
Character Interface

This auxiliary chapter's purpose is simple. It's to expose the references for the characters in the story. Thus, it contains spoilers. Read/watch at your own expense.

I'll keep it rather simple without additional bullshit script cause, that's not why you clicked this Auxiliary chapter.

Also, the character's appearances are in chronological fashion, so? From chapter 1+ we'll tackle the important characters.

Note that this list would expand as the story progresses.

Without further ado.

1. Vecna (the MC, the Vampire Lord, the Mighty, and scary guy)

2. Viper (A former member for Black Fang Guild that chased after Vecna. However, he is smart enough to ditch the PKers and continue his journey solo. If he get his image, expect more from him)

3. Bloodhound (Leader of Black Fang Guild, expertise? Player Killing)

4. Caine (appearance Chapter 4-5 - As per Vecna's memory visage)

5. Silvia (Vecna's Sister)

6. Jishuka ('Important Customer' as of now)

7. Alistar (The Hidden NPC who gives players their beginner Quests such as 'Warrior's Initiation(E)')

8. Elysia (One of the Waifus)

9. Commander Blackthorn (the one who enslaved Elysia)

10. Maribel (another Waifu)

11. Archdemon Camio (33th Archdemon of Hell)

NEW ADDITION - Guild Hall Assessment Mini-Arc

12. Yorn (the Receptionist from the Guild Hall)

13. Toric (the Guild Hall Leader of Valoria)

14. Huginn (Vecna's Loyal Mount)


* Artwork for notable places and characters in the 

15. City of Como (Reference/View)

16. Jay from Como (the dumb guard who tried things on Elysia)

17. Vernell Como (son of the Baron)

18. Knight Oto (Vernell's Bodyguard)

19. Summit's Crest Town (Reference/View)

20. Goblin Scout - Rax (Vecna's lapdog)

21. Captain Eldric Thornfield

22. Butler Aldred Norwood

23. Mayor Reginald Thornfield

24. Davian Vinespine

25. Vecna's 'Blood World' & his Battle Form inside his Realm

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