky but was the creator of one of the five worst. (Its the life of one of the 41 if he had chosen a different race in the game, leading him to miss out on a promotion that would have taken all his time away, letting him be there in the final moments of the server shut down.) (i try updating in the future, still thinking if i am about to drop it where it is now.) (i do not own Overlord, pictures and content except that of my own)

KAAS_Sad_Dragon · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

fatty and sweet

The flying pink fetus left to go back to his floor, because he had the job of managing the fast army that resided there and shouldn't leave for long if the management wasn't properly informed.


tree days later - Inside the room of Momonga

Momonga was about to try to swing a sword while Akabaru sat on a couch, reading a book about magic to maybe learn some new small spells. Naberal Gamma and Entoma Vasilissa Zeta were also in the room each assisting one of the two lords. Akabaru looked up as he heard a sword fall to the ground.

"Shall I get that?" Naberal who stood next to Momonga asked.

"Yes" Momonga had been trying to use different equipment for the whole day, this was properly his final attempt, seeing as he had gone through staffs and maces before trying swords of all kinds.

[create greater item] After casting the spell Momonga tried to swing the sword again and this time not letting it drop to the ground, but instead creating a strong gust of wind inside the room. Resulting in the page that Akabaru was studying being lost.

"Sorry Akabaru." Momonga saw the annoyed look on Akabaru's face, clearly agitated by the result of his experimentation.

"It doesn't matter, I don't understand the principle behind it, nothing in that book of magic makes sense, I don't know how it made any sense to you, but I am thoroughly done with it." Akabaru closed the book he had been reading and placed it beside the stack of papers that Entoma had picked up from the ground.

"Well just like how you instinctively form a stance I just understand."  Akabaru didn't know if Momonga was bringing or not, but he did see the correlation..

"You know that those aren't the same things right?" The only problem was that a fighting stance was easy to learn, but magic talent was something he couldn't get by simply practicing.

"No, but… you know what I'm going to go outside the tomb for a bit you want to come with me?" Momonga seemed to quickly jump to another topic, not wanting to annoy his friend anymore than he already did.

"Should the guard accompany you, just say the word." Naberal seemed worried for the overlord, a level one hundred being going out on a stroll just outside of the walls of the tomb.

"No need I will go with Akabaru." Momonga seemed to dislike the idea of guards being with him for something as insignificant as seeing the outside world in person.

Momonga looked at Akabaru expecting a positive response, hoping that he would go with him.

"Sorry Momonga, but you will have to go alone. I am going to rest for a bit." He hadn't slept in the last couple of days and his mental exhaustion was catching up to him, Momonga didn't seem to have that problem, being undead and all.

"I thought you didn't need sleep." Momonga was technically correct.. Akabru didn't need it, but he had been craving for some rest since the the day before, only going now as he had finished with the experimentation that had occupied him.

"You're right, my body doesn't need it but my mind does so I don't need it but rest is always good for my mind. See you later Momonga." He got up from the sofa he was sitting on, leaving behind the books he had lent from the library.

"Sure.. see you later Akabaru." Momonga just waved, thinking quickly to find another reason not to be accompanied by guards.

Akabaru decides to go to his own room for some mental rest as the last couple of days he and Momonga have been testing the mechanics of the new world.

Following him to his room was Entoma Vasilissa Zeta the cute glutton of the Pleiades maid who likes to eat snacks like human limbs or crackers.

"Entoma how have the last couple of days been for you have you been eating enough?" As they walked Akabaru couldn't help, but fill the silence... being stared at was the primary reason as he couldn't help but feel a pair of eyes bore into the back of his head.

"The last couple of days were fun lord Akabaru, it is just that Kyouhukou is complaining to Yuri because I'm snacking too much." Kyouhukou was one of the six worst, being a giant cockroach that ruled over millions of insects.

"Why would he complain to Yuri about you snacking too much? You still need to grow right?" Entoma was quite small in comparison to the rest of the Pleiades, only being compatible with Shizu Delta, but she could grow because of her being an automaton.

"It's because he doesn't like it when I snack on his family."

"Family?!" The cockroaches... Akabaru remembered that Entoma was an insectomancer, but eating bugs wasn't something that he found that appetizing.

"Yes, cockroaches are really tasty. They are crunchy and fatty and they taste really sweet." Entoma began to describe the taste and texture, making a mental image of cockroach popcorn in Akabaru's mind.

"Ahh, I understand." Akabaru was perplexed and a little disgusted by the idea.

"Just don't eat too many you don't want to indulge too much. And you shouldn't make other people mad. So next time just ask him to give you some in exchange for more food to fill his kingdom. As long as you are both happy it doesn't really matter what you eat." more food in the kingdom of Kyouhukou, meant that he could feed more of his subjects, meaning that he could increase the number, making it likely possible that Entoma could eat some of them for her own enjoyment 

With that conversation in the back of Akabaru's mind he lay in bed not able to sleep for a while, but thinking that he fulfilled a wish of a little 'girl' made him happy, and so he was finely able to sleep after three days of non-stop activity.