
Our stories can be changed

kaylaxxyyy · Fantasy
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5 Chs

We're being watched

Harriet's POV :

I woke up with a new surge of energy and a whole lot of confidence. Phil's words really got me thinking. My future is settled. Nothing's going to change that. I might as well suck it up and accept it.

I don't have to put up with any sort of crappy behavior because as far as I know, people should rather suck up to me. I'm the one going to make their wishes come true and curse them too. I can feel my power sprouting. This morning when I woke I saw the tips of hair growing silver and the same for my eyes.

You can't even imagine the look on Phil's face when he saw me. He was so shocked that his jaw practically hit the floor along with the cereal in his mouth. I laughed so hard that I had to run out of the house with Phil chasing me with a spatula. I immediately regretted my choice because I missed breakfast.

I smiled to myself as walked to school. I think I can get used to this new life. Harriet

Ridgewood, fairy godmother. A wave of wind washed over me, I feel so relaxed.

All my life I was worrying for nothing. Pleasing everyone just to get on their good side.

I feel so confident. I even made sure I looked confident. My outfit is straight out fire. I plugged in my earphones as listened to music. No one knows where the music comes from, heck we don't even know where the so called technological devices come from.

The Assembly just dumped it on the town and as usually we being the 'take now and never ask questions' people, we took their strange devices.

Realization hit me as I arrived at school. Everything's going to be different. We now know each other's future. I bet people will treat me different because I'm the fairy godmother and I was right.

The moment I entered the school, people I don't even know smiled at me. The ones who treated me as if I was invisible treated me nicely.

Out of the blue someone linked their arms with mine. I noticed that it was Diane. What the hell is she doing? As far as I know, Diane never knew I existed. The only time she talked to me was to pass down a message to Laura. Apparently everyone thinks I'm her puppy. Well not anymore.

Speaking of Laura, I need to find her. She was totally acting weird yesterday. I hope she got the fairytale character she hoped for. I ignored the the tinge of pride in me.

If I become cocky about my character then I'm no better than those bastards who acted like they owned the school.

I saw the tattoo on Diane's wrists. It had a pumpkin and a crown. She was Cinderella. No wonder she was acting like we were best friends. Her future is settled so there's no reason for her to pretend to be nice to me.

" Look Diane, can you do me a favor and not pretend to be my friend" I tried to remove my arm from hers but she clutched at my arm harder.

" What are you talking about? I just thought since you're my fairy godmother we should get to know each other"

" Your future is already settled Diane. There is no point in you being nice to me. Now if you don't mind get your hands of me."

Diane pulled me close so that only the two of us can what she has to say." Listen to me bitch. You think I want to be nice to you. I have no other choice because I want to fucking live. I would rather be anywhere else. We happened to be watched for your information"

That's when I noticed freaking security cameras everywhere. Diane nodded her head confirming what I thought. We were being watched. Every single one of us. I was so dumb not to have thought about that. Of course the Assembly are watching us.

They are making sure we played our characters to maximum perfection. I suddenly sensed the fear in the hallways. Everyone wants to live even if it means living in fear and control.

I stuck to Diane making her smirk. " Good to know you have finally come to your senses" she said.

The entrance doors barged opened. Laura and some boy came in. I think his name is Ryan. He's the captain of the football team. I walked over to them with Diane following.

" Aww, Snow white and her prince. You guys make such a cute couple" Diane said behind me. Ryan rolled his eyes at her. He didn't seem excited to be chosen as Snow white's prince.

I looked at Laura with confusion. If she was chosen to be Snow white, then why did she freak out yesterday? I let it slide.Laura pulled me aside so we could talk.

" So you and Ryan eh"

" Yeah, you're the fairy godmother. That's so surprising"

" Why? you never expected me to have a good fairytale character"

" No, no, of course not. It's just... You know different"

" Everything's different" I muttered under my breath leaving an awkward silence.

" Especially with your new hair and eyes. Gosh I would die for that outfit". I giggled at her comment. She gave me quick smile.

" Harriet, do you trust me?"she said

" Why wouldn't I, you are my best friend after all"

" No I mean do you trust me to be a good Snow white".

I grabbed her hand" Yes, Promise me we'll still be friends no matter what"

Laura grinned and replied" Best friends for happily ever after"

" That makes no sense, dummy" but I laughed anyway.