
Our relationship is complicated

“—What is love?” Humans often misunderstand attraction and admiration for love. Jinghe Lu, a handsome but narcissistic, egoistic and over confident high school student questions himself this— for the very first time in his life. His Crush, whom he thought loved him turns out to have feelings for his best friend Yan Xia! Another pretty boy who comes second to Jinghe Lu in sports, academics, looks and everything! “—If she isn't in love with me, then I will make her fall for me!” Determined, Jinghe Lu comes up with various plans and traps to make Qiang Lu fall for him. But wait! He has another trouble at hands to deal with! ???: “You're Jinghe Lu, the guy who used to be ugly and dropped out of school because you were bullied... Am I right?” A mysterious girl blackmails Jin with photos of his dark past and orders him to be her secret boyfriend! What is Jinghe's secret? Will Jinghe Lu ever escape from her grasp? Will Qiang Lu fall in love with him? What is his best friend Yan Xia hiding? Find out for yourself! Original cover art owner: Mmnumm (on twitter)

BluePenguin007 · Urban
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8 Chs

A pack of wolves

Humans are no different from animals. A lone wolf does not dare to attack an animal who's larger and ferocious than itself —unless the wolf is in pack.

Humans are no different either. Majority rules over the outnumbered. A person can rant his opinions loudly and repeatedly in front of a stubborn crowd, but to no avail.

"Majority boosts confidence"

And that's why just a single pair in the pack could change the mindset of the entire crowd.

Perhaps that's how's these scums get their confidence to bully others—

"Hey Jin, hold these cigarettes."

No matter how ferocious a Lone Wolf is, it is humbled in the presence of a large pack of wolves whose individual ferocity could equal to half as that of the lone wolf's.

In the end, numbers make it all. Perhaps that's why I give up myself to these scumbag bullies.

The 'popular' kids of our class often round up in the old school classroom after school, in the yellow tainted afternoon classroom.

They chat among themselves, bad mouth teachers and other students, light up cigarettes and do what they can't in broad daylight in front of adults.

As I said before— a lone wolf is humbled in the presence of pack. Perhaps that's why I'm forced to tag along with them...

—As their ever loyal servant.

"Hey Jin, give me one cigarette."

"—Yes of course!"

I open the box of cigars and hand one over to my biggest bully— Chang Zhang.

"—Light it."

He said while sitting on top of a desk like a mighty king sitting on throne.

"Understood, your majesty."

—Said the one who humbly crouched beside Chang- Zhuge Liang*, who's nickname is Kongming. He is a rather old fashioned guy, and as fate could have it—

[Zhuge Liang, or Sun Tzu was a genius strategist during the Han Dynasty and one of Liu Bei's tacticians.]

—He is also my bestfriend! Down in this hellhole known as school, were numbers and popularity determine your status we've been bearing this mental torture of bullying together...

No matter how difficult matters got, or how severe the violence got— he would always encourage me to be patient, grit your teeth and overcome this suffering together with him, and one day when we grow up—

We shall become successful people while these loafers become peons at our company—Is what he would say.

He was my best friend...or at least that's what I was supposed to call him.

I wonder how things would've turned had I taken his words seriously... Would things be different? Would've I turned out to be a better person now?

But I was a coward until the very end. And I hate myself for thinking that.

—To Be Continued—