
Out of the box

Each of our lives are like a story. Each year is a new chapter, a new phase to our life. And each of our stories are connected in one way or another. All stories have a purpose and a set of characters. If this story has all the components present, it shall be completed. Yet, some stories may never be completed. A constant loop, a never ending repetition of events that seems endless. Some may have a missing purpose, others might lack in characters. How can this story be complete?

Avery_Sky · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 3:Kingdom of Dyrdia

The sound of the wind howls and blows, and the rustling of the leaves are all one can hear. The light of the sun shines down on the earth. Its rays touch the flowery ground. The trees offer a decent amount of shade. Our main protagonist seems to be in a bit of a predicament. "Out of all the things to wear in a forest, it had to be a dress," Yua whined as she looked at what she was wearing. She was wearing a medieval-style gown. It had more of an Elvish feel towards it. It was white and had many pretty designs. The prominent design of the dress is the embroidery at the front. The design was unique, nature-themed, and out of the ordinary. She also has some lace and sequence around her waist. It's an open shoulder dress, and the sleeves have laces. It's also very flowy. She had a hanging moon earring and a silver moon necklace for her accessory. Yua also looked a tad different. She didn't have an obvious stomach and double chins. She was also quite taller, and her chest grew a bit bigger. She now had a lighter shade of brown as her hair and eyes. 

"It's not that bad," Artemis said as she looked at the taller one. She, on the other hand, had an Aurora like dress. Instead of pink, she has a beautiful red color. Not only that, her sleeve's cuff has gold designs on it. The collar part and her waist has gold designs as well. She had circle bud earrings, and a rose charm necklace. Like Yua, she too had changes in her body. She still retained as the smallest in the group, but at least she grew taller. Her chest is a bit more prominent, and her figure became a bit plump. She was quite thin before, but now she looks like she had the ideal shape. She had the same hair color as Yua, but her eyes are blue. 

"Yeah! It's not all so bad," Hikari added as she enjoyed how her dress was. It was an ashy blue color, and it was an off-shoulder dress. She had short puffy sleeves that are slightly see-through. Her dress also has a few floral designs here and there. And adorned her waist is a cute ribbon that completes the outfit. Her choker's cloth changed into a light blue color, and her earrings are a rose. The chubbiness of her figure retained. However, she didn't have much of a stomach now. She is also taller and a bit thinner than what she was. She has a youthful face and chubby cheeks, but her double chin is gone as well. She was the only one with blonde hair, and like Artemis, she had blue eyes. "Easy for you two to say! My outfit is white," Yua said as she sighed. The other two just laughed as they heard her whine. "If we ever encounter other people, we should try and speak in a more formal," Hikari said as she smiled at them. "Like the British?" Yua asked as she did a British accent. "Whatever floats your boat, I guess. Oh! and by the way, we are in our late teens or early tweenies in this story," Hikari said as she chuckled. "What if someone asks us why we are here?" Artemis asked as she looked at Hikari. "Let me do all the talking! I know for a fact, you both won't speak to strangers," She said as she smiled.

The place was now silent, and the trio was enjoying a peaceful moment in the meantime. And then, a smooth and deep voice filled their ears. "Pardon me, M'ladies, Are you perhaps lost?" The voice said. Hikari, Yua, and Artemis took their places. They looked at the direction the sound came. And there, in front of them, was a young man. He seems to be in his late teens or early twenties. He had orange hair and striking blue eyes. His expression and eyes carry a sense of worry and concern. His jawline is so sharp that it can cut through hearts. His plump pink lips are in a small frown. His clothes seem to be that of a royal or a noble. What was striking about his looks was his crown. He seems to be the prince of this land they were in or maybe a neighboring one. The ladies bowed at him, and Hikari stepped forward. 

"I do apologize, your majesty. However, yes, you are correct. We came from a faraway land. Perhaps you have heard of The kingdom of Lupis? The one that went to war not too long ago. We manage to flee thus, traveling here." She explained. Her voice was soft and smooth. It was as if she was a princess with her softspoken voice. The man's eyes widen in surprise. "You must be the lost princesses. It's a pleasure to meet you formally," He said as he bowed. "My name is Apollo Goldenheart of the Kingdom of Dyridia." He then introduced. "It's a pleasure. My name is Skyler Angel." She said. "My name is Yumi," Yua stated in a less soft voice but still retained the ladylike aura. "And I am Audrielle," Artemis was the last to introduce. Yua and Artemis were surprised that Hikari has held her composure. The girl would usually immediately compliment and would usually fawn over handsome men.

The smile on the lass' face was evident in her attraction. The other two would admit he was handsome and deserves praise. However, the prince wasn't convinced of their story. "If you did fleed, why are your clothes still intact?" He asked as he looked at them. "Sire, we were residing in a cottage nearby. Our clothes were gifted to us by our relatives living in your kingdom. We went on a short walk and seemed to lost our way," Hikari then explained. "You mean Lord Yuri? Ah, yes. He did mention about three fair ladies in need of assistance." Apollo then said. "Do you perhaps want to explore the village? The kingdom of Zupis welcomes you with an open heart," He added as he offered his hand. Hikari, now known as Skyler, accepted his hand. He then kissed her knuckles and smiled brightly at her. He repeated this step with the other ladies. Yua retracted her hand and refused his offer. Of course, Apollo understood her refusal. Not all kingdoms have a similar culture. And the Kingdom of Zupis is the most unique one out of everyone. Artemis accepted his actions, but her face turned pink. "You all are one of a kind and beautiful. I am delighted to be your companion for today," He said as he bowed. And then, another voice called out for the orange head. 

"Apollo! Apollo! Why did you leave us behind?" A much softer voice declared. And out of the woods came a handsome man. He had a mix of blonde and brown hair, and his purple eyes were unique. The man as well had clothes of a royal or a noble. But his circlet of gold tells his royal status. "Christopher! Why have you come here?" Apollo asked as he looked at the male that appeared. "We came looking for you! You just disappeared and had to find you before suspicions rose. You know our kingdoms are in a predicament." This Christopher said as he went closer. Once he went closer, he saw the three ladies behind Apollo. Specifically, he laid his eyes on the girl in blue. He was enchanted on her appearance that he did not notice his companions arriving. "Good job Chris! You found him," A much deeper voice proclaimed. "Arthur! You shouldn't venture far from the castle!" Apollo scolded. Arthur looked like a younger version of Apollo. But instead of orange hair, he had black. His outfit seemed like he just came out of a training lesson. Which no one was surprised about. 

"Pardon me, Sir, may you excuse us?" Hikari asked as she looked at the troubled Apollo."No, you may not be excused. I shall be accompanying you to the village, am I not?" He said with a smile. He wanted to reassure the girls that they'll be safe with him. Not that the three cares, they can protect themselves now. "Christopher seems to like you~" Yua whispered to Hikari. The shorter girl flashed a smile at Christopher to tease the poor male a bit. The taller male blushed at the sudden indirect interaction and looked away. "Shall we get going then? Standing here won't do us good," Artemis suggested as she entered the conversation. "Of course! How rude of me to continue letting you stand there." Apollo said as he sighed. "Yes, how rude of you to let these fair maidens stand on their feet," Christopher said as he went towards them.

"Prince Christopher of the kingdom of Zupis. It's a pleasure to meet maidens as fair as you three," He introduced as he bowed. "And that over there is Arthur. Apollo's younger brother," He then added as he gestured to the youngling. The three ladies introduced themselves once again. Both Arthur and Christopher complimented their looks and names. To which the three laugh awkwardly as a response. "Your feet must be aching by now! We can carry you if you'd like," Arthur offered. Artemis mouthed a small thank you to Arthur; He saved them from an awkward silence. Artemis and Yua took this as an opportunity to be able to rest. It might not seem to be a long time, but their heels are killing their feet. Thus, Apollo and Arthur agreed on carrying them. "I'll be walking. It is quite alright," Hikari said as she smiled. 

"Christopher, you better go back to your kingdom," Apollo said as he carried Artemis. Christopher sighed and took a glance at Hikari. The girl in blue chuckled and kissed his cheek. "I do not wish for you to get hurt, please do leave," Hikari said in concern. Christopher's face was red, and he nodded hastily. "I, thank you for your concern, M'lady." He said as he bowed. Once he stood up straight again, he ventured away from the group. "You are truly amazing! I have never seen Christopher act like that towards any woman," Arthur stated as he looked at Hikari. "She has that effect," Yua said as she chuckled. "Men tend to be softer and kinder to her. She has that motherly yet young aura," She added as she giggled. "Nevertheless, she is special if she managed to make Christopher react in that way. He was never interested in women with poise and status. No matter how many suitors his parents offered, he always declines. He wasn't interested in men either." Arthur said.

Hikari chuckled and shook her head. "Sir, I am merely an ordinary young woman. There is nothing special about me," She said. Apollo and Arthur were about to respond, but then Artemis spoke. "Don't try to convince her otherwise. Trust me. She won't back down," She advised. "Oh, and please do address us with our names. You are of royalty as well," Apollo said as he smiled. "Of course, as you wish," Yua said. She tried not to sound sarcastic, and thankfully, she didn't. The rest of the journey had a blanket of silence. No one talked nor made unnecessary sounds. The two males placed the maidens down once they reached a somewhat close distance to the villages. 

"Your majesties! That's where you went!" An unfamiliar voice yelled. "Alistair, fret not. We have just helped some fair maidens in need of our assistance," Arthur said as he gestured to our protagonist. "Princesses of Lupis!" The man said surprised. He bowed in respect and kissed their knuckles. "We shall bring you all to the castle. The king will be very pleased," Alistair said as he gestured to the carriage. They didn't have much of a choice as they were pushed inside.

Like their travel out of the forest, they were silent. Our protagonist took this time to reflect, and think of what has happened. The three of them sat together while the males were in front of them. Artemis and Yua were near the window, and the last girl was in the middle. Hikari was happy and excited about what will happen next. She was also the most ecstatic out of the three. She thinks that this is her destiny, and it's her purpose in life. She also was excited as she noticed Christopher. She wasn't falling, but she will admit that he was handsome as hell. Let's not forget about Apollo and Arthur. They were quite handsome as well. Artemis was still kind of giddy yet anxious. She was still scared of what might happen, but she will admit that it's fun so far. The men in front of her were handsome. She was afraid of embarrassing herself in front of them. Yua just really didn't care about what happens, but she is enjoying it. She was also quite nervous. They were going to meet the rulers here for goodness sake! She was surprised that the other two don't show that they are nervous. I mean those two did have practice in public speaking, so for them, it's a simple job. Yua, on the other hand, was nervous as one can get. But, thankfully, Hikari was there to calm her down. 

The three of them were mesmerized by the city as they passed by. The people were bustling, and some were admiring the carriage. Hikari decided she wanted to see what's happening outside. "Excuse me, Prince Arthur?" She started. The younger prince looked at her and smiled. "Yes? Do you need anything?" He asked as he tilted his head a bit. "May I sit near the window? I would love to see the city better," She said sheepishly. Arthur nodded and made space for the female to sit. He offered his hand to help her transfer safely. The female accepted his hand and sat beside him. "Your kingdom is amazing, Prince Arthur and Prince Apollo!" Artemis said as she smiled at them. Apollo chuckled and nodded. "Rightfully so, the Kingdom of Dyridia is a magnificent and respected kingdom," He said. It was obvious he took pride in his kingdom.

Apollo and Arthur seemed to enjoy the company of the three females. Hikari was gushing and fawning over their kingdom while the other two were enjoying the scenery. The males took this as a prideful thing. Having not but three princesses in front of them loving their kingdom, it seems pleasurable to their patriotism. The three females continued to look out the window. Hikari saw the city streets bustling and full of life. Then she also observed a small issue with some children. Having a little sister, Hikaru felt the need to protect the young ones. "Stop the carriage!" Hikari yelled, and their transport has stopped. Hikari looked into her bag and pulled out a purse. She opened it, and there were gold coins. She hopped off the carriage, and the others followed suit. Her companions have no idea on what was going on nor on why Hikari wanted to get out. Soon enough, they realized why Hikari stopped the carriage. There was a man that was yelling at two children. He seemed to be angry and is scaring the children. Most people ignored this scene and minded their own business. They had no care about what may happen with the children. 

The seller man was about to hit one of them when Hikari stopped him. "Sir! Please, don't punish these poor children," Hikari said. The children saw her and sighed in relief. She was their savior for now. Apollo and Arthur were about to intervene, but her two friends stopped them. "Let her handle it. She's fully capable of defending herself," Artemis said. This sentence made the two males stop and observe instead. "Why should I let these dirty rascals go without punishment? They stole from me! And mind your own goddamn business!" He yelled at Hikari. The children hid behind her and clutched on her dress. They were afraid of what may happen, and they already have been through enough. Hikari patted their heads and smiled softly at them. She then looked at the man with fire in her eyes. Now the man is in a predicament. She was angry and disappointed at the older man. "I'll pay! I'll pay for whatever they get and whatever they need," She responded. Her voice was stern, and her eyes showed authority. The man was about to retaliate and yell at Hikari again.

 This time instead of just observing the princes made their move. While Yua and Artemis were about to attack the man. However, The princes stopped them. The man raised his hand to hit her, but he saw the Princes behind her back and lowered his arm. "What's going on here?" Apollo asked. Those that were nearby or passed by bowed in respect. Of course, everyone knew of their princes. Rumour has it that Prince Apollo was ruthless and is someone to be afraid. The man felt fear and knew that he was going to be in trouble unless he changed the truth. "These children here stole from my shop! And this witch was helping them," He said pitifully. His acting was not bad, but his shaking hand made it obvious that he was twisting the truth. "And then she threatened to hit me! So I tried defending myself," He added as he kneeled at the Princes. Yua and Artemis helped Hikari tend to the children. They were comforting and tending to the two while the men tend to the seller. 

"That is not what I heard," Arthur said as he glared. "The woman in front of you is no witch. She has a kind heart. She was willing to pay for the children's need, and yet you deny her." He said as he glared. It was obvious this seller had been placed in the princes' bad side. "Better not try this again, or you will pay," Apollo said as he retreated to the carriage. Not being able to deny the royals, the man had allowed the children to take what they want and let Hikari pay for it. The two children were grateful to Hikari for her kindness. "Let's get going now," Artemis whispered. "Can I bring the children with me?" The now blonde girl asked. "For heaven's sake, no! We don't need anyone else in the journey," Yua complained as she went inside the carriage. "There's your answer. Sorry about that," Artemis said as she followed Yua.

Once satisfied, Hikari left the children with a few coins. She honestly didn't expect that her bag would have the correct currency, but that's a mystery for another time. When she finally went inside the carriage, she stared at the scene she saw. Artemis was pinned down by Apollo and both of them were red. While the other two people were laughing. "What's going on here?" Hikari said as she held a laugh in. Artemis's red face and awkward smile made the blonde stifle a laugh. Apollo released Artemis with a smirk and winked at her, making her red face even redder. It wasn't often Hikari had to deal with a flustered Artemis. So this was a golden opportunity to tease the older female. "Audrielle here decided it would be an amazing idea to play 20 questions. To get to know each other and well, things didn't go well for her," Yua explained as she laughed. Arthur, who was sitting beside Yua, was subject to being hit on the shoulder as Yua laughed. He didn't mind it, he thought it was normal. 

"Well, Audrie, you are quite fortunate. Not a lot of people get to be up close and personal with me," Apollo said as he chuckled. Once Hikari sat on her place, they had set off. And instead of silence, there was joyous laughter and a very entertaining conversation. "Alright, my turn," Hikari said as she looked at Arthur. "What do you do in your free time?" She asked as she put her head on Arthur's shoulder. The male stiffened and was kinda conflicted on how to feel. He has never come in direct contact with a female. Since, unlike his brother, he was kept away from the occasions for his training was more important. "Don't worry, she does that a lot," Yua said as she leaned on Artemis. "What are you talking about?" Apollo asked as he looked at Yua. "Arthur seems conflicted on why Skyler laid her head on his shoulders. Skyler does that a lot, and I mean a lot," She responded as she pointed at the two. 

"You better lean your head somewhere else. I do apologize-" Apollo said but was cut off by Arthur. "No, no, it's fine. S-S-She can l-lay her head there." The younger prince said as his form relax. Apollo was surprised at his sudden declaration. He would usually never let any female touch or lean on him if not necessary. Hikari made a small yet kind of cute noise to say that she was happy. With her hands on her lap and her head on Arthur's shoulder, she felt safe. She even forgot about her mission for a moment. "Answer the question, please?" She whispered as her eyes shut. "Oh! Well, I mostly train in combat in my free time. I may also read a book or maybe looking out the window," He responded as he tried not to move. He realized that Hikari might be sleepy, so he did his best to make her comfortable. Artemis noticed this and chuckled. She had a feeling that Arthur might be falling for Hikari. I mean who wouldn't? That's what she thought. 

She also kind of felt bad for him. Hikari is someone who rarely expresses romantic feelings. Artemis knew that if ever Hikari did fall for Arthur, she would confess if she would ever realize her feelings. Hikari isn't dense towards the feelings of others, but she is dense toward hers. "Well, it's my turn then," Arthur said. "Artemis, what do you usually do in your free time?" He asked as he glanced at Hikari, who was fast asleep. "Well, it depends on my mood. Sometimes I sing, dance, write, and sleep." She answered. Time went on as they kept asking question after question. It was a good way to get to know each other. With a sleeping Hikari on his shoulders, Arthur put her head on his lap instead. A small smile appeared on the girl's face as she slightly nuzzled her head on his thighs. A blush appeared on Arthur's face as he answered a question that was thrown at him. "Brother, you are acting quite strange. Is something of a concern?" Apollo asked as he looked at his brother. Artemis and Yua tried not to release a giggling fit. They knew that Arthur was an innocent one, but having a girl on his lap may have triggered something. It may have triggered his desire to claim her as his or maybe he was just embarrassed.

"I'm fine, thank you very much," Arthur said quickly. At this point, Artemis and Yua couldn't hold in their giggles. This made Arthur blush more and look out the window to hide his face. "So Arthur~," Artemis said. This made the younger prince stiffen and look at Artemis. "Yes, Audrielle?" He said, his voice shaky and nervous. "Which buttocks do you think is fine?" She asked as she put on a poker face. Arthur's face flushed an even redder tint. He never thought that he would ever hear that question from a female. "W-Why would y-y-you ask s-s-such i-indecent question?" Arthur stuttered as he covered his face. "C'mon dear brother, It's merely a question. It shall do you no harm," Apollo said in a teasing tone. "Apollo!" Arthur yelled quietly as he tried not to move too much. He didn't want to wake the sleeping lass. After all, she looked peaceful, and he didn't want to disturb it. What he didn't know is that she was already awake since Artemis' question. She just felt so comfortable that she didn't want to move. His older brother chuckled and patted his head. The younger prince then looked at Hikari. His red face somehow got darker, and he sighed.

 "Fine, I shall answer this question once and once only," He said as he feigned confidence. He looked at Artemis in the eyes and tried not to blush deeply. "My answer is Skyler's," Arthur said as he looked away. Yua and Artemis then started laughing. It was loud, and it seems as if they were choking. Apollo then burst out laughing as he heard the laughter. "You think my buttocks look fine. Seems like you have been looking at my figure, and you say that a mere question is indecent," A horse yet soft voice stated. Arthur looked down to see Hikari's blue eyes looking at his. A small smile resided on her face, and she saw how red Arthur's face was. She looked quite innocent just looking at Arthur. She would admit that he was fine and cute. Her actions made Artemis and Yua laugh to the point of choking. "My dear brother, when did you become so indecent? Having your eyes linger on a female's buttocks through their dress, such a feat to accomplish," Apollo said as he chuckled. He didn't know that his brother will get his revenge soon.

Carriage rides are boring and dull, only sounds of wheels and galloping horses are heard but that is not the case here, chaos was happening inside a traveling carriage, screams, squeals, and laughter are heard. "THE BUTTOCKS QUESTION, HE LOOKED LIKE A BLOODY TOMATO!" Artemis said through laughs as if there was no tomorrow, clinging onto Apollo and Yua, who's also laughing because of the comedic situation "SKYLER, HOW DOES IT FEEL LIKE TO HAVE YOUR BUTT LIKED!" Yua, despite the extensive laughter, spoke. Arthur looked embarrassed, hands on his forehead, in a facepalm position while Hikari, who goes by the name Skyler, also laughing at the teasing Arthur received from his brother and her friends "Brother, you are such a traitor-" A loud manly laugh interrupted him until the carriage ran on a bump causing Yua to stumble from her seat and hit Artemis, making her stumble on the man beside her. Apollo turned his head, only to feel Artemis "kiss" him, his face turning fifty shades of red, Artemis panicked and pulled away, looking flustered and face blushing, she tried to look for words to say "I-eh Um, sOrry, ah-" Arthur smirked and said "Didn't know you were THAT bold Audrielle." he is going to enjoy this revenge, he continued "How does it feel like, brother." a teasing tone in his voice Skyler and Yua started to laugh even louder causing, the pair to look even more flustered, Arthur was never going to let them live this down.

After a while, things calmed down and the laughter subsided. A blanket of silence loomed over them. Hikari still laid her head on Arthur's lap. They both seem comfortable now. Yua was about to strike a conversation but a voice could be heard. "Your highness, we have arrived at the palace," The footman stated. Hikari hesitantly put her head up and sighed. She was having a headache and is sleepy. A small mishap that she always has to deal with whenever they have to travel. Arthur noticed her sudden discomfort and wanted to help. However, he was held back by Apollo and they all left the carriage. Yua and Artemis marveled at the majestic palace. It was huge and beautiful. "Welcome to our palace!" Arthur said as he gestured to the palace. "It looks wonderful!" Artemis said as she looked at the palace. "Of course, A beautiful kingdom needs a majestic palace," Apollo said as he started climbing up the stairs. "Do you perhaps need help?" He then said as he stopped. "Or perhaps Arthur wants to eye Skyler's bottom again?" He teased as he winked at Arthur. His little brother's face turned bright red. He was about to say a rebuttal but Hikari beat him to it. The said female chuckled and started climbing up. 

"Are you going to follow or?" She asked as she continued climbing. The rest of them then started to climb up. Soon, they arrived at the entrance. Let's see what happens next in the next chapter. "Welcome to our palace!" Arthur said as he gestured to the palace. "It looks wonderful!" Artemis said as she looked at the palace. "Of course, A beautiful kingdom needs a majestic palace," Apollo said as he started climbing up the stairs. "Do you perhaps need help?" He then said as he stopped. "Or perhaps Arthur wants to eye Skyler's bottom again?" He teased as he winked at Arthur. His little brother's face turned bright red. He was about to say a rebuttal but Hikari beat him to it. "Welcome to our palace!" Arthur said as he gestured to the palace. "It looks wonderful!" Artemis said as she looked at the palace. "Of course, A beautiful kingdom needs a majestic palace," Apollo said as he started climbing up the stairs. "Do you perhaps need help?" He then said as he stopped. 

"Or perhaps Arthur wants to eye Skyler's bottom again?" He teased as he winked at Arthur. His little brother's face turned bright red. He was about to say a rebuttal but Hikari beat him to it. "Welcome to our palace!" Arthur said as he gestured to the palace. "It looks wonderful!" Artemis said as she looked at the palace. "Of course, A beautiful kingdom needs a majestic palace," Apollo said as he started climbing up the stairs. "Do you perhaps need help?" He then said as he stopped. "Or perhaps Arthur wants to eye Skyler's bottom again?" He teased as he winked at Arthur. His little brother's face turned bright red. He was about to say a rebuttal but Hikari beat him to it. "Welcome to our palace!" Arthur said as he gestured to the palace. "It looks wonderful!" Artemis said as she looked at the palace. "Of course, A beautiful kingdom needs a majestic palace," Apollo said as he started climbing up the stairs. "Do you perhaps need help?" He then said as he stopped. "Or perhaps Arthur wants to eye Skyler's bottom again?" He teased as he winked at Arthur. His little brother's face turned bright red. He was about to say a rebuttal but Hikari beat him to it. "Welcome to our palace!" Arthur said as he gestured to the palace.

 "It looks wonderful!" Artemis said as she looked at the palace. "Of course, A beautiful kingdom needs a majestic palace," Apollo said as he started climbing up the stairs. "Do you perhaps need help?" He then said as he stopped. "Or perhaps Arthur wants to eye Skyler's bottom again?" He teased as he winked at Arthur. His little brother's face turned bright red. He was about to say a rebuttal but Hikari beat him to it. "Welcome to our palace!" Arthur said as he gestured to the palace. "It looks wonderful!" Artemis said as she looked at the palace. "Of course, A beautiful kingdom needs a majestic palace," Apollo said as he started climbing up the stairs. "Do you perhaps need help?" He then said as he stopped. "Or perhaps Arthur wants to eye Skyler's bottom again?" He teased as he winked at Arthur. His little brother's face turned bright red. He was about to say a rebuttal but Hikari beat him to it. "Welcome to our palace!" Arthur said as he gestured to the palace. 

"It looks wonderful!" Artemis said as she looked at the palace. "Of course, A beautiful kingdom needs a majestic palace," Apollo said as he started climbing up the stairs. "Do you perhaps need help?" He then said as he stopped. "Or perhaps Arthur wants to eye Skyler's bottom again?" He teased as he winked at Arthur. His little brother's face turned bright red. He was about to say a rebuttal but Hikari beat him to it. "Welcome to our palace!" Arthur said as he gestured to the palace. "It looks wonderful!" Artemis said as she looked at the palace. "Of course, A beautiful kingdom needs a majestic palace," Apollo said as he started climbing up the stairs. "Do you perhaps need help?" He then said as he stopped. "Or perhaps Arthur wants to eye Skyler's bottom again?" He teased as he winked at Arthur. His little brother's face turned bright red. He was about to say a rebuttal but Hikari beat him to it.