
Our relationship is complicated

“—What is love?” Humans often misunderstand attraction and admiration for love. Jinghe Lu, a handsome but narcissistic, egoistic and over confident high school student questions himself this— for the very first time in his life. His Crush, whom he thought loved him turns out to have feelings for his best friend Yan Xia! Another pretty boy who comes second to Jinghe Lu in sports, academics, looks and everything! “—If she isn't in love with me, then I will make her fall for me!” Determined, Jinghe Lu comes up with various plans and traps to make Qiang Lu fall for him. But wait! He has another trouble at hands to deal with! ???: “You're Jinghe Lu, the guy who used to be ugly and dropped out of school because you were bullied... Am I right?” A mysterious girl blackmails Jin with photos of his dark past and orders him to be her secret boyfriend! What is Jinghe's secret? Will Jinghe Lu ever escape from her grasp? Will Qiang Lu fall in love with him? What is his best friend Yan Xia hiding? Find out for yourself! Original cover art owner: Mmnumm (on twitter)

BluePenguin007 · Urban
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8 Chs

Aunt and her lectures

"You heard her, Jinghe"

From inside came out a woman in night dress. Her silky long hair were down and she had light bags under her eyes due to drowsiness —but none of that dowgraded her impeccable beauty.

She is my mother's youngest sister, Yang Lu. We have a single mother who works day and night as a maid at a rich businessman's house. And since she usually isn't around at home, she leaves some of the work to her bachelor younger sister.

Jinghe: "Aunt Yang! You're awake?"

Yang Lu: "Thanks to a certain sOMeOne, I couldn't sleep a wink."


Yang: "Ying, go and sleep. And you, Mr good-for-nothing, I believe that we have some matters to discuss.

Jinghe: "Of course... "

Ying walks to her room, but not before showing me her tongue and closing the door behind.

Tommy, our cat followed behind her

Aunt Yang walks to the kitchen and I follow her towards dining table.

Jinghe: "I'll have a milk coffee."

Yang: "It's true that I was going to brew coffee but WAIT NO! You're in front of a young woman who didn't get a wink of sleep and that's what you ask her?

— Show some restraint you idiot! Do that in front of others and you're bound to lose your popularity among girls!"

Jinghe: "Girls fall for me no matter what I do..."

Yang: "Sigh... There you go with your narcissistic confidence again. Blergh."

Jinghe: "Aren't you turning 30 this year? Guys like girls pushovers who agree with everything. Keep that up and you'll die alone."

Yang: "I'm turning 29 this year! DAMN IT! I'll get the most handsome and rich guy in the office to myself and then you'll see for yourself—"

She suddenly stops shouting in middle, perhaps she finally realized that—

"—You were trying to drift me off topic, weren't you? Face it! What were you doing the entire night?"

Looks like the cat is out of bag.

"Like I said, I was out partying with my friends."


"At Yan Xia's home."

Yang: "—"

She couldn't say a word further. She must've sensed that I didn't want to speak about it. She quietly goes back to the kitchen and brews some milk coffee.

Bringing two cups with her, she sits in front of me at the dining table.

"You see, Jin...I don't know what you're up-to these days. Sister isn't always there to look after you two because she's busy making money for you two. She left me to take care of you both... I'm not a mother so I don't really know how to take care of kids either—

Jinghe: "I'm turning eighteen next year—"


She pauses for a few moments before breaking the silence and continuing her lecture.

"Please don't do anything reckless... "

She said while circling her finger around the mug's mouth. Her eyes were low and I could sense uneasiness in her behavior.

I know that she is worried about me...but —

"Don't worry... Aunt,"

I hold her hands and continue

"I'm not doing anything reckless."

Yang: "..."

I don't know whether if she was satisfied with my answer or not, but this should be enough to hold her down for now.

I get up with grunt and stretch my body—

Jinghe: "Alright! Time to get ready for school."

Yang: "What!? At this time? Aren't you going to sleep? You can skip school if you want to!"

Jinghe: "You think that I'm tired? Haha! Don't be ridiculous!

—All of my fatigue and stress blows away, when I meet HER"

Yang: "What?"

Jinghe: "Haha... Leave it. A woman in her 30's couldn't possibly understand the romance of young ones."

Yang: "I'm STILL 29!"

That's right, SHE is my sunshine. When I see her, all the fatigue that I build up blows away like dust that mixes in the air.

The brightness she radiates open my eyes and the warmth she gives off is more desirable than sun's.

To me, she is like a white feathered angel who reaches her hands out from the heaven—

The goddess of my school— Qiang Lu! The only woman who Is befit to be my girlfriend!

—To Be Continued—