
Our School Idol is a Vampire!

Mira becomes president of Ian’s fan club to support him! Ian is a vampire that believes the world is out to get him. How will their school life continue? Misunderstandings ahead with our mastermind Mira and himbo vampire Ian.

Jgem · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Cookies for Vampires

I became a vampire half a year ago.

I know I need to start drinking blood, but I'm afraid vampire hunters will find me if I do.

In fact, I'm afraid that there's a group that has already discovered me.


I've been so careful.

I still play sports under the sunlight after school… although I layer up despite being hot.

I tell everyone how much garlic I eat (although its a lie).

And I show off my cross necklace to all my friends! (Although its a plus sign)

I really thought I would be able to throw off the vampire hunters will these misdirections.

But every day, I see them following me from the shadows.

My school isn't that big though. How is it that there are this many high school age vampire hunters! They even have a club! What was it called? I can't remember. Anyway, I see them whispering from the corner of my eye and it makes me want to run away. I haven't even done anything (yet)!?

Please just leave me alone.

But I am starting to get hungry lately…

"I can't stand how cute he is all bundled up in a hoodie and scarf in this heat. What is that scarf even for? Its just wrapped around his neck that's already covered by the sweatshirt. Such a bad combination!"

"I don't know Mira, but its absolutely adorable!!"

"Do you think he still sweats? Maybe he can't feel it."

"No, doesn't he look like he's about to pass out?"

A few of the members of the group began to discuss Ian while watching him play soccer from the bleachers. The president Mira had brought the group to Ian's soccer practice to get a better understanding of Ian's situation. Mira became the club president a month ago, and ever since then she has been steering the club in a certain direction. Today's mission was to take the final step in preparation.

"Don't you all think our Ian looks rather tired?" Mira prompted the group.

"Well… Even if its Ian, to wear sweats and a scarf and gloves in this weather."

"If he's going this far he must really have no choice."

"I hate seeing him suffer like this."

The other members lamented the scorching sun.

"But this sort of thing shouldn't be affecting him to such an extreme. If we do what I instructed early I'm sure he will have an easier time."

"But still…"

"I think I heard about that kind of thing in the news, it's a crime now."


"That's only in normal situations. Vampire laws are different from human laws." Mira strengthened her proposal.

"If that will make Ian better then…"

All the members nodded consent, some more enthusiastically than others.

"Then it's decided."

Mira rested her chin on her hand, smugly smiling with Ian in her sights.

I took off my heavy layers that had been constricting me under the sun for the past 2 hours. After changing, I slowly crept from the locker room.

I hope they've left…



I thought I heard a sound from around the corner. Did I imagine it?

I paused. My senses were a bit more sensitive after becoming a vampire. I could now feel someone's- no, multiple presences nearby.

It must be that vampire slayer club again. Their presences, felt like this I believe.

Just as I was starting to turn around though, they vanished.

Did they give up?

'Are they going to go get their garlic infused guns and shoot me??'

I hurried off and hid in the art room.

I stared at the window, standing 3 feet away diagonally to miss the rays beaming in.

I sat in the corner and fell asleep.

"Okay now, just like we practiced."

Mira's eyes curved as she spoke.

"Yes, boss!"

Sadie saluted the club president with her upmost respect. Carefully clenching to the box in her hands. She opened the door to the art room.

"Eek I want to take his photo!! He looks so serene!!!"

Sadie shrieked in her most hushed tone.

Mira felt a similar excitement but put her index finger over her mouth and said,

"Shush. And don't do anything to invade his privacy."

Club rules had become much more strict since Mira because president a month ago.

Sadie sadly put her phone back in her pocket.

"Uh….uh..uhuhuh…uhmmm!!! IAN!!!!!"

Sadie laboriously endeavored to speak to Ian directly (although he was asleep).


Ian rubbed his eyes before seeing the figure before him.

Ian had been peacefully sleeping in the corner of the room as the sun set. That is until the door opened and he heard some words he couldn't make out.

'Wait, why are they all here?? Are they watching the door so I can't escape? Should I jump out the window??' Ian pondered in all seriousness.

"Uh….uh..uhuhuh…uhmmm!!! IAN!!!!!"

The girl's voice echoed in the empty room.

'The long-awaited confrontation is finally here! I'm scared to open my eyes, what if there's a gun in my face when I open them!?'

Ian very slowly opened his eyes, he did't need much time to adapt to the dark room. In fact he could still see very well.

'Did they not turn on the lights so they don't draw attention?!'

The girl before him extended her arms towards him and he flinched.

'Is this how I die? Should I fight back?? Its not my fault my body ended up like this!!'


The girl yelled.

My ears pounded from the combination of the sudden yell and my heightened sense of hearing.

I blinked slowly and raised his gaze to the contents in the girls hands. There was a prettily decorated box in her hands.

'Huh I guess even vampire hunters can have cute taste. Is she asking me to take out the gun and do the deed myself? I know the current me is a menace to humanity but this is still too much…'

I lifted the lid of the box and looked hesitantly inside.

Instead of a gun, it was…


I looked up further, warily looking her in the eyes.

"Please eat them. Mira says they're good for stamina!"

'Do I look too sickly? Is it not fun to hunt a vampire if I'm not a challenge?'

That hurts a bit but for some reason I feel like I'm unable to turn the cookie away. The cookie was already traveling in my hand into my mouth as I was still questioning the true purpose of the cookie.

'…Was I always such a glutton?'

As I chewed the cookie, my eyes opened wide.

"I've never eaten anything so good before."

It was almost good enough to be considered a last meal. I had a tear in the corner of my eye.

'Ahh look at his confused face~ ah I could just gobble him up. Or should I say it the other way around!? Ah he's eating my cookie! Huh? He's looking at me??'

"I've never eaten anything so good before."

'He's looking at the ground with the cutest expression.'

'Ah what should I do? I never though he was capable of those adorable bashful expressions! I'll be writing this in my journal tonight, thank you very much!!!'

"Ah…y- yes, Mira said y- you w- would like… it"


Ian tilted his head.

"Y-yes. Our pr-president."

Sadie glanced over to the door where Mira was peeking in with the other members behind her.

'The president of the vampire hunting club gave this to me?? Oh god its poison. No. Was there garlic in the cookie? But it tasted good. No. Chocolate is poison to dogs but they always try to eat it. When did I become such a glutton? I'm just a dog who can't help but eat chocolate if it's offered to him!!!'

I clenched my chest.

Is there nothing else I can do to live?

I waited one minute. Two minutes.

'I thought garlic was supposed to have an immediate effect…'

Mira watched from the doorway as the exchange unfolded. She smiled as her past month of hard work had come to fruition.

'I want to poke his cheeks.'

She grinned in the dark as he chewed on the cookies with a range of complicated expressions.

After eating the cookies, Ian sat staring at the moon out the window for a few minutes. Of course none of the members realized the awkward pause as they were too enthralled in the picturesque sight of the object of their affections gazing wistfully at the night sky.

'I'm not dead.'

After staring blankly out the window I slowly turned my head towards the doorway.

'Did I survive the assassination attempt? Or did the president never mean to kill me? 'Does she just plan on doing it later?'

While all of these questions were burning in my mind, my newfound gluttony kicked these thoughts to the back of my mind until only one thought remained.

"Oh um, thank you for the cookies but…"

I stared into the club president's eyes over 10 feet away.

"Can you tell me why you wanted her to give them to me?"

More than the fact that these people have been following me for almost a month, making me look over my shoulder at every turn. All I could think of was the gnawing hunger that had suddenly vanished.

Maybe becoming a vampire does steal your sanity.

Mira widely smiled.

I held my breath.

"It's my special recipe. I just wanted to make sure our feelings got across."

'I need to look into this. Is there a way I can live without needing to drink blood?'

I bit into another cookie.