
Outbreak: The First Cases

In a world struck by a deadly pandemic, a mysterious disease is rapidly spreading that endows the infected with incredible powers, but at a great cost. As the virus continues to spread, the infected individuals begin to lose their minds, becoming monstrous and uncontrollable, making them a danger to themselves and those around them. A small group of uninfected individuals forms the Meta Advance Human Army, to fight against the spread of the pandemic and to uncover the secrets behind the outbreak. They quickly realize that the virus is not a natural occurrence, but rather a man-made bioweapon created by a rogue government agency. As the team races to find a cure, they discover that the pandemic is just the tip of the iceberg. The agency responsible for creating the virus is planning something even more catastrophic, and it's up to the Meta Advance Human Army to stop them before it's too late. As they navigate a world on the brink of collapse, the team must fight not only against the infected but also against a corrupt government and the sinister forces behind the pandemic. With each passing day, the stakes get higher, and the team must work tirelessly to save the world from destruction. Outbreak: The First Cases is a thrilling tale of survival, discovery, and betrayal, that will keep readers on the edge of their seats until the very end.

KiyoAsahiKaishi · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

The Next Move

Kiyoshi stood before the members of MAHA, his muscles bulging with newfound strength. He had trained tirelessly with Hyosuke, Nexton, and Tekuru, and he was ready to take on the Black Sun Exogenesis Foundation once and for all.

"Great job, Kiyoshi," Hyosuke said, clapping him on the back. "You're stronger than ever."

Nexton grinned. "And smarter, too," he said, pointing to a stack of books on the table. "We've been studying strategy and tactics to make sure we have the upper hand."

Tekuru nodded in agreement. "But we need to act fast. The longer we wait, the stronger the foundation gets."

Kiyoshi took a deep breath. "I know," he said. "We need to make our move soon. But we need to make sure we're ready."

Akane, who had been listening quietly in the corner, spoke up. "I don't trust the foundation," she said. "There's something off about them. And I think they have something to do with my sister's disappearance."

The room fell silent as everyone turned to her in surprise.

"Your sister?" Kiyoshi asked.

Akane nodded. "She went missing a few months ago. The police couldn't find anything, but I have a feeling the foundation had something to do with it."

Kiyoshi's jaw tightened. "We'll help you find her," he said firmly. "But first, we need to take down the foundation."

The group began to discuss their plan of attack, going over every detail and contingency. They knew the foundation was powerful, but they were determined to succeed.

As they were wrapping up their meeting, Kiyoshi's phone rang. He answered it, and his face turned pale.

"What is it?" Hyosuke asked.

Kiyoshi swallowed hard. "It's Hiroshi," he said. "He wants to meet with me."

The room fell silent once again, the tension thick.

"Be careful, Kiyoshi," Tekuru warned.

Kiyoshi nodded, his eyes determined. "I will," he said. "And I'll make sure this is the last time he ever threatens us."

With that, Kiyoshi left the room, his mind already working on his next move.

As he walked through the halls of the MAHA base, Kiyoshi couldn't shake the feeling that this was it. This was the moment he had been preparing for, the moment that would change everything.

He took a deep breath and stepped outside, the cool night air hitting his face. And he knew that no matter what happened, he was ready for anything.

Kiyoshi's meeting with Hiroshi could mean a breakthrough in their mission, or it could lead to his downfall. Will Kiyoshi be able to handle the pressure and come out on top, or will this be the end of everything they've been working towards?