
Outlast Game - The Ruined World

Author: proking
Magical Realism
Ongoing · 8.2K Views
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What is Outlast Game - The Ruined World

Read ‘Outlast Game - The Ruined World’ Online for Free, written by the author proking, This book is a Magical Realism Novel, covering ACTION Fiction, ADVENTURE Light Novel, R18 Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Following the death of his mother, his only family in the world, Park Eun-ho decides to end his life one day. During the...


Following the death of his mother, his only family in the world, Park Eun-ho decides to end his life one day. During the day of his suicide, bizarre things started occuring around his school and throughout the world. With monsters roaming everywhere in the school campus, he and his schoolmates tries to find a way out of this crisis. However, they were out of options. With all seem lost, a portal opened before them and a strange creature came out of it. With an initial greeting, he explained their current situation and also instructed that they had to complete quests in order to survive. If not abide by the rules, they will be eliminated by them in a gruesome way. Having to act out of their own will and going through numerous life-threatening moments in order to survive, Eun-ho and many others became an entertaining pawn for the amusement of godlike beings called, 'Constellations'. Thus, the endless trials for survival of humanity begun.

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yupitawdr · Teen
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love is beautifull

Namaku Kayla. Aku sekolah di SMA NUSA BANGSA. Dulu aku pernah berpacaran dengan seseorang,,aku sangat mencintainya karena dia adalah pacar pertamaku. Setelah 1 tahun pacaran dia mengkhianatiku dia lebih memilih perempuan lain dan meninggalkan aku. Yang awalnya tulus mencintai ku dan akhirnya mengkhianati ku. Hancur hatiku saat itu. Dan sejak itu aku tidak mau lagi mengenal apa itu yang namanya cinta. Aku benar-benar trauma dengan cinta. Bagiku cinta itu menyakitkan. Setelah beberapa bulan aku patah hati tiba tiba ada seseorang yang datang kepada ku dengan membawa cinta. Seseorang itu adalah Reno. Sifat Reno memang jauh berbeda dengan mantanku itu,,Reno lebih perhatian dengan ku. Tapi aku masih belum yakin untuk membuka hati untuk siapapun. Tapi Reno terus memperjungkanku hingga aku bisa membuka hati ku yang patah ini untuk dia. Ketika aku berusaha membuka hatiku untuk Reno,,dia malah pergi menghilang seakan akan hilang ditelan bumi. Aku kembali sakit hati lagi ,,aku benar-benar kecewa dengan nya,,,aku yang berusaha membuka hati untuk dia tapi malah dikecewakan. Dan saat itu aku menilai laki laki itu semua sama.Dan cinta,,cinta yang awalnya terasa manis akan akhirnya akan terasa pahit. Hampir saja aku menutup hati ku untuk Reno. Rania dia sahabatku dia berusaha menyakinkan aku untuk memberi kesempatan untuk Reno. Mungkin benar kata Rania dan akhirnya aku membuka hati ku untuk Reno. Setelah itu aku dan Reno berpacaran. Saat itu lah aku merasakan bahwa cinta itu memang indah.

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Sors Mea Online (SMO) [Rough Version]

(The Cover and Story are in the "Early Stages", so this will be a "Template" of sorts for a possible future "Polished" version) Are you interested in the World that you currently live in? Do you love the way that the Animals live, and the way that the Atmosphere is slowly being tainted? Cool, then this might not be for you. This revolves around the Full Dive VR Game of "Sors Mea Online", or SMO. With the Advancements in Technology, Games have gone a Step Up in the world, and can now be experienced in 1st Person. SMO, however, was but a Step Higher than the rest. Made by One Person, who goes by the Nickname "LucXy" (Luck-z-y), the world has gone from Silence to an Uproar after they saw the advanced mechanics and AI in SMO. With over 30 Years in Development, it was finally released, with No Beta, No Alpha, and absolutely No Pay-to-Win Features involved. What was once thought to be a Lame game created by a Nobody Developer, was later all over the World. Nearly Every person on the Planet has heard of Sors Mea Online, and a bit over Half of the Earths Population played SMO. (By the way, the world of SMO is around 2x bigger that Earth) The words "Sors Mea" translate from Latin to "My Fate". So "My Fate" Online, was, in the Literal sense, "A Game where you can become Practically Anything." Farmer? Cultivation Skills Exist. Swordsman? Attack Skills Exist. Babysitter?! Buy some Land and build a Daycare or an Orphanage. When the acronym "NPC" is heard, you would usually think, Simple, Bland, and Repetitive. However, in this world, what some players only see as Lines of Code, many others see them as Nearly Human. With the Human-Like NPC's, the People of SMO live like normal. Farming, Building, Studying, Learning, Training, and even learning Skills or Magic. Like the Real World, the People of SMO can Feel Emotions, have Memories, Feel Pain and Delight, and even have Children, with both NPC or Player. Yup, players can raise a Virtual Family that feels too real to be fake. With the many types of Skills, Magics, Weapons, Items, and Creatures in this world, there are practically no such thing as having nothing to do. Craft, Train Skills, learn Magic, conquer Dungeons, or just Have a Shop, or Raise a Family, be an Adventurer and see new lands, fight Monsters, and be wary of the Unknown. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Now the Story of SMO will revolve around an 18 Year old Kid who discovers a FDVR Headset by Accident while he, like any Cliche, was running from some of his Bullies that have been with him since Kindergarten. Upon Logging In to a New Account, he sets a Username : LacX. (Lack-z) When he logs into the game, he is told to allocate 100 Stat Points, and choose 1 Unique Skill, and 3 Normal Skills, as well as a Weapon. Since he doesn't like to fight very much, he decided to just let his Speed do the work, and put every Stat Point into Agility. When he finally steps into the starting Town, he is Immediately hit with a Message : {Acquired New Skills} With these New Skills, he was Immediately shocked at how fast he can really move with 1000 Agility. As he Levels Up, he starts to get a bit into Smithing and Jewel Cutting. With his new found Skills and his rediculous Speed, he will attempt to climb to the Top of the Central Tower, also known as The World's Greed. What's in the Tower? I don't know. Who is the Developer of SMO? Maybe save some questions for Later. How OP of an MC are we talking about? Read it, and maybe you'll find out. Other than that, there will be many other attributes to the Story, like Heroines, some cool Equipment, a Child, and many more Aspects of SMO. {MC Character Sheet} [Name : Suuco Tsukuyomi] [Age : 18 B-Day : Oct. 1] [Gender : Male] [SMO User : LacX] [Unique Skill : Copy] [Stats] {Level : 1} {0/100 Exp} {Str :1} : Physical Damage {End : 1} : Defence {Agi :1001} : Overall Speed {Sta : 1} : Used for Active Skills {Mag : 1} : Spell Strength {Wis : 1} : Mana

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Mia is Not a Trouble-Maker!

The Miller family had a troublemaker in the family. Her name was Amelia Miller. Her mother died in childbirth when she was born. Her stepmother fell off a flight of stairs while pregnant and died. Amelia's father punished her by making her face the wall in the attic. The attic was dark and humid, and there was no sunlight at all. Nobody brought her food, and Amelia thought she might very well die there. Moments before her death, she dialed a number that her mother had told her before she passed away. After she hung up, there were rumbling sounds all around her. The Miller family's residence was surrounded by a group of bodyguards dressed in black. Eight men got out of their cars, each with a different aura. They went directly to the attic. The man who led them went down on one knee and held Amelia, unconscious, in his arms. He had a solemn expression on his face. "The Miller family needs to go bankrupt." After sleeping the entire night, Amelia woke up to find that her father was bankrupt. Her family members were all homeless. Meanwhile, she... She had eight uncles and a kind grandfather who loved her dearly. Amelia's father regretted what he did, and he was unwilling to accept his fate. So what if Amelia was living a good life now? She was still the troublemaker who got her mother killed and her father bankrupt! Little did he know, after Amelia returned to her uncle's house, their luck only seemed to improve. Even her bedridden grandmother could now get out of bed and dance in the square! Finally, a god-like man claimed to be her father. He pampered her to the point where the entire world became envious of her.

Song Ci · General
860 Chs


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I really loved it! Although the first chapter was long but it hooked me up to read more! Btw the cover looks amazing! good choice! Keep up on good work


I really like the concept of Constellations from ORV but I think the author should be more creative for the task. I mean you write your novel not a fanfiction so be more creative for the task and the system. That's all for me, I will recommend this novel, good work author.


I really like the story, it has great story plot, perfect grammars and character development. Glad for censoring the bad words lol. The novel gives me ORV vibes (Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint) \. This novel have a lot of potential and I really enjoy it.


The plot seems to be interesting. There are no grammar errors and typos so far. But the emotions are still quite lacking. Overall it's good. 👍


The first chapter is truly able to hook the reader and have them looking forward to new chapters. Although there are grammatical, punctuation, and spelling issues, the story itself is interesting, and I’m looking forward to new chapters. I can’t say too much about characters because it’s the first chapter, but they got a bit of development during the first chapter besides the MC.


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Parental Guidance Suggestedmature rating