
overlord - wish granter

Akabaru - one of the 41 supreme beings of the great tome of nazarick As one of the supreme beings he helped create some of the inhabitant of the tomb. He mostly working with bleu planet to create the 6th floor sky but was the creator of one of the five worst. (Its the life of one of the 41 if he had chosen a different race in the game, leading him to miss out on a promotion that would have taken all his time away, letting him be there in the final moments of the server shut down.) (i try updating in the future, still thinking if i am about to drop it where it is now.) (i do not own Overlord, pictures and content except that of my own)

KAAS_Sad_Dragon · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs




"Huh?" Akabatu voiced his shock, looking at the time that had gone on longer than he anticipated.

"Akabaru did the devs push back the server shutdown?" Momonga questioned Akabaru, knowing that he would have known if anything was wrong with the closing of the game.

"No, it should have been today, could it be a bug?" Akabaru opened his interface looking at the options he still had left.. He noticed that most of his console was gone.

"What is going on?" He touched his forehead with his hand feeling something that was out of this world.. his hand was that of his character, but the wisps of energy coming off of him felt too real to be simulated..

Momonga looked at his hands while moving them

"Is something the matter my lords?" albedo interrupted the stress building up inside of Akabaru replacing it with confusion.

"Huh?" Akabaru gazes upon Albedo wondering how she could have spoken any words... normally only a text bubble would pop up in response to direct questions, but they were really limited.

"My lord is everything all right? The two of you seem troubled. If there is a problem please let me help." Albedo approached the equally confused pair.

Akabaru observed Momonga getting a green aura to calm him in an instant, wondering how a game could possibly do that to someone's emotions... he, on the other hand, was freeing out.

"The gm call function is not working." Momonga seemed as calm as ever, speaking clearly to a being that had not been alive a minute ago.

"I'm sorry but I have no answer. This gm call magic you speak of is beyond my comprehension. I realize my failure to assist you is inexcusable. I don't deserve it but I beg for your mercy lord." She immediately bowed down, almost whimpering at her failure to assist.

"No worries, Albedo. This concerns you not. Me and Momonga have just noticed something strange that's all. Momonga what is the plan?" Akabaru asked since he didn't have a clue how to approach this situation... he had managed to speak clearly even with shock being all too prevalent in his mind.

"Yes… uh. Sebas step out of the great tomb and confirm the surroundings of Nazarick." He just seemed to want the throne room cleared so they could talk alone..

"By your command my lord I'll return." Sebas nodded getting up to leave "Pleiades, I want you on the ninth floor, if anyone tries to trespass deal with them." 

"As you wish my lord, it will be done." they repeated what Sebas did, following him out to the throne room 

They left, leaving Akabaru, Momonga, and Albedo in the throne room.

"So my lord, do you have any orders for me to obey." she seemed eager to serve after she had failed to answer them previously.

"Let's see…." He seemed to doubt what to do for a second before answering her.

"Contacting all de floor guardians except for the guardian of the fourth to meet at the fighting arena on the sixth floor. Have them gather there in one hour." Akabaru orders albedo.

"As you wish my lord." she nodded, a bit disappointed.

Albedo moved to do her task leaving the throne room to the two lords.

Akabaru let the silence fill the room until it got too awkward

"This was certainly unexpected." He had calmed down a lot after the first shock hit, but he didn't know if he wanted to see the other guardians just yet.

"You bet…."

"We should test out our abilities but before that. I have my doubts but everything has become real right?" That was the only thing he could come up with, it couldn't be a bug or a system error, an update was even less likely.. so the only thing it could be was reality...

"I don't know Akabaru, but it certainly seems so. At least the staff still works." Momonga pointed to the staff floating on its own beside him, confirming that the magic of the world still worked for them.

"It seems as though the NPCs are still loyal." Momonga theorized as he got up from his throne.

"It seems so but are they still npc's? If they are alive then are they like the children of our friend? How do we treat them?" Akabaru was spiraling with doubts again... he didn't have the same green glow that Momonga had so he was seemingly left to fight for himself 

"Should we not first test our powers, or..." He needed to calm down, Akabaru wanted to know if everything still worked as intended or if he was weak... magic worked, but what about the skills his character had.. could he perform a perfect summersault due to his body's muscle memories, or did he need to train everything again. 

Sebas would be a perfect partner for him to train with, but would he still be loyal after seeing him fail at the basics of martial arts?

"Let's just test ourselves in the arena while we wait for the guardians," Momonga suggested, much calmer than Akabaru 


Teleporting to a hallway to the fighting arena you two confirm that your ring's teleportation still works. Reinforcing the idea that items still work as intended.

Walking out of the hallway you see the empty arena that is part of the sixth floor and the beautiful night sky overhead.

"Beautiful." Akaabru couldn't help but mumble, the stars that adorned the night sky had become even more realistic now that it wasn't limited by his computer.

"The twin dark elves that Chagama created should be the guardians of this floor, where are they?" Momonga looked around but didn't see what he was looking for.

A dark elf boy… no girl jumps from the VIP stands doing a victory pose as she lands laughing all the way.

"Aura" Momonga exclaimed at her approach

"We're honored to have you. Welcome to the sixth-floor amphitheater." Aura bowed to the two lords, giving a serene but awkward feeling to Akabaru..

"We will only intrude for a while." Akabaru added, not wanting to be a nuisance to anyone while he dealt with his steaming emotions 

"You must be joking right? You are the rulers of the great tomb of Nazarick. Your power here is absolute, there isn't a guardian that would ever you an intruder. Least of all my brother and I." Her response overthrew the result Akabaru was hoping for, leaving him wanting to recover..

"Where is your brother Aura?" Momonga was still looking around for Mare, the twin brother of the dark elf that stood before them 

"He is still up on the VIP booth." Akabaru could sense his presence as a threat just like he could sense Momonga and Aura. If he had to guess it would be his warrior instinct, but it could also come from one of his classes.

"Huh. Mare you are being rude to our lords. Get down here already." Aura shouted towards the booth where Mare was hiding..

"But sis I am scared." A soft voice came from in the distance.


"Ok, fine I am coming." He jumped down a height normally not save for children and landed without any damage to himself, only petting his skirt to straighten it out before running towards the group of three that were waiting for her.

"We're getting old here." Aura just seemed to be annoyed at her brother's antics..

"I'm hurrying" Mare exclaims back to her sister as he ran with a staff in hand.

Mare performed a small bow as he stood before the two lords as an apologise for the wait.

"It's fine, now I'd like for the two of you to help us with something," Momonga says while showing the staff.

"Wow is that the legendary staff of Ainz Ooal Gown." Mare exclaims.

"Indeed, it was created with the combined efforts of the guild's past members. It's a testament to our dedication."  Momonga started to explain how it was created. Saying that it was a great artifact almost a world item... While the creation of the staff was difficult it was one of the most fun things the guild did together.

As Momonga finishes explaining the power that the staff holds. He got the reaction Akabaru guessed he was hoping for.

"Incredible, Awesome, and it's so cool." praises seemed to shower on Momonga from the twin dark elves for the explanation he provided.

"I would like the two of you to help us run some tests with it."

"Right, we won't let you down, lord." Aura responded enthusiastically 

"Uh huh" her brother nodded along with his sister.

"Before we begin, we have called for the other guardians to meet here. They should arrive within the hour." Momonga explained as Akabaru just wondered how well his strength would match up against the twins.. he didn't want to fight them but he could sense their strength from a distance, resulting in him being wary when they stood so near to him.

"Huh does that mean Shalltear is coming?" Aura didn't seem to like the idea of Shalltear coming to them... likely because of something in their bio due to their creator's relationship to one another.

"Yes. She is a guardian is she not" The underlying meaning seemed to have flown over Momonga's head..


Akabaru was waiting for Momonga to summon his elemental while he watched the twins prepare for battle... the scene made him want to jump in himself, but he refrained for now 

Akabaru experience in real combat was not high enough. So he decided to be serious and find flaws in their stances. While thinking that perhaps Sebas would be the best target to observe, as Sebas was also a martial artist that he could learn some new things from.