
Overlord - The Fallen One

A 17 years old who got reincarnated into the world of Overlord. -- This novel is the continuation of my other one entitled "Overlord - The Conqueror". DISCLAIMERS: I do not own the anime, manga, light novel,or web novel of overlord. It's owned by Kugane Maruyama.

Phan2m_Ghost · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 6

--House [7:30 pm]--

Putting my bag on the chair, I laid on my bed. If there were any onlookers, I would have looked like a lifeless puppet whose strings were cut because of the soreness permeating from my body.

If not for my considerably weak body, I could have scored 150 points in those two games given my efficiency on the court.

That's what makes it beautiful though. The presence of my weaknesses, which are not lower or inferior than that of my strengths.

As I was contemplating the day, I got off the bed when suddenly, an excruciating pain in my head made my whole body electrified. My balance went haywire as I stumbled on the floor before finally falling on my back.

I couldn't help but clutch my head as the pain continued to torment me. Blood flowed out of my nose as I wailed, trying to disperse the feeling. This is the first time I experienced something like this.



Opening my eyes, I found myself lying on an unfamiliar bed. I could see my parents next to me, talking to -- what I assume is a doctor -- a person in a white lab coat.

"Upon reviewing the results of the tests, I regret to inform you that your child has a brain tumor, and it is already in stage 3."

As the doctor delivered the news, my parents' expressions turned to shock. My mother even broke down in tears upon realizing my condition, while my father tried to keep his stern face but failed.

I couldn't help but feel a sense of detachment from their emotions, as if I was watching a movie and my parents being the actors.

They are reacting like my death is already set in stone which made me laugh internally. They are probably already thinking about how to get the money I still have in my bank account -- which I inherited from my previous parents -- once I finally die. Kekeke.

"As effective as it is, we cannot proceed with brain surgery as an option for your child's condition. The tumor is just too close to the vital structures of his brain which makes it too risky. However, there are still alternative treatments available that we can explore." The doctor continued, "Do you have any questions? If not, I will be taking my leave now."

"I-I see." My father hesitated for a moment then turned to the doctor. "How much do you think the least expensive treatment will cost?"

"I'm afraid I can't determine the exact cost just yet. We have to consider multiple factors when choosing the appropriate treatment, so the least expensive option may not be the best choice. However, based on my experience, surgery tends to be the most cost-effective treatment, ranging from $17,000 to $20,000."

Understanding the situation, my father nodded. "I appreciate your insight. Thank you."

With that, the doctor politely excused himself and left the room.

Days have passed.

Then it quickly turned into weeks.

And soon it became months.

Finally, a year since I was admitted to the hospital.

My body deteriorates as days pass by.

If I could see myself in the mirror, I would probably look like a living skeleton just based on the look of my arms which now lack the strength to even move an inch.

At this point, from my neck to my feet, it's all completely paralyzed. All I can do is open and close my eyelids and move my eyes around. My hair also started falling off of my head ever since I started my treatment and am probably completely bald right now.

In order to continue my life as a bedridden patient, the doctors have inserted various thin plastic tubes directly into my veins so that they can administer fluids, medications, and nutrients directly into my circulatory system since I cannot eat on my own.

My parents and classmates had also stopped visiting me.

However, despite all of this, I did not feel even a hint of despair. I didn't even think of my situation as a form of suffering. Instead, I consider it as a sign of my yet to be discovered gift.

That's why, even to this day, I'm trying to look for it.

After all, I'm a perfect human being like everyone else.


*Creak* *Creak* *Creak*

Hearing the sound of the door opening in the dead of the night woke me up.

The light was off to make me, as a patient, sleep easily so I can't tell who's the figure who entered my room at this hour.


The sound of the door closing made me rule out the hospital staff. It is a form of courtesy and a warning to deaf or paralyzed patients, such as myself, for them to always turn the lights on before closing the door every time they enter at night.

The temperature on my right side rose slightly, indicating that the person is right beside me. My eyes followed the sensation to look at the figure.

Thanks to him getting across the window on my left side, the moonlight made me make out the person's appearance. Black hoodie tucked over the head, wide shoulders, jeans and around 5'8" in height.

Countless individuals who have the same characteristics entered my mind.

*Rumble* *Rumble* *Rumble*

Moving my eye towards my left and to the window, I couldn't help but marvel at the scene of the rain and the unpredictable lightning accompanied with thunderous sound.

As I returned my line of sight to the figure, another lightning struck the Earth, illuminating the face under the hoodie. Red short hair, slanted nose, and a noticeable grin on his face that shows some missing teeth.

"Yow," he saluted.

If it isn't Aamon. -- I wanted to say that but my mouth wouldn't even open.

"How's it going? Oh, I forgot you can't talk." He took the chair next to my bed and made himself comfortable.

"Bruh, I was quite worried, you know? For a year, I haven't been able to contact you. And then, I got the news that some wicked illness touched your ass. Couldn't even recognize you, man. You look like a fucking skeleton, no shit."

He continued. "Anyway, I came here on behalf of my guys. We prepared a gift for you, hope you like it."

He withdrew both hands from the pocket of his hoodie. His left hand was covered with a glove, while his bare right hand held a syringe.

I recognized the type of syringe from my visits to their slump home; it was probably filled with drugs. Despite my desire to stop him from injecting me, I was powerless to do so in my current state.

However, I realized that this might be the key to the answer I had been seeking. Since I was unable to explore the physical world in my current state, why not delve into the realm of imagination?

Aamon must have realized this too, which is why he was giving me this gift. Every time I visited their home, I preached about my ideals and my God. During my long absence, he must have experienced enlightenment and wanted to share it with me.

Yes, that must be it. That's definitely it.

I prepared myself and watched as Aamon injected the drug into my vein.

"Aight, it's done." Without saying goodbye, he walked towards the door and opened it.

As he stepped to the other side, he slowly closed the door. Just before it was fully shut, I caught a glimpse of two dots of light reflecting from his eyes and a demonic smile on his face, reminiscent of the first time I met him.

"Hope you like your grave, skeleton boy. Kekekekek," he muttered before finally closing the door.


After hearing his words, a wave of intense pain washed over me, engulfing my entire body. My chest tightened, as if a heavy weight was pressing down on it, making it difficult to breathe. Each breath came in short and I could feel my heart pounding.

The pain in my chest intensified, a searing, burning sensation that radiates outwards. It felt as if a thousand needles were piercing my heart, causing me to shut my eyes in agony.

I could feel the fluids flowing out of my nose, mouth, ears, and eyes. It is probably blood, and the feeling right now is much worse than last time. It's as if I'm being burned alive.

Unable to move or squeak for help, the world around me seemed to blur and fade, as if my consciousness was slipping away.

In that moment, I was acutely aware of my own mortality, of the fragile nature of life and the inevitability of my upcoming death.

As the pain continued to consume me, I couldn't help but wonder if this was the end. If this was the price I had to pay for my curiosity, for my insatiable desire to uncover the truth. And as the darkness closed in, I couldn't help but feel a sense of regret. But it was too late now.

I was trapped in this nightmare.


--3rd Pov--

This is the tale of Theos Ignis, a child who bore witness to the tragic demise of his parents, an event that his young mind could not comprehend.

A trauma he endured until he met his new parents. In which triggered a defense mechanism in his brain, shielding him from the harmful thoughts that threatened to consume him.

His mind, in an attempt to rewrite the painful experience of his childhood, convinced itself that all the heinous acts he had witnessed was normal, and that even the most depraved of criminals still had a heart capable of doing good.

Despite the unforgivable pasts of those around him, Theos remained steadfast in his belief in the inherent goodness of people.

He was a promising young man, with a bright future ahead of him. But in the end, it was this very belief that led to his downfall.

For in a world where darkness and light are intertwined, it is often the brightest flames that are extinguished the quickest.