
Chapter 42


So, did you really divorce your husband? Yes she answered

Are you happy with the divorce? I wont say am happy but I would do anything for my children and that is all that matters to me right now

Good, because they deserve your love. Mr. Remy is so fucking dumb

Adaline, don't say such nonsense

.well he is, and happy that you divorced him, you deserve better. She nodded.

Maddy POV

So, my siblings are starting school today, and it's Tuesday. Still don't know why they didn't start yesterday.

Nobody has met my siblings, except for Dani and her girlfriend. I want to see the look of surprise on their faces when they see our carbon copy.

Am I seeing double, Chad asked Williams. They must have noticed my siblings that stood beside us

Hey guys this is my sister Adaline and her twins Andrew. Hi they both waved at our group

You didn't tell us you had younger siblings.

And spoil the fun of seeing your stupid reactions, Addy answered Chad silly question.