
Outcast Academy

Outcast means a warrior with a different and unique power, like vampire, ardh manav, werewolf, people with many such different powers are called outcast. The story begins with a 15-year-old boy named Bill who also does part-time work to run his house. One day a cursed power comes in front of Bill. Which wanted to become more powerful by eating Bill's friend. Then Bill runs towards the cursed power to save his friend. Suddenly one of Bill's hands turns into a crystal shard. And he destroys that cursed power. Knowingly or unknowingly Bill had broken rule number 101 of the outcast academy. Due to which Bill is taken from the human dimension to the outcast dimension. And he is tied with chains to give him death penalty. This punishment is given in front of the outcast students. So that everyone can know the result of using one's power in the human world.

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outcast dimension

When Jackson woke up after sleeping for 8 hours, he saw that Will was sitting on his bed! Looking at Will, Jackson said, "Will, you woke up very early, very good!".

To which Will said, "After that answer of yours, I could not sleep, and I am sitting on the bed since then! And it is not even night here, the sky is as red as it was when I came! Is there no way to go to the human world, do I have to stay here forever now?"

Hearing Will's words, Jackson laughed and said "There is neither night nor morning here! The sky is always red here! And as far as going to the human world is concerned, there is a way, but it is very difficult!

Hearing Jackson's words, Will saw a hope of going back to the world. Will asked without delay "What is that way?"

Just then the alarm in the clock kept in the room started ringing, hearing the alarm, Jackson said "We should leave now, otherwise we will be late!"

Some knights were sitting in a hole in the Outcast Academy, Wizard King was also present there, due to the darkness their eyes and shadows were visible, V was also sitting there!

Wizard King asked V "What is the matter after all? You called us here, and we heard that you saved a child, even after he broke the rules, can you tell us the reason for doing this?"

V took a deep breath and said "After thousands of years, a crack has appeared in the gate of the basement of the King of Death, due to which cursed powers started coming into the world, and one of those cursed powers came in front of that boy! If he had not used his power, he and a girl would have died! And that boy is a descendant of Will Karsh warrior Korku!

Is that Korku's descendant really listening to V, everyone started talking to each other, then the Wizard King silenced everyone and said "The most important thing right now is the way to fill the crack in the King of Death, if we don't fill it, then the world will have to see the same horrific sight that was seen thousands of years ago, everyone knew the meaning of the Wizard King's words very well...

Jackson and Will both reached an empty field in a forest outside the Outcast Academy where a girl was already present, who was wearing a red top and elastic kaffri below the knees, there was a round purple badge on her chest, on which the face of a black wolf was made, the same badge was on Jackson's chest!

Jackson looked at the girl and said "What happened Alix, Master hasn't come yet?"

To which Alix said "No, you know it already! Master never comes early". Then Alex's eyes fell on the boy standing near Jackson!

Alex stared at Will and went to him and said "You are the one who was going to get punished for using your power in the human world! It was your luck that Master V came there, otherwise you would have been travelling to Pralok right now.

"By the way my name is Alex! And yours?" Alex asked.

"My name is Will!" Will replied!

Then suddenly a man came there! His eyes and a strand of hair were purple in colour! And there were dark circles around his eyes!

Seeing that man, Alex and Jackson brought one hand to their chest and saluted, and then Jackson said "Master Red, this is Will! I think, he can become a part of our White Wolf team!

Master Red looked at Will and said to himself "Oh so this is the boy whom Master V himself saved! If he has taken any action! Then there must be something in it!"

Here Jackson seeing Master Red lost in thought said "Can he become a member of our team?"

To which Red Warrior said "I don't care, you decide it yourself, after all that time is about to come! Now you need one more member!"

Then Will said "I don't want to be a part of any team".

Jackson and Alex were shocked to hear Will's words! Jackson quickly caught Will and took him to a corner and said, "Do you remember I said! There is a way to go to the human world! Do you know that way?" Will shakes the garden in no! Then Jackson says further! "That is the way! Becoming a knight, the knight is allowed to go to the human world! If you want to go to the human world again then join us in the team and travel the journey to become a knight, if your answer is no! So start thinking about going to the human world."

Jackson brings Will to everyone and asks again, "So Will, do you want to join our team?"

Will said, "I will be a part of the White Wolf team! I will become a night warrior!" While saying this, there was a different sparkle in Will's eyes!

Then Master Red said, "Wait a minute, now you have to prove yourself whether you are worthy of this team or not!"

Jackson got scared after hearing this from Master Red! Because Jackson knew! If Master Red is saying this! Then he must have thought of something dangerous!

But Will said without worry, "I agree to everything!"

Master Red gave a bell tied to a small rope to Jackson and Alex and said to Will, "If you snatch the bell from any one of these two, then you can become a member of this team! Otherwise, forget that you will ever be able to join this team!" On hearing Master Red's words, Jackson and Alex gave up the hope of him becoming a part of the team. They had full faith in themselves that Will would not be able to snatch the bell from them. But Will was lost in himself. He was obsessed with becoming a knight. He looked at Master Red and said, "I agree!" Master Red could see the desire to win in Will's eyes.

"Okay, then the game starts.Let's do it!" said Master Red

Jackson and Alex were standing together and Will was standing in front of them. Jackson said, "Will, I agree that you have become my good friend! But I can never let the warrior standing in front of me win! Even if he is my brother! That's why you too should not be ashamed of friendship! Because everything is fair in love and war!" Saying this, Jackson tied that round bell around his waist, Alex did the same!

Master Red went and sat on a tree, and took out a packet of popcorn and started eating it! Alex signaled Will to come towards him with his hand.

Will ran straight towards Jackson and Alex to snatch that bell, then Alex extended his hand and said, "Magic power, magical shield, pink energy came out from Alex's hand and a pink shield came in front of Will" which Will collided with and fell down! Seeing all this from a distance, Master Red said, "This is what I expected from the queen of witches!" Will gathered himself and started running. Once again, Alex created the same pink shield, but this time Will was ready for it. He transformed one of his hands into a sky-blue crystal sword and moved forward cutting the shield. As soon as Will attacked Jackson and Alex, Jackson jumped from his place and Alex created a pink ladder in the air with her magic and climbing it, stopped at a height of 15 feet from the ground.

Will ran straight towards Jackson. Seeing Will coming towards him, Jackson sat down on the ground and started drawing something fast. And in no time, he drew a picture like a round clock and then he moved one hand downwards towards the picture and the other towards the sky and said, "Krish Power, Drakies." As soon as Jackson said this, the round dark bud formed on the ground started glowing with energy. And out of it came a big creature, exactly like an earthworm, whose mouth was quite big. It could easily eat any human being and would not even burp. The creature was white in colour.

The creature hit Will's tail due to which Will, while eating Clamandia, fell back against a tree. Master Red, who was watching all this sitting on the tree, said, "One should never attack a Krish user from the front. This boy has absolutely no fighting sense!"...

Will gathered courage and stood up screaming in pain and said, "I am not going to give up. I want to become a knight and go back home." And then gathering courage, Will ran again. Drakion, who was flying in the air in front of Jackson, also moved towards Will.

While running, Will made his other hand also of crystal and jumped and covered the ground with a thick layer of crystal. Then, as soon as he came down, Will made skates for himself, due to which he was able to skate on the crystal layer on the ground! Due to this, Will's speed became much faster than before! Seeing this move of Will, Master Red was impressed and said "After all, there is something special about this boy. It has not even been 2 days since he became an outcast! But he is using his power very well! But this will not be enough to snatch that bell from Alex and Jackson!

Draconians repeatedly attacked Will, but Will used his speed to escape from his attacks. Alex had created a round magical pink plane plate in the air! On which she was standing and watching everything!

Alex looked at Will and said "If you keep escaping like this, then you will never be able to snatch this bell from us".

Alex had just said this much! Then Will's attention went to Alex standing in the sky, and while skating, he made a slide of crystal with his hand, just like bike riders use mud or wood for stunts in the air! And he increased his speed and jumped, due to which Will went straight towards Alex. Before Alex could control himself, Will attacked with a crystal sword! But Alix created a shield with her magic, but Will's sword cut the shield and Alix fell back on the ground.

Alyx had no idea that Will could do this. Will was standing at his place, looking at the ground, Draconian had come very close to Will from behind. Then Will raised his hand and showed a bell, as soon as he saw the bell, Alix looked at her waist. The bell was missing from her waist.

Actually, when Will cut Alix's magical shield with his sword, he cut the rope of the bell with his other hand and caught the bell before it fell.

Just then Jackson finished his fight and the Draconian beast that had come behind Will disappeared into the air.

Master Red jumped from the tree and came to him and gave Will the badge of the White Wolf Team and said, "You are a part of the White Wolf Team from today." On hearing this, Will's happiness knew no bounds, while Alex was not able to tolerate this defeat at all, Alex said to Will in irritation, "I will see you next time".

Then Master Red Warrior saw a flying red eagle in the sky and said to himself, "Emergency letter, what has happened that an emergency letter has been sent".

Master Red looked at Will, Alex and Jackson and said, "Today's White Wolf training ends here! And yes, Alex, never make the mistake of underestimating your opponent". Before anyone could ask or say anything, Master Red Warrior disappeared from there.

Suddenly seeing Master Red disappear, Will asked, "What kind of outcast knight is Master?".

To which Alex said with a grimace, "Even we have not been able to understand this till today".

"Can I go to the human world now? I want to meet my mom and sister!" Will said.

To which Jackson replied, "Now You cannot go, because you are a part of the Night Team, not the Night Warrior".

On hearing this, Will's face fell again.

What will happen next?

What is the power of the Red Warrior? Who sent that emergency letter?

Will be able to go to the human world again?

What will happen to Will in Outcast Academy?

Who was Krish Warrior Korku? Why did Master V say that Will is his descendant?

To know what will happen next, keep reading our novel Out Cast Academy.