
First day of my middle school.

So first let me introduce myself I am Anurag. and I use to belong to typical middle class family. And maybe that's why my dad was so very strict it comes to education, rules and regulations. Anyways, So comeing back to my teenage life... this is our story, the perfect five.

So let me start it from the beginning, I still remember my middle school days, when I first met one of the most nastiest kid Abhishek of my school...but I never thought that this nasty kid is gonna be the moon to my stars....ooh my god !

Sounds so cheesy, right ! but I can't help it's because he's just simply so special. When I first sew him. he was fighting with a senior class student in the school play ground, and both Abhishek and that senior student both were giving each other equal competition... to be honest I was so scared by seeing that fight... I know I hate to admit it but I was truly an cry baby that time. And that was my first day of school so obviously my dad dropped me off to school that day and he also saw that fight, and by giving me a creepy look said don't you dare be like those boys ! or else I'll throw you out of the house...and just like an innocent kid I replied , okay dad as you say. After that I entered school campus and Abhishek the boy who was fighting, just called me with full attitude and asked, Hey noobi ! New to school ha. What's your name.

And without saying anything, I run-down from there to my class, because I didn't want to create a drama. But he gave me a apprehensive look.

While moving towards my classroom in the corridor. a random student came to me and said that your dead man ! he is gonna kill you for that.

surprisingly I asked him, do I know you? what are you talking about... and he said it doesn't matter that you know me or not but you are in trouble. I was so puzzled, but before I could ask him anything else he run away from the corridor. As he see a random boy staring at him...In my class everyone was looking at me like, I am an criminal just ran-away from the jail. And unfortunately I got to know that Abhishek is my classmate. So I freaked out so so bad... and started crying, mom please save me ! Please mom save me ! And everyone in my class started laughing so hard. And then I saw Abhishek coming inside the classroom...

In fear I said to myself I love you mom, I love you dad and I gave the best of me.

Then I wiped out my tears. And stand on my place, looking at him eye to eye. still Sobbing ask him, what have I done to you. Why you want to kill me?

Suddenly he started laughing and said when I said that you done some harm to me. I just asked you casually that, what is your name, but you didn't replied to me so I just ignored you...

Me still sobbing ask him, then why all these people are saying that you are gonna kill me?

He again laughed and said this is your first day of school that's why they all are teasing you. Nothing more than that...

Then I asked, But what about that fight you had on the school playground.

he said, it's none of your business. because you are new to school... So that's not your problem, so ignore it. But if you want to get involved in it, then I can help you !

I said, no thanks ! this much of torture was sufficient for today.

Then he asked me,

By the way can I sit here.

Me surprisely asked him, you want to you sit with me.

he said, yes, is there any problem!

I said, no not at all...if you want you can do anything.

And again with an gangster attitude he said, for once I agree!

Then he asked me, myself Abhishek Singh Rathore...and you?

I said again in fear, myself Anurag Sharma.

And he asked me why are you so cowardly?

I said with and wierd laugh, I don't know...

After that we could talk more before that our class teacher come inside....I don't know what was wrong with her but in a very angry voice she shouted and said pin drop silence everyone!

After her two periods....our lunch break was their, and he suggested me to make some new friends. And suddenly asked me would you like to be my friend....

I was surprised and thought he is joking with me.

But no I was wrong,

And with so much joy in my voice I said Yes ! Yes ! Hell yes!

He giving me an annoyed look said, what so special need why are you so surprised.

I said that, after my dad's transfer your my first friend I made, so I got little sentimental...

He and I laughed together, after that we ate our lunch. After that he said let's meet my best friends and trust me, you'll love to be friends with them. I said okay, as your wish, after that we both reached to the school playground,he shouted three names- Arjun, davi, divya. And I saw three people coming towards us, said Hey sup ! Abhi, me puzzled asked who is abhi ? And one of them said omg! Who is he. Then I saw the same boy who was staring at that random boy whom I met in the corridor.me said in fear I don't want to meet anyone.please get's get back to class. And Abhishek said no need to get scared thay all are my best friend, and from now on their you'rs too. Abhishek said meet them he is my cousin brother, Arjun, and Davi and Divya, and you all he is Anurag. Very politely they all said hello to me. So I also said hii in fear. but before we could talk further the bell rang and our lunch break was finished. So everyone said bye to each other and then gone back to each others respective classes. And after attended few more classes. Finally the day one of my school finished. Me while walking towards my house I thought that what a amazing day it was... kind of crazy but was so fun.

I just wrote this as, I was bored of my life...but now I think I'll continue writing it.

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