
Chapter 1

The success of the concert not only brought joy, satisfaction and fans but some lurking danger too.

Success has its own side-effects. Kookie was no exception. All freedom,peace and privacy was lost. He longed to be as free as a bird.

Peaceful morning walk had become a luxury. Wandering casually in streets ,witnessing the mundane routine of general people seemed a dream never again to be fulfilled.

Mr . Dean's his manager always seemed hard to be pleased. How could he be so hard on a teenager with an angelic voice? Many times giving up all and retreating to some faraway place not known to the world seemed his only recluse.

Breaking protocol was his way of avenging Mr Deans . Once again his plan to trouble his manager made him smile mischievously.

Name the devil and the devil arrives was always true for Kookie. Mr.Deans a handsome man in his 40s eyed kookie suspiciously. Working as a manager for last 5 years had enabled him to read kookie's mind even when a word was not spoken.

"Seem to be busy?" Mr.Deans broke ice even well knowing that kookie was lying lazily daydreaming something to make his life miserable.

"Yes, thinking of getting hair color changed. This one bores me to bone." kookie answered sheepishly. Sly smile crossed Mr Deans othewise somber countenance. He well knew kookie was teasing him to draw him into a sweet and bitter clash just for the sake of fun.

"you look awesome. your fans like your style. Don't think of messing up just to make my life hard.You know too well that no change of style till the promotion of the album is going on."

"Now be ready for studio. you have an ad. to shoot. You have only 5 minutes."

Mr. Deans was out of the room without giving the annoyed boy to react.