
Our Unconditional Love

Gem_6101 · Fantasy
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1 Chs


When I'm with him, I feel warm.

When I'm with him I feel safe.

When I'm with him I fell the love I've been longing for, but this all comes later.

Let me start from the beginning. My name is Felicity Rose and I'm not what you say an out going person. Actually quite the opposite. I do not like to stand out, but being from the small town of Torro Bay it's very hard not be social with others.

Ever since my 18th birthday, I've been feeling lost. My heart feels empty and I don't know why. I've never felt like this before. It's like a piece of me is missing. I know I know that sounds real cheesy but it's the only way I can describe it.

When I tell my best friend Kate my situation as we walk in to my room she tells me," You need to get your skinny virgin ass layed girl."

"I love you but your not helping." I say while smirking back at her. I also close my door so my mom can't hear the conversation

She plops on my love sack shoots back with," Whaaat?! Come on you know it's true!"

"You know I'm not ready." I say as I move across my room to my bed.

"Ya ya your whole "soulmate" thing I get it. That's just means more for me." She drags out.

I giggle and roll my eyes. I then look out my bench seat window to the full moon peeking from the tree line. I wonder what it would be like to run free through the forest? I wonder what it's like for the animals that run on all fours?

"Felicity?!" Kate snaps me back into reality.

"Huh? Oh sorry." I say realizing I zoned out.

"You oK? Your eyes went all weird." She said looking at me with worry and a bit of shock.

Confused I said" Yeah why? What was wrong with my eyes?" While frowning my eyebrows.

" They looked all hazed over and-," she paused still staring at me continued with, "-they looked like they were glowing."

I tried to brush it off with, "It was probably the light from the full Moon and my bedroom light."

Trying to brush it off as well and glances at her phone she replies, "Ya probably. Hey I'm gonna head home ok. My mom text me that see want me home. I'll see you Monday at school ya?"

" Oh ok ya for sure." I say while trying not to act confused giving that it's only Friday night.

She smiles quickly says, "Bye girl."

I smile back," Byyyyeeee."

She giggle as she closes my door. I can hear her walk down the stairs yell bye to my mom and the close of the front door.

I fall back on to my and sigh. I then look back to my window get up from my bed and walk to it then sit down with a blanket covering my legs. For a while I just stare into the dimly lit night.

As I'm about to nod off I get the feeling something is staring at me. I open my eyes and realize I am look into a glowing pair.