
Chapter 1

10 years ago

,,Ava, will you always and forever be mine? And only mine?"

,,Yes of course Mason! You're my only friend, forever!"

,,Then give me a cheek kiss! As a promise."

We both sat under our big tree, where we always are. I'm currently 7 years old and Mason is 8. We've known each other for like our whole lives. Our parents are friends with each other so they come visit us sometimes and they always bring Mason with them. Every time he's with me I feel like it's the best day ever. Every single day with Mason is the best day ever. And now they want to move out of country. They won't live here in England anymore. They'll move to Canada.

But we promised each other. I only have to give him a cheek kiss and we're bound forever. That's our promise. I looked him in his ocean eyes and took his both hands in mine.

,,I PROMISE! You'll be 18 and come back for me. Then we can play again like we did our whole life okay? I promise we'll always be best friends. Forever…friends."

We smiled at each other while my lips meet his cheek. Our promise kiss.


10 years later

I always liked the night. The feeling of the cold air on my skin. With the breeze in my hair. Looking at the stars. No people around.

But not when I'm trying to climb over my window to sneak out of house.


Why am I even doing this? I just should've ignore his message. Brandon, my '1 week old new boyfriend' sent me a sms one hour ago that he's waiting for me in the forest next to my house.

Yeah… I live next to a forest. Especially in the dark it's almost scary, but actually I'm used to it.

Anyways, Brandon wants me to come down because he has something important to tell me.

Normally I wouldn't try to climb from my window because my dad would cut my throat for doing this, but I'm curious what Brandon wants to tell, that he couldn't wait telling me tomorrow in school or on my phone.

So here I am…

Trying to make no sound, to not come into trouble.

When I managed to climb from my window I hold myself on the window edge and jumped down.

Hope that wasn't too loud. I waited a moment and listened carefully if I might woke someone up, but I didn't.

So I silently ran to the forest. It's getting even darker because the lights from the streets are long behind me now.

I hear my heart pounding faster and I think it's getting colder. Maybe I'm imagining it. But my hole body starts to tremble. I'm not scared right? So it's getting colder, yeah…

I wrapped my arms around me, hoping it could less my tremble.

It's so quiet. The only thing I hear are my steps and the crunching leaf under my shoes. Where is he?


I nearly passed out.

,,Brandon, you frightened me!"

I slapped him on the shoulder.

,,Haha, yeah yeah I'm sorry."

He's wearing his jeans and converse with a black hoodie, with which he covers his blond hairs.

,,Why are you here? Couldn't you meet me somewhere else?"

,,Why? I thought you aren't afraid of the forest in the dark" he laughed at me.


,,Whatever…Tell me what's so important that you wanted to see me."

I looked him expectant in the eyes.

,,Who said that I wanted to tell you something? I just asked you to come out. I wanted to see you. I missed you. And I'm bored. So thanks for coming. I thought you would just ignore my message."

Argh…fucking asshole. But it's my fault for being this dumb. Of course he just wrote me that I should come down. Not that he has something to tell. Why do I even interpret so much into everything. I can't blame him. Besides…it's cute how he missed me and couldn't wait till tomorrow.

Brandon closed me into a hug.

,,Are you mad, my Ava?"

,,No, it's okay" I grumbled.

,,But I have to go now, if anyone notice that I'm not at home…"

,,Yeah I know. Just let me-"

He pushes me to a tree and cupped me with his arms to the tree so I couldn't escape.

,,Just let me have one ki-."

He didn't even finished his sentence and he's already kissing me.

I tried to push him away and tried to speak but I couldn't because his mouth is literally sticking into mine.

,,Br-…Brandon!" I pushed him away harder and try to catch a breath.

,,Brandon stop! Not now. Please. I'm not ready."

We're only together for one week now and we haven't kissed yet. So this kiss came out of nowhere.

And when I slowly realized I'm starting to feel dizzy.

Alone…in the forest…where nobody can see or hear us… with Brandon.

But Brandon's a nice guy tho. I trust him. He wouldn't… Yes he would. Every girl who was abused by their boyfriend probably thought the same… 'He wouldn't. He's good. I trust him."

How stupid from me to come here. But it's too late now to think about these things.

Kiss my ass Brandon. Not with me.

I step him on his food and in the same moment I pushed him with all my strength to the ground. His look's startled. I exploit this moment and started to run. It was like running for my life…

I didn't watch in which direction I ran or where I stepped. I just run. I don't know how long I ran but I remember lying breathless on the ground. I'm exhausted. I need a break. I closed my eyes. This was the last thing I remembered.

When I woke up, the first thing I hear are the birds.

But why are the birds so loud?


I tried to remember.

Yeah right…I remember now.

I look around me. Still im the forest. And it's already morning. I take my phone from my pocket.

6 am. I might can do it to school on time.

I went through my contact list and call lily. But there's immediately just jet mailbox. She's probably still sleeping. Whatever.

How did I come to this situation? I don't even want to go home because I'm scared of the consequences. What if someone saw that I'm not home? How should I face Brandon at school? Why did Brandon DO THAT? I wrap my arms around my body and started crying.

Brandon's an asshole. I didn't really loved him yet but I liked him. A lot. But now…

I cried even more when I think about seeing him at school today.

But I'm known for my strong side. So I habe to keep it up. I can't break my facade today.

I wiped my tears away with my sleeve and stand up.

Okay. Done with my dramatic side. I can't show this side anymore.

So I walked. I hope this is the correct way to my home.

I walked more and more and when I saw the roofs of the houses in my streets I was relieved. It really was the correct direction.

When I stood in front of my house, I don't know what to do. How do I go in without anyone noticing?


Layla is my 14 years old sister. It's a little risky to call her because I never know how she'll react. She either is in the mood to help me or her devil side comes out and will take this chance to tell my parents so they'll see me as the bad sibling. So she can shine brighter in their eyes.

But I don't have another choice for now.

So I call her.

,,Ava Hey, Why are you calling me this early?"

She sounds sleepy. She's still in bed them. Good.

,,Layla you have to do something for me"

,,What did you do? Want that I rescue your ass?" she laughed.


,,Yeaaah… Layla listen, I'll explain later but please stand up and open the door for me. But you have to be sure nobody hears you."

,,WHAT? Why?" She fully sounds awake now. ,,Are you outside? What are you doing there? Your school starts in 1 hour you actually should be in your room right now!"

,,Layla STOP IT. I already said that I'll explain later."

,,Okay, soo I'll help you, if you cover me up for today. I won't come home after school till evening so come up with something to tell our parents okay?"

,,Yeah okay" I sighed.

She hung up and I instantly hear her footsteps walking the stairs down.

I told her to be silent!

She opens the door. She's still wearing her pink pyjamas and her brown short hair is messy.

I look down at me. I'm also still in my pyjamas. I almost forgot.

,,Ava you look disgusting right now, you know that?"

,,Thanks for helping" I pushed her aside and walk in my room.

When I closed the door behind me I let myself sink to my knees, with my back still at the door.

I hate my life.